Prepared by Pulakesh
NIT Rourkela
January 17, 2023
1. Introduction 3
1.1. Purpose 3
1.2. Project Scope 3
1.3. Environment Characteristics 3
2. Overall Description 4
2.1. Product Perspective 4
2.2. Product Features 4
2.3. User Classes 4
2.4. Operating Environment 5
2.5. Design and Implementation Constraints 5
2.6. User Documentation 5
3. Functional Requirements 6
3.1. Login authentication 6
3.2. Search for a motor part 6
3.3. Checking current stock of motor parts in the store 6
3.4. Setting the threshold for a motor part 7
3.5. Billing a customer 7
3.6. Checking the sales statistics for the shop 7
3.7. Getting the list of parts that needs to be restocked 8
3.8. Updating the current stock 8
3.9. Adding a new motor part to the inventory 8
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of the document is to serve as a guide to designers,
developers and testers who are responsible for the engineering of
the Motor Part Shop project . It should give the engineers all of the
information necessary to design, develop and test the software.
2 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
The Motor Part Shop Software will be a newly developed and self
contained product. It will help in restocking of motor parts for the
intended owner’s shop as well as it will show required sales
statistics to the owner. The Software can be modified in further
versions to add complex functionalities.
2.4 Operating Environment
The software is compatible with operating system windows version
7 and above and MAC OS. The database used is MySQL. PHP is used
for the back end and Java has been used for rest of the software. The
hardware requirements involve RAM greater than 512 MB, with
pentium core and above. The hard disc capacity needs to exceed 20
GB for this software to function smoothly.
3 Functional Requirements
3.1 Login authentication
This is the first functionality that the user encounters when it uses
the software. There are three classes of users, which include owner,
shop keepers and the sales executive. Users are required to enter
their username and password to login into the software.
• Input - Username and Password
• Process - The username and password is matched with the
existing data of owner, shop keeper and the sales executive.
• Output - Successful login if correct details are entered, else an
unsuccessful login attempt is displayed.
3.4 Setting the threshold for a motor part
This functionality is required to calculate the threshold of each motor
part based on the number of parts sold previously so that the shop does
not run out of the specified part. The average of number of parts
previously sold is calculated to get the threshold.
• Input - The stock that is sold in recent weeks.
• Process - Average of the stocks is calculated for each part.
• Output - The threshold for each motor part, if the current stock falls
below the threshold for a motor part, the motor part is restocked.
• The owner can check the sale of motor parts from the shop in the current
day. This includes the parts that were sold beginning from the day itself.
The user can also check the revenue of the day with the help of this
Input - Owner asks for sale of motor parts of the current day.
Output - Revenue for the day is calculated and displayed along with
the sold parts details.
• The owner can check the sales graph which shows the daily sales of the
shop over a period of a month. This includes all the parts in the shop. The
graph would also show the revenue generated every day in the current
Input - Owner asks for sale of motor parts of the current month.
Output - A graph is displayed which shows the sale of motor
parts for each day of the month.
3.7 Getting the list of parts that needs to be restocked
The user can get a list of all the motor parts that need to be restocked
using the software. The software compares the current stock of an item
with the average number of sales of the item over a week. If the current
stock is low, the user needs to restock the motor part to carry on the
functioning of the shop in a smooth manner.
• Input - Sales executive wants a list of parts that need to be restocked
• Output - A list is displayed showing the ID, name, vendor address and
the number of the motor parts that need to be restocked.
4 External Interface Requirements
4.1 User Interfaces
When the user will open the software, a welcome page asking the
user id and password will be displayed. The software would
entertain three categories of users, as it has been mentioned in the
user classes. Upon logging in, the software will display four buttons
along with a billing button and an exit button. Upon clicking the exit
button, the current user will be logged out and the login page will be
displayed again. The billing button will direct the user to the billing
page. The four functionalities include, Stocks, Sales, Requires Parts,
Add parts. The stocks button will show the list of current stock of
motor parts. The sales button will display the sales statistics of the
shop. The requires parts button will display the motor parts that
need to be restocked by the end of the day. The add parts page will
help in adding the recent number of restocked motor parts. The UI is
kept simple and understandable for the user, so that it can work
with it without hassle.
5 Other Nonfunctional Requirements
5.1 Maintainability Requirements
The software must be robust enough to require as lesser
maintenance as possible. Given a glitch in the software, the
administrators must be capable enough to sort out the bug quickly
to prevent delay in the shop’s functionality.