Test C
Test C
Test C
PART 1. You will hear six short, unfinished conversations. Choose the best reply to continue
each conversation. Put a circle around the letter of the best reply. Look at the example. You
will hear each conversation twice.
a) But George is already studying there and he'll look after me.
b) I overslept again.
b) Yes, there is always a chance you will get ill in a foreign country.
c) The thrill of the adventure would soon put pay to that.
PART 2. You will hear three conversations. Listen to the conversations and answer the
questions. What a circle round the letter of the correct answer. You will hear each
conversation twice. Look at the questions for Conversation One.
Conversation 1
a) in a television studio
b) in a travel exhibition
Conversation 2
a) financial compensation.
Conversation 3
b) to resolve a problem
c) to decide who to travel with
a) unfriendly
b) professional
c) envious
PART 3. Listen to the person talking and complete the information on the notepad. Write
short answers of 1 to 5 words. You will hear the person twice. At the end you will have two
minutes to read through and check your answers. You have one minute to look at the
PART 4. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. Put a circle round the letter of
the correct answer. You will see the conversation twice.
1. The famous tomato fight
b) it is difficult to park.
7. According to Paul,