English 12
English 12
English 12
1. When the outgoing President delivers his final State of the Nation Address
(SONA), what communication function is demonstrated?
A. control
B. emotional expression
C. information dissemination
D. social interaction
2. Yzekiel wants to define the graphic organizer. Which of the following
statements is the BEST definition he can give?
A. A graphic organizer uses shapes.
B. A graphic organizer is a connection of ideas.
C. A graphic organizer is a presentation of ideas.
D. A graphic organizer is a visual graphic representation of ideas.
3. Justin is an 11th -grade student who wants to present the similarities and
differences between an android phone and an apple smartphone using a
graphic organizer. What graphic organizer will he use?
A. cause and effect c. timeline
B. fish bone d. Venn diagram
4. What style of monologue does Robert Browning’s poem Porphyria’s Lover
“My mother had hair so dark that it looked like a waterfall of ink. She
always kept it in a braid that fell to her slim waist, and always tied with a
plain black band. The braid of black slung over her shoulder, the plaits
shining like scales.”
-Tin Lochia
9. What pattern of development is used in organizing this paragraph.
A. definition c. narration
B. description d. classification
10. It refers to a development pattern that tries to convince readers to
adopt the writer’s point of view on a topic.
A. narration c. exemplification
B. persuasion d. definition
11. Why is it vital for students to follow a pattern of development when
A. They signal how the facts will be presented.
B. They help us sort out information and shape paragraphs or
C. They help organize an outline, or depending on the purpose
they can determine the form that a paper will take
D. All of the above
12. What model of communication presents communication as a linear or
one-way process?
A. Intermediary/Gatekeeper Model
B. Schramm’s Communication Model
C. Shannon and Weaver’s Model
D. Transactional Model
Read the excerpt by Edgar Allan Poe and answer the questions below.
13. In the short story, the narrator tells the reader that he is going to take
revenge on a character named Fortunato. Which of these statements gives
his main reason?
A. The narrator was offended by Fortunato.
B. The narrator suffered injuries caused by Fortunato .
C. The narrator is drunk with anger towards Fortunato.
D. The narrator has unfinished business with Fortunato.
Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follows.
Read the following research article and answer the question that follows.
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.
“What do you think about banning smoking? The whole country is divided
on this issue. Some people believe that there should be no limitations
placed on smoking. Others have different opinions. Tobacco should be
outlawed because smoking endangers everyone’s health, pollutes the
environment, and drains us of valuable energy.”
Piranha are omnivorous, freshwater fish, which are mostly known for
their raw of sharp, triangular teeth in both jaws. Piranha’s teeth come
together in a scissor-like bite and are used for puncture and tearing. Baby
piranha are small about the size of a thumbnail. The many species of
piranha vary in color, though most are either and silvery with an orange
underbelly and the throat almost black.
The sun is in our eyes, for it was dipping into then bright sea. The sky
was wide and deep and very blur above us: but along the saw-tooth rim of
the Katayaghan hills to the southwest framed huge masses of clouds.
Before us the fields swam in the golden haze through which floated big
purple and red and yellow bubbles when I looked at the sinking sun.
Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
A Haiku
by Basho
A snowy morning --
By myself,
Chewing on dried salmon
Conceptual Paradigm:
31. In the conceptual framework given above, what do you think is
considered as the mediating variable?
A. lLearning style c. both a and b
B. multiple intelligences d. none of the above
32. Are you the only person in this house?" your mother asks as you sit
in the living room watching television at full blast. “. What does her
declaration imply?
A. You are going to change the channel.
B. You're going to turn off the TV.
C. You'll turn down the television's volume.
D. You will invite everyone in the home to watch television with
33. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the importance
of Quantitative Research?
A. It helps educators identify ways to improve learning.
B. It helps improve crop production using safe organic fertilizers.
C. It helps pharmaceutical companies explore safe and effective
D. It helps understand victims of domestic violence perception of
In our small town, Papa's soda shop was the most popular place for
high school students to meet. Unlike his brother, our military-minded, sullen
principal, Papa was always relaxed, kind, interested, always ready to add
extra whipped cream and cherries to our sodas. He was tolerant of the
noisy, boisterous students who came to his shop after school. Everyone I
knew in town, except our principal, loved Papa.
34. In the passage, how does the writer describe the two men?
A. compares Papa's place to others in the town
B. Suggests that Papa was hypocritical.
C. Explains why two brothers were different.
D. contrasting the personality of the two men
35. What is the basis for the writer’s observations towards the character?
A gossip
B. scholarly research
C. first-hand experience
. D. opinions of the writers
36. The essence of this academic paper is to explain what the study is all
about, and why it is important and the methods that will be used in
conducting the study.
A. concept paper c. position paper
B. survey paper d. report paper
37. What are the ways in explaining a concept?
A. formal, informal and extended definition
B. definition, explication and clarification
C. introduction, body and conclusion
D. All of the above
For number 38, read the poem and answer the question that follows.
46. Except for one, the following should be considered while dealing with
persons from other cultures. What exactly is it?
A. Always be courteous.
B. Be aware of other people's religious beliefs.
C. To refer to a large bunch, use "he" and "man."
D. Avoid making broad generalizations about a certain group.
For question no.47 refer to the illustration below.
47. In the study conducted by Sumaong J.2020, the data shows the
responses of students from Balbalayang National High School to the
question “Do you have a reliable internet connection?” In the study
conducted about the Implementation of Modular Distance Learning in
the Philippine Secondary Public Schools. What do these data signify?
A. 27% of BNHS students do not have a reliable internet connection
B. 27% of BNHS students have a reliable internet connection
C. 40 % of BNHS students have a reliable internet connection
D. None of the above
For question no. 48, refer to the graph below
48. Which two months had approximately the same amount of candy
A. September and February
B. October and March
C. November and March
D. September and December
49. Ysmael wants to define an application letter. Among the choices below
which is the best definition he can give?
A. It is a type of letter to address any wrong doing or offense.
B. It is a personal letter that is typically used to apply for a job.
C. It is a letter written to publicize and ultimately sell a product or a
service to the consumers.
D. It is a letter written from one company to another
50. Research findings in the Philippines shows that the great number of
activities in each module is one of the main problems that emerged in the
implementation of Modular Distance Learning. As a Senior High student,
what recommendation can you give to solve the said problem?