Outline - ENGI 9854 - W2023
Outline - ENGI 9854 - W2023
Outline - ENGI 9854 - W2023
Winter 2023
Communication: MUN email should be used for all correspondence and specify the course number in
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Fundamentals of Energy Systems examines sustainability, energy return on investment, financial
viability, and thermodynamic efficiency of energy systems. Advantages and disadvantages of
energy system technologies are studied in local and global contexts with an analytical systems
approach to design and selection.
This course examines energy system fundamentals for conventional, renewable, and emerging
power generation and storage technologies. Topics include reliability, availability, and socio-
environmental impacts of fossil fuel, nuclear power, wind power, bio-renewable and non-
conventional fuels, fuel cells, carbon capture and sequestration, photovoltaics, solar thermal,
energy storage, and hydroelectric power systems. This course provides a broad overview of energy
system fundamentals for a wide variety of power generation and storage technologies to provide
students with the knowledge and skills needed to design, analysis and select more efficient and
sustainable energy systems.
Section 1 LECTURE: TT 10:30 - 11:45 am Room: C 3033
Alternative Energy Systems and Applications, 2nd Edition, B.K. Hodge, Wiley, ISBN:
(Print) 978-1-119-10921-1, (Digital eText) 978-1-119-10923-5.
1. Introduction
1.1. Energy and power
1.2. Energy usage
1.3. Efficiencies
1.4. Fundamentals of turbomachinery
2. Hydropower
2.1. Examples of hydroelectric dams
2.2. Hydraulic analysis
2.3. Specific speed consideration
2.4. Energy transfer in turbines
3. Wind Energy
3.1. Fundamental concepts
3.2. Wind energy resources
3.3. Wind turbine operation
4. Solar Energy
4.1. Radiation heat transfer review
4.2. Sun path description and calculation
4.3. Sun path development
4.4. Flat plate collector
4.5. The f-chart method
5. Fuel Cells
5.1. Fuel cell fundamentals
5.2. Fuel cell thermodynamics fundamental
5.3. Fuel cell types
6. Ocean Energy
6.1. Ocean thermal energy conversion
6.2. Tidal energy
6.3. Marine and hydrokinetic energy
7. Nuclear Energy
7.1. Fundamentals of nuclear energy
7.2. Nuclear power
7.3. Fusion power