Quy 1008 Asm1 5036
Quy 1008 Asm1 5036
Quy 1008 Asm1 5036
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Summative Feedbacks: Resubmission Feedbacks:
1: Management concept
Assumption: MB bank is one of the most used banks. In the two years 2020 and 2021, MB attracts
1.86 million users (Annual Report, 2020). Therefore, in March 2022, MB had an impressive media
campaign and invested a lot of money to continue to break through. The manager held a meeting
with 6 employees, announced the campaign and clearly stated the requirements of the work done in
5 such as main colors, fonts, slogans, logos,... In 5 days , the manager regularly works with
employees, solves problems right when needed, keeps track of employees. In addition, the
management always backs up multiple copies to avoid machine failure and unexpected file loss. As
a result, the banners and posters designed by them are very suitable, the manager and the staff have
succeeded in this task.
The above situation clearly demonstrates the three skills of a manager: conceptual, technical, and
interpersonal communication. First, managers have conceptual skills demonstrated by the fact that
the leadership has reviewed the overall task, devised a plan for employees to perform, including
application time and job requirements. . Second, technical skills are demonstrated through a
manager's understanding of the job's content, goals, requirements, and details of employee
communication. Managers clearly understand the processes and methods of specific activities.
Finally, interpersonal skills are demonstrated by the manager working with the employee as a team
member, discussing and coordinating to achieve the best results.
Assumption: Fashion house Yody is scheduled to hold a spring collection launch show. Leaders
have clearly discussed and shared about the purpose, content and mission of the performance with
employees. The company invited models to show off their outfits. Right at the time of the event,
staff and management received news that the main model was positive for Covid 19 and could not
continue to participate in the event. Leaders reassure and motivate people. The leader responds by
choosing one person on the team to replace that person. The reasonable handling of the situation
helped the event to take place successfully.
The above situation has demonstrated 3 skills of a leader including communication skills, problem
solving skills and positive skills. Firstly, communication skills are demonstrated by conveying
information clearly to employees so that employees can understand it properly. Problem-solving
skills are demonstrated through pre-event modeling incidents. Leaders actively motivate people,
avoid creating a stressful atmosphere, and have assertive problem solving methods that make the
event a success.
This is an approach that promotes rationality and makes organizers and employees most productive.
The classical approach is considered from three angles: administrative theory, scientific
management, bureaucracy (Mullins, 2019). First, about scientific management, Taylor believes that
there is a best method by which everyone should do their job (Mullins, 2019). The scientific method
is aimed at increasing the productivity of each employee, leading to high efficiency in the
organization. Workflows can be broken down into tasks and the scientific method is applied to
figure out the best way to do the task. For this method, managers need to recruit, train and help
employees do the job. Workers need to absorb and properly implement new methods (Mullins,
2019). Administrative management is a method based on the use of principles to manage an
organization. 14 principles were introduced by Fayol along with the common development in
management principles (Mullins, 2019). Firstly, the principle of division of work is based on the
assignment of tasks to each employee. Next is the principle of authority and responsibility,
discipline of employees. Working in any organization requires discipline, responsibility, and
entitlement. The organization should follow unity of command and unity of direction. Followed by
principles including the dependence of self-interest, remuneration, degree of concentration, scalar
series. These are principles that help organizations and employees work together to achieve a
common goal. In addition, there is order, fairness, stability in terms of personnel tenure, initiative,
esprit de Corps. The equality and creativity of workers should be respected and guaranteed.
Bureaucratic management is done in such a way that the organization is divided into departments
with specific tasks. This is the work done by managers and officers in charge to ensure the
performance of the organization (Mullins, 2019).
As society develops, people pay more attention to the working environment and employee behavior.
The essence of this method is to focus on the relationship between people. Through positive
relationships, employee productivity and motivation are likely to increase. When employees are
empowered with self-determination, equal participation, performing to their full potential, and being
treated positively, productivity increases (Mullins, 2019).
For example: Masan is a testament to motivating employees to work more effectively, making
employees feel proud. Masan Joint Stock Company has issued nearly 5.8 million shares to reward
25 employees in recognition of their contributions. In the first months of 2019, Masan reported a
profit of nearly VND 1,000 billion, the company's profit was VND 865 billion (Nguyen, 2019). This
is Masan's effective way of doing it. It helps employees become shareholders of the company, feel
proud of themselves and their achievements are recognized. The advantage is shown in the
employee's increased work motivation and increased work productivity. However, the organization
also needs to pay attention to objective environmental factors, and non-financial rewards to avoid
employees doing bad things for money.
*Quantitative approach:
This is the method founded by Taylor. The quantitative approach is the use of quantitative
techniques such as statistics, linear programming, decision trees, network analysis, computer
simulations to make more profitable decisions (Mullins, 2019).
For example, HR Asia organizes the Best Company to Work for in Asia award to honor businesses
with vibrant HR activities. HR Asia has selected TH enterprise based on the following criteria:
company culture, emotions, and collective action to receive that award (Van, 2021). From the
survey, HR Asia objectively assesses TH's strength in terms of human-centered, human-centered
strategy, and sustainable system development (Van, 2021). The results of the survey among
businesses help HR Asia choose TH with a high percentage. This is a method that allows solving
complex problems. However, the answers given by this method may not be reliable as it is based on
human estimates. Organizations should be thoroughly researched and should only be relied upon to
a small extent.
This is the process of building a higher level of motivation, creating a sense of fairness, loyalty, and
trust and commitment among followers. Transformational leadership is transforming the
performance or fortunes of a business. Leaders that convert and motivate followers heighten the
importance of goals and outcomes in the organization. Leaders make them put the interests of the
organization before their interests. Transformational leadership consists of four basic components:
idealized influence – charisma of the leader and respect of followers; inspirational motivation –
leaders bring influence to the work of followers; intellectual stimulation – leaders attract new and
strange methods; individualized consideration – leaders listen, care about the development needs of
their followers (Mullins, 2019).
Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) was the founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam, leading the struggle
for independence for the nation. His image is hung in the house, printed on money (Spring, 2021).
Ho Chi Minh devoted his life to the nation. He goes abroad to learn new knowledge and apply it to
his own country. He called on the people to join hands with him in the cause of national salvation.
The Vietnamese people are ready to stand up, and under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh fought to
regain freedom for the country. Ho Chi Minh always implements and requires other officials to
listen to the opinions of the people and those who are not important (Huyen, n.d.).
The transformational leadership style is evident in that, Ho Chi Minh put the interests of the country
above personal interests. He changed the destiny of the country, people, and history of Vietnam. The
idealized component of influence is that he is attractive and influential, and the Vietnamese people
are willing to follow him to fight. Everyone is always full of motivation, determined to fight to win.
It's a testament to the inspirational motivational component. Intellectual stimulation is applied to the
fact that Ho Chi Minh learned the knowledge and languages of French, English, ... to apply to
Vietnam. Ultimately, listening to and absorbing people's opinions comes down to personal
judgment. Ho Chi Minh's leadership style enhances people's motivation, creating an ethical and
flexible environment. However, this method also has the disadvantage that it will sometimes put
pressure on everyone, focusing on the common good and forgetting about personal matters.
Therefore, we need to apply more personal consideration, will always listen to opinions, and
recognize the aspirations of everyone, employees, and subordinates to harmonize common goals and
personal goals.
Transactional leadership
Example of MB Bank is an enterprise with a clear reward and punishment system for employees.
MB seriously evaluates security to increase its reputation. An employee of MB bank revealed the
customer's account statement. The bank has suspended the work of employees and disciplined them
with the highest form. According to the law, people who disclose credit information in
contravention of the law can be fined VND 10-20 million, or higher, and can face 7 years in prison
(Hoang, 2021). The example shows that MB bank has applied transactional leadership, which is
demonstrated by MB's punishment when employees make mistakes. MB has made regulations on
rewards, penalties, and employees must follow them. This form helps MB get employee compliance
and organizational discipline. However, the weakness of this form will make the organization
sometimes rigid, limiting creativity. In addition, punishment makes people more inclined to blame
and criticize negatively. Organizations need to be flexible, and put in place reasonable rules and
punishments to avoid putting pressure on employees.
Charismatic leadership
Leadership today is increasingly associated with foresight that others can identify, with inspiration.
Charismatic leadership provides a strong sense of vision, arousing motivation for followers
(Mullins, 2019). Max Weber - German sociologist cites three main ingredients that make a
charismatic leader. First, the psychological dimension is aimed at the inner qualities of the leader.
Second, the social aspect is the social factors that influence, motivate, and shape the leader. Finally,
the relational dimension concerns the relationship between leaders and employees (Mullin, 2019).
For example, Mai Kieu Lien - General Director of Vinamilk, a large nutritional product
manufacturing and trading enterprise in Vietnam, has set a vision that Vinamilk will become the
leading symbol of trust in Vietnam, with the mission of bringing the community to the community.
co-products of high quality (Vinamilk, 2022). Mai Kieu Lien's humanistic and influential vision has
motivated employees to work with enthusiasm. This form of leadership has the advantage of helping
employees achieve change thanks to the influence of the leader. Moreover, employees will work to
gradually complete the vision and mission effectively. However, the disadvantage of this form will
make employees too dependent on leadership and lack clarity. Therefore, leaders need to have a
positive influence and admirable achievements for employees to follow.
The Continuum of leadership styles proposes a sequence of leadership behaviors for a manager.
Continuity presents actions related to the leader's authority and the freedom of others to make
decisions. Authority and freedom will always have certain limitations. Three factors are important in
making leadership decisions possible: forces in the leader, forces in the subordinate, and forces in
the situation (Mullins, 2019). The leadership process in this model is done through 3 steps: defining
the problem, identifying the solutions, and making the decision (Mullin, 2019).
Likert's systems 1 -4
The four systems are designed to highlight different organizational dynamics and characteristics,
built on interpersonal interactions. System 1 - Authority to discover is threat-driven, less teamwork,
clearly hierarchical where responsibility is concentrated at the top of the system. System 2 - reward-
based motivation, benevolent authority, limited teamwork and accountability at the management
level. 3- consultative system, broader accountability, reward-based motivation. System 4 -
Participation, leadership involves trust in subordinates, high teamwork, responsibility for achieving
common goals at all levels (Mullin, 2019). There are 3 basic concepts including the principle of
supportive relationships, group decision making, group organization and monitoring methods, and
aspiration for high achievement for all members (Mullins, 2019).
McGregor's argues that the management style adopted is a function of the manager's attitude
towards people. This style suggests two different points of view of employees, the negative view is
called theory X, and the positive view is called theory Y. According to McGregor, Theory X is
important for supervision while theory Y is more about reward and recognition. Theory X is often
relied upon by traditional organizations. Most people have to be coerced and controlled for the
organization to achieve its goals. Those people are lazy, avoid responsibility, and like to be directed.
Theory Y is almost the opposite. Theory Y is based on the integration of individual and
organizational goals. Theory Y helps people work with a relaxed mindset, self-directed and self-
controlled to accomplish the goals they have set. Employees will be provided with appropriate
conditions, and committed to completing the goal will have rewards associated with the
achievement. Theory Y motivates employees to complete their own work (Mullins, 2019).
Example of theory X: Google employees is subject to strict management from the business. Google
fired 4 employees because they broke the rules, against the company. They searched and shared
information outside of their work on an internal platform. That demonstrates Google's close
supervision of employees and the purpose of deterring those who go against the rules and fail to
fulfill their work goals (Bui, 2019). Theory X will be relevant and chosen in the context of urgency
or other important factors. However, employees will feel uncomfortable, always being restrained
and monitored by the organization. Enterprises need to apply it at a moderate level to avoid putting
pressure on and inhibiting the voice of employees.
Example of theory Y:
MB pays employees nearly 36 million VND / month, senior leaders are paid 1.2 billion VND / 9
months. This is a record high salary for employees, ranking second among banks that have
published reports (Quoc, 2021). This shows the appreciation of MB Bank's staff. MB bank creates
conditions for employees to develop and work to achieve common goals. The high salary is a
worthy reward for their achievements. This form of leadership will engage employees with the
organization, increase internal satisfaction, and stimulate employee creativity and enthusiasm.
However, there should also be rules and criteria set out to ensure organizational rules.
Deal & Kennedy classifies corporate culture according to two factors: the degree of risk and the
speed at which organizations receive feedback on the success of strategies. An individualist
organization will take high risks and get quick responses. Organizations where culture is
characterized by fun tend to be energetic, employees take little risks and get quick feedback. Bet –
your – company – culture is where decisions are high-risk but take years to get a response. Finally,
process culture is where employees have difficulty measuring what they do, low risk but slow to
respond (Mullins, 2019).
For MB Bank, each vacancy will have different educational and experience requirements. MB is
recruiting for the position of data analyst who undertakes the work of understanding, cleaning data,
integrating, and transforming data (glints, 2021). The type of role culture is reflected in MB's
division into separate departments, with separate tasks and highly specialized staff. Employees will
have to take responsibility and complete their work well. When there are common activities and
tasks, departments and individuals will still work together to ensure productivity and achieve the
common goals of the company. Strengths of this type bring about cost-effectiveness and stability.
However, there is still a weakness that is rigid, slow to react to change
MB Bank is steadfast to reach the top 3 commercial banks in terms of quality, efficiency, leading in
digitalization. The Bank focuses on promoting research, testing, and product development to
encourage customers to use the service (thanhtra, 2021). Therefore, MB bank takes the task, the
common goal as the center, gathers appropriate resources into each position to take on the job, and
employees focus on completing the assigned tasks. The strength of this type of business is to
promote initiative, flexibility, and adaptability to a highly competitive environment. In terms of
limitations, this type of management is difficult to achieve.
II: Conclusion
Businesses have long placed a premium on management and leadership. Theories and examples of
leadership and management abilities, techniques, and methodologies have been provided, with a
focus on critical assessment. From there, it assists us in gaining a better grasp of management and
leadership. Management and leadership will continue to innovate in the future to keep up with the
pace of change and the demands of the business.
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