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UNCT ZW - ResultsReport 2020 Final

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(ZUNDAF) 2016 - 2021

(ZUNDAF) 2016 - 2021
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 1

Foreword  2

Overview  3

Key development partners of the UN development system in the country 4

Chapter I: Key developments in the country and the regional context  5

Chapter II: UN development system support to national development priorities through the ZUNDAF  7

2.1 Overview of ZUNDAF Results  7

2.2. Cooperation Framework priorities, outcomes, and outputs  11

2.3. Partnerships and Financing the 2030 Agenda  18

2.4. Results of the UN working more and better together: UN coherence, effectiveness, and efficiency 19

2.5 Evaluations and Lessons learned  20

2.6. Financial Overview and Resource Mobilization  22

Chapter III: UNCT key focus for next year  25

2 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

The year 2020 presented the Government and the UN system supported food security; gender
people of Zimbabwe with significant challenges. equality; water, hygiene, and sanitation; education;
Climate induced shocks and economic difficulties economic empowerment and community resilience
were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic which amongst others.
threatened to reverse past development gains and
undermine important progress made towards the The UNCT in Zimbabwe collectively delivered
attainment of SDGs. development support under the ZUNDAF in 2020
totaling nearly USD 554 million against a budget
The year was also characterised by remarkable amount of USD 550 million. The ZUNDAF continued
displays of resilience, and determination as to lay the ground for the UN system in Zimbabwe
Zimbabweans continue to respond from COVID-19 to ‘Deliver as One’ including through initiatives such
while building forward better. The UN System as the joint UN-European Union Spotlight Initiative
supported the national COVID-19 response to eliminate violence against women and girls
plan with risk communications and community as well as resilience building, youth and people
engagement, procurement of PPE, strengthening living with disabilities. These key milestones were
surveillance, infection prevention and control efforts coincided with Zimbabwe’s 40th anniversary as an
and continuity of essential services. The COVID-19 independent nation.
Socioeconomic Response Framework has also
been an important enabler of the UN System’s 2020 was also a year of transition for the UN system
support to the national COVID-19 response. in Zimbabwe. As the ZUNDAF 2016-2021 draws to
a close, the UN in partnership with the Government
The year also saw the launch of the Decade of Action and in close consultation with stakeholders and
for people and planet to increase momentum on the development partners initiated on the process
achievement of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable to formulate a new UN Sustainable Development
Development Goals. This provided an opportunity Cooperation Framework 2022 - 2026.
for engagement and cooperation with a central
theme of shaping our future together. One such This new generation partnership will reflect the
example is the successful convening of the sixth breadth of the UN system’s partnership with the
session Africa Regional Sustainable Development Government of Zimbabwe will be aligned to the
Forum in Victoria Falls in February 2020 bringing National Development Strategy (NDS 2021 - 2025),
together 3000 participants across the continent. the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and
the AU Agenda 2063. We look forward to deepening
Throughout the year, the 2016-2020 Zimbabwe UN our partnership with the Government and people of
Development Assistance Framework (ZUNDAF) Zimbabwe.
remained key vehicle in support of the country’s
efforts to attain Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals by 2030. Through ZUNDAF,

Maria Ribeiro

UN Resident Coordinator for Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 3

The UN System in Zimbabwe has supported economic hardship and the residual impact of
national development priorities and the response to Cyclone Idai.
stem the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on people’s
lives.   The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and
the 17 SDGs remained the collective commitment
As part of the immediate response, the UN has and blueprint for recovering and building forward
supported awareness raising, procurement of PPEs, better.
strengthening laboratory system for surveillance,
infection prevention, and continuity of essential The 2016-2020 ZUNDAF, co-chaired by Government
services. and the United Nations, is the strategic document
that UN Entities channel their support to national
COVID-19 has come on top of challenges caused development efforts in six result areas.
by climatic shocks as well as a fragile economy. Its
impact stretches beyond health and needs an all The six result areas, fully aligned to the Sustainable
society and government response. Development Goals (SDGs), are Social Services and
Protection; Poverty Reduction and Value Addition;
That is why the UN System in Zimbabwe continued and Food and Nutrition. The remaining three areas
to work with the Zimbabwean authorities, civil are Gender Equality; HIV and AIDS; and Public
society and other development stakeholders on Administration and Governance.
food security, gender equality, sanitation, education,
economic empowerment and community resilience Since the implementation of the 2016-2021 ZUNDAF
amongst others. begun in 2016, the United Nations Development
System in Zimbabwe with generous financial
The UN System delivered humanitarian assistance support from the Development Partners disbursed
to 5.6 million Zimbabweans affected by drought, USD 1.64 billion in development grant contributing
to national development priorities.
Since the implementation
of the 2016-2021 ZUNDAF
begun in 2016, the United
Nations Development System
in Zimbabwe with generous
financial support from the
Development Partners disbursed
USD 1.64 billion in development
grant contributing to national
development priorities.
4 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

Key development partners of the

UN development system in the
Poverty Reduction and Value Addition

Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund (ZRBF), World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Gender Result Group

USAID, MPTF COVID 19, Irish Aid, (PBF), EU, Japan Government, SDC, Germany, World Bank, FCDO,
Netherlands, South Korea, Belgium, SDC, USAID, Japan, GEF 6, GCF, Russia, China, OFID -OPEC Fund for
International Development, NORA, SIDA
EU – Spotlight Initiative; UNAIDS UBRAF, SIDA Together for SRHR, USAID, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Food and Nutrition System
World Bank, EU, FCDO, Netherlands, South Korea, Belgium, SDC, USAID, Japan, GEF 6, GCF, Sweden, Russia,
China, Germany, OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) & NORAD
Public Administration and Governance


Secretary General’s Peacebuilding Fund

European Union
Social Protection and Services
USAID, FCDO, Japan, SDC, Germany, ECHO

SDC, SIDA, Global EVAC, European Union- Spotlight Initiative

KfW (Germany), Global Partnership for Education (GPE), Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI)

The World Bank​, African Development Bank​, Government of Japan​, Government of China​, Royal Kingdom
of Sweden​, USAID

CHAI, FHI360, Swedish SIDA, EU, Govt of Ireland, Higher Life Foundation
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 5

Chapter I: Key developments in the

country and the regional context

Protracted structural economic challenges National Development Strategy (NDS) 2021 – 2025,
combined with climatic shocks and the COVID-19 as a key vehicle to drive inclusive and sustainable
global pandemic constrained Zimbabwe’s economic growth that is vital to advancing progress
development trajectory in 2020. towards achievement of the country’s Vision 2030
and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Despite the challenging development context,
under the Transitional Stabilization Programme By end of 2020, following the onset of the COVID-19
(October 2018 – December 2020), the Government pandemic, Government revised downwards the
implemented key reforms to stabilize the economy estimated economic growth from 3% to 4%
and lay the foundation for economic recovery. contraction due to COVID-19 induced disruptions
and the impacts of drought.
Notable achievements include fiscal consolidation,
external sector balance and exchange rate stability. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic were
The Government, in November 2020, adopted the felt through the closure of some sectors of the
6 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

economy, with tourism, education, and the informal February and June 2020. The 2020 Zimbabwe
sector being most affected. Over 4.6 million Vulnerability Assessment Committee Survey
children in Zimbabwe lost access to education and (ZIMVAC, July 2020) reported an increase in acute
the protective environment provided in schools for malnutrition for children under-five, with Global
over six months due to the pandemic. Acute Malnutrition (GAM) increasing from 3.6% in
2019 to 4.5% in 2020.
With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
country r witnessed a sharp increase in gender- Social protection coverage remained very low
based violence. From January to September despite high poverty levels. As a share of GDP,
2020, some 5,507 gender-based violence cases non-contributory social protection budget stood at
were reported through the National GBV Hotline, 1.2% in 2020, an increase from 0.7% in 2019 owing
a 200 percent increase compared with the same to improved allocation towards the school feeding
timeframe in 2019. programme (US$47.9 million) and the free sanitary
wear for female learners in primary and secondary
The onset of COVID-19 and the continued increase schools (US$9.3million)1.
in costs of healthcare beyond the means of
most citizens, resulted in a general decline in While the country enjoys relative peace, full
performance of health indicators from February implementation of constitutional provisions and
2020 onwards putting the SDG target of achieving international human rights obligations is yet to
Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030 in a be realised and oversight institutions such as the
distant ambition. Chapter 12 and 13 Commissions have limited
capacity to effectively execute their mandates.
Due to poor performance of the 2019/2020
agricultural season, an estimated 4.34 million Devolution is gaining momentum, in line with
people in IPC phase 3 and 4 in rural areas were the constitution and as a key strategy to stir
estimated to require food assistance between implementation of the NDS at sub-national levels.

In 2020, in response to
increased vulnerability,
the UN in Zimbabwe
continuously provided
targeted assistance to
vulnerable people as
part of humanitarian and
COVID-19 response

1 UNICEF. 2020. Zimbabwe Social Protection Budget Brief. UNICEF. Harare. [Online] Available at https://www.unicef.org/esa/
media/6511/file/UNICEF-Zimbabwe-2020-Social-Protection-Budget-Brief.pdf [Accessed on 1 January 2021]
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 7

Chapter II: UN development

system support to national
development priorities through the

2.1 Overview of ZUNDAF Results

The Zimbabwe United Nations Development 2.1.1 Overview of progress on SDGs
Assistance Framework (ZUNDAF) remains both In 2020, Zimbabwe’s SDG index score stood at
relevant and aligned to the national development 53.8 % , registering a slight decline from 56.1 % in
frameworks as articulated in ZIMASSET (2013 – 20172 giving the country an overall ranking 125th3
2018); Transitional Stabilization Programme (TSP: Moderate progress was registered on some SDGs,
October 2018 – December 2020) and the recently including (climate action (13), decent work and
launched National Development Strategy (NDS1: economic growth (8), gender equality (5), good
2021 - 2025). health and wellbeing (3), life on land (15).

Source : https://dashboards.sdgindex.org/profiles/zwe

Although Zimbabwe’s economy has shown signs of recent improvement, it has not gown at sufficiently

2 Sachs, J., Schmidt-Traub, G., Kroll, C., Durand-Delacre, D. and Teksoz, K. (2017): SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2017. New
York: Bertelsmann Stiftung and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).[Online] Available at https://www.sdgphilanthropy.org/
system/files/2018-06/2017-SDG-Index-and-Dashboards-Report--regions.pdf [Accessed on 21 November 2020]
3 The Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa and Sustainable Development Solutions network. 2020. Africa SDG
index and Dashboards Report 2020. Kigali and New York. SDG centre for Africa and Sustainable Development Solutions network. [Online]
Available at https://s3.amazonaws.com/sustainabledevelopment.report/2020/2020_africa_index_and_dashboards.pdf [Accessed on 21
November 2020]
8 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

high or inclusive4 levels to create adequate decent to finance; limited access to land and freehold
jobs5 and significantly reduce poverty. A series of property; unequal representation and limited
climate induced disruptive shocks and crises have opportunities to influence policy.
negatively affected growth and more recently, the
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a surge in
economic and social challenges. gender-based violence. In response, the Spotlight
Initiative implementing Agencies (UNESCO, ILO,
Poverty remains high, with extreme poverty UNWOMEN, UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA) adapted
increasing in recent years. Women, youth, children, programming to ramp up services for women and
Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) amongst others, girls to protect against gender-based violence,
bear the disproportionate impact. Governance increased by lockdown measures.
indicators have largely stagnated, albeit
with marginal improvements in “government The results group has also supported outreach
effectiveness” after years of sharp decline since the through mobile one stop centres and National Youth
1990s (Mo Ibrahim Governance Index). Helpline to provide counselling and referral services
to survivors and over 10 000 callers were supported
2.1.2 Trends and Cumulative results for the 6 by the helpline with high impact psychosocial and
priority areas within the ZUNDAF 2016-2021 clinical services and over 92% clients tracked and
Priority 1: Food and Nutrition Security 87% referral confirmations. .

In 2020, the Zimbabwe Humanitarian Response Priority 3: HIV and AIDS

Plan (HRP) indicated that 7 million people urgently
needed humanitarian assistance up from 5.5 According to the 2020 Zimbabwe Population based
million in 2019 due to drought, economic hardship HIV Impact Assessment (PHIA), the country has met
and COVID-19. the second and third UNAIDS 90-90-90 treatment
targets and has achieved the overall target for 2020
Nutrition security also remained a serious challenge by exceeding 73% of viral load suppression among
for Zimbabwe which is characterised by a multiple all adults living with HIV.
burden of malnutrition and various forms of
undernutrition. The costs of healthcare continue to increase and
are beyond the means of most citizens. Moreover,
The food and nutrition security results group the COVID-19 pandemic risks reversing the fragile
supported early warning systems and assessments, gains made over the years by disrupting routine
such as the Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment health services and constraining access to essential
Committee (ZIMVAC) and the integrated food health and by consequence, HIV services.
security phase classification (IPC) to determine
critical needs. The UN remains the Principal Recipient of the Global
Fund HIV grant that provides most of the ARVs as
Priority 2: Gender Equality well as support for implementation. The Global
Fund played a vital role in providing uninterrupted
Women and girls continue to face hurdles in respect provision of ARVs for over 710,000 people (out of a
to equal opportunities, including limited access total of 1,184,901), investment in prevention for key

4 In 2017, the country’s Gini was 0.44, representing a marginal increase from 0.42 in 2011. ZIMSTAT (Zimbabwe National
Statistics Agency). Poverty Income Consumption and Expenditure Surveys.
5 Defined by ILO, decent work sums up the aspirations of people in their working lives. It involves opportunities for work that
is productive and delivers a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal
development and social integration, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize and participate in the decisions that affect their
lives and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men.
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 9

populations including adolescent girls and young that provided strategic inputs to the National
women, and health system strengthening, for Development Strategy 2021 – 2025.
example, extension of solar energy to an additional
642 health facilities and provision of secure water The results group supported the National Peace
supply to 447 facilities. and Reconciliation Commission in commencing
public hearings, including through availing South
The sustainability of the AIDS response remains a African Experience on the Truth and Reconciliation
matter of concern as it is predominantly supported Commission.
through external funding (accounting for 69% of
the expenditure on HIV response) while domestic In response to a request from the Zimbabwe
financing accounts for 31%.6The Global Fund and Electoral Commission (ZEC), the results group
PEPFAR contribute over 97% of external funding. supported an electoral needs assessment mission in
Domestic investments primarily include out-of- January which evaluated the electoral environment
pocket costs from individual savings which can in the country, the legal and institutional framework
come with consequences such as poverty. governing the electoral process and the capacity
and needs of the various election stakeholders.
Priority 4: Poverty Reduction and Value addition
In March 2020, an Interagency cross-pillar mission,
Poverty remains high, with an estimated 70.5% of co-led by DPPA and UNDP as co-chairs of the
Zimbabweans living in poverty7 mainly because of RMR visited Zimbabwe to identify entry points for
socio-economic challenges and a series of climate enhanced conflict sensitive programming which
induced disruptive shocks and crises, aggravated would strengthen the resilience of the population
by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. and better support a peaceful and rights-based
transition and recovery process.
In February 2020, Zimbabwe hosted, with support
from UNECA the UN in Zimbabwe, the Africa The IMF and World Bank participated in the
Regional Sustainable Development Forum in mission, as an important follow up to the joint needs
Victoria Falls, bringing together delegations from assessment carried out in 2018 which identified the
across the continent. main challenges and needs in the country and joint
work on Pathways for Peace.
The UN Country Team used this opportunity to
showcase SDG focused initiatives in Zimbabwe, Priority 6: Social Services and Protection
especially by young innovators. Zimbabwe´s
leadership for 2020 was used as a leverage by UN The UN system’s interventions on Social Services
agencies to highlight the need for acceleration and and Protection sub-divided into four groups namely,
policy mainstreaming. (i) health, (ii) education, (iii) water sanitation and
hygiene and (iv) social protection. Each of these is
Priority 5: Public Administration and Governance discussed separately below.

In 2020 the UNCT in a tripartite partnership 6.1 Health

collaborated with the African Development Bank
and the World Bank to prepare a comprehensive The costs of healthcare continue to increase and
needs assessment as well as 26 sector notes are beyond the means of most citizens. There is

6 MoHCC, NAC.2020. Global AIDS Response Progress Report 2020 FastTrack Commitments To end AIDS by 2030. Reporting
Period: January 2019 ‐ December 2019
7 Food and Nutrition Council. 2020. Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVAC): 2020 Rural Livelihoods
Assessment (RLA). Food and Nutrition Council. Harare. [Online] Available at https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-
0000119650.pdf. [Accessed on 22 November 2020]
10 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

a shortage of medicines and equipment in public continued learning through the 49,269 children’s
hospitals and maternity clinics, as well as a story books and psychosocial workbooks
shortage of trained health professionals in public distributed to 75 satellite schools to support remote
hospitals. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated learning at home during schools’ closure.
the situation by disrupting routine health services
and constraining access to essential health and 6.3 Water and Sanitation
nutrition services.
Public spending on WASH increased from 1.2% of
The support provided by the results group enhanced total government spending in 2016 to 4.3% in 2020.
coordination of national efforts, better case However, there remain stark urban-rural disparities
management, planning and monitoring, heightened in WASH. In 2019, 77.1% households had access
surveillance at points of entry and implementation to improved sources of drinking water with a wide
of infection prevention and control measures. rural (67.9%) to urban (97.3%) divide.

Through this results group effective COVID-19 Open defecation, though declining, is also still high
risk communications and community engagement in Zimbabwe. The 2019 MICS estimated a national
campaigns were rolled out contributing to public open defecation rate of 21.7%, with this practice
adherence to evidence-informed COVID-19 existing almost exclusively in rural areas.8
prevention measures.
A total of 1,073,048  people (573,637 females and
Approximately 1,750,000 people were reached with 499,411  males)  benefited from critical WASH
key COVID 19 prevention and control messages supplies and services through the UN supported
through three community radio stations in 3 COVID-19 response. Of  these,  5,766  were people
Provinces. At the end of 2020, the supported the with disabilities.
Government to develop a vaccine roll out plan and
assessment of country preparedness. 6.4 Social Protection and Services

Meanwhile, the results group distributes a total of 2.9 In responding to the triple threat (COVID-19
million male condoms and 88,900 female condoms. pandemic, prolonged drought, harsh socio-
The provision of condoms and information on economic environment), the UN strengthened
HIV/FP/SRHR and COVID-19 coinciding with food coordination on social protection to mitigate
assistance distributions equipped the poorest rural the impact on the most vulnerable people and
and urban people with dual protection against HIV/ marginalized communities.
STIs and unintended pregnancy without their having
to visit health centres. A total of 48,015 (160% reach) parents/caregivers
were reached through the parenting support
6.2 Education programme and close to 130,000 vulnerable children
were reached with community-based psychosocial
In 2020, through the Alternative Education Technical support services interventions, including at child
Working Group and partnerships with the private safe spaces.
sector, 30% of learners were reached through radio
programmes and 1,946,926 learners accessed the Over 1500 children benefitted from child sensitive
Ruzivo platform. Mental Health and Psychosocial Support services
provided by 145 staff in COVID-19 quarantine
A total of 11,582 grade 2 learners (5,894 girls and facilities.
5,688 boys) in 6 targeted marginalised districts

8 ZIMSTAT and UNICEF (2019). Zimbabwe Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019, Survey Findings Report. Harare, Zimbabwe:
ZIMSTAT and UNICEF, Table WS.3.1.
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 11

2.2. Cooperation Framework priorities, outcomes, and outputs

The UNCT in Zimbabwe collectively delivered priority areas.
development support under the ZUNDAF in 2020
totalling nearly USD554 million with a focus on 6

2.2.1 Priority 1: Food and Nutrition Security

3,663,002 98% 98%

people (1,978,234 female) of health facilities of health facilities
facing acute food have been capacity have been capacity
shortages receiving food strengthening to support strengthening to support
assistance integrated management integrated management
of acute malnutrition of acute malnutrition

Food and nutrition security improved for the most recover from climate change and man-made shocks
vulnerable communities in Zimbabwe and the and stresses.
ZUNDAF contributed towards this result through
strengthening the multi-sectoral and targeted The UN working in collaboration with partners
approach to combat stunting at all administrative strengthened the capacity of the Food and
levels; capacity development of national institutions Nutrition Council and Ministry of Health and Child
and frameworks, and strengthening the capacities Care through prepositioning of supplies, capacity
of communities to respond to, cope with, and strengthening of 98% of health facilities to support
12 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

integrated management of acute malnutrition The UN strengthened the capacities of communities

and 87% of Ward Food and Nutrition Security to respond to, cope with, and recover from climate
Committees (WFNSC) to implement the multi- change and man-made shocks and stresses
sectoral community based model approach for resulting in: over 73,000 farmers (56% female)
stunting reduction in 63% of the rural districts. against a target of over 56,000 capacitated;
improved adaptive capacity and resilience of 580
The UN’s support resulted in 552,965 (29% of 000 beneficiaries up from 420 000 beneficiaries
children 6-59 months; 284,782 Girls; 268,183 in 2019 through the diversified climate smart
Boys) children receiving Vitamin-A and Iron folate packages in 18 districts; increased percentage of
supplementation; 3,663,002 people (1,978,234 people practicing value chain activities (on-farm
female) facing acute food shortages receiving and off-farm) from 58.5% in 2019 to 70% in 2020
food assistance; 20,392 (11,343 Girls; 9,049 Boys) and 70% of districts updated and implemented
which is (75% of the targeted 27,012) children were their Disaster Risk Reduction plans including
treated for severe acute malnutrition (SAM); 17,362 development of climate adaptation strategies.
children with MAM being admitted for treatment in
25 priority districts.

2.2.2. Priority 2: Gender Equality

30% 25,493 300

legislated quota farmers (57% women) women in 4 districts were
for women at local in 13 rural marginalised equipped with Women’s
government levels districts benefited from Economic Empowerment
endorsed by Head of marketing skills, climate Kits to cushion from
State & approved by smart agriculture & good the effects of SGBV &
Cabinet agricultural practices. COVID-19
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 13

The Judicial Service Commission and its victim 6,745 girls in 2019.
friendly system (VFS) capacity to deal with both
online and offline violence against children was In 2020, 1,630 women survivors of Sexual and
strengthened resulting in a total of 1315 children, Gender Based Violence accessed services within
44 boys and 1271 girls being assisted through the 72 hours compared to 2,029 in 2019.
Victim Friendly Courts.
The government effectively reported on its
The National COVID 19 taskforce capacity to normative commitments on GEWE through
respond to the pandemic including the prevention successful presentation of its 6th Periodic Report
of exploitation and sexual abuse (PSEA), sexual and to the CEDAW Committee during its 75th session in
gender-based violence (SGBV) and the survivor- February 2020.
centred approach was strengthened leading to 220
staff members capacitated and deployed at the 46 With the UNCT and partners advocacy, H.E the
national quarantine centres handling more than President launched the African Women Leaders’
16,334 Zimbabwean migrants who returned to the Network, which provided the impetus for upscaling
country, with 43% of them being women and girls. advocacy and prioritisation of women’s leadership
action. The Head of State endorsed a 30% legislated
The Ministry of Women Affairs, Community, quota for women at local government level, which
Small and Medium Enterprises Development was was subsequently approved by Cabinet.
supported to develop National Plan on Ending Child
Marriages to strengthen political commitments to Women’s economic empowerment programs
address child marriages and promote the realization resulted in more than 25,493 farmers (57% women)
of child protection rights for children through legal in 13 rural marginalised districts benefiting from
reform. marketing skills, climate smart agriculture and
good agricultural practices.
Gender Based Violence service (police, legal,
medical and psycho- social) capacity for a multi- Some 300 Women in four districts were equipped
sectoral approach to addressing GBV strengthened with Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE)
and as a result 14, 435 women and 6,414 girls Kits resulting in improved abilities to respond and
subjected to Violence accessed GBV essential cushion themselves from the effects of SGBV and
services package, compared to 8,513 women and COVID-19.

In 2020, some 14, 435

women and 6,414 girls
essential services

Menustral Hygiene
is part of the UN
support to national
COVID19 resonse.
14 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

2.2.3 Priority 3: HIV and AIDS

1,513,378 1,184,901 470,000

received HIV Counselling people on Anti-retroviral out of a target of 456,008
and Testing Services, therapy adolescents 10-19 years
partly attributable to were tested for HIV and
implementation of “Treat received the result of the
All“ strategy last test

The UN jointly supported the development of the Based on adolescents focused HIV prevention and
Zimbabwe National HIV multisectoral and health treatment interventions implemented by the UNCT
strategies for 2021 to 2025 aimed at getting the and partners, 470,000 out of a target of 456,008
country on track to end AIDS by 2030 as part of the adolescents 10-19 years were tested for HIV and
SDGs. received the result of the last test during the year
of reporting.
Based on the successful implementation of the
WHO “Treat All” strategy, UN high level advocacy and Through the informal sector HIV self-testing
strategic guidance, the program has contributed to services approximately 40,000 people working
providing HIV Counselling and Testing Services in the informal economy benefitted from the
to 1,513,378 people in 2020, and an increased program. With support from the UN, over 2,000 out
number of those receiving ARVs (1,184,901 PLHIV) of target of over 1,200 sex workers were seen in
for the reporting period. With regards to PMTCT, public sector health facilities in hotspot districts
a coverage of 80% (25,353) of the estimated HIV indicating that public sector health services can be
positive pregnant and lactating women in need of made acceptable to key populations.
ART was achieved from July to December 2020.
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 15

2.2.4 Priority 4: Poverty Reduction and Value Addition

500 693 16
youths (340 females) SMEs benefited from enterprises improved their
from five institutions self-learnng modules & environment through
benefitted from Start and the Green enterPRIZE Sustaining Competitive &
Improve Your Business Innovation Challenge Responsible Enterprises
(SIYB) Programme business development (SCORE) Module 1,
programme benefitting 353 workers

Progress towards achievement of the set targets for Improve Your Business (SIYB) Programme was
the priority area were consistently constrained implemented benefitting 500 (340 females) youths
throughout the ZUNDAF period including in 2020 due from five institutions comprising, academia and
to limited financial resources, weak economic CSOs. The workplace environment for sixteen
performance, and a fluid socio-political environment. enterprises were improved benefitting 353 workers
Some of the notable progress has been strengthening (23% being female) through implementation of the
the capacity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises
International Trade officials in investment and trade (SCORE) Module 1. During COVID 19, more than
promotion and trade facilitation. 693 SMEs benefited from self-learning modules and
the Green enterPRIZE Innovation Challenge business
In the manufacturing sector, the UN supported the development programme.
development of an inclusive and sustainable industrial
development diagnostic tool and through the Joint In addition, two (2) anchor enterprises(value addition
Needs Assessment, the UN facilitated drafting of the centres) were operationalised in Beitbrdige District
Manufacturing Sector Technical Note, which informed for the mopane worms and in Mutoko for horticulture
the NDS 2021 -2025 development processes. value addition directly benefiting over 200 youths and
women. The technical assistance extended included
In response to addressing access to economic the construction of factory shells and provision of
opportunities and employment, the ILO Start and processing equipment.
16 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

2.2.5 Priority 5: Public Administration and Governance

Laws & policies

80% drafted to align to

the Constitution of
of Justice Institutions
Zimbabwe, resulting
enhanced access to
in the passing of the
child friendly justice
Education Amendment
services during the
Act & National Migration
pandemic, benefitting
492 adolescents

The Parliament of Zimbabwe (PoZ) was supported (pre-trial diversion) during the COVID-19 pandemic
to promote citizens participation in democratic benefitting 492 adolescents (389 boys and 63 girls)
processes during the COVID 19 restrictions through in conflict with the law.
62 Virtual House Sittings and Virtual Public
Consultations that allowed 210 citizens, including Government counterparts drafted laws and policies
People with Disabilities to contribute in the public to align to the Constitution of Zimbabwe resulting in
consultations on the Constitutional Amendment No the passing of the Education Amendment Act and
2 Bill in June 2020. National Migration Policy and Draft Bills such as the
Children’s Amendment Bill, Child Justice Bill, and
The Public Service Commission (PSC) developed Marriages Bill.
and finalised of the PSC Communication and
Advocacy Strategy and 80% of Justice institutions
enhanced access to child friendly justice services
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 17

2.2.6 Priority 6: Social Services and Protection

700,000 687,000 Health facilities

capacity was
adolescents were people in 13 urban towns
strengthened, resulting
reached with family and 53 rural districts
in 97% functionality of
planning services benefitting from safe
the cold chain
surpassing the annual drinking water
targets of over 680,000

The UN working with partners strengthened the increase from 81% in 2019.
capacity of institutions to enhance access to
protection, education, health, and WASH services. A total of some 77,000 women and some
700,000 adolescents were reached with family
The Integrated National Case Management System planning services surpassing the annual targets
(NCMS) for child protection in 23 districts benefitted of over 69,000 women and 680,000 adolescents
65,568 (25,406 boys and 40,162 girls. respectively. In addition, cervical screening
increased to 33% from 21% in 2019.
Over 5,400 primary schools received textbooks
and School Improvement Grants (SIG) leading to In WASH 100% of WASH Governance Structures
1,589,887 vulnerable learners (789,537 girls and and institutions enhanced access to safe drinking
800,350 boys) having access to quality education. water and sanitation services resulting in over
687,000 people (371,943 abled females; 315,314
Health facilities capacity was strengthened abled males; 3,301 disabled females and 2,641
resulting in 97% functionality of the cold chain, disabled males) in 13 urban towns and 53 rural
over 315, 000 children were vaccinated with DTP3 districts benefitting from safe drinking water;
meeting the target of 86% coverage in 2020, an
18 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

Some 256 villages were declared open defecation the first time in 20 years through UNCT’s advocacy,
free resulting in 33,131 people (19,215 females the Government of Zimbabwe freed up funding
and 13,916 males) benefitting from improved in the national budget for the local vaccination
sanitation in 28 districts. programme, a move which the UN anticipates will
catalyze greater investment of domestic resources
UN provided harmonized social cash transfers to in critical development sectors.
poor and labor constrained households resulting
in 6% of households living below the food poverty In 2020 the UN also supported the strengthening of
line, 40% of the poorest households receiving social strategic engagement with International Financial
cash transfers or some 360,000 households an Institutions (IFIs) to support policy analysis and the
increase from 36% in 2019. national response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

To provide gender sensitive infrustructure for public In a tripartite partnership the UN collaborated with
services a safe market was established in Epworth the African Development Bank and the World Bank
as a pilot project. to prepare a comprehensive needs assessment
as well as 26 sector notes that provided strategic
In response to the COVID-19 regulations that inputs to the National Development Strategy (NDS1)
restricted movement and to provide integrated 2021 – 2025.
services to survivors of GBV, One Stop Centres
were set up in Bindura and Epworth and the The UNCT identified and leveraged innovative
implementation of Mobile One Stop Centres was financing and partnerships to advance the SDGs
rolled out to decentralize GBV services. in Zimbabwe. UN collaborated to tap into funding
sources such as the Green Climate Fund and the
SDG Fund by designing innovative joint programmes
2.3. Partnerships and Financing aimed at increasing access to sustainable energy
and promoting climate sustainability. 
the 2030 Agenda
For example, the UN successfully mobilised
Prolonged economic challenges have led to a US$200 000 from the Joint SDG Fund to facilitate
constrained national fiscal space resulting in the inception phase of a joint programme. Through
limited financing of the SDGs. this facility the UN expects to mobilize US$10 million
that will be leveraged to catalyse investments
In 2020, the Resident Coordinator led efforts to in renewable energy to benefit marginalized
engage with bilateral and multilateral partners and communities. 
Government to dialogue more on key development
issues led to the establishment of a formal The UN also mobilized funding of US$1 million from
Zimbabwe Development Partners Forum (ZDPF). the COVID-19 Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF)
towards empowering vulnerable women market
The ZDPF is now positioned to engage with the vendors for recovery and resilience from socio-
Government of Zimbabwe, through the Ministry economic shocks.
of Finance and Economic Development, in a more
streamlined and coherent manner, and to develop The UN also developed a joint proposal to the United
strategies aimed at bringing coordinated support Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with
to key national development priorities, such as the Disabilities (UNPRPD) Secretariat to expand the
response to the COVID-19 pandemic. work on disability inclusion in Zimbabwe and will
learn the outcome of the application in 2021.
Given the unique context of Zimbabwe with limited
direct investment of development funding, the The UN positioned Zimbabwe to benefit from
UNCT pushed for greater allocation of domestic several (sub-)regional initiatives that benefit
resources to advance the SDGs. Consequently, for from funding sources beyond those available
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 19

nationally. This includes programmes on HIV/CSE TVET, ICT in education, water management, higher
(O3 Regional Programme), UNPRPD sub-regional education) and regional initiatives for submission
initiative, collaboration with SADC (in areas of to Green Climate Fund and Adaptation Fund. 

2.4. Results of the UN working more and better together: UN

coherence, effectiveness, and efficiency

2.4.1 Delivering as One: Examples of Joint UN with disabilities legal and policy related processes.
Programmes in Zimbabwe
The UN Country Team in Zimbabwe has prioritized The UN also enabled the participation of PWDs in
the reform agenda by ramping up instances of national legislative processes, mainstreaming of
collaboration either through Joint Programs or disability and targeted intervention in the national
Joint activities to deliver results to work together in COVID-19 response. As another example of joint
a more collaborative way and use their comparative programming to address the specific concerns of
advantages to achieve positive results. those left furthest behind, the UN supported the
development of the National Migration Policy for
A few highlights where the UN has successfully Zimbabwe.
collaborated in 2020 to jointly deliver results for
people in Zimbabwe include: COVID-19 Response: The UN collaborated on
several aspects of the COVID-19 response. For
The Spotlight Initiative: the programme brings example a joint UN proposal was awarded US $
together 6 Recipient United Nations Organizations 850 000 from??? the Multi Partner Trust Fund
(RUNOS) namely, ILO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA (MPTF) to support approximately 1800 women
UNICEF and UN Women in support of national in the informal economy to restart businesses in
efforts to prevent and respond to Sexual and Gender a gender responsive and safe environment whilst
Based Violence and Harmful Practices. building resilience to economic shocks in response
to the impacts of COVID-19.
Through the multisectoral response, flexible
programming, iterative learning, working with 55 Together for SRHR, HIV and GBV joint programme
Civil Society Implementing Partners (IPs) and eight The UN Country Team has also collaborated
government ministries, the Office of the President successfully together to ensure that access to
and Cabinet as well as development partners, HIV, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender
the private sector, members of the media, the Based Violence services were maintained and
Zimbabwe Spotlight Initiative (SI) reached in 2020 strengthened in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
a total of 2,301769 direct beneficiaries (1,477,539
women and girls; 824,230 men and boys) with 2.4.2 Implementation of the Business Operating
GBV and SRHR information which integrated Strategy
COVID 19 prevention awareness, GBV surveillance In 2020, the UN has successfully transitioned to an
and referrals, trainings and other GBV and SRHR improved online version of the Business Operating
prevention and response services. Strategy.

Disability inclusive programming: the UN supported Under the BOS, the UN obtained efficiency
the finalization of the first state party report to gains through avoided costs of US$4, 950,772
the Convention on the Rights of Persons with by increasing collaboration in critical business
Disabilities, contribution towards the drafting of the processes, including cost avoidance of US$2.815
National Disability Policy and Disability bill, as well million and US$1.016 million in travel and
as the capacitation of over 450 women and girls accommodation respectively as a possible result
20 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

Under the BOS, the UN obtained Analysis, and the Business Operation Strategy.
efficiency gains through avoided
Through facilitating a series of 20 stakeholders
costs of US$4, 950,772 by
engagements, under the #UN75 and
increasing collaboration in critical #DecadeOfAction for SDGs, the UN promoted
business processes, including cost the UN Charter, international cooperation and
multilateralism by bringing together various
avoidance of US$2.815 million Government line ministries, local government,
and US$1.016 million in travel communities, youth groups, women’s movements,
media, CSOs, and advocacy organizations.
and accommodation respectively
as a possible result of COVID-19 UN planning and programming documents such
as the Addendum to the Zimbabwe Humanitarian
lockdown and travel restrictions.
Response Plan on COVID-19 and the SERF
developed during this period consistently integrated
of COVID-19 lockdown and travel restrictions. human rights and protection.

A quality satisfaction survey administered in Through facilitating a series of 20

December 2020 found that the BOS yielded stakeholders engagements, under
quality improvements and overall satisfaction with
common services administered under the BOS. the#UN75 and #DecadeOfAction
for SDGs, the UN promoted the UN
Through the BOS, the UN strengthened interlinkages
Charter, international cooperation
between operations and programmes to advance
achievement of the SDGs notably in gender parity, and multilateralism by bringing
disability inclusion and environmental protection.
together various Government
2.4.3 Communicating and advocating Together line ministries, local government,
In 2020, the UN strengthened accountability to communities, youth groups,
the UN Charter and advanced commitment to the
normative framework. women’s movements, media, CSOs,
and advocacy organizations.
The UN successfully mainstreaming human
rights, gender equality and disability inclusion in
Photo below: UN Deputy Secretary General
key planning frameworks such as the National
Dr Amina J Mohammed with Zim youth
Development Strategy, the Common Country
during #UN75 engagement on the side of the
sith Africa Regional Forum on SDGs held in
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. February 2020.
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 21

2.5 Evaluations and Lessons learned

The UN in collaboration with the Government of to this recommendation, the UN will continue
Zimbabwe commissioned the ZUNDAF 2016-2021 operationalizing the SG’s Prevention Vision and
evaluation in 2019. The evaluation covered the reinforce the capacity of national institutions
period 2016-2018 in preparation of the new 2022- that promote peacebuilding towards ensuring a
2026 UNSCDF. The evaluation report was formally harmonious society and redesign a comprehensive
validated by the Government at a high-level meeting resilience approach to programme implementation.
co-convened by the UNCT and the Office of the
President and Cabinet in November 2020.

The evaluation found out some significant results Develop gender accountability tools: The evaluation
and best practices that include: ZUNDAF’s strong noted that gender equality is a critical factor for
alignment with national and sectoral plans and realising the central theme of the SDGs of ‘leaving
systems, SDGs and the changing context; two no one behind and that the UNCT should therefore
track approach to addressing gender equality consider how to strengthen its interventions on
and implementing and reporting on all Pillars of gender equality, and in particular how to measure its
Delivering as One. The report also came up with 10 performance in mainstreaming gender equality. In
recommendations to further strengthen the work of response to this recommendation, the UN will focus
the UN in Zimbabwe and below are five key strategic on promoting the fundamental values, standards
recommendations and proposed actions: and principles of the UN Charter, including respect
for and protection of human rights and gender
Strengthening ZUNDAF Coordination: The equality and mainstreaming of human rights,
evaluation recommended that Delivering as One protection of the most vulnerable and policies to
through enhanced interagency collaboration should reach the furthest behind first in UN and national
be central to the UN’s implementation strategy in planning processes and policies.
line with the UN’s reform agenda and the General
Assembly Resolution A/RES/72/279. In response Leveraging UN’scomparative advantage: The
to this recommendation, the UN will continue to evaluation recommended that UNCT should
strengthen high level engagement, develop and consider ways of leveraging its comparative
implement an accountability framework that makes advantage to demand government accountability
UNSCDF outputs part of individual performance for its commitments to normative standards and
indicators at UN agency level and establish a international/regional treaties. In response to this
country level compact to enhance accountability recommendation the UN successfully advocated
framework between RC and UNCT. for an SDG-based national development plan
and will continue strengthening the Government
Humanitarian-development-peace nexus: The capacity to monitor and evaluate the national
UNCT should consider ways of developing development plans including tracking of SDG
‘collective outcomes’ that encapsulate the indicators and advocate for costing and allocation
work and contribution of both development and of resources for prioritized SDG targets, as well as
humanitarian actors to move from a fragmented a clear accountability framework for measuring
approach to a more integrated programming performance.
framework that encourages UN agencies to work
together towards common outcomes. In response
22 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

2.6. Financial Overview and Resource Mobilization

2.6.1. Financial Overview amount of USD550million.
The UNCT in Zimbabwe collectively delivered
development support under the ZUNDAF in 2020
totalling nearly USD554 million against a budget
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 23

2.6.2 Resource mobilization The UNCT successfully mobilised US$200 000 from
Through the Joint UN Partnership and Resource the Joint SDG Fund to facilitate the inception phase
Leveraging Strategy that was developed to of a joint programme. Through this facility the
accompany the ZUNDAF, the UNCT collaborated UNCT expects to mobilize US$10 million that will
to jointly mobilise funding to implement key joint be leveraged to catalyse investments in renewable
initiatives. As a result, UNCT was successful in energy to benefit marginalized communities.
attracting funding from existing and new sources.
24 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

The UNCT also mobilized funding of US$1 million US$880 million requested.
from the COVID-19 Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF)
towards empowering vulnerable women market Funding totalling US$ 83 860 was mobilised from
vendors for recovery and resilience from socio- the DCO COVID-19 funds and used to provide PPE
economic shocks. The UNCT also developed a for staff at the St. Anne’s hospital, which was made
joint proposal to the United Nations Partnership on operational with UN’s support to provide care for
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD) COVID-19 patients.
Secretariat to expand the work on disability
inclusion in Zimbabwe and will learn the outcome The UNCT mobilised funding totalling US$ 150,000
of the application in 2021. from the Government of Ireland that will be used
to reinforce resilience in UN programming by
In 2020, to complement the work undertaken in the strengthening the development-humanitarian
development sphere, the Humanitarian Country nexus approach.
Team (HCT) issued a coordinated Humanitarian
Appeal, which mobilized US$213 million of the

UNCT Zimbabwe was at the forefront in the COVID-19 pandemic response

through the provision of urgently needed PPE to frontline and health workers
through realigning programmes in support of the national response plan to
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 25

Chapter III: UNCT key focus for

next year
Based on the UNCT Annual Performance review, the will redesign a comprehensive resilience approach
following priorities have been set for the year 2021. to programme implementation.

COVID-19 Response: The UNCT will ensure that the Strategic Financing and Partnerships: The UN will
Government of Zimbabwe is supported to reduce focus on strengthening engagement with IFIs and
the socio-economic impact of COVID-19, accelerate Government to initiate dialogue towards designing
efforts to bring the delivery of the SDGs back on an integrated national financing framework (INFF)
track and to procure COVID-19 vaccines and roll for sustainable development and the SDG and
out an inclusive vaccination programme. The UN identify innovative sources of financing to unlock
will implement COVID-19 occupational safety and funding for national priorities, including leveraging
health measures for UN personnel and dependents, access to financing through Government resources.
including ensuring access to vaccines. The UN will pursue innovative partnerships,
including with the private sector, to support
SDG Implementation: The Government of Zimbabwe achievement of the SDGs.
will receive integrated policy support to accelerate
implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Leaving No One Behind, Human Rights and Gender
Development and the African Union’s Agenda 2063, Equality in the 2030 Agenda; The UN will focus on
enabling it to reach the most vulnerable and the promoting the fundamental values, standards and
furthest behind first. Support will also be provided principles of the UN Charter, including respect for
to the Government in implementing, monitoring, and and protection of human rights and gender equality
reporting progress on the National Development and mainstreaming of human rights, protection
Strategy (NDS1) 2021-2025. The United Nations of the most vulnerable and policies to reach the
and the Government of Zimbabwe will formulate furthest behind first in UN and national planning
and sign the new United Nations Sustainable processes and policies.
Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF)
2022-2026 based on wide consultations with Business Innovation: The UN will ensure Business
stakeholders that ensure alignment and relevance operations are increasingly harmonised to
of the planned results to advance national and generate greater efficiencies in support of effective
regional priorities and the SDGs. programme delivery; conduct analysis to inform the
design of a Common Back Office and adopt and
Operationalizing the SG’s Prevention Vision: The implement environmentally sustainable measures
Government of Zimbabwe will be supported to to increase operational efficiency of UN premises.
prevent, respond to, and recover from internal and
external shocks, the UN will reinforce the capacity
of national institutions that promote peacebuilding
towards ensuring a harmonious society and the UN
26 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

Annex 1: Alignment to Vision 2030, NDS 1 and the SDGs

Vision 2030 Pillar SDG National Priority – NDS1<?> ZUNDAF 2016 TO 2021

Result Groups alignment to

NDS priorities:
Inclusive Growth SDG 2,13 Food and Nutrition Security Food and Nutrition
Infrastructure & Utilities
SD6, 7, 9, 11 Moving the Economy up the Value Poverty reduction and value
Chain & Structural Transformation addition
SDG 8, 9, 12

Governance SDG 10, 16 Governance Public Administration and

SDG 11, 12, 13, Environmental Protection, Climate Governance
14, 15 Resilience & Natural Resource
Management Gender
Infrastructure and SDG 9, 11 Housing Delivery
Social SDG 3, 5, 6 Health & Well-being Social Services and Protection
Development Human Capital Development
SDG 4, 8, 17 Gender
Social Protection,
SDG1,2, 10, 11 HIV
SDG 8, 10
Macroeconomic Poverty Reduction and Value
Stability & addition
Financial Re- SDG 10, 17 Image Building & International Re-
engagement engagement Gender
SDG 8, 10, 17
Economic Growth & Stability
Cross-cutting SDG 11 Youth, Sport & Culture Digital
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 27

Annex 2: Key development partners supporting the RGs

Poverty Reduction and

Value Addition
ILO; UNDP, UNIDO, IOM, Office of the President and Cabinet EU
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, SIDA
Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage,
Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural
Resettlement, Zimbabwe Resilience Building
Fund (ZRBF and World Bank
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development, (WB) International Monetary
Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Fund (IMF)

Ministry of Energy and Power Development,

Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and

Technology Development,

Ministry of Industry and Commerce,

Ministry of Information Communication Technology and

Courier Services,

Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting


Ministry of Women Affairs, Community, Small and

Medium Enterprises Development,

Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation,

Ministry of Local Government, Public Works, and National


Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of

Zimbabwe (POTRAZ)
Gender Result Group
28 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

UN Women, UNDP, Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and RuralUSAID, MPTF COVID 19,
UNICEF, WFP, FAO, Resettlement Irish Aid, (PBF), EU, Japan
UNESCO, UNHCR, Government, SDC, Germany,
UNOPS, WHO Ministry of Health and Child Care World Bank, DfID/FCDO,
Netherlands, South Korea,
Ministry of Local Government and Public Works and Belgium, SDC, USAID, Japan,
National Housing GEF 6, GCF, Sweden, Russia,
China, OFID Opec Fund for Intl
Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Devpt, NORA, SIDA

Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Ministry of Finance and Economic Development

Ministry of Women Affairs, Small and Medium Enterprise


Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

Judicial Service Commission

Zimbabwe Republic Police

Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education

Ministry of Tertiary and Higher Education

UNICEF, UNFPA, Ministry of Health and Child Care, Ministry of Women EU – Spotlight Initiative;
UNDP, WHO, WFP, ILO, Affairs, Community, Small to Medium Enterprises UNAIDS UBRAF, SIDA
UNWOMEN, UNAIDS, Development, National AIDS Council, Prisons, and the Together for SRHR, USAID, Bill
WB, UNESCO Parliament of Zimbabwe Melinda Gates and UNITAID
Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 29

Food and Nutrition

FAO, UNDP, WFP, Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural World Bank, EU, DfID/FCDO,
UNICEF, UNIDO, Resettlement Netherlands, South Korea,
Belgium, SDC, USAID, Japan,
UNOPS, IFAD & Ministry of Health and Child Care GEF 6, GCF, Sweden, Russia,
China, Germany, Opec Fund
UN Women Ministry of Local Government and Public Works for International Development
Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality

Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Ministry of Finance and Economic Development

Ministry of Women Affairs, Small and Medium Enterprise


Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare

Public Administration
and Governance
UN agencies Government Development partners
30 Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020

UNDP, UNWOMEN, Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Ireland

IOM Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Norway

Ministry of Women Affairs, Community, Small and Secretary General’s

Medium Enterprises Development Peacebuilding Fund.

Ministry of Local Government, Public Works, and National European Union


Parliament of Zimbabwe

Inter-Ministerial Committee on Migration (IMCM)

Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission

National Peace and Reconciliation Commission

Zimbabwe Gender Commission

Zimbabwe Electoral Commission

Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency

Zimbabwe Republic Police

Public Service Commission

Social Protection and

Zimbabwe United Nations Country Results Reports 2020 31

UNCEF, UNFPA, WHO, Ministry of Local Government, Public Works, and National USAID, FCDO, Japan, SDC,
FAO Housing World Bank, Germany, ECHO

Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural FCDO, SDC, SIDA, Global
Resettlement and relevant provincial committees EVAC, European Union-
Spotlight Initiative
Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
Ministry of Public Service, Labor and Social Welfare KfW (Germany), Global
Partnership for Education
Ministry Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs (GPE), Education Coalition of
Zimbabwe (ECOZI)
Ministry of Gender, Community Development and
Women’s Affairs. The World Bank​, African
Development Bank​
Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (basic , Government of Japan​,
education provision and strengthening and in-service Government of China​, Royal
teacher training, WASH in Schools) Kingdom of Sweden​, USAID​
, KfW 
Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and
Technology Development (pre-service teacher training, CHAI, USAID, FHI360, Swedish
TVET policy, skills education) SIDA, EU, Govt of Ireland,
Higher Life Foundation
Ministry of Health and Child Care (health education,
support to learner health including deworming)

Ministry of Youth, Sport, Art, and Recreation (skills


National Action Committee for WASH

Ministry of Health and Child Care - Lead Ministry on


Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education

(Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Ministry of Public Service, Labor and Social Welfare

(Child protection issues e.g. ending child marriages)

UN Zimbabwe Resident Coordinator’s Office

Block 10. Arundel Office Park. Norfolk Rd. Harare

Zimbabwe.Un.Org | @UNZimbabwe | Facebook/UNZimbabwe

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