At present we have many advances in AI, as we can see in voice assistants such as Cortana, Siri,
Alexa and the Google Assistant, which help us automate and organize processes through our mobile
devices, which resemble the tale of the shoemaker and the elves, since while we sleep the assistants
work for us performing simple tasks. In addition, let'stake a small look at the most ambitious
projects Microsoft has planned with the help of AI that will have a great impact on sectors such as
medicine and agriculture. Also d the advance of robotics where engineers want to create robots that
have the ability to think for themselves, have feelings and other behaviors similar to that of a human
being, this issue of robots is also something that has had humanity in suspense beyond the fear that
Hollywood has generated us with that they govern us, Butwithout a doubt, the real fear is that in a
future that does not look so far away, people will begin to be changed by robots in jobs and talk
about the business issue I will give my point of view of how AI can improve the processes of
We started, going back about 20 years where we found the room of an Asian, and this only had a
clock, a calendar to schedule their activities, meetings and s and reported throughthe radio or
newspaper. Currently in the rooms you can find from laptops, cell phones, televisions, smart
watches, etc. At the time I ask you to imagine a future about 20 years where our assistant is
responsible for waking us up through an alarm, give us a small account of the most important news
that happened while we slept, tell us the meetings and other tasks that we have pending for that day,
imagine that our assistant is responsible for reminding us of the birthday of a family member and
that in turn is responsible for sending a gift to that relative, Based on this we can imagine that
through our smartphone we can measure blood, pulse and other vital signs, and that in turn isand
send the information to our doctor to make us a small review, opinion or a consultation through a
video call, based on the data we have entered, this and more could be achieved with the help of
The author wants to make us understand that the adaptation and implementation of AI in our daily
lives will be of great importance, since it will allow us great advances in fields such as medicine
where he talks about Seeing AI, which has as its main objective to help people with low visual
capacity, by capturing images of the environment around them and this will instantly describe what
is happening. It can also be of great help for people with cancer through the InnerEye, which is a
project devised by engineers in the UK in conjunction with oncologists, in order to develop better
treatments to fight cancer, through a 3D modeling of the organs affected with these cancer cells can
delimit in a more precise way the size of the tumor, Taking into account that currently this action is
done manually which entails a greater time in this process in addition to the fact that the human
factor must be added . Premonition project that wants to be an early and effective warning that it
will detect some of the world's most dangerous diseases in the environment and help prevent deadly
outbreaks, basedon analysis and data recovered with the help of mosquitoes.
AI as an ally for humanity and from the field of engineering, will be a great complement to the
knowledge of these professionals, since at first these engineers are able to automate processes with
developments either basic or a little more complex, but with the help of AI, improve their
development processes to create better solutions that meet the needs of users. Now with the help of
this knowledge and a predisposed mind with some logic to analyze and propose solutions to the
requirements requested by a client, AI can be a great support to optimize the code, analysis of errors
in the codes, automate the analysis of the data, andthat, many times it is a very cumbersome task
because You can have a lot of data. A data scientist and often in this step of information between
what a client requests, what a scientist analyzes and what an engineer ends up developing ends up
becoming a broken phone since a human error can always be present which affects us in the
Since we saw some of the benefits of using artificial intelligence in development processes, let's let
our minds fly and imagine that, in a few years AI , will ensure that just by entering a keyword it is
already bringing us a list of possible obviously functional codes and that we only have to enter to
change small parts of the code so that it can meet the functional and non-functional requirements
requested by the customer. And in my experience as a consultant one of the biggest drawbacks for
companies is to meet the estimated times for projects because many times because they want to sell
the project the commercials sell ideas and things that sound great in front of the client, but when
you start the implementation of the project, these dates and these estimated times are not met
because I return and reiterate that there is always human error and that in the end these times They
are affected, thus being a problem because the client feels that they disrespected him for not
complying with the times in which the project was established and sold.
Making the company that is doing this implementation lose value since, for example, in the case of
Oracle there may be lawsuits for non-compliance with the project, causing Oracle to veto the
company that did not comply with the provisions of the contract for a certain time and this to In
turn, it has a great impact since having this veto cannot be reapplied for projects and this in turn
affects the payroll and all the expenses of a company, causing in the worst case the closure of said
company, a Once we put ourselves in the context of what can lead to a bad time estimate, think that
in a few years with the help of artificial intelligence an estimate of more real projects will be made
and that historical data from previous projects of the company will be fulfilled by analyzing
historical data from past company projects to find statistics and using predictive analytics and
Now, if we analyze one of the biggest uncertainties we have with AI, is that if with the help of this
we are going to lose more jobs or if failing that more jobs were generated, but in general with these
new technologies they have generated many more jobs than those that have been eliminated, An
example that we can show in the reading are the ATMs since they took over many traditional tasks
of the banks that were carried out by the ATMs. As a result, the average number of ATMs per
branch in the United States fell from 20 in 1988 to 13 in 2004. Despite this reduction, the need for
fewer ATMs made it cheaper to manage each branch and allowed banks to open more branches,
thus increasing the total number of employees. Based on this I think we must get rid of the fear that
the use of AI will reduce the number of jobs, of course, with this new technology, as has happened
over time we must adapt and train ourselves to this new technology so that we can be the ones who
Let's continue imagining and now think about a Colombia where AI is implemented, that is, where
these projects that we mentioned above are fully developed and well structured, based on this I
imagine a society where people suffering from cancer, manage to be diagnosed in time and can be
treated in a more efficient way, thus avoiding a high mortality rate as a result of it or failing that and
if it is not possible to decrease in mortality to be able to give a dignified life to people with a type
of terminal cancer, thus avoiding these pains that even with the help of morphine they can not bear,
in addition to this I imagine a Colombia where teleconsultations really serve for something, because
if something is clear to me in the pandemic is that the teleconsultation model is a good invention but
that it gets along very badly, Since in the pandemic we saw that in this teleconsultation they did not
help much since the patient's condition could not be analyzed correctly.
Now, let's talk about the issue of agriculture since we know that our country is one of the strongest
points, but at the same time it is one of the most neglected because of governments that only serve
to steal money, but well that topic of another essay, although hopefully with AI it will help us
correct the corrupts but well that's already too much imagination, going back to the subject of
agriculture as I mention and author with the help of the FarmBeats project, let's increase agricultural
production and reduce loss and lower costs, which would be of great help to the lower-middle class
because by reducing these costs, vegetable prices, Fruits and legumes would go down, which in
turn would make us return to the times of yesteryear where, we return to consume more green and
healthy products helping to improve our health and in turn I imagine returning to a square to buy
directly from the peasants and not having to go buy everything at twice the price of a market chain
AI in our society will be of great help but I certainly think that first we must have capacity and
information on this subject since many times we are too reluctant to change, because with the
immersion of AI this is responsible for doing tasks that are currently performed by people and also
as mentioned to remove that fear that with the inclusion of this many jobs will be lost, this can
happen but not because of this new technology but because of ourselves if we are not able to adapt,
at this moment it reminds me in the movie Charlie and the chocolate factory, where Charlie's father
is fired because the company acquired a robot that performed tasks in a faster and more effective
way, but what happened once this robot was damaged, Charlie's father was rehired not to do the
same job, but to repair this robot, so I think we should be more like Mr. Bucket, that we train and
continue learning to be able to handle this new technology in the best way, so that it becomes an
By way of conclusion, remember that the AI will be trained by us, since as mentioned it will learn
how fence interacting with the environment, with people and with real problems, as well as the
chess robot that with each game was saving each move in its database until, from so much trial and
error. He collected all the plays until it became almost impossible to beat him. So we must change
the chip and be more open to these new technologies and use it to our advantage, because we have
seen it implemented in the best way that can do incredible things and that will undoubtedly
improve our lives because as long as it works, we will have more time to look for more
opportunities and better solutions to grow our companies or small businesses in the best way and of
course s. We must always use it with the greatest responsibility and not to want to harm others since
the law throws the trap and just as it will be a great alloy for good things, it will also have a great
impact on the criminal field, since currently these cyber thefts are the order of the day and with the
advance of this new technology many more forms of information theft will come to light, of
And it deserves to emphasize that, AI will play a very important role in our society and in the
future that awaits us because as we saw previously with the projects that Microsoft has planned, if
they are achieved they will be of great help by providing opportunities that a few years ago were
unthinkable and unlikely, opportunities for blind people, or improve the quality of life of people
suffering from cancer and simply give a correct opinion and help doctors to treat diseases, since at
present doctors and more than all those who are villages or townships, must work with their nails
because they do not have enough resources and infrastructure or what happens but there are many
doctors who are now only there to fulfill a contract and not to help people, who are supposed to
The Future Computed Artificial Intelligence and its role in society by Microsoft