Q1 - Analysis - Mathematics - Quarterly Assessment
Q1 - Analysis - Mathematics - Quarterly Assessment
Q1 - Analysis - Mathematics - Quarterly Assessment
Department of Education
Mean Mean Percentage Standard
Grade Level Number of Items
(x) Score (MPS) Deviation (SD)
7 40 23.68 59.20 4.635
8 40 23.415 58.535 3.915
9 40 17.16 42.90 6.97
10 40 28.845 72.11 2.355
The table above shows the mean and mean percentage score in 40 itemed
quarterly examination in Mathematics of grade 7-10 students of Agnipa National High
School-Sablayan Extension. Based on Mastery Level using PCR (source: NETRC), it
appears that grade 7-9 learners have an average mastery of learning competencies with
a mean of 23.68; 23.415; 17.16 and a mean percentage score of 59.20; 58.535; 42.90
respectively. Grade 10 learners on the other hand is moving towards mastery with a
mean of 28.845 and a mean percentage score of 72.11.
In addition, the item analysis results shows that the standard deviation of grades
7 to 10 are 4.635, 3.915, 6.97 and 2.355, respectively. The standard deviations in each
category indicate a wide dispersion of scores relative to the mean.
Action Taken
To analyze better the first quarterly assessment results, grade 7-10 Mathematics
teachers utilized an automated item analysis tool to identify which amongst the
competencies are least mastered. Then, the subject teachers focused on data gathering
and analyzing the probable root causes that results to low mastery to absolutely no
mastery of competencies through interviews. It turned out, that some factors are as
follows: low reading comprehension, lacks basic numeracy skills (performing
fundamental operations), poor study habits, poor retention, lack of interest and
excessive exposure in varied technological gadgets such as cellphones and etc.
Target Clientele:
Grade 7-10 learners whose final grade in Mathematics is below 80%.
Grade 7
1. Performs operations on rational numbers.
2. Illustrates the different properties of operations on the set of integers.
3. Solves problems involving sets with the use of Venn diagram.
Grade 8
1. Solves problems involving linear equation in two variables
2. Solves problems involving rational algebraic expressions.
3. Performs operations on rational algebraic expressions.
Grade 9
1. Solves problems involving inequalities.
2. Solves quadratic inequalities.
3. Solves problems involving quadratic equation and rational algebraic equations.
Grade 10
1. Solves problems involving sequences.
2. Solves problems involving polynomials and polynomial equations.
3. Performs division of polynomials using long method division
Prepared by: