Himalaya Public School Chemistry Paper 2023
Himalaya Public School Chemistry Paper 2023
Himalaya Public School Chemistry Paper 2023
The following questions are multiple-choice questions with one correct answer.
Each question carries 1 mark. There is no internal choice in this section.
QA. Principal. Azimuthal and magnetic quantum numbers are respectively related to:
a) Size, shape and orientation . (b) Shape, size and orientation
(c) Size. orientation and shape (d) None of the above
Q2. For a reaction A+2B C , the amount ofC formed by starting the reaction with 5 moles
of A and 8 moles of B is
(a) 5 moles ( b ) 8 moles
(c) 16 moles 4d) 4 moles
Q3. When propene is treated with HBr, the major preduct formed is
(a) 1-Bromopropane (b 2-Bromopropane
(c) 1,2-dibromopropane (d) Bromopropyne
4. Molality of a solution does not change with
(a) Volume b) Temperature
/ (c) Density (d) Concentration
.5. Mass percent of a solution containing 2 g of a substance A in 18 g of water is
(ay 10% (b) 15%
(c) 5% (d) 20%
Q6/ In wbich of the following pairs, the two molecules have identical bond orders:
XI-Chemistry-B () P.T.O.
electron gain enthalpy?
98. Which of the following elements has the maximum negative
(a) Oxygen Cby Chlorine This section con
(c) Fluorine (d) Nitrogen following questio-
Show the resonanc
Q9. What type of reaction is shown by the reaction
para and meta dire
2H,0, (aq) 2H,O) + 0,(g)
(a) Combination reaction f b ) Displacement reaction /la) CH,CH,
Q.20. 50kg of N,(g) an
'(c) Decomposition reaction Disproportionation reaction of NH(g) formed
Qro. Hyperconjugation is most useful for stabinzing which of the following carbocation
(a) Neopentyl carbocation Tert-butyl carbocation
(a) The densi
(c) Iso-propyl carbocation (d) Ethyl carbocation the soluti
1. The structure of
4-Methylpent-2-en-1-ol is: (b) Calculate
9) CHCH,CH=CHCH.,OH (b) (CH,),C-CHCH,CH,OH is 0.040.
(a) CP [HO(s)] =
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Sc) A is true but R is false. ealculate the st
(d) A is false but R is true.
(i) CHOH
Crafts reaction.
Assertion (A) : Nitrobenzene does not undergo Friedel (ii) C(graphi
Reason (R) : Nitrobenzene is a m-directing
and exact
/ (ii) H,(g) +
Q46. Assertion (A) : It is impossible to determine the exact position momentum
Q25. Assign oxidatic
of an simultaneously.
Reason (R) : The path of an electron in an atom is clearly defined.
Assertion (A) : Second ionization enthalpy will be higher the first ionization enthalpy. KCr0,
Reason (R): lonization enthalpy is a quantitative measure ofthe tendency of an element
This section cor
to lose clectron. questions are st
2- ene are position isomers.
QJ8. Assertion (A) : Pent- 1- ene and penl-
Reason (R) : Position isomers differ in the poSilion of functional group or a substituent. Q.26. a Explain
Use Use the
to have 1
XI-Chemistry-B (2)
This section contains 7 questions win internal
following questions are very short answer type andchoice in two
questions. The
Show the resonance in the carry 2 marks each.
para and meta
following withproper curved arrow notation and discuss ortho/
directing groups:
/(a) CHCH (
Q.20. 50kg of N, (g) and 10 kg of H,(g) are mixed to CHCHO
of NH,(g) formed.
Identify the limiting reagent inproduce NH,(g). Calculate the amount
the production of
OR NH, in this solution.
(a) The density of 3 M solution
the solution.
of NaCl is 1.25 g ml-1. Calculate the
molality of
(b) Calculate the molarity of ethanol in water in
which the mole fraction
is 0.040. of ethanol
Q1. a) What do you mean by mole fraction?
Calculate the molarity of NaOH in the solution
in enough water to
form 100 ml of the solution.
by dissolving it's 40 g
,22. Draw the boundary surface diagrams assigning
proper coordinate axis of
Three p orbitals
Five Five d-orbitals
Q23. Explain the following with examples:
Homolytic/Heterolytic cleavage
Functional isomer of alcohol
Q.24. Calculate the enthalpy change on freezing of 1.0 mol
AH6.03 KJ mo at 0°C.
of water at 10.0°C to ice at -10.0°C.
CP [H,O()] 75.3 J mol' K.
álculate the standard enthalpy of formation of CH,OH. from the following data:
() CH,OH() +3/2 0,(g) Co, (g) +2H,0 (); AH°= 726KJ mo -
Predict in
A lic
Permanganate (VII) ion, MnO, in hasic solution oxidises iodide ion, I to produce
molecular iodine (I,) and manganese (IV) oxide (MnO,). Write a balanced ionic b lemp
to represent this redox reaction
(1Balance by Half-rection method). For C
Q28. (i) Which of the following molecules are aromatic in nature, Explain with all the 4Fe(s
necessary conditions of aromaticity. cntro
of thi
(a) Define
(b) Explai
(c) Differ=
Q32. The Table belc
OR Elements:
i) How many structure isomers are possible in diphenylmethane (C13H12) when one
of the hydrogen is replaced by chlorine atom?
a The Table beic
How will you differentiate between different
types of free radical. Group Elemen
Q29. Ja) What is the basic difference between orbit and orbital. Group 1
How many sub-shells are associated with the n= 4?
How many electrons would be present in the subshells having an ms value of -
1/2 for n-4?
930. Describe step-by-step complete mechanism for the addition of HBr for the
formation of 2-Bromopropane from propene.
How will you convert ethanoic acid into m-nitrochlorobenzene. Rd
The following questions are case-based questions. Each question has an internal choice
and carries 4 (1+1+2) marks each. Read the passage carefully and answer the The graphs bel
that foilow. second period a
g31. We know that the heat absorbed at constant volume is equal to change in the internal a funetion of Z
energy i.e.. AU = q, . But most of chemical reactions are carried out not at constant
volume, but in flasks or test tubes under constant atmospheric pressure. We need to detine
another state function which may be suitable under these conditions.
Entropy as a measure of the degree of ralndomness or disorder in the system. The greater
the disorder in an isolated system, the higher is the
entropy. The change in entropy
accompanying a chemical reaction may be estimatled qualitatively by a consideration of
the structures of the species taking part in the reaclion. Decrease of regularity in structure
would mean increase in entropy. For a given Substance, the crystalline solid state is the 5)
State of lowest entropy (most ordered), he gaseous state is state of highest entropy.
XI-Chemistry-B XI-Chemistry-B
Based on the above data, answer the 10llowing questions:
(a) Define the following:
(i) Third law of thermodynamics
ii) Gibbs free energy.
(b) Explain the relation between equilibrium constant and gibbs free energy
(c) Differentiate betveen extensive and intensive property.
Q32. The Table below shovws the Electron Gain Enthalpies / (kJ mol) of Some Main Group
The Table beiow shows the Electron Gain Enthalpies / (k% mol-) of Some Main
Group Elements:
2000 N
(20401 Nat 496)
1500 N11)
100 b03)
500 201 7
10 350L
Alomie numl» 1{79
t o n e umbeit
enthalpy of nitrogen greater than that of oxygen?
Differentiate between lonization
cnthalpy and Elcctron gain enthalpy.
Would you expect the second
Yess negative than the first? electron gain enthalpy of O as positive, more
negative or
Justily your answer.
following questions are long answer type and carry 5
questions have an internal choice. marks each. Two
Q.33. The value
of for the
KP reaction at 500k :
Q.35. 4)) Which out of NH, and NF, has higher dipole moment and why?
Compare the relative stability'of the following species and indicate their magnetic