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Toyota Ecu Pinout Abbreviations

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Toyota Ecu pinout abbreviations

+B1 Permanent +12V

+B Permanent +12V
BAT Permanent +12V
BT Switched power via EFI main relay
IGSW Switched ignition power
E01 Earth 01 GROUND
E02 Earth 02 GROUND
E1 Earth 1 GROUND
E2 Ground/earth output for sensors
#10 Injector 1
#20 Injector 2
#30 Injector 3
#40 Injector 4
#50 Injector 5
#60 Injector 6
^Non-batch fire fuel injection
#10 Injectors 1 & 4
#20 Injectors 3 & 5
#30 Injectors 2 & 6
^Batch fire fuel injection (Older/non-vvti 1jz's)
RSO Idle air control output
RSC Idle air control output
HT Oxygen sensor heater output
STJ Cold start injector output
IGT Ignitor signal
IGT1 Ignition coil 1
IGT2 Ignition coil 2
IGT3 Ignition coil 3
IGT4 Ignition coil 4
IGT5 Ignition coil 5
IGT6 Ignition coil 6
EGR output (emissions* Exhaust gas re-circulation)
G2 Distributer input /Cam sensor 2
G1 Distributer input /Cam sensor 1
NE Distributer input /Crank sensor
G- Distributer input (Ground circuit for cam/crank sensors)
IGF Ignitor signal
TPC Turbo pressure control output (to turbo VSV)
TVIS Control Signal to TVIS solenoid
VF Check connector signal (EGO feedback signal)
TE1 Test signal Diagnostic
TE2 Test signal Diagnostic
VF Diagnostic
OX Oxygen sensor input
PIM MAP sensor input
KNK Knock sensor input
THW Coolant temperature input
IDL Idle switch on throttle position sensor
THA Intake air temperature input
VTA Throttle position input
VG Airflow sensor
THG EGR function sensor
VC 5V ouput for MAP, throttle position and airflow sensors
STA Clutch start switch input
AC Aircon request input
SPD Speed sensor input
PS Power steering signal
PSCT Power steering signal
FPR Fuel pump relay output
W Warning/check Engine light output (Ecu may ground this circuit)
STP Brake light input
ABS ABS signal
FC Fuel cut ouput
ELS idle up input
Abbreviations and Toyota/SAE terms:
Glossary of SAE and Toyota Terms
ACH Air Cleaner Housing Air Cleaner
ACS Air Conditioning Sensor Air Conditioning Switch
AFS Air Flow Sensor Air Flow Meter
AIR Secondary Air Injection Air Injection (AI)
ALT Alternator Alternator
B+ Battery Positive Voltage +B, Battery Voltage
BARO Barametric Absolute Pressure Sensor HAC Sensor / P sensor
CAC Charge Air Cooler Intercooler
CARB CArburetor Carburetor
CL Closed Loop Closed Loop
CLS Closed Loop System Closed Loop System
CPS Crankshaft Position Sensor Crank Angle Sensor
DI Direct Injecttion Direct Injection
DLC2 Data Link Connector 1: Check Connector 2: TDCL
DLI Distributerless Ignition Distributerless Ignition
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Codes Diagnostic Codes
ECTS Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Coolant Temperature Sensor, Water Temperature
Sensor or THW
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory Electrically Erasable
Programable Read Only Memory (EEPROM), Erasable Read Only Memory (EPROM)
EFE Early Fuel Evaporation Cold Mixture Heater (CMH), Heat Control Vavle (HCV)
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EGRS EGR Function Sensor EGR Gas Temperature Sensor
EGRV EGR Valve EGR Valve
EI Electronic Ignition Electronic Spark Advance (ESA)
EM Engine Modification Engine Modification
EPROM Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory Programable Read Only Memory
EVAP Fuel Evaporative System Evaporative Emission Control
FPR Fuel Pump Relay Fuel Pump Relay
GND Ground Ground
HO2S Heated Oxygen Sensor Heated Oxygen Sensor
IACV Idle Air Control Valve ISC Valve
IATS Intake Air Temperaure Sensore Intake or Inlet Air Temperature Sensor
IDI Indirect Diesel Injection Indirect Injection Diesel Engine
KS Knock Sensor Knock Sensor
MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Manifold Pressure Sensor
Turbocharger Pressure Sensor
Vacuum Sensor
MCS Mixture Control Solenoid Electric Bleed Air Conrtol Valve (EBCV)
Electric Air Control Valve (EACV)
MPI Multipoint Fuel Injection Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI)
O2S Oxygen Sensor Oxygen Sensor, O2 Sensor
OBD On Board Diagnostic System On-Board Diagnostic System
OC Oxidation Catalyst Oxidation Catalyst, CCo
OL Open Loop Open Loop
PAIR Pulsed Secondary Air Air Suction (AS)
PCME Powertrain Control Module (engine) Engine ECU
PCME&T Powertrain Control Module (engine and transmission) Engine and ECT ECU
PCMT Powertrain Control Module (transmission) ECT-ECU, Transmission ECU
PNS Park/Neutral Switch Neutral Start Switch (NSW)
PTCS Powertrain Control Signals Output Signals
PTIS Powertrain Input Signals Inp[ut Signals
RAM Random Access Memory Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory Read Only Memory
SABFV Secondary Air Anti-Backfire Valve Check Valve
SABV Secondary Air By-Pass Valve Air By-Pass Valve (ABV)
SAPV Secondary Air Pulse Valve AS Reed Valve, Air Suction Valve
SASV Secondary Air Switching Valve Air Switching Valve (ASV)
SC Supercharger Supercharger
SMPI Sequential Multipoint Electronic Fuel Injection Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI),
Sequential Injection
SPS Steering Pressure Sensor Air Control Valve (ACV)
TB Throttle Body Throttle Body
TBI Throttle Body Electronic Fuel Injection Single Point Injection
Central Fuel Injection (Ci)
TC Turbocharger Turbocharger
TCC Transmission/Transaxle Converter Clutch Switch Lock-Up Solenoid
TGSS Transmission Gear Selector Switch Shift Possition Switch
TOP Trap Oxidizer-Periodic Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)
Diesel Particulate Trap (DPT)
TPS Throttle Possition Sensor Throttle Possition Sensor
TVS Thermal Vacuum Switch Bimetal Vacuum Switching Valve (BVSV)
Thermostatic Vacuum Switching Valve
TWC Three Way Catalyst Three Way Catalyst
VR Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator
VSPG Vehicle Speed Pulse Generator Speed Sensor
VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor Vehicle Speed Sensor (reed switch type)
WOTS Wide Open Throttle Switch VL Switch
Power Switch
WUTWC Warm Up Three Way Catalyst Manifold Convertor

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