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Methods of test for

Water for making

concrete (including
notes on the suitability
of the water)

UDC 666.972.17:691.32:628.1.03
BS 3148:1980

Cooperating organizations

The Cement, Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards

Committee, under whose direction this British Standard was prepared,
consists of representatives from the following Government departments and
scientific and industrial organizations:

Association of Consulting Engineers

Association of County Councils
Association of District Councils
Association of Metropolitan Authorities
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Products Association
British Precast Concrete Federation Ltd*.
British Quarrying and Slag Federation*
British Railways Board
British Ready Mixed Concrete Association*
British Steel industry
Cement Admixtures Association*
Cement and Concrete Association*
Cement Makers’ Federation*
Chemical Industries Association
Concrete Society Limited*
County Surveyors’ Society*
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)*
Department of the Environment (Housing and Construction)
Department of the Environment (PSA)*
Department of the Environment (Transport and Road Research Laboratory)*
Department of Transport*
Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors*
Gypsum Products Development Association
Institute of Quarrying
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Highway Engineers*
Institution of Municipal Engineers*
Institution of Public Health Engineers
Institution of Structural Engineers*
Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists*
National Federation of Building Trades Employers*
Natural Environment Research Council (Institute of Geological Science)
Royal Institute of British Architects*
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors*
Sand and Ballast Hauliers and Allied Trades Alliance
Sand and Gravel Association Limited*
Society of Chemical Industry
Stone Federation*

The organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with the
following, were directly represented on the committee entrusted with the
This British Standard, having preparation of this British Standard:
been prepared under the
direction of the Cement, Gypsum, Association of Lightweight Aggregate Manufacturers
Aggregates and Quarry Products Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales
Standards Committee, was Greater London Council
published under the authority of
the Board of BSI and comes into Individual expert
effect on
30 September 1980
Amendments issued since publication
© BSI 12-1998

First published September 1959 Amd. No. Date of issue Comments

First revision September 1980

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference CAB/4
Draft for comment 78/13468 DC

ISBN 0 580 11557 7

BS 3148:1980


Cooperating organization Inside front cover
Foreword i
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Sampling 1
5 Materials for the test 1
6 Initial setting time test 1
7 Compressive strength test 1
Appendix A Notes on the suitability of water for making concrete 2
Table 1—Test cement 1
Standards publications referred to Inside back cover

© BSI 12-1998 i
BS 3148:1980


This British Standard, prepared under the direction of the Cement, Gypsum,
Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Committee, is a revision of
BS 3148:1959 which is now withdrawn.
In the light of present knowledge it is not possible to issue a specification for
water for making concrete but only methods of testing such water. Guidance on
the suitability of water for making concrete is given in appendix A which
summarizes the present state of knowledge by which the results of chemical
analysis of waters may be used to judge their suitability for this purpose.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 4, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

ii © BSI 12-1998
BS 3148:1980

1 Scope Table 1 — Test cement

Type of cement British Minimum
This British Standard describes two methods by Standard initial setting
which water may be tested in respect of its number time
suitability for making concrete. These tests do not In the For
give information regarding the long-term durability BS this
of the concrete and appendix A summarizes the test
present state of knowledge in the light of which minutes minutes
waters may be judged as to their suitability for this Ordinary Portland cement 12 45 75
purpose. Rapid-hardening Portland
cement 12 45 75
2 References Portland-blastfurnace
The titles of the standards publications referred to cement 146 45 75
in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. Sulphate-resisting
Portland cement 4027 45 75
3 Definitions Supersulphated cement 4248 45 75
For the purposes of this British Standard the Low heat Portland cement 1370 60 90
definitions given in BS 2787 apply. Low heat
4 Sampling cement 4246 60 90
A sample of water of not less than 5 litres shall be High alumina cement 915 120 150
taken by a competent representative of the
interested parties. The sample shall be typical of the 6 Initial setting time test
water as it is to be used, due regard being paid to the A test block shall be made with the water and the
effect of seasonal variation. The sample shall not appropriate test cement, and the initial setting time
receive any treatment before testing other than that determined by the procedure described in
envisaged for the bulk supply before the latter is BS 4550-3.5 and BS 4550-3.6. A control test block
used in concrete. The sample shall be stored in a shall be made with the distilled water and the same
clean container previously rinsed out with similar cement, and the initial setting time shall be
water. determined by the same procedure.
NOTE Guidance on methods of sampling, with particular The initial setting times of the cement, determined
regard to the factors which may cause variation of composition,
will be found in BS 1328 although the refinements necessary for
from the test block and from the control test block,
obtaining accurate analytical figures will be out of place here. shall be reported. (Guidance on the suitability of the
Elaborate sample collectors are not essential and may be water, based on the initial setting time test, is given
replaced by any clean convenient container. in A.5.)
NOTE It may also be useful to continue the test to determine
5 Materials for the test the final setting time.
5.1 Distilled water. Not less than 5 litres of
distilled water shall be available for control tests 7 Compressive strength test
and shall be stored in a clean container. Concrete test cubes shall be made with the water
NOTE Deionized water is also suitable. and the appropriate test cement, and the
5.2 Test cement. Not less than 15 kg of cement compressive strength determined, by the method
shall be provided, of the same type, but not described in BS 4550-3.4. Control concrete test
necessarily of the same batch or manufacture, as it cubes shall be made with the distilled water and the
is proposed to use for the concrete. It shall be same cement, and the compressive strength shall be
thoroughly mixed, and stored in an airtight determined by the same method.
container. The cement shall comply with the Cubes shall be tested 28 days after preparation
requirements of the appropriate British Standard except in the case of concrete cubes made with high
for its type and shall have an initial setting time of alumina cement which shall be tested 24 h after
at least 30 min more than the minimum initial preparation.
setting time specified in the standard, as shown in The average strength of the test cubes and of the
Table 1. control test cubes shall be reported.
(Guidance on the suitability of the water, based on
the compressive strength test, is given in A.5.)
NOTE It may also be useful to prepare, from the same concrete
mixes, cubes for testing at other ages.

© BSI 12-1998 1
BS 3148:1980

Appendix A Notes on the suitability of A.3.2 Chlorides. The presence of chlorides in

water for making concrete concrete, either from the mixing water, or from
other sources, can present potential hazards with
A.1 General. As a general rule, water of chemical some cements or when metals are embedded in
composition acceptable for drinking, whether concrete. The amount of chloride that can be
treated for distribution through the public supply or tolerated in the mixing water depends on the total
untreated, is suitable for making concrete. amount of chloride in the concrete arising from all
sources. Recommended limiting values for total
Where public supplies are not available, water for chloride by weight of cement in different types of
concreting may have to be drawn from natural concrete are included in 6.3.8 of CP 110-1:1972. As
sources, and may contain undesirable organic a guide, the chloride content of the water should
constituents or unacceptably high contents of generally not exceed 500 mg of chloride per litre. It
inorganic salts. Surface waters in particular often is however sometimes necessary to accept higher
carry suspended matter such as oil, clay, silt, leaves concentrations in certain arid regions of the world
and other vegetable debris, and may be unsuitable where natural waters can be highly saline.
for use without physical treatment, such as
filtration or impounding to allow suspended matter Sea water has been used satisfactorily for making
to settle. plain Portland cement concrete but there is a
tendency for it to cause surface dampness and
A.2 Organic impurities. The effect of organic efflorescence. Its use may also cause a moderate
substances in natural waters on the setting time of reduction in strength.
cement or the ultimate strength of the concrete, is a Sea water should not be used in reinforced or
problem of considerable complexity. Highly coloured prestressed concrete, nor in concrete made with
waters, waters with a pronounced odour, or those in high alumina cement.
which green or brown slime-forming algae are A.3.3 Sulphates. A general guide to the acceptability
visible should be regarded with suspicion, and of sulphates in mixing water is that the sulphate
should be tested in accordance with this British content should not exceed 1 000 mg of sulphur
Standard. trioxide per litre. However, water with higher
contents has been used satisfactorily. The amount of
A.3 Inorganic impurities
sulphate that can be tolerated in the mixing water
A.3.1 General. The permissible limits for inorganic depends on the sulphate contents of the aggregates
constituents are quite wide, but in some areas of the and cement, since the critical factor is the total
world these may be present in sufficient amounts to amount of sulphate in the concrete which generally
cause gradual deterioration of the concrete. The should not exceed 4 % of sulphur trioxide by mass of
data available regarding the effect of dissolved cement, as stated in appendix A of BS 5328:1976.
solids on the strength and durability of the concrete A.3.4 Alkali carbonates and bicarbonates. Water
are insufficient for a comprehensive system of that contains alkali carbonates and bicarbonates
numerical limits to be drawn up, but some guidance may affect the setting time of the cement and the
can be given on permissible levels of certain strength of the concrete. Their presence may also be
impurities. detrimental if there is a risk of alkali-aggregate
The major ions usually present in natural waters reaction. In general, their combined total should not
are calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, exceed 1 000 mg per litre.
bicarbonate, sulphate, chloride, nitrate and, less
frequently, carbonate.1) Waters containing a A.4 Contamination from industrial wastes.
combined total of not more than 2 000 mg per litre Special attention is drawn to the need for extra
of these common ions are generally suitable as mix caution when using waters that may be
water. contaminated by industrial effluent or by drainage
from mines, mineral dumps etc. and such waters
should be tested in accordance with this British

For further information see BRE Current Paper CP 2/79 “Analysis of sulphate-bearing soils” M J Bowley, London,
HMSO 1979.

2 © BSI 12-1998
BS 3148:1980

A.5 Assessment of setting time and Values that fall outside these limits imply that the
compressive strength tests. It is considered that water is causing an effect, therefore further
water will have no significant effect on the setting consideration should be given to securing an
and hardening characteristics of concrete if, when alternative source of water, or, where the strength
tested as specified, does not fall below 80 % of the average strength of
the control test cubes, to modifying the mix
a) the initial setting times of the cement,
determined from the test block and from the
control test block, do not differ by more
than 30 min, and
b) the average compressive strength of the
concrete test cubes is not less than 90 % of the
average strength of the control test cubes.

© BSI 12-1998 3
4 blank
BS 3148:1980

Standards publications referred to

BS 12, Specification for ordinary and rapid-hardening Portland cement.

BS 146, Portland-blastfurnace cement.
BS 915, High alumina cement.
BS 1328, Methods of sampling water used in industry.
BS 1370, Specification for low heat Portland cement.
BS 2787, Glossary of terms for concrete and reinforced concrete.
BS 4027, Sulphate-resisting Portland cement.
BS 4246, Low heat Portland-blastfurnace cment.
BS 4248, Supersulphated cement.
BS 4550, Methods of testing cement.
BS 4550-3, Physical tests.
BS 4550-3.4, Strength test.
BS 4550-3.5, Determination of standard consistence.
BS 4550-3.6, Test for setting times.
BS 5328, Methods for specifying concrete.
CP 110, The structural use of concrete.
CP 110-1, Design, materials and workmanship.

© BSI 12-1998
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