Solar Panel Wash Data Sheet
Solar Panel Wash Data Sheet
Solar Panel Wash Data Sheet
Polywater® SPW ™ Solar Panel Cleaner is compatible SPW ™ is a clear, odorless, non-caustic liquid
with PV panels and is approved by multiple panel cleaner that contains no solvents. It is freeze-
manufacturers. It is compatible with: thaw stable and safe to use.
• Specialty Films Property Result
• Aluminum Rails
• Cables and Wiring Initial Boiling Point ~100°C
• Mastics and Sealants Specific Gravity 1.0
pH Neutral
Test Method: Panels were placed against a south- Solvent/Volatile Content None
facing wall at a 45° angle, at American Polywater’s
Phosphate Content None
factory in Stillwater, MN.
Ammonia Content None
A sprinkler sprayed the panels with ground water for Flashpoint (ASTM D93) None
15 minutes at 3:00 each morning. Water conductivity
was measured at 95 µS, approximately 67 ppm Cleaning Effectiveness:
water hardness. The panels were exposed to
Polywater® Solar Panel Wash SPW ™ using the SPW™ Cleaner removes a broad range of ash,
following process over a two-week period: dust, oils, and organic matter, rinsing the
contamination clean from PV surfaces and
1) Monday: Between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. each aluminum rails.
panel was rinsed with a 25:1 solution of the Solar
Panel Wash SPW ™ in water. The panel was then Bentonite, oils, and salts were coated on glass
scrubbed with a very soft brush, then rinsed panels to test cleaning efficacy. A 25:1 solution
again with the 25:1 SPW™ solution and allowed of the Solar Panel Wash SPW ™ in water was
to dry without any further water rinse. used to clean the surface. Cleaning solution
2) Tuesday–Friday: Between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. effectiveness was compared to a water control.
each day, both panels were rinsed with the 25:1
SPW ™ solution and allowed to dry. Panels are coated and dried for 24 hours to
set. Contaminated surface is lightly and evenly
3) The panels were not cleaned over the weekends, sprayed with either SPW™ cleaning solution or
but the sprinkler continued to spray the panels DI water control. Wetted surface is lightly
with groundwater for 15 minutes at 3:00 each passed with soft cleaning brush, then rinsed
morning. with tap water. Result is noted.
Conclusion: Modules were re-flashed after they Contamination SPW Solution Control
were returned to SolarWorld. No degradation of the Bentonite and
Mineral Oil Excellent (4) Poor (1)
antireflective coatings or other irregularities to the
panels were detected after application of American Salt Solution
Polywater Corporation’s Solar Panel Wash (SPW™). and Bentonite Good (3) Fair (2)
Bentonite and
Environmental Impact: WD-40® Excellent (4) Fair (2)
The statement below may be inserted into a customer Cat # Package Description
specification to help maintain engineering standards
and ensure work integrity. 1-qt bottle with flip-top cap (.95
The solar panel cleaning solution shall not contain 1-qt bottle with hose sprayer
solvents or other volatile components. It shall be SPW-35HS
attachment (.95 liters)
non-toxic with a neutral pH for safe handling. It shall
be biodegradable based on OECD standards. SPW-128 1-gal pail (3.8 liters)
SPW-640 5-gal pail (18.9 liters)
The solar panel cleaning solution shall remove a
wide range of contaminants including dust, ash, clay,
pollen, industrial grime, and bird excrement. The
cleaning solution shall rinse with a thin, water-
shedding film to minimize spotting.
Important Notice: The statements here are made in good faith based on tests and observations we believe to be
reliable. However, the completeness and accuracy of the information is not guaranteed. Before using, the end-
user should conduct whatever evaluations are necessary to determine that the product is suitable for the
intended use. 11222 60th St. N
Stillwater, MN 55082
American Polywater expressly disclaims any implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for U.S.A
a particular purpose. American Polywater’s only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product 1-800-328-9384
proven to be defective. Except for the replacement remedy, American Polywater shall not be liable for any loss, 1-651-430-2270
injury, or direct, indirect, or consequential damages resulting from product’s use, regardless of the legal theory (URL) (e-mail)