Kho Kho
Kho Kho
Kho Kho
Submitted By:
Hardik Khare
This is to certify that Mr Hardik Khare of
class 12 science Divine Child International
School, Adalaj Gandhinagar has submitted
the project enlisted as
“Atheletics and Kho-Kho” as a part of
practical examination of AISSCE conducted
by CBSE was carried out under guidance
and supervision of Mr Guman Singh
Chauhan during academic year 2014-15
I feel proud to present my investigatory
project in physical education on the topic
“Athletics and Kho-Kho”. This project would
not have been possible without the proper
and rigorous guidance of my teacher Mr
GumanSingh Chauhan who guided me
throughout the project in every possible
way. I would also like to thank the school in
providing me the sports apparatus
Kho-Kho is an Indian game. This game was
originated in Poona, Maharashtra. The popularity
of this game is related with the development of
akharas and vyamshalas in Maharashtra.
Hanuman Vyayam Mandal Baroda gave this gam
a modern form. Akhil Maharashtra Sharirik
Shikshan Mandal was formed in 1928.This
organisation provided a lot of information
provided a lot of help in the development of this
game. The Deccan Gymkhana arranged a
conference in Poona in which the rules of this
game were formed. In 1960, Kho-Kho federation
of India was formed. In this year, the first
national Championship for men’s was organised.
In the year 1961, Kho-Kho championship for
women was started. In the year 1936, during the
event of BERLIN OLYMPICS, one Kho Kho Team
from Pune exhibited the salient features of the
game of KhoKho at Berlin which was highly
appreciated by Hitler. Asian Kho Kho Federation
(A.K.K.F.) was established in the year 1987 during
3rdSAF Games, held at Kolkata, India. The
member country was India, Bangladesh, Pakistan,
Sri Lanka, Nepal and Maldives.
1. Federation Cup
2. Nehru Gold Cup
3. National Kho-Kho Championship
4. Inter University Championship
5. Asian championship
6. Junior National Kho-Kho Championship
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