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Q1. Suggest a procedure ( in about 200 words ) to Chief Engineer, on how you propose to ensure
that the Engine Room overhead crane is maintained and operated correctly. What test certificates
are required for the overhead crane and who is the issuing authority. ?


The Chief Engineer,

Dear Sir,

To avoid the incidents of damage caused due to failure of Engine Room crane ,as happened on one
the ships in our fleet ( Refer recent circular received from office ), I propose to follow below
mentioned maintenance and testing routine for the Engine room overhead crane.:

1. All limit switches eg lifting & lowering, forwd and aft travel, port and stbd travel , to be tested ,
contacts cleaned and switches cleaned & overhauled every two months or as required ( depending
on usage of crane ).

2. Gearing to be checked and oil / greasing to be checked regularly.

3. To inspect the brakes regularly so that in case of power failure the load should not come down
due to gravity.

4. Clean the tracks and apply the greasing compound .

5. Wire ropes condition to be checked for any broken strands. Wire clamps to check.

6. Condition of pulleys to check and greased regularly .

7. crane hook should be free to rotate , hook nut and locking to check. Physical condition of hook to

8. Check emergency stop.


Load test be done every 5 years by the authorized Safety Inspectors recognized Internationally.

Load test is done by loading the crane to 1.5 times the maxm. lifting capacity.

Q2. Write short notes on ;

1. Inspection of Rudder in Dry Dock

2. Steering Gear Controls
3. Relief Valve in Steering system.

Ans. 1. Inspection of Rudder in Dry Dock :

When the ship is in dry dock and the water pumping out is in progress, the rudder should be
observed for any water flowing out of rudder. If it is there then the rudder is holed.

Check the sea growth on the rudder which will give some idea of quality of paint used last dry dock.

Check the condition of zinc blocks. Almost complete wastage means number of blocks to be
increased, while no wastage means poor quality of zinc or blocks are not of zinc.

If propeller shaft is not required to be withdrawn then rudder is inspected in place, unless there is a
damage to the rudder.

Remove vent plug and drain plug. No water should come from the rudder.

Rudder plate to be checked for pitting and corrosion and welded joints for any cracks. Check the
thickness of rudder plate. Maxm drop in thickness allowed is 20%. Replace the plate if reduction in
thickness is more then 20%.

Check palm bolts for tightness. Take pintle clearance. Maxm pintle clearance allowed is
1.5+0.001xD. ( D is the dia of pintle)

Pressure test the rudder by fitting a tube to a head of 2.46 mtr and filling it with water.

2. Steering Gear Controls :

Controls should be provided for main steering gear from Navigation bridge as well as Steering room.
In case of chemical tankers and gas carriers two independent hydraulic telemotors are required.

Auxilliary Steering gear should be operated independently from wheel house.

Electrical supply for the control circuit should be from two sources ; main switch board as well as
Emergency generator. If there is no emergency generator, two different supplies have to be
provided from same switchboard in such a way that in case of fire both should not be damaged.

In case of failure of one steering motor , second motor should start within 45 seconds. Audio visual
alarm should be provided in wheel house in case of failure of steering motor or control system. Only
short circuit protection should be provided on main supply and control systems by means of fuses.
No overload trip should be provided only overload alarm should be there.

Rudder angle indicator should be provided in duplication ; in wheel house and in wings. Steering
controls should be in Wheel house , in wings and in emergency in Steering room.

Dedicated communication between W/H and steering room is a must. Gyro repeater should be
fitted in Steering gear room also so that in emergency ship can be safely steered from steering
room. Change over switch should be provided to c/o controls from W/H to Steering room.

Relief Valve in Steering System :

Relief valve should be fitted in any part of hydraulic system which can be isolated and pressure can
be generated from power source and from external sources. The setting should not exceed the
designed pressure. The valve should be adequate size and so arranged so as to avoid undue rise in
pressure above the designed pressure. The setting should not be less than 1.25 times the working
pressure. Discharge capacity of relief valve to be not less than 110% of total capacity of pump. Rise
in pressure not to exceed 10% of set pressure. This safe guards against the excessive torque on
rudder stock in rough seas. Relief valve also functions in case of maladjustment of hunting gear, to
safe guard the system in case of rudder coming in contact with some foreign object or rudder
movement gets restricted.

Q3. Accidents often occur due to premature or accidental release of CO2 into machinery spaces.
W.r.t this statement enumerate the procedure or arrangements you would adopt wrt.a)
Contractor working on CO2 system,( b ) Understanding between Bridge and Engine Room in the
event of a machinery space fire. ( c ) Familiarizing the staff with the system (d) Checks and tests
you would carry out before putting system in operation.

Ans. These contractor workers are not very familiar with CO2 system installed on your ship ,so there
is every possibility that while working on the system they accidently release CO2 resulting in
casualties. Therefore in addition to briefing the workers about DOs and DONOT. s, one of the
Engineers must be deputed to oversee the work being carried out by the contractor’s workers.

In addition to above precautions, any of the following safety measures must be taken to prevent
accidental release of CO2.

1. Disconnect the pilot bottle release mechanism in such a way that it should be possible to
reconnect in shortest possible time.

2. Disconnect operation of Master valve lines.

3. Individual banks pins can be removed or disconnect the connection to release cylinder.

4. Disconnect the master valve operating CO2 connection , the interlock valve between pilot cylinder
and main valve should be disabled.

Which ever steps have been taken to prevent accidental release of CO2, must be documented while
disabling the system.

Pins removed must be kept safely in a box. Spanners and any other tools required to reconnect must
be kept handy.

(b) Bridge has to be kept informed of disabling of CO2 fire fighting system on board and emergency
measures required to be taken and other standby preparations to be kept ready during this time.

( c ). Engineers to be kept informed of the procedure for quickly enabling the system in case of fire.
What ever has been disconnected should be known to every one. Precaution needs to be taken in
the Engine room to ensure measures to prevent any fire taking place and keep special checks on the
areas where it is more likely to happen.

(d). After the repairs are completed, reassembling of whatever has been dismantled to be made as
per check list prepared at the time of dismantling the system.. The system to be pressure tested
with air to ensure the air is reaching at all CO2 discharge points and there is no leakage in the CO2
room or outside wherever work has been done. Pipe lines to be tested at 80 bar. Test safety valve at
180 bar.

Q 4. A Bottom End Bearing of a large slow speed diesel engine is due for survey.

Describe procedure for complete inspection of the bearing. List precautions to be taken. Indicate
reasons for possible defects and state how these defects are rectified.

What tests are carried out on completion of survey and reassembly.

Ans. Precautions before dismantling :

Isolate Main Engine. ( Block starting air , and lub.oil pump).

Take propeller clearance to turn the Engine on turning gear.

Open both side Crank case doors of the unit and allow the crank case to ventilate.

Engage turning gear.

Procedure for dismantling the Bottom End Bearing :

Turn Engine and bring the bearing to bottom dead center.

Take bearing clearance with the help of a feeler gauge and note down. Normal clearance is in the range
of 0.40 – 0.60 mm.

Remove locking nuts of the B.E.Bearing bolts.

Slacken the Bearing bolt nuts.

Fix Eye Bolts to the bolts ( if required ) and secure the bolts with chain blocks.

Secure the bottom half of bearing with eye bolts and chain blocks on both sides.

Remove the nuts and lower the bolts in the crank case. Mark them Port /Stbd.

Lower the bottom half of the bearing in crank case.

Lock the top Half of bearing to the Connecting rod with locking plates.

Fit the crosshead holding pin device to the Guide. Turn the engine till crosshead rests on the pin.

Continue turning the engine till the crankpin is clear of the top half of bearing.

Lower the top half of the bearing in crank case .( If required )

Possible defects , Reasons & Rectification

1. Excessive Bearing Clearance ----- Normal wear out .- Improper lubrication

Abrasion due to impurities in oil.

Corrosion due to oil turning acidic attacking

bearing metal. ---- Renew Bearing

2.Bearing metal cracked. Working with excessive clearance

Overloading of the unit. --- Renew Bearing

3. Bearing surface grooved over

10% of area. Impurities in oil. ---- Renew Bearing

4. Wiping off of bearing metal. Scuffing , Scoring, High working

Temperature. ---- Renew Bearing

Q 5. Give the reasons for Main Engine Lub.oil cooler not able to maintain lub.oil temperature.

Explain how will you rectify the problem.

Ans. Lub.oil cooler not able to maintain temperature causing low lub oil pressure and high oil

Shell and tube type cooler :- There can be two possibilities for poor performance of the cooler;

1. Oil side is badly fouled.

2. Water side tubes fouled or division plate not sealing sea water inlet and outlet allowing water to by
pass the cooler.

In condition 1, difference in oil inlet and outlet from cooler will be low and temperature difference
between cooling water inlet and outlet will be high. Oil Pressure drop across the cooler will be high.

Checks & Rectification :-

a) Drain the oil from the cooler; Circulate the cleaning chemical with the help of a pump to remove the
carbon or other deposits from the inside of cooler , and the deposits which may have coated the tubes
thus affecting heat transfer. Observe the condition of chemical outlet from the cooler. After circulating
the chemical for 6 to 8 hours, wash down the cooler by circulating some good oil.

It is also possible that some or most of the baffle plates inside the cooler are damaged thus allowing the
oil to go directly to the outlet without properly circulating over the tubes. In this case the tube nest has
to be taken out and baffle plates renewed.

In Condition 2.:- De scaling of water side of the tubes has to be done. Tubes to be cleaned internally .
Carry out chemical cleaning of water side by circulating descaling compound . Check the division plate
separating the inlet and outlet of cooling water. If corroded allowing water to by pass the cooler., repair
the corroded part by building up with steel putty. Renew the cooler cover joint.

Check if sufficient cooling water is passing through the cooler.

Plate type cooler:-

* Inlet oil filter may be choked.

* Plates may be dirty / fouled. Circulate descaling chemical compound through water side.

* Degrease lub oil side by circulating carbon remover chemical through oil side.

* Physical cleaning of plates by dismantling the plates.

Q 6.) As Second Engineer explain your functions for following stages in docking:

(a) during docking

(b) stay in D/D

(C) whilst undocking

Answer:- (a)The second engineer’s supervision and check are required in the following
operations during docking.

 Observe the clinometers in engine room to see that ship is upright during docking.

 Carry out any transfer of F/O, F/W or/and L/O in accordance with instructions from

 Keep list of jobs to shown to the repairs manager which are to be carried out in
D/D. The repair order giving the list may be highlighted in colour for identification.

 Designate the 3rd engineer or 4th engineer to mark all sea suction and discharge
valves for overhaul and survey to the repair staff section head .

 If there is a propeller shaft withdrawal for survey , then get the special propeller
withdrawal strong back set, poker gauge and drawings ready for handing over to
the propeller withdrawal team section head.

 Instruct the ships electrical officer to supervise the shore connection and also verify
if the earth connection is properly established. He should also note the shore
power meter reading before shore current commences.
(b) During the stay in dry dock he should personally supervise the following jobs being
carried out in the dry dock.

* Sea suction and discharge valves

* High , low sea suction and emergency fire pump sea suction boxes opening ,
cleaning, painting and final refitting..

* Rudder drop, pintle clearances, jumping clearance.

and any repairs to rudder.

 Propeller drop and supervision during propeller shaft withdrawal if carried out.

 propeller polishing and repairs to propeller blades if any


(1) Bunkers should not be taken when the ship is on the blocks. In cases
where ships sail out immediately after dry docking, bunkers are to be
supplied after the ship has undocked and is floating.
(2) Shore power cables are to be connected after the ship has docked and the
dock is dry. The cables should be disconnected before flooding the dock.
(3) During flooding of the dock, the flooding is stopped when the level of
water in the dock reaches just above the high suction box. All the sea
suction valves under the floor plates should be checked for any leaks. In
this situation the ship is not floating and is still sitting firmly on the blocks.
This verification is necessary to avoid any mistakes made by shipyard staff
whereby some valves have not been fitted their cover joints and gland
packings. A second docking can be avoided by this check.
(4) The Master c/o , C/E and 2/E should visit the dry dock before flooding
and verify the following before giving orders for flooding :-

(a) The rudder fastening bolts are tight and cemented, the
pintle cover plates are in place and welded.
(b) The propeller cone fitted and all bolts cemented.
(c) The rope guard in place and properly welded
(d) The sea suction box grids fitted and locked with locking
(e) Bilge keel repairs are completed.
(f) Both anchors hoisted and housed in their respective
hawse pipes.
(g) F/W can be supplied in the dry dock as required , but
it should be ensured that the soundings of F/W tanks
at the time of un-docking is the same as soundings
when docking.
(1) What are the entries made in the Dry Dock report issued by class.
Answer:-(1)Bottom Inspection :- date of inspection and any correction work carried
out with specification of work carried out.
(a) Anchor chain calibration readings and any renewals
(b) Sea valves survey
(c) Storm valves survey.
(d) Rudder pintle clearances measurement. I f bushes are renewed it will be
(e) If rudder pedestal bearing built up and machined it should be recorded.
(f) Propeller drop recorded.

(2) What are the precautions to be observed when taking shore power whilst in

Answer:-The precautions to be observed are :

 The Dry Dock should be dry.

 When connecting, the phase rotation should be correct.

 Confirm that the Earth connection is properly established and secured. (true earth)

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