Module 8
Module 8
Module 8
International Trade
What is Globalization?
Globalization refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world
economy. Globalization has several facets, including the globalization of markets and the
globalization of production.
The globalization of markets refers to the merging of historically distinct and separate
national markets into one huge global marketplace. Falling barriers to cross-border trade
have made it easier to sell internationally.
1. Both deal in the same objects of exchange, that is, goods and services.
2. Both kinds of trade are carried on by individuals and business firms.
3. Both domestic and international trade are stimulated by the desire for
Striking differences
1. Increased revenues
One of the top advantages of international trade is that you may be able to
increase your number of potential clients. Each country you add to your list
can open up a new pathway to business growth and increased revenues.
2. Decreased competition
Your product and services may have to compete in a crowded market in the
U.S, but you may find that you have less competition in other countries.
Focusing only on the domestic market may expose you to increased risk
from downturns in the economy, political factors, environmental events and
other risk factors.
Those who add international trade to their portfolio may also benefit from
currency fluctuations. For example, when the U.S. dollar is down, you may
be able to export more as foreign customers benefit from the favorable
currency exchange rate.
Another one of the advantages of international trade is that you may be able
to leverage export financing.
One of the advantages of international trade is that you may have an outlet
to dispose of surplus goods that you're unable to sell in your home market.
9. Enhanced reputation
10. Opportunity to specialize
2. Language Barriers
● Despite the availability of online translators, language is still one of the
major disadvantages of international trade.
● The marketplace is filled with examples of poorly translated
products with names that got misconstrued in another language.
3. Cultural Differences
● What makes this one of the major disadvantages of international trade
is that cultural differences, many times, are never documented. They
are the unwritten rules of commerce in the country that are hard to
uncover and can be even more difficult to solve.
4. Servicing Customers
After international customers make a purchase, how will they be
serviced when they are so far away? Again, language and cultural
differences need to be considered to overcome one of the major
disadvantages of international trade.
5. Returning Products
Since not all international customers will be satisfied with a company's
products, a process must be in place to return them and process a
6. Intellectual Property Theft
The wider a product is distributed, the more likely that it may be
illegally copied by a competitor. This can be in the form of proprietary
information or market branding.