Hematology L5
Hematology L5
Hematology L5
Factors affecting definition of Anemia
Signs and symptoms of Anemia
Classification of Anemia
Laboratory investigation of Anemia
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Normal Hemoglobin levels
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Some parameters for detecting
The Complete Blood Count:
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Symptoms and signs of anemia
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Symptoms and signs of anemia
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Classification of anemia on the bases of
aetiology and RBC parameters
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Decreased production vs RBC loss (increased
destruction or bleeding).
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3-Disorder of Hb synthesis:
a- Deficient globin synthesis (thalassemia syndromes).
b- Structurally abnormal globin synthesis (sickle cell
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3. Impaired red cell production:
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Morphological Classification of
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Classification of anemia based on
size of RBC
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Laboratory diagnosis of anemia
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Laboratory diagnosis of anemia
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Laboratory diagnosis of anemia
3. Reticulocyte count:
The reticulocyte count measures the production and release
of newly formed red blood cells. It should be obtained along
with the CBC and peripheral blood smear in the evaluation of
anemia, as it provides complementary information.
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Reticulocyte count:
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Laboratory diagnosis of anemia
4. Blood smear:
The wealth of information provided by the CBC and
reticulocyte count noted above is greatly complimented
by review of the peripheral blood smear.
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Morphological features of erythrocytes