Business English Comunication Siti Ramlah UAS
Business English Comunication Siti Ramlah UAS
Business English Comunication Siti Ramlah UAS
Mata Kuliah : Business Eng and Communication Jur/Prodi : Pend. Bahasa Inggris
SKS/Semester : 2/VII Waktu/Sifat : Tutup Buku
Dosen Pengasuh: Teguh Satria Amin, M.Hum Ruang :
1. What is Business English and Communication based on the theories and based on you?
Answer: According to Ricks and Gow defined Business Communication as a system
that is responsible to affect change throughout the whole organization. Based on me
business English and communication is Business English Communication is designed
to improve students’ business English communication ability to function effectively in
business setting, especially in the context of intercultural business environment.
2. As an English education student, is Business English and Communication important
for us? Give 3 reasons!
a) Learning business English will help you to improve your existing English skills as
well as build up new knowledge. You will study vocabulary and expressions
specific for your branch, you will learn how to write business correspondence and
do other practical work-related tasks and, at the same time, you will have a chance
to polish on your general English including grammar and pronunciation.
b) While studying business English you will learn how international companies
collaborate with one another, how they do business and build professional
c) a good level of business English can help you get the job which you wouldn’t land
without the knowledge of this global language in business context
3. Please, mention 25 vocabularies in Business field and make a short dialogue in
negotiating business!
Advertising Air travel Banking
Company structure Computers Contracts
Correspondence Employment Import-Export
Insurance Law Marketing
Meetings Money Newspaper
Numbers Presentations Property
Publishing Punctuation Resume/CV
Selling British/American financial Asset
Profitability terms
Boss: How do you think we should move forward with this project? As you know,
we are expected to present it to our clients next week.
Employee: How about we get in touch with Acme Corp and discuss moving the
deadline out three weeks?
Boss: We really need to push forward with this project to have it completed by the
deadline. They are not interested in extensions.
Employee: In that case, we could delay completion on the Archibald Co. work.
Boss: I think you are right, that is the only way we can finish working on the Acme
project by next Thursday.
4. What are the correlations between English and Business life for this era?
Answer: English has fast become the most widely used language in the world of trade
and commerce over the past decade or two. As a result, having an excellent knowledge
of English for business has become vital for success in any employee’s career. No
more so than in that of international students seeking better career prospects in an
English speaking country. The world of business requires confidence and strong
communication skills. Today, English is the dominant language of negotiation in
business across the world. Non-native English speakers are seeing the importance of
studying business English to improve their professional success
5. Is communication in daily life similar with communication in business life? Answer by
giving example!
Answer: of course not the same. The way of delivery is very different, while the
language in terms of sentences and vocabulary is very different. Example in
communication business: Assigning tasks to employees, receiving and responding to
customer feedback, and publishing a press release are all examples of business