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Solar Panel Wash Data Sheet

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Polywater® Solar Panel Wash™ (SPW) effectively

cleans PV panels and maximizes power generation.
Its special formulation removes a wide range of
contaminants such as air pollution residue, pollen,
bird droppings, dust, and volcanic ash. It is designed
with a rinsing aid to eliminate the need for deionized
(DI) or reverse osmosis (RO) water. The SPW ™
solution rinses clean without spotting.

Polywater® SPW ™ works without damaging specialty

polymer coatings and without oxidation or abrasion
to metallic rails and mounting brackets. Its use has
been approved by many global solar panel and
cleaning equipment manufacturers.
Product Features:
Polywater® SPW ™ is safe for users and the
environment. It quickly biodegrades, so it will not
• Effectively removes all types of contaminants
affect surrounding plant life or water-table/aquifers.
SPW ™ contains no solvents and is non-corrosive. • Cleans efficiently, conserves water
• Works without deionized water
Reduces Water Use: • Quick sheeting action—dries without spots
• Biodegradable—does not harm the
Polywater® SPW ™ is more effective than water alone. environment
As a result, soils are removed more efficiently and
less water is used. Field experience proves this: • Does not contain solvents or corrosive soaps
• Compatible with anti-reflective films, metal
Polywater® SPW ™ was tested at a winery in India
rails, and mastics
where the existing cleaning procedure used 5 liters
of water alone per panel. Using a 25:1 water-to-
SPW ™ mix, only 3 liters were required to clean 10 Approvals:
panels. Water use was reduced by a factor of 15.
Polywater® Solar Panel Wash™ is approved for

In a Mexican trial, approximately 1.7 liters of SPW use on most types of solar panels by the
solution was used per panel. Water use was also following manufacturers*:
reduced in this field trial.
• Canadian Solar
Polywater® Solar Panel Wash™ has a spot-free rinse,
eliminating the need for deionized water. Elimination • Solar World
of deionized water yields more water savings, since
it takes more than a gallon of water to create one • JASolar Technology Co.
gallon of DI or RO water. • Sixvan Intelligent Systems Technology Co.
Efficient cleaning saves water and is more • Noark-Electric Co.
environmentally appropriate. It is an effective * Approval letters available upon request.
cleaning method that also saves labor time.
Compatibility: Physical Properties:

Polywater® SPW ™ Solar Panel Cleaner is compatible SPW ™ is a clear, odorless, non-caustic liquid
with PV panels and is approved by multiple panel cleaner that contains no solvents. It is freeze-
manufacturers. It is compatible with: thaw stable and safe to use.
• Specialty Films Property Result
• Aluminum Rails
• Cables and Wiring Initial Boiling Point ~100°C
• Mastics and Sealants Specific Gravity 1.0
pH Neutral
Test Method: Panels were placed against a south- Solvent/Volatile Content None
facing wall at a 45° angle, at American Polywater’s
Phosphate Content None
factory in Stillwater, MN.
Ammonia Content None
A sprinkler sprayed the panels with ground water for Flashpoint (ASTM D93) None
15 minutes at 3:00 each morning. Water conductivity
was measured at 95 µS, approximately 67 ppm Cleaning Effectiveness:
water hardness. The panels were exposed to
Polywater® Solar Panel Wash SPW ™ using the SPW™ Cleaner removes a broad range of ash,
following process over a two-week period: dust, oils, and organic matter, rinsing the
contamination clean from PV surfaces and
1) Monday: Between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. each aluminum rails.
panel was rinsed with a 25:1 solution of the Solar
Panel Wash SPW ™ in water. The panel was then Bentonite, oils, and salts were coated on glass
scrubbed with a very soft brush, then rinsed panels to test cleaning efficacy. A 25:1 solution
again with the 25:1 SPW™ solution and allowed of the Solar Panel Wash SPW ™ in water was
to dry without any further water rinse. used to clean the surface. Cleaning solution
2) Tuesday–Friday: Between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. effectiveness was compared to a water control.
each day, both panels were rinsed with the 25:1
SPW ™ solution and allowed to dry. Panels are coated and dried for 24 hours to
set. Contaminated surface is lightly and evenly
3) The panels were not cleaned over the weekends, sprayed with either SPW™ cleaning solution or
but the sprinkler continued to spray the panels DI water control. Wetted surface is lightly
with groundwater for 15 minutes at 3:00 each passed with soft cleaning brush, then rinsed
morning. with tap water. Result is noted.

Conclusion: Modules were re-flashed after they Contamination SPW Solution Control
were returned to SolarWorld. No degradation of the Bentonite and
Mineral Oil Excellent (4) Poor (1)
antireflective coatings or other irregularities to the
panels were detected after application of American Salt Solution
Polywater Corporation’s Solar Panel Wash (SPW™). and Bentonite Good (3) Fair (2)
Bentonite and
Environmental Impact: WD-40® Excellent (4) Fair (2)

Polywater® SPW ™ Solar Panel Wash is readily

biodegradable per OECD Guidelines. Materials must
be 60% biodegraded within 10 days to meet these
OECD Guidelines. The resulting products of
biodegradation are carbon dioxide and water.
Because Polywater® Solar Panel Wash SPW ™ is so Before cleaning Control SPW
biodegradable, it does not accumulate in the
environment. Polywater® Solar Panel Wash SPW™ is SPW ™ diluted 25:1 emulsified oils and lifts
the environmentally safe solution to cleaning solar dusts. It simplifies and speeds the cleaning
panels. with less scrubbing and faster dry times.
Usage Directions: End Uses:

General Maintenance Note: • Utility-Owned Solar Farms

Inspect the entire solar array system prior to cleaning • Industrial Arrays
to detect loose or broken wires and panels, or
improperly functioning apparatus. Make necessary • Commercial Arrays
repairs before cleaning. Schedule quarterly cleaning
and maintenance to keep system operating at • Residential Ground and Rooftop-Mounted
theoretical maximum output. Panels
Solar Panel Wash SPW™ Usage
Washing Panels Increases Performance:
Recommended dilution ratio is 1 part Solar Panel
Wash SPW ™ to 25 parts water (25-1). For heavily Regular cleaning maximizes PV system
soiled areas, use either a higher SPW ™ cleaner performance and longevity. A 2011 World
concentration or more rinsing. The cat #SPW-35HS Academy of Science, Engineering and
hose adapter package has a selector switch atop the Technology study concluded that “accumulated
sprayer to toggle between the 25-1 and water-only dust on the surface of photovoltaic solar panels
ratios. can reduce the system’s efficiency by up to
Always schedule panel cleaning early in the morning 50%.”1
or at night when it is cool. This will minimize thermal
stress on photovoltaic cells and protective glass that In an EPRI study, industry stakeholders
could damage the panels. estimate “panel washing can improve
efficiencies by as much as 10-15%.”2
1) Use 25-1 Solar Panel Wash™ solution to rinse
panels. Rinsing removes loose sand and debris from
Cleaning maximizes return on investment. It is
the panels and protects them from scratching when especially effective on flat, low-tilt panels.
brushes are used in Step 2 below. In locales known Google cleaned solar panels on their campus
for hard water, deionized water can be used to dilute for the first time after 15 months of operation,
the SPW ™. It is okay to rinse with local water only. and energy output doubled. A second cleaning,
Wet only the number of panels that can be 8 months later, resulted in a 36% increase in
brushed and rinsed before the SPW™ solution output.3
dries. Large arrays may need to be cleaned section
by section. Use heavier amounts of SPW ™ on areas Even small areas of contamination can have a
with bird droppings or other organic matter.
significant impact on panel performance. Solar
2) Scrub panels with a very soft brush (Hog’s Hair or cells connected in series are only as good as
similar). Rinse the brush bristles frequently when the lowest performing cell. Cleaning is also a
cleaning heavily soiled arrays to reduce scratching. good practice to avoid hot spots.
The use of brushes also helps agitate the SPW ™; dirt
tends to “carry" or be lifted from the panels better.
Water alone—even deionized water—will not lift or
carry dirt adequately. SPW ™ is far more effective at [1] Sulaiman S, et al, “Effects of Dust on the Performance
removing residue and cleaning panels. of PV Panels.” World Academy of Science, Engineering
and Technology. International Journal of Mechanical
3) Allow the contamination and SPW ™ solution to shed Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing
from the panel surface. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 if Engineering Vol: 5, No 10, 2011. Web. 23 January 2017.
hard-to-remove contamination remains.
[2] “Addressing Solar PV Operations & Maintenance
4) Rinse the panels with a 25-1 SPW ™ solution and let Challenges: A Survey of Current Knowledge and
dry; otherwise, rinse with deionized water or local Practices.” EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. 2010. 1008434.
water supply. [3] Lam, Winnie. “Should you spring clean your solar
5) If desired, buff dry, clean panels with blue microfiber panels?” Google Official Blog, 31 July 2009. Web 23
January 2017.
cloths followed by white microfiber cloths for a fine
Model Specification: Order Information:

The statement below may be inserted into a customer Cat # Package Description
specification to help maintain engineering standards
and ensure work integrity. 1-qt bottle with flip-top cap (.95
The solar panel cleaning solution shall not contain 1-qt bottle with hose sprayer
solvents or other volatile components. It shall be SPW-35HS
attachment (.95 liters)
non-toxic with a neutral pH for safe handling. It shall
be biodegradable based on OECD standards. SPW-128 1-gal pail (3.8 liters)
SPW-640 5-gal pail (18.9 liters)
The solar panel cleaning solution shall remove a
wide range of contaminants including dust, ash, clay,
pollen, industrial grime, and bird excrement. The
cleaning solution shall rinse with a thin, water-
shedding film to minimize spotting.

The solar panel cleaning solution shall be compatible

with all panel components. It shall be approved and
tested by solar panel manufacturers.

Copyright  2017. American Polywater Corporation. All Rights Reserved

Important Notice: The statements here are made in good faith based on tests and observations we believe to be
reliable. However, the completeness and accuracy of the information is not guaranteed. Before using, the end-
user should conduct whatever evaluations are necessary to determine that the product is suitable for the
intended use. 11222 60th St. N
Stillwater, MN 55082
American Polywater expressly disclaims any implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for U.S.A
a particular purpose. American Polywater’s only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product 1-800-328-9384
proven to be defective. Except for the replacement remedy, American Polywater shall not be liable for any loss, 1-651-430-2270
injury, or direct, indirect, or consequential damages resulting from product’s use, regardless of the legal theory http://www.polywater.com (URL) support@polywater.com (e-mail)


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