Art RD-01
Art RD-01
Art RD-01
RD-620.3 Flange Tolerances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
RD-100 SCOPE vessel is also the basis for the pressure setting of the
pressure relief devices protecting the vessel and for the
Section X provides two methods by which the thick-
design pressure to be marked on the vessel nameplate.
ness of vessel parts subject to internal or external
(b) The design shall take into account the maximum
pressure may be determined:
difference in fluid pressure which can occur under
(a) Class I Design — qualification and testing of a
the conditions of operation specified in the Design
prototype vessel;
Specification (which may include pressure due to static
(b) Class II Design — mandatory design rules and
head) between the inside and outside of the vessel at any
acceptance testing.
point or between two chambers of a combination unit.
For Class I vessels, tentative thickness of vessel
(c) The design shall take into account all combina-
parts may be determined by the suggested design proce-
tions of loadings other than pressure (see RD-120)
dures given in Appendix AA or by other procedures at
which may occur, coincident with the specified operating
the Fabricator’s option. Regardless of how the tentative
pressure and temperature. For Class I vessels, any
thicknesses of vessel parts are determined, the adequacy
additional thickness required to withstand such supple-
of the design of a vessel or vessels to be certified for
mentary loadings shall be added to that required to
specified service conditions shall be determined by
withstand pressure loading as determined by the require-
testing one or more prototype vessels in accordance
ments of Article RT-2. For Class II vessels such
with the requirements of Article RT-2; all vessels to
supplementary loadings must be included in the Design
be so certified shall be constructed in strict accordance
with the Procedure Specification utilized in fabricating
(d) When liners, whether metallic or nonmetallic,
the prototype vessel or vessels (see Article RQ-1).
are installed in vessels covered by this Section, no
For Class II vessels, thickness of vessel parts and
credit shall be given to the strength of the liner in
other fabrication details shall be determined by proce-
establishing the design pressure. However, the weight
dures specified in Article RD-11. The number of plies
of the liner shall be taken into account when determining
and ply orientation shall be as specified in the Procedure
loadings other than pressure.
Specification, Form Q-120.
Applications that require a liner for corrosion resist-
ance purposes shall be so identified in the Design
Specification. Any part of the laminate, such as an
RD-101 Design Basis
inner surface and interior layer composition as described
(a) The pressure of the fluid at the top of the vessel in ASTM D 4097, that is intended for corrosion resist-
in its normal operating position, with the laminate ance shall be so designated in the Procedure Specifica-
temperature for Class I vessels taken at 150°F (66°C) tion. The thickness of this part of the laminate shall
for design temperatures less than or equal to 150°F be in addition to that required for pressure and other
(66°C), or at the specified design temperature when loading considerations.
the design temperature exceeds 150°F (66°C). The
pressure of the fluid at the top of the vessel in its
normal operating position with the laminate temperature
as specified in the Design Specification for Class II
vessels, shall be that on which the design is based. The terms relating to design used throughout this
When applicable, static head shall be included in estab- Section, together with limiting values, are defined in
lishing the design basis. The pressure at the top of the RD-111 through RD-116.