Auditing Bits
Auditing Bits
Auditing Bits
PAPER - 12
Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament
“The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
would be the preferred source of
resources and professionals for the
financial leadership of enterprises
Vijayawada Chapter of
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
PAPER - 12
Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament
PAPER - 12
(I) Choose the most appropriate one from given four alternatives
1. Underwriting Agreements are of
(A) One type
(B) Two types
(C) Three types
(D) Four types
4. Rate of provisioning by a Bank for Advances doubtful for more than 1 year but less
than 3 years is
(A) 25%
(B) 40%
(C) 60%
(D) 100%
6. Which of the following items is not a part of cash flow from operating activities?
(A) Collection from customers
(B) Payment of outstanding wages
(C) Payment to suppliers of machinery
(D) Advances to foreign suppliers for raw materials
9. Inventory is
(A) Included in Fixed Assets
(B) An investment
(C) A part of Current Assets
(D) An intangible
10. Which of the following is/are the source/s of bonus issue of shares?
(A) Free Reserves
(B) Securities Premium Account
(C) Capital Redemption Reserve Account
(D) All of the above
11. When a shareholder fails to pay calls, the company, if empowered by its articles,
(A) Surrender the shares
(B) Forfeit the shares
(C) Reissue the shares
(D) All of the above
17. Sundry Creditors for Goods or Services, and acceptances should be disclosed as part
of _____.
(A) Trade payable
(B) Trade receivable
19. X Ltd. holds 51% of Y Ltd., Y Ltd. holds 51% of W Ltd., Z Ltd. holds 49% of W. Ltd. As per
AS 18, Related Parties are:
(A) X Ltd., Y Ltd. & W Ltd.
(B) X Ltd. & Z Ltd.
(C) Y Ltd. & Z Ltd.
(D) X Ltd. & Y Ltd. only
20. The fair value of Plan assets of A LTD. at beginning and end of the year 2015-2016
were Rs. 4,00,000 and Rs. 5,70,000 respectively. The employer's contribution to the
plan during the year was Rs. 1,40,000. If benefit payments to retirees were Rs. 1,00,000
what would be the actual return on plan assets (as per AS15) ?
(A) Rs. 1,50,000 lakhs
(B) Rs. 1,30,000 lakhs
(C) Rs. 1,20,000 lakhs
(D) Insufficient Information
22. The Electricity Act, 2003 replaced which of the following three existing legislations?
(A) The Indian Electricity Act, 1910
(B) The Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948
(C) The Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998
(D) All of the above
24. Cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets is a cash flow from _________ activity
(A) Operating
(B) Investing
(C) Financing
(D) None of the above
27. 10% Debenture will come under _____________ of Balance Sheet (Schedule III)
(A) Long term Borrowing
(B) Current Liabilities
(C) Non Current Assets
(D) Other current Liabilities
29. For which of the following Share Premium Account may be applied?
(A) issue of fully paid bonus shares to the members of the company
(B) writing off preliminary expenses of the company
(C) writing off the expenses of the commission paid or discount allowed on any issue
of shares or debentures of the company
(D) All of the above
32. Premium on redemption of redeemable preference shares can be paid out of?
(A) Capital Redemption Reserve account
(B) Existing shares premium account
(C) Proceed of fresh issue of shares
(D) All of the above
33. When shares are allotted, they will be credited to which account?
(A) Share Capital Account
(B) Share Allotment Account
(C) Share Application Account
(D) Share First and Final Call Account
34. While preparing Cash Flow Statement of XY Ltd., a finance company, interest
received on loans should be shown as
(A) Cash Flow from Operating Activities
(B) Cash Flow from Investing Activities
(C) Cash Flow from Financing Activities
(D) Cash and Cash Equivalent
35. As per Schedule III Current Maturities of Long Term Borrowings should be shown under
(A) Current Assets in Balance Sheet
(B) Non-current Liability in Balance Sheet
(C) Current Liabilities in Balance Sheet
(D) Other Expenses in Statement of Profit and Loss
36. Which of the following is not a criterion for selecting a reportable segment under AS
(A) 10% or more of aggregate revenue of all segment
(B) 10% or more of aggregate assets of all segment
(C) 10% or more of aggregate liabilities of all segment
(D) 10% or more of aggregate profit or loss of all segment (higher of the two)
37. Which of the following is not a mandatory financial statement of a General Insurance
Company as per IRDA regulations?
(A) Revenue Account
(B) Profit and Loss Account
(C) Balance Sheet
(D) Cash Flow Statement
38. A Banking Company needs to transfer a minimum of ______ its profit to reserve fund.
(A) 10%
(B) 15%
(C) 20%
(D) 25%
40. The Electricity Act, 2003 replaced which of the following three existing legislations?
(A) The Indian Electricity Act, 1910
(B) The Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948
(C) The Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998
(D) All of the above
43. Which of the following reserves cannot be used for the purpose of issuing bonus
(A) Revaluation Reserve
(B) Dividend Equalization Reserve
(C) Capital Redemption Reserve
(D) General Reserve
45. Installment of principal amount of long term loan payable within next 12 months is
shown under Balance Sheet of a company under the heading
(A) Non current Assets
(B) Non current Liabilities
(C) Current Assets
(D) Current Liabilities
50. In a Balance Sheet prepared under Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013, 'Share
application money pending allotment' shall be shown
(A) under Shareholder's Fund
(B) under Non-current Liabilities
(C) under Current Liabilities
(D) as a separate line item.
51. In case of Cash Flow Statement prepared under Direct Method, decrease in current
liabilities is
(A) added to cash flow from operating activities
(B) deducted to cash flow from operating activities
(C) added to cash flow from investing activities
(D) None of the above
53. In case of Electricity Company while calculating depreciation for the purpose of tariff
as per Regulation 21, the salvage value of the Asset shall be considered as
(A) 3%
(B) 5%
(C) 10%
(D) None of the above
54. As per Section 52 of Companies Act 2013, Securities Premium A/c cannot be used
(A) to issue fully paid up bonus shares
(B) to pay interim dividend
(C) to write off the discount on issue of debentures
(D) to write off the premium on redemption of preference shares
56. In case of purchase of assets under installment payment system, installments due
after 12 months from the reporting date are shown as
(A) Current liability
(B) Current assets
(C) Non-current liability
(D) Non-current assets
57. Bonus paid at the end along with the policy amount to the policy holders is called
(A) Production bonus
(B) Reversionary bonus
(C) Gratuitous bonus
(D) Maturity bonus
58. In relation to an Electricity Company the amount of security deposit = Load x Load
factor of the category in which the customer falls x Current tariff x _________.
(A) Billing cycle + 45 days
(B) Billing cycle + 30 days
(C) Billing cycle + 15 days
(D) Billing cycle + 20 days
Answer Key:
(1) (B) Two types
(2) (B) AS 17
(3) (D) General Reserve
(4) (B) 40%
(5) (B) under Non-current Liability
(6) (C) Payment to suppliers of machinery
(7) (A) Trade Marks
(8) (A) International Accounting Standard Board
(9) (C) A part of Current Assets
(10) (D) All of the above
(11) (B) forfeit the shares
(12) (D) All of the above
(13) (A) Unknown Liability
(14) (C) Notes to accounts
(15) (D) Trial Balance
(16) (B) Sec 123
(17) (A) Trade payable
(18) (B) Investing Activity
(19) (A) X Ltd., Y Ltd. & W Ltd
(20) (B) Rs. 1,30,000 lakhs
(21) (D) Balance Sheet
(22) (D) All of the above
(23) (A) Burglary
(24) (B) Investing
(25) (B) Charging of Depreciation
(26) (A) Profit and Loss Account
(27) (A) Long term Borrowing
(28) (D) All of the above
(29) (D) All of the above
(30) (D) Asset Revaluation Reserves
(31) (A) Car
(32) (B) Existing shares premium account
(33) (A) Share Capital Account
(34) (A) Cash Flow from Operating Activities
(35) (C) Current Liabilities in Balance Sheet
(36) (C) 10% or more of aggregate liabilities of all segment
(37) (D) Cash Flow Statement
(38) (D) 25%
(39) (C) Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(40) (D) All of the above
(41) (D) All of the above
(42) (D) Nil
(43) (A) Revaluation Reserve
(44) (C) Three types
(45) (D) Current Liabilities
(46) (A) Both fully and partly paid-up securities can be bought back
(47) (D) 100%
(48) (D) Except as provided in Section 54, a company shall not issue shares at a discount
(49) (C) Capital Reserve
(50) (D) as a separate line item
(51) (B) deducted to cash flow from operating activities
(52) (D) Both (A) and (B)
(53) (C) 10%
(54) (B) to pay interim dividend
(55) (C) redeemable before the expiry of 20 years from the date of issue
(56) (C) Non-current liability
(57) (B) Reversionary bonus
(58) (A) Billing cycle + 45 days
(59) (D) Revenue Accounts
Column I Column II
1. Grants received from Government A Capital Redemption Reserve
2. Redemption of Debentures B AS 15
3. Issue of Bonus Shares C AS 12
4. Defined benefit plans D Sinking Fund
Column I Column II
1. AS 16 A Employee Benefits
2. AS 19 B Borrowing costs
3. AS 12 C Accounting for Government Grants
4. AS 15 D Accounting for Leases
Column I Column II
1. Section 54 A Sweat Equity Shares
2. Section 68 B Power of company to purchase its own
3. Section 55 C Issue and Redemption of Preference Shares
4. Section 71 D Issue of Debentures
Column I Column II
1. Treatment of Voluntary A Capital Reserve
Retirement Scheme Payments
2. Balance of Forfeited Shares A/c B Amalgamation
3. Interest and Dividend Received C AS – 26
4. Pooling of Interest Method D AS – 15
5. Recognition of Intangible Asset E Investing activities of Cash Flow
Column I Column II
1. AS – 17 A Premium on issue of shares
2. Tax paid B Segmental Reporting
3. Capital Profit C Dividend unpaid
4. Contingent Liability D Revenue expenditure
5. Current Liability E Notes to account
Column I Column II
1. Defined Contribution Plans A AS – 20
2. Amalgamation in the nature of B Unearned finance income
3. Diluted Potential Equity Shares C AS – 15
Column I Column II
1. All costs associated with A AS – 26
amalgamation are capitalized
2. Accounting treatment of foreign B Purchase Method
currency transactions.
3. Guidance on internally C AS – 20
generated computer software
4. Provision for Restructuring Cost D AS – 11
5. Diluted Potential Equity Share E AS - 29
Column I Column II
1. Result of Transaction A AS – 9
2. Charged against profit B Current Liability
3. Bank overdraft C Event
4. Revenue Recognition D AS – 29
5. Provision and Contingents E Depreciation
Column I Column II
1. Long Term Liability A Preliminary Expenses
2. Fictitious Asset B Historical Cost
3. Unearned Income C Debenture
4. Asset Required D Liability
5. Accumulated Depreciation E Asset
Column I Column II
1. AS – 2 A Construction Contract
2. AS – 6 B Accounting for Fixed Assets
3. AS – 7 C Valuation of Inventory
4. AS – 9 D Depreciation Accounting
5. AS – 10 E Revenue Recognition
Column I Column II
1. Preliminary Expenses A Premium on issue of shares
2. Tax Paid B Deferred Revenue Expenditure
3. Capital Profit C Dividend unpaid
4. Contingent Liability D Revenue Expenditure
5. Current Liability E Notes to Account
Column I Column II
1. AS 16 A Export Credit Guarantee Corporation
Column I Column II
1. Guaranteed Residual Value A Capital Reserve
2. Premium on Redemption of B AS 11
Preference Shares
3. Exchange Difference C Securities Premium A/c
4. Profit on reissue of forfeited D AS 19
Column I Column II
1. Government Grants A Capital Redemption Reserve
2. Redemption of Debentures B AS 16
3. Un-guaranteed Residual Value C AS 12
4. Borrowing Cost D AS 19
Column I Column II
1. Functional Currency A Electricity Company
2. Surrender Value B AS 19
3. Service Line Development C AS 11
4. Contingent Rent D Insurance Company
E No match found
Column I Column II
1. Underwriting A Issue and Redemption of Preference
2. Borrowing cost B Firm
3. Dividend and Interest C Qualifying Assets
4. Section 55 of Companies Act D Investing Activity
Column I Column II
1. Contribution on actuarial basis for A AS 17
Gratuity benefits
2. Buy back of equity shares B AS 15
3. Capitalization of borrowing costs C Securities Premium a/c
4. Geographical segment D AS 16
Answer Key:
Ans: 1
i) C
ii) D
iii) A
iv) B
Ans: 2
(i) B
(ii) D
(iii) C
(iv) A
Ans: 3
(i) C
(ii) D
(iii) B
(iv) A
Ans: 4
(i) D
(ii) A
(iii) E
(iv) B
(v) C
Ans: 5
(i) B
(ii) D
(iii) A
(iv) E
(v) C
Ans: 6
(i) C
(ii) D
(iii) A
(iv) E
(v) B
Ans: 7
(i) B
(ii) D
(iii) A
(iv) E
(v) C
Ans: 8
(i) C
(ii) E
(iii) B
(iv) A
(v) D
Ans: 9
(i) C
(ii) A
(iii) E
(iv) B
(v) D
Ans: 10
(i) C
(ii) D
(iii) A
(iv) E
(v) B
Ans: 11
(i) B
(ii) D
(iii) A
(iv) E
(v) C
Ans: 12
(i) D
(ii) E
(iii) F
(iv) G
(v) B
(vi) C
(vii) J
(viii) A
(ix) H
(x) I
Ans: 13
(i) D
(ii) C
(iii) B
(iv) A
Ans: 14
(i) C
(ii) A
(iii) D
(iv) B
Ans: 15
(i) C
(ii) D
(iii) A
(iv) B
Ans: 16
(i) B
(ii) C
(iii) D
(iv) A
Ans: 17
(i) B
(ii) C
(iii) D
(iv) A
32. ‘Unmarked’ applications are those applications which bear the stamp of an
33. The sum which is still to be paid to the Company for a share is known as calls in
34. One of the conditions for issue of sweat equity shares is — not less than one year
has, at the date of such issue, elapsed since the date on which the company had
commenced business.
35. The value base for the purpose of depreciation for the purpose of Tariff as per
Regulation 21 shall be the historical cost of the asset.
36. Every banking company incorporated in India is required to transfer at least 15% of
its profit to the reserve fund.
37. A bank can maintain Cash reserve with itself or by way of a balance in the Current
account with the reserve bank or by way of net balance in current accounts or in
one or more of the aforesaid ways.
38. Every banking company is required to submit a return in the prescribed form and
manner to the Reserve Bank of India at the end of each calendar year of all
accounts in India which could not be operated for 5 years.
39. The Electricity Act, 2003 replaced four existing legislations.
40. The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission shall consist of a chairperson and 3
41. In case of Electricity Company, Balance of Security Deposit A/c at the end of the
accounting period should be disclosed as a Non-current liability in the Balance
42. The profit on forfeiture and re-issue of equity shares are credited to Capital
Redemption Reserve.
43. As per Companies Act 2013, companies are not permitted to buy back their own
shares out of securities premium.
44. Bonus is the share of profit which is payable by the insurance company to the
45. Interest on loan is included in ‘other operating expenses’ under the Statement of
Profit and Loss.
46. Buy-back of shares can also be made out of the proceeds of the earlier issues of the
same kind of shares.
47. Operating Lease is a lease which transfers substantially all the risks and rewards
incidental to ownership.
48. Machinery purchased by issuing shares is shown under Cash Flow from Investments
Activities in Cash Flow Statement.
49. Rollover must be with the written consent of the debenture holders.
50. Cash comprises cash in hand and foreign currency balances.
51. Minimum aggregate value of Paid-up Capital and Reserve in case of a Banking
Company incorporated outside India not having place(s) of business in the city of
Mumbai or Kolkata or both should be Rs. 15 lakhs.
Answer Key:
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. False
10. True
11. True
12. False
13. False
14. False
15. True
16. True
17. True
18. False
19. True
20. True
21. True
22. True
23. False
24. False
25. False
26. False
27. True
28. False
29. False
30. True
31. False
32. False
33. True
34. True
35. True
36. False
37. True
38. False
39. False
40. True
41. True
42. False
43. False
44. True
45. False
46. False
47. False
48. False
49. True
50. True
51. True
(I) Choose the most appropriate one from given four alternatives
1. Which of the following is not an audit risk?
(A) Inherent Risk
(B) Detection Risk
(C) Control Risk
(D) Omission Risk D
2. Dividend cannot be paid out of
(A) current year's profit after providing depreciation
(B) undistributed profits for any previous financial year or years after providing for
c depreciation
(C) profit on revaluation of any fixed assets
(D) money provided by the Central Government or a State Government
6. The first Auditor of a Company shall be appointed by the Board of Directors within
(A) 30 days from the date of registration
(B) 90 days from the date of registration
(C) 30 days from the date of first AGM
(D) 1 year from the date of registration A
7. The _________________ is also expected to provide the resources needed and select
staff members to accompany the auditors.
(A) Auditor
(B) Client
(C) Internal auditor D
(D) Auditee
8. Each of the three parties involved in an audit _____________ plays a role that
contributes to its success.
(A) the client, the auditor, and the auditee
(B) the client, the auditor, and the auditee
(C) the client, the moderator, and the auditee
(D) the client, the auditor, and the auditee
(B) Internal Audit
(C) Annual Audit
(D) All of the above
22. An auditor is required to retain the books of accounts for how long?
(A) 1 yrs
(B) 5 yrs
(C) 7 yrs C
(D) None of the above
25. In case of a company other than a Government Company, any casual vacancy in
the post of auditor is to be filled by the
(A) Board of Directors
(B) Managing Director
(C) Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)
(D) Shareholders
28. Unpaid dividend standing at the credit of Unpaid Dividend A/C should be transferred
to Investor Education and Protection Fund after _______ years of its remaining unpaid.
(A) six
(B) eight
(C) seven C
(D) five
29. Which of the following services cannot be rendered by an auditor as per Companies
Act 2013?
(A) Vouching
(B) Verification of assets and liabilities
(C) Issuing certificates on relevant matters
(D) Providing investment advisory services
30. Various types of quality audits are;
(A) Product
(B) Process
(C) Management (system)
(D) Registration (certification)
(e) All of above
31. When the auditor is an employee of the organization being audited (auditee), the
audit is classified as a ____ Quality audit.
(A) Internal
(B) External
(C) Compliance A
(D) Both A & B
32. The most comprehensive type of audit is the ____ system audit, which examines
suitability and effectiveness of the system as a whole.
(A) Quantity
(B) Quality
(C) Preliminary
(D) Sequential A
33. Audit is a fact-finding process that compares actual results with ______
(A) Specified standards and plans
(B) Expected results
(C) Premature results
(D) Preliminary results
34. CAAT stands for-
(A) Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust
(B) Children Air Ambulance Trust
(C) Center for alternatives to Animal Testing
(D) Computer Assisted Auditing Technique
46. While conducting audit of financial statement auditor need to comply with
(A) Cost Audit Standards
(B) Secretarial standards
(C) Auditing Standards
(D) None of the above
47. Cost Audit can be done by the-
(A) Employee of the organization
(B) Cost Auditor
(C) Secretarial Auditor B
(D) None of the above
55. If the Debentures are issued as collateral security either to Banks or Creditors the
Auditor needs to ensure that such issue is approved by
(A) Shareholders
(B) Board of Directors
(C) Debenture Trustee
(D) Audit Committee
56. As per SQC 1, Audit working papers should be retained for a period of
(A) 2 years
(B) 5 years
(C) 7 years
(D) 10 years
60. An individual auditor who has completed his term shall not be eligible for
reappointment as auditor in the same company for
(A) Next 3 Years
(B) Next 5 Years
(C) Next 7 Years
(D) Next 8 Years
61. Secretarial Audit is applicable to the Public Company having the paid-up share
capital of Rs. __________________.
(A) 50 crore
(B) 75 crore
(C) 100 crore A
(D) 200 crore
62. Internal Control Questionnaire contains the questions which need to be followed by
the _______________________ .
(A) Employer of the organisation
(B) Employee of the organisation
(C) Auditor of the entity
(D) Banker to the organisation
63. Declaration of dividend is covered under section _____________ of the Companies Act,
(A) 122
(B) 123
(C) 124 B
(D) 125
65. Which of the following is not included in the Current Audit File?
(A) Memorandum and Articles of Association
(B) Current year’s audit programme
(C) Internal Control Questionnaire
(D) Copies of budget
66. Which of the following is not external audit evidence?
(A) Quotations
(B) Confirmation from debtors
(C) Goods Received Note
(D) Confirmation from bankers
67. Cost Auditor is appointed by
(A) Audit Committee
(B) Board of Directors C
(C) Board of Directors on recommendation from Audit Committee
(D) None of the above
68. Remuneration of Auditors is covered under the following section of Companies Act,
(A) Section 142
(B) Section 148
(C) Section 139
(D) Section 143 A
Answer Key:
(1) (D) Omission Risk
(2) (C) profit on revaluation of any fixed assets
(3) (C) copies of management letters
(4) (C) Both (A) and (B)
(5) (A) Board of Directors
(6) (A) 30 days from the date of registration
(7) (D) Auditee
(8) (D) the client, the auditor, and the auditee
(9) (C) Audit Documentation
(10) (D) Analysis of significant ratios and trends
(11) (A) Section 204
(12) (A) Assets
(13) (B) Expenses
(14) (A) CRA-1
(15) (A) 4
(16) (B) Final
Column I Column II
Responsibility of Joint Auditor
Unable to form an overall conclusion on
c A
Qualified Audit Report
SA 230
Financial Statement d
Audit Report with reservations A C SA 299
4. Audit Documentation b D Disclaimer of Opinion
Column I Column II
1. Independent Directors c A Unqualified Opinion
2. Maximum term of Firm as Auditor b B 2 Consecutive terms of 5 years
3. Maximum term of Individual as C Audit committee
Auditor d
4. True and Fair Audit Report a D 1 term of 5 years
Column I Column II
1. Statutory Audit C A Final Audit
2. Annual Audit B Comptroller and Auditor General of
A India
3. Functional Classification of Audit D C Tax Audit
4. The authority for Govt. Audit B D External and Internal Audit
Column I Column II
1. Independent Appraisal Activity D A Secretarial Audit Report
2. Verification E B Final product of audit
3. Audit Report B C Section 123
4. Form MR 3 A D Internal Audit
5. Declaration of Dividend E Proving the truth
(5) Match the following:
Column I Column II
b 1. Appointment of Company Auditor A Current Audit File
2. Remuneration of a Company B Sec. 139 of Companies Act, 2013
Auditor D
3. Different Accounting Schedules C Permanent Audit File
such as schedule of debtors and
creditors A
4. Analysis of significant ratios and D Sec. 142 of Companies Act, 2013
trends C
Column I Column II
1. Statutory Audit A Comptroller and Auditor General of
D India
2. Functional Classification of Audit B Audit against provision of funds
3. Tax Audit limit for a person C Basic principal governing an audit
carrying on profession
4. Primary Objective of Audit D Tax Audit
5. The authority for Government E Final Audit
6. Scope of Work F Determine whether financial statement
presents true and fair view.
7. SA 200 G Audit Engagement
8. Tax Audit limit for a Company H External and Internal Audit
9. To ensure that the expenditure is I Twenty Five Lakh Rupees
made according to limit.
10. Annual Audit J Hundred Lakh Rupees
Column I Column II
1. SA 210 A Audit Note Book
2. SA 230 B Audit Sampling
3. Detailed of Audit work to be performed C Opinion of Financial Statement
4. Copies of Management Letters D Audit Working Papers
5. Analysis of Significant Ratios & Trends E Audit Planning
6. SA 530 F Current Audit File
7. Detail about the name and G Permanent Audit File
organization structure
8. Property of Auditor H Audit Programme
9. SA 300 I Agreeing the terms of Audit
10. Objective of an Audit J Audit Documentation
Column I Column II
1. GAR 7 Challan A Excise Duty
2. Ind AS 37 B Contingent Liability
3. SA 265 C Communication deficiencies in Internal
Control to those charged with
Governance and Management.
4. Proving the Truth D Verification
5. Section 138 of the Companies Act E Intangible Assets
Column I Column II
1. Maximum term of firm as Auditor A 2 Consecutive terms of 5 years
2. Minimum fees for contravention B BOD
of Section 139
3. Maximum fees for contravention C A company which is a subsidiary of
of Section 139 Government Company
4. Independent Directors D Sec. 145 of the Companies Act, 2013
Column I Column II
1. Secretarial Audit Report A CRA – 1
2. Sec. 204 of the Companies Act B Cost Audit
3. Secretarial Audit C Board of Directors
4. Intimation for appointment of D CRA – 4
Cost Auditor to Central
5. Casual Vacancy in the office of a E Cost Audit Report by the Auditor to
Cost Auditor is filed by - Company
6. Form for filling Cost Audit Report F MR 3
with the Central Government
7. Sec. 148 of the Companies Act G 1 lakh rupees which can extend to 5
lakh rupees
8. CRA 3 H Secretarial Audit
9. Cost Accounting Records I Listed Companies
10. Penalty for non compliance of J CRA - 2
Sec. 204
Column I Column II
1. True and Fair Audit Report A Forming and Opinion and Reporting on
Financial Statements.
2. Audit report with certain B Audit Report
3. SA 700 C Unable to form overall opinion on
Financial Statement.
4. Negative Report D One Lakh Rupees
5. Fine for Violation of Sec. 143 (12) E Four Times
6. SA 600 F Unqualified Opinion
7. Expression of opinion of Financial G Using the work of Another Auditor
8. Disclaimer of Opinion H Does not agree with affirmation made
by the management in the books.
9. Scope paragraph I Qualified Report.
Column I Column II
1. More than one persons or firm of A Branch Audit
Chartered Accountants are
Column I Column II
1. Independent Appraisal Activity A Secretarial Audit Report
2. SA700 B Section 123
3. Form MR 3 C Internal Audit
4. Declaration of Dividend D Forming an opinion and reporting on
financial statements.
Column I Column II
1. The authority for Government Audit A Audit Programme
2. Details of Audit work to be performed B Comptroller on Auditor General
3. Removal of Statutory Company Auditor C Audit Note Book
4. Details about Name and Organization D Section 40
E No match found
Column I Column II
1. CRA – 1 A Audit Sampling
2. Verification B Maintenance of Cost Records by the
3. SA 530 C Comptroller and Auditor General of
4. The authority for Government D Providing the truth
Column I Column II
1. Section 144 of the Companies Act A Fundamental Accounting Assumption
2. Reporting of fraud by Auditor to B External and Internal Audit
Central Government
3. Functional Classification of Audit C Form ADT – 4
4. Going Concern D Auditors not to render certain services
Answer Key:
Ans: 1
i) C
ii) D
iii) A
iv) B
Ans: 2
i) C
ii) B
iii) D
iv) A
Ans: 3
i) C
ii) A
iii) D
iv) B
Ans: 4
i) D
ii) E
iii) B
iv) A
v) C
Ans: 5
i) B
ii) D
iii) A
iv) C
Ans: 6
i) D
ii) H
iii) I
iv) F
v) A
vi) G
vii) C
viii) J
ix) B
x) E
Ans: 7
i) I
ii) J
iii) H
iv) F
v) G
vi) B
vii) A
viii) D
ix) E
x) C
Ans: 8
i) A
ii) B
iii) C
iv) D
v) E
Ans: 9
i) E
ii) G
iii) H
iv) J
v) B
vi) I
vii) C
viii) A
ix) F
x) D
Ans: 10
i) F
ii) H
iii) I
iv) J
v) C
vi) D
vii) B
viii) E
ix) A
x) G
Ans: 11
i) G
ii) J
iii) A
iv) I
v) E
vi) H
vii) B
viii) C
ix) D
Ans: 12
i) D
ii) C
iii) E
iv) B
v) A
Ans: 13
i) C
ii) D
iii) A
iv) B
Ans: 14
i) B
ii) A
iii) D
iv) C
Ans: 15
i) B
ii) D
iii) A
iv) C
Ans: 16
i) D
ii) C
iii) B
iv) A
Answer Key:
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. False
11. False
12. True
13. False
14. False
15. False
16. True
17. False
18. False
19. True
20. False
21. False
22. False
23. False
24. True
25. True
26. True
27. True
28. False
29. False
30. True
31. False
32. True
33. True
34. False
35. True
36. False
37. True
38. True
39. True
40. True
41. False
42. False
43. False
44. False
45. True
46. False
47. False
48. True
49. False
50. True
51. True
52. False
53. True
54. True
55. False
56. True
57. False
58. False
59. False
60. True
61. True
62. True
63. True
64. False
65. True
66. True
67. True
68. False
69. True
70. False
71. True
72. False
73. True
74. False
75. True
76. True
77. True
78. False
79. False
80. False
81. False
82. True
83. False
84. False
85. False
86. True
87. True
88. False
89. False
90. False
91. False
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