Macro Tut 4
Macro Tut 4
Macro Tut 4
Multiple Choice: Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. At the broadest level, the financial system moves the economy’s scarce resources from
a. the rich to the poor.
b. financial institutions to business firms and government.
c. households to financial institutions.
d. savers to borrowers.
7. Which of the following equations will always represent GDP in an open economy?
a. S = I - G
b. I = Y - C + G
c. Y = C + I + G
d. Y = C + I + G + NX
9. The country of Hykenia does not trade with any other country. Its GDP is $20 billion. Its government
collects $4 billion in taxes and pays out $3 billion to households in the form of transfer payments.
Consumption equals $15 billion and investment equals $2 billion. What is public saving in Hykenia, and
what is the value of the goods and services purchased by the government of Hykenia?
Transfer payment : Chính phủ đi vay tiền ( sinh lãi) =)) transfer payment là tiền chính phủ phải trả
a. -$2 billion and $3 billion
b. $1 billion and $3 billion
c. -$1 billion and $4 billion
d. There is not enough information to answer the question.
Public saving = T – (Government spending + transfer payment)
10. In a closed economy, public saving is the
a. amount of income that households have left after paying for taxes and consumption.
b. amount of income that businesses have left after paying for the factors of production.
c. amount of tax revenue that the government has left after paying for its spending.
d. sum of A, B, and C.
11. A budget surplus is created if
a. the government sells more bonds than it buys back.
b. the government spends more than it receives in tax revenue.
c. private saving is greater than zero.
d. None of the above is correct.
12. The slope of the demand for loanable funds curve represents the
a. positive relation between the real interest rate and investment.
b. negative relation between the real interest rate and investment.
c. positive relation between the real interest rate and saving.
d. negative relation between the real interest rate and saving.
13. In the loanable funds model, an increase in an investment (làm demand tăng) tax credit would create a
a. shortage at the former (điểm cũ khi mà Demand curve chưa di chuyển sang phải)
equilibrium interest rate. This shortage would lead to a rise in the interest rate.
b. shortage at the former equilibrium interest rate. This shortage would lead to a fall in the
interest rate.
c. surplus at the former equilibrium interest rate. This surplus would lead to a rise in the
interest rate.
d. surplus at the former equilibrium interest rate. This surplus would lead to a fall in the
interest rate.
14. An increase in the budget deficit (thâm hụt => spending phải giảm vì thiếu tiền =))) )
a. makes investment spending fall.
b. makes investment spending rise.
c. does not affect investment spending.
d. may increase, decrease, or not affect investment spending.
15. Bolivia had a smaller budget deficit in 2003 than in 2002. Other things the same, we would expect this
reduction in the budget deficit to have
a. increased both interest rates and investment.
b. increased interest rates and decreased investment.
c. decreased interest rates and increased investment.
d. decreased both interest rates and investment.
Budget deficit giảm => có nhiều tiền hơn => invest nhiều hơn do đc thúc đẩy bởi deduction in interest rate
16. If the government instituted an investment tax credit (demand shifts right), then which of the following
would be higher in equilibrium?
a. saving and the interest rate
b. saving but not the interest rate
c. the interest rate but not saving
d. neither saving nor the interest rate
Demand shift right => Lãi suất gửi và vay tăng => Gửi tiền vào bank nhiều hơn => increase saving
Figure 26-1. The figure depicts a demand-for-loanable-funds curve and two supply-of-loanable-funds
S1 S2
17. Refer to Figure 26-1. Which of the following events would shift the supply curve from S1 to S2?
a. In response to tax reform, firms are encouraged to invest more than they previously
b. In response to tax reform, households are encouraged to save more than they previously
c. Government goes from running a balanced budget to running a budget deficit.
d. Any of the above events would shift the supply curve from S1 to S2.
S1 shifts to S2 => supply tăng => tiền trong bank nhiều hơn => mọi người save nhiều hơn.
Exercise 2: Find the underlined parts that are incorrect in these statements and correct them:
11. Investors typically wish to reduce their risk by engaging in diversification, owning a narrow
Wide range of assets whose returns are based on unrelated, or independent, events.
12. The budget deficit is the difference between tax revenue and government spending when
tax revenue exceeds government spending.
comparison to bonds.
Problem 1:
Identify each of the following acts as representing either saving or investment.
a. Lan uses some of his income to buy government bonds. S
b. Minh takes some of his income and buys mutual funds. S
c. Linh purchases a new truck for his delivery business using borrowed funds. I
d. Peter uses some of his income to buy stock in a major corporation, S
e. Dave hires a builder to construct a new home using borrowed funds. I
Problem 2:
Suppose GDP equals $10 trillion, consumption equals $6.5 trillion, the government spends $2 trillion and has a budget
deficit of $300 billion.
a. Find public saving, taxes, private saving, national saving, and investment.
Public saving = Tax – Government spending = -0,3
Tax = G – 0,3 = 2 – 0,3 = 1,7
Private saving = GDP – T – C = 10 -1,7 - 6,5 = 1,8
National saving = GDP – C – G = 1.5 ( = Private + public saving)
Investment = 1.5 (saving đc bao nhiêu thì invest bấy nhiêu)
b. Suppose now that the government cuts taxes by $200 billion. In each of the following two scenarios, determine what
happens to public saving, private saving, national saving, and investment.
1. Consumers save the full proceeds of the tax cut.
Private saving increase by 0.2 trillion $
Public saving decrease by 0.2 trillion $
=> Investment and national saving are unchanged
2. Consumers save 1/4 of the tax cut and spend the other ¾
Private saving increase 0.05 trillion $
Public saving decrease 0.15 trillion $
Investment and national saving decrease.
Problem 3:
Graphically show the impact on the loanable fund in each of the following scenario
a. The economy is in a recession and businesses begin to expect it will continue indefinitely.
b. Technological advancements increase productivity for firms who make new investements.
c. The Government increases taxes by $100 million and decreases spending by $100 million
d. Hyper inflation increase the incentive for consumers to spend
e. There is a significant increase in business confidence
f. The government increases spending by $1 trillion to fund infrastructure projects like roads, bridges and upgrades to
the electrical grid.
a. The economy is in a recession and businesses begin to expect it will continue indefinitely. → have no incentive to
invest → demand less loanable funds → D shifts to the left.