ROTC Reviewer
ROTC Reviewer
ROTC Reviewer
Support Units
University President: Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo Philippine Navy Major Type Commands
Coordinator: Dr. Romeo M. Guillo Jr. 1. Philippine Fleet
Commandant: Capt. Rosie Rey M. Musil PN Mission: “To prepare and operate assigned forces
(GSC) for naval operations in order to support the PN
Assistant Commandant: PO2 Hazel H. Tronio PN accomplish its mission.”
Co-Commandant: Capt. Armel Simone Pilon ➢ Home of the sailors
➢ Home of the fighting ships
NAVAL ORGANIZATION ➢ Has major units namely: Offshore Combat
THE PHILIPPINE NAVY Force, Sealift Amphibious, Littoral Combat
Four-fold Mission: Force and Fleet
1. National Defense ➢ Support Group and special units, NAG,
2. Security Operations NAVSOG and FTDC
3. Deterrence
4. National Development 2. Philippine Marine Corps
Mission: “To provide combined armed units in the
Navy’s Role: conduct of amphibious warfare and such other
1. The Navy shall defend the territory from operations in order to accomplish the mission of the
external aggression. Philippine Navy.”
2. The Navy shall continue its role of securing ➢ Rapid deployment
the Philippine maritime areas from all forms ➢ Amphibious strike force
of intrusions, encroachment, piracy and ➢ Small but highly mobile
drug-trafficking. ➢ Hard-hitting
3. The Navy shall assist other government ➢ Superbly trained
agencies in protecting our marine resources
and environment. Philippine Naval Operational Commands
4. The Navy shall continue to assist in the 1. Naval Forces Northern Luzon
conduct of rescue and relief operations not (NAVFORNOL)
only during accidents at sea but even during 2. Naval Forces Southern Luzon
natural calamities in land such as (NAVFORSOL)
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods. 3. Naval Forces West (NAVFORWEST)
5. The Navy shall continue assisting in 4. Naval Forces Central (NAVFORCEN)
national socio-economic development. 5. Naval Forces Western Mindanao
6. The Navy, as it acquires new and more (NAVFORWESM)
potent assets, will be an effective instrument 6. Naval Forces Eastern Mindanao
of the government in fulfilling various (NAVFOREASTM)
security-related international commitments. 7. Fleet Marine Ready Force
Support Commands
1. Naval Education Training and Doctrine
● 1898 - The Philippine Revolutionary Navy
Command (NETDC)
● 1939 - The Off Shore Patrol
2. Naval Reserve Command (NRC)
● 1947 - Philippine Naval Patrol
3. Naval Sea Systems Command (NSSC)
● 1951 - Philippine Navy
4. Naval Construction Engineering Brigade
1. Type Commands
Support Units
2. Operational Commands
1. Naval Intelligence and Security Force
3. Support Commands
2. Philippine Navy Finance Center (PNFC) operations in order to support the PN accomplish
3. Naval Logistics Center (NLC) its mission.”
4. Bonifacio Naval Station (BNS) ➢ To provide assets that will conduct
5. Manila Naval Hospital (MNH) continuous naval patrol, sea control and
6. Cavite Naval Hospital (CNH) amphibious operations in order to defend
7. Headquarters Philippine Navy and the sovereignty of the country, its territorial
Headquarters Support Group (HPN& HSG) waters and Exclusive Economic Zones
(EEZ) from foreign aggression, intrusion
1. VADM TORIBIO ADACI JR PN - Highest ➢ To assist in the conduct of national security
Naval Officer. He executes the command operations and ensure safety and security
functions in relation to Naval strategy, of coastal areas.
tactics and operations. He also act as the ➢ Employ assets to assist in the conduct of
immediate advisor to the Chief of Staff, AFP. disaster response, particularly maritime
He is responsible for the planning search and rescue and patrol sealift and
development and execution of Naval other types of operations as directed.
Defense in the country.
PN - He is the Deputy Commander of the
Navy. He assists the FOIC and performs
functions in his absence.
exercises general supervision over the
central staff, special and technical staff and
performs other duties that the FOIC may
Personal Staff
1. Naval Modernization Office (NMO)
2. Naval Public Information Office (NPIO) The Commanding Officer:
3. Command Master Chief Petty Officer 1. A line officer who, by virtue of his training
(CMCPO) and experience is assigned by the FOIC,
4. Flag Secretary PN with a responsibility to command a ship.
5. The Naval Inspector General (TNIG) 2. No matter what his rank is, he is called
Central Staff 3. He is charged with absolute responsibility
● N1 - Administrative and Personnel for the safety, well being and efficient
● N2 - Intelligence operation of his command.
● N3 - Operations 4. His specific duties, responsibilities and
● N4 - Logistics authority are set forth in the AFP and PN
● N5 - Plans and Programs regulations, customs and traditions of naval
● N6 - CEIS service.
● N7 - CMO
● N8 - Education And Training The Executive Officer:
● N9 - Reservists and Retirees Affairs 1. Designated second in command of the ship.
● N10 - Ships and Yards 2. In the absence of the CO, he becomes the
acting CO and he must be prepared to
THE PHILIPPINE FLEET assume command.
“To prepare and operate assigned forces for naval
3. Primarily responsible for the administration and supervision of compartment tests for
of the ship and personnel, overall training, tightness; maintenance of bills for control of
daily routine, and the maintenance of good stability; posting of correct compartment
order and discipline in the entire command. check-off list; training of ship's personnel in
4. The entire department heads report to him damage control including fire fighting, and
for all matters pertaining to the internal emergency repairs; and, operation, care
administration of the command. and maintenance of auxiliary machinery
piping and drainage systems, shop repair
Operations Officer: facilities and the repair of hull and boats.
1. Responsible under the Commanding Officer b. Repair Officer - He is responsible for
for the collection, evaluation and planning, scheduling, accomplishing and
dissemination of combat and operational inspecting works to ensure its timely and
information required for the assigned satisfactory completion; establishment of an
mission and tasks of the ship. adequate job order system; and,
The following officers, if assigned or designated, preparation of estimated funds required for
whose duties are indicated, reports to the work to be performed.
Operations Officer:
a. Combat Information Center (CIC) Deck Officer (First Lieutenant):
Officer - He is responsible for the collection and 1. He is responsible for the preservation and
dissemination of combat and operational cleanliness of the exterior of the ship except
information; operation, care and maintenance of that part assigned to another department
CIC equipment except those assigned to other operation, care and maintenance of the
officers; training of CIC personnel; and, control of ground tackle, mooring lines and related
aircraft, when assigned. equipment, ship's boats, except boat
b. Communications Officer - He is machinery, and of the life rafts and other
responsible for supervising the receipt, lifesaving equipment; towing gears and
transmission and routing of ship's equipment, rigging, gangways, fueling and
messages; operation and maintenance of provisioning at sea gears and other deck
visual and electronic communications appurtenances
equipment; proper handling and control of 2. He is also responsible for the preservation
all registered publications; and, the of equipment related to deck seamanship
maintenance of communications security including those involved in loading and
which includes crypto, transmission and unloading operations; planning and
physical security. execution of deck seamanship evolutions
and operations including anchoring,
Engineering Officer: mooring, fueling and replenishment at sea;
1. Responsible for the Commanding Officer for 3. He supervises loading, unloading and
the operation, care and maintenance of all stowage of cargo; and, supervising
propulsion and auxiliary equipment; the operation of paint, sail and boatswain's
control of damage; and the accomplishment lockers as well as garbage disposal.
of repairs.
The following officers, if assigned or designated, Gunnery Officer:
whose duties are indicated, reports to the 1. He is responsible for the conduct of gunfire;
Engineering Officer: operation, care and maintenance of all guns
a. Damage Control Officer - He is including designation and fire control
responsible for prevention and control of equipment and associated ordnance; and,
damage including control of stability, list and training of gunnery personnel and gun
trim; placing the ship in proper condition of crews.
closure as ordered by the CO; coordination
2. If no other officer is assigned or designated, training, experience, knowledge and skills of an
the Deck/Gunnery Officer performs the individual.
following collateral duties: RATE - term used to identify the level of
a. Cargo Officer achievement and expertise within the individual’s
b. Special Service Officer rating. Rate may also be called paygrade within a
c. Athletic Officer rating.
RANK - combined rate and rating of an individual.
Mess and Supply Officer: Unrated/Non-rated/Unclassified – a term used to
● In large ships, the Mess and Supply identify an individual who has not yet been
Department maybe organized separately classified for a particular rating. His rank would
and would have officers assigned to perform carry an initial (UN). Ex: ASN(UN)
each function. The Mess and Supply Officer Striker – a term that applies to an individual in the
is responsible to the Commanding Officer pay grade E1 to E3.
for procuring, receiving, storing, issuing, Petty Officer – a term that applies to an individual
shipping, transferring, accounting and while in the paygrade E4 to E7
in his custody, maintaining all stores,
provisions and equipment of the command.