Tybaf Sem5 Fa-Vi Nov19
Tybaf Sem5 Fa-Vi Nov19
Tybaf Sem5 Fa-Vi Nov19
Duration: 2 %lFrrs, -":',1t"- tylarKs:-/5
a. l0 b. 15 c,20 d:25
4. Insurance business is controlled by _.
a. Insurance Act 1938 b. Insurance Rules 1939 C.lBQ Regulation 2002
d. All of the above :', ..'t ';"'
5. agency regulates and supervises NBFCs. 1..,
6. Discount received by the bank is shown under the schedule of interest earnid.
7. All nationalized Banks are governed by the Banking Regulation Act. :
8. Fair market value of shares is an average of yield ,ulr" Ino intrinsic value.
9. Goodwill is excess of sales value of business over n.t ur"fts oi;,nm;,,;..'atr'..i
10. s.unll#t-ed.;',1,", -i, "rrr:.: ..:-.:-),
LLP should have minimum two parrners where as m4r'imi+n.*ufrlinili';j;''.r,. ..:
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l. The Profit and Loss account had.a balance of Rs. 10,00,000 on lstApril, 2017.
2. An advance of Rs. 5,68,000 has become doubtful ura ii it expected that only 50yo of the
amount due can be recovered from the security.
3. The provision for tax be made at 35o/a.
4. A dividend of Rs 2,00,000 is proposed by the board of directors.
Prepare Profit & Loss Account of the Bank Ltd. for the year ending 31.t March, 2019.
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Q 2) From the following balances, prepare Balance Sheet of Prateeth Bank Ltd. as on 3l rt March,
,Particulars Dr. (Rs Lakhs) Cr (Rs Lakhs)
Share Capital 10.00
Reserve Fund
tlrp{pe$ositsl 40.00
Savings Deposits 60.00
Current Accounts 220.00
Nlofiey..at e4ll and.Sho.rtl notice 2.00
'Billd.,4iS0qunted.and purchased
Investments at Cost:
75847 Page} of 6
Silver 2.00
Advance payme4t of Tax :'!":"' '':t:,=ii 1,00 l'r;.1, 1''-.:' ',;'
Interest Accrued on Investment lI .':2i'50
Non-Banking Assets '.'0;50. i...',,.'..r'
Borrowed from Banks 2.00
Bills Payables i :.f ...! 1 r. t, \ ')
,.:., ..,,..,,: t-r"r ,1.",4_ 20.00
Profit and Loss Account (Profit for the year 2. i 0) 4.00
Dividend fluctuation fund,"1,.,:r:il ;.:llil ' l",l ,:, .i ':. ., \ l.)
:- 468.00 468.00
was a claim of Rs. 2,00,q0O ig.ain$t th; iiank,bul ngJ acknowf"aAii.m; debt. The liabilities for bilts
discounted was Rs. 32,00U iiibitltieg for forward eichange .onou.t was Rs. 10,00,000. The Directors
decided to transfer 20Yoto statutory reserves & reserves Rs. 2,000 for unexpired discounts.
- April, 2018
,'.' il,t:lMaiah. '2oI g 1,25,000
Expen e$:of Management 2,90.000
,re"oinmiss.i6n: ,
1,60.000 1s.000
0n,,ihsruraqi. ., c"e_4ed "
Particulars ." J
..Di;(R.s):r' Cr, (BS),.
Fire fund (as on l-4-2018) ,i;
:' ;_,,.1..:'
:;; .r::' ii.,,,. r3.000
Additional Reserve 1.,: ., i,,...;r. .- ,i ..ii."1r'r1i 133,000
Premium :i.
,\ i.2,70.150
Claims paid ' ,,6A|?00,
Profit & Loss A/c (Cr) 7,500
Re- insurance Premium 11.200
Claim recovered from Re-ins*brS'..:,' 1,, -'j;fll.l 2,100
Commission on Re-insurance ceded 4.800
Commission on direct business ':19:970
Commission on *"-tnrutuoda.$cc'ept9.d..,,..::I 6.000
Outstanding Premium"',.1':'1-' :',.l: ,{ 2.250
Claims intimated but not paid: (1 -4-20 I 8\ 6,000
Expenses on Management' 43,190
Audit fees 3.600
Rates and Taxes 550
Rents 6,750
Income from Investments 15,300
The fol further in also be noted:
legal expenses of Rs.3,600 and Rs. 2,000
Q 4) Alex and Rex are in partnership sharing Profit and Losses equally. The Trial Balance of the
firm on 3l't March, 2019 was as follows: tls]
Trial Balance as on 3l.t March,20l9
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Insurance 2,000
- Alex 2,000
Rex 3,000
Cash in Hand 5,000;:
Rent 7,000
Power and Fuel 3,000
1.77.000 l.riT,ooo
J. Outstanding expenses
4. Write offRs. 2,000 for
5. Depreciate Land
From the above Trial accounts ofLLP
under: [081
The Company earned profits (after tax) for the past five years as follows:
Yearended Prolit after Tax (Rs) Income tax rate
3l-3-2015 1,90,000 40%
3t-3-2016 3,38,000 35%
3t-3-2017 3,64,000 35%
3l-3-2018 ,i: 2,601000 35%
3t-3-201,9 4,20,000 30%
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