HUGO Book Report
HUGO Book Report
HUGO Book Report
Author : Brian Selznik
Genre : Realistic Fiction
Writing style : Sequential art and
traditional novel
Setting and Time : Paris, 1930s
A young boy name Hugo Cabret lived in a train station in
Paris all alone. He would hide behind the big clock and
watch over all the happenings below him. He spent his
days making sure that all the clock in the station were
moving properly. He had to fix them sometimes and to
do this, he had to steal parts from a toy shop owned by a
grumpy old man.
Jeanne Melies
The wife of George and his muse. She loves
and protects her husband very much, takes
care of Isabelle and helps both her and Hugo
in their quest to discover the truth.
Other characters:
Friend of Isabelle who worked at the movie
theatre and let her see movies for free.
Station inspector
Employee of the train station who chased
after Hugo for stealing, but ultimately saved
his life from being run over by a train.
Discussion Questions
• What is the main message of Hugo?
• What have we learned about Hugo’s life, his routines, his fears, his
• How does the absence of family affect Hugo?
• What is Isabelle's purpose in Hugo?
• Do movies hold more than a sentimental value to Hugo, who seems to
associate them with his father?
• How is the book a piece of culture and art in itself?
• Is stealing ever acceptable?
• We all have special talents – do you know what yours is?
• How important is friendship to you?
• What would it be like to have to work at an early age to survive?