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published: 27 August 2020

doi: 10.3389/fchem.2020.00737

Opium Alkaloids in Harvested and

Thermally Processed Poppy Seeds
Michelle G. Carlin*, John R. Dean and Jennifer M. Ames †

Department of Applied Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

The opium alkaloids (morphine, codeine, thebaine, noscapine, and papaverine) have
been detected on poppy seeds; they are widely used by the food industry for decoration
and flavor but can introduce opium alkaloids into the food chain. Of the opium alkaloids
found on poppy seeds, morphine, and codeine are the most pharmacologically active
and have been detected in biological matrices collected in workplace and roadside
drug testing resulting in positive opiate results. The European Food Safety Authority
introduced an acute reference dose of 10 µg morphine/kg of body weight as a safe
Edited by:
Alberto Salomone,
level for morphine in food products. In this work, it was found that in harvested poppy
University of Turin, Italy seeds, and thermally processed poppy seeds (with and without a food matrix), if used
Reviewed by: in normal levels would not exceed the recommended acute reference dose. It was also
Serap Annette Female Akgur,
shown that the levels of all alkaloids reduce when thermally processed, in comparison
Ege University, Turkey
Mohammad Sharif Khan, with harvested, untreated seeds.
Dartmouth College, United States
Keywords: poppy seeds, morphine, codeine, thebaine, noscapine, papaverine, workplace/roadside drug testing
Michelle G. Carlin
† Present
Jennifer M. Ames, Papaver somniferum L. the opium poppy originated in Sumer, a region in ancient Mesopotamia
Jenny Ames Consulting Ltd, Reading, (modern day Iraq and Kuwait) around 5000 BC (Aragón-Poce et al., 2002). Much has been written
United Kingdom with respect to the opium poppy and many relate not only to the cultivation and harvest of this
crop but to the investigations of the chemistry of the plant and its medicinal uses as well as the
Specialty section: wars that have been fought over opium (Duke, 1973; Kapoor, 1995; Bernath, 1999; Miller and Tran,
This article was submitted to 2000; Aragón-Poce et al., 2002; Askitopoulou et al., 2002; Martinez-Fernández et al., 2002; Schiff,
Analytical Chemistry,
2002; Bozan and Temelli, 2008; Cordell, 2013; Windle, 2013).
a section of the journal
In the 21st century, the two main legitimate uses of the opium poppy are as a source of
Frontiers in Chemistry
alkaloid compounds for the pharmaceutical industry and as a source of poppy seeds for the
Received: 02 March 2020
food industry (Gumuscu et al., 2008). Of the plant family Papaveraceae (common name poppy)
Accepted: 17 July 2020
the genus Papaver has two species containing morphine, codeine, thebaine, noscapine (also
Published: 27 August 2020
called narcotine), and papaverine (Figure 1): Papaver somniferum L. and Papaver setigerum D.C
(Garnock-Jones and Scholes, 1990; Yoshimatsu et al., 2005; Mohsin et al., 2012). Thebaine
Carlin MG, Dean JR and Ames JM
(2020) Opium Alkaloids in Harvested
has been reported in Papaver orientale L. and Papaver bracteatum Lindl. but no biosynthetic
and Thermally Processed Poppy interconversion to codeine and morphine has been found in these species (Stermitz and
Seeds. Front. Chem. 8:737. Rapoport, 1961). Although it is known that alkaloid compounds can be found in both Papaver
doi: 10.3389/fchem.2020.00737 somniferum L. and Papaver setigerum D.C. the former has considerably higher levels of the

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Carlin et al. Alkaloids in Poppy Seeds

FIGURE 1 | Chemical structures of the major opium alkaloids.

five major alkaloids, by percent weight, of opium than that them would not contain any alkaloid compounds due to the
present in setigerum (Table 1). fact that the seeds develop after the latex (Duke, 1973; Schiff,
Papaver somniferum L. is an annual crop cultivated worldwide 2002). However, in the late 1970’s, it was noted that poppy
but is legitimately grown by the pharmaceutical and food seeds contained alkaloids found in opium (Grove et al., 1976).
industries in Australia, Canada, Central and Southern America, Meadway et al. (1998) highlighted that it was possible to fail
Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic and Slovakia), France, a urine drug test after the consumption of a bread product
Holland, Hungary, India, Iran, Poland, Romania, Spain, Turkey, containing poppy seeds (Meadway et al., 1998). Since then, it has
and (the former) Yugoslavia (Bernath, 1999; International become increasingly apparent that the presence of alkaloids in
Narcotics Board, 2016). the food chain is a problem and can potentially lead to serious
Papaver somniferum L. is an herbaceous plant which is repercussions (Garnock-Jones and Scholes, 1990; Cassella et al.,
harvested for its latex 5–10 days after the flowering petals fall 1997; Bonicamp and Santana, 1998; Meadway et al., 1998; Sproll
from the plant (Schiff, 2002). The dried latex product is called et al., 2006; Cone and Huestis, 2007; Lachenmeier et al., 2010;
opium from which morphine and other alkaloid compounds Chen et al., 2014; Smith et al., 2014). In Germany in particular,
can be extracted. However, if left to fully mature, the plant will where poppy seeds are used and readily incorporated into food
form poppy seeds within the capsule which can be mechanically products, measures have been taken to reduce the amount of
harvested and collected by a sieving process (Kapoor, 1995; morphine present in poppy seeds intended for the food chain. It
Schiff, 2002). has been reported that poppy seeds used for decorative purposes
Harvesting methods have been shown to greatly affect the can contain up to 100 mg/kg of morphine however, German
level of alkaloids in the final opium product (Mahdavi-Damghani authorities have recommended a limit of 20 mg/kg (Sproll
et al., 2010). If the opium is harvested too early in the process the et al., 2007). The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have
product is found to be watery and if too late the opium contains published information relating to alkaloids in food products and
significantly lower levels of alkaloids (Mahdavi-Damghani et al., provided a risk assessment with respect to public health (EFSA,
2010). 2011). The Report highlighted the requirement to estimate the
Papaver somniferum L. is cultivated for the pharmaceutical dietary morphine exposure. Based on information provided from
industry but a by-product of the process of harvesting poppy three European countries it was estimated that daily intake of
straw is poppy seeds (International Narcotics Board, 2016). This morphine ranged from 3–90 µg/kg body weight per day. It was
source of poppy seeds is used by the food industry and are also hypothesized, using the same data that portions of food
included in cakes, on bread products and sold to supermarkets items having high poppy seed content could provide morphine
and specialist shops for use in cooking/baking recipes. It was exposure in the range 38–200 µg/kg body weight per portion for
initially thought that the seeds and any products derived from adults. From evaluation of extensive scientific literature sources,

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Carlin et al. Alkaloids in Poppy Seeds

TABLE 1 | Alkaloid content by % weight of opium in Papaver setigerum and TABLE 2 | Poppy seed source and country of origin.
Papaver somniferum.
Poppy seed source Country of origin stated on
Papaver subspecies reference label

Alkaloid Setigerum* Somniferum+ % #1 China

#2 Unknown
Morphine 2.3% 7.65–25.15
#3 Turkey
Codeine 2.6% 1.21–6.37
#4 Unknown
Thebaine Detected but not quantified 0.97–6.38
#5 Holland
Papaverine 4.7% 0.51–5.33
#6 Netherlands
Noscapine 10.2% 4.03–15.22
#7 Unknown
*as determined by electrophoresis (Panicker et al., 2007), + as determined by HPLC (Krenn #8 Netherlands
et al., 1998).

TABLE 3 | Mobile phase composition and gradient program for HPLC.

the EFSA panel concluded that it was possible for an individual to
suffer effects from ingestion of poppy seed products. Importantly Mobile phase composition
it has also been shown that washing, and other pre-treatments, of Solvent A: Water + 2 mM ammonium formate + 0.2% formic acid, pH 2.4
the seeds can reduce morphine levels by up to 90%; it is believed Solvent B: Acetonitrile + 2 mM ammonium formate + 0.2% formic acid, pH4.8
that the alkaloid content of poppy seeds is due to external
contamination from the pod previously containing the latex and Time (mins) %A %B Flow rate (µL/min)

not from the inside of the seeds (Sproll et al., 2006). It is known
0.00 90 10 350
that the ingestion of poppy seeds has caused positive opiate drug
2.00 90 10 350
test results with positive opiate results have been found in urine,
10.00 10 90 350
blood, and oral fluid (Cassella et al., 1997; Bonicamp and Santana,
11.00 10 90 350
1998; Meadway et al., 1998; Rohrig and Moore, 2003; Wong et al.,
12.00 90 10 350
2005; Carlin, 2009; Jankovičová et al., 2009; Lachenmeier et al.,
14.00 90 10 350
2010; Chen et al., 2014).
In this study, the aim was to establish if thermal processing
methods, the food matrix employed and the source of poppy
seeds would affect the levels of opium alkaloids identified TABLE 4 | Analyte specific parameters for LCQ Advantage mass spectrometer
from HPLC.
pre- and post-baking. The main reason for this was to
establish if normal food preparation techniques, employed Compound m/z Monitored transition Collision Energy
when using poppy seeds, would ultimately affect the opium mass (m/z) (eV)
alkaloids reaching the food chain. Ultimately this will influence
Morphine 286 286 → 201, 229 33
drug-testing results or have a potential clinical impact on
Morphine-d3 289 289 → 201, 229 30
an individual.
Codeine 300 300 → 215, 243, 282 32
Thebaine 312 312 → 183, 249, 281 28
EXPERIMENTAL Papaverine 340 340 → 202 36

Chemicals, Reagents and Poppy Seeds 202 → 171 32

Noscapine 414 414 → 220, 353 29
Organic solvents (acetonitrile, chloroform, isopropyl alcohol,
diethyl ether, and methanol) of HPLC grade were purchased
from Sigma-Aldrich (Poole, Dorset). Deuterated morphine (100
µg/mL− in methanol was purchased from Sigma Aldrich (Poole,
Dorset). Liquid nitrogen was obtained from BOC Industrial 5 µm, 50 × 2.1 mm fitted with an Allure PFPP 10.0 × 2.1 mm
Gases (Manchester). Poppy seeds were purchased from a number guard column (both Restek, Buckinghamshire, UK) were
of retail outlets in the UK with the country of origin identified employed. The HPLC was run using a gradient method (Table 3)
where available (Table 2). with the column thermostated to 40◦ C and the autosampler tray
held at 8◦ C.
LC-MS Instrument The mass spectrometer was operated in positive mode
HPLC was performed using an LC Surveyor system (Thermo ionization with the specific instrument parameters shown in
Finnigan, Hemel Hempsted, UK) which was equipped with a Table 4 (Carlin et al., 2017).
pump, auto-sampler, and column heater. Mass spectrometry Figure 2 shows the extracted ion chromatograms for each of
was performed using an LCQ advantage (Thermo Finnigan, the alkaloids being analyzed in this work, including deuterated
Hemel Hempsted, UK) ion trap mass spectrometer. An Allure morphine as an internal standard. An overall run time of 12 min
pentafluorophenyl phase with a propyl spacer (PFPP) column was employed, with all analytes of interest eluting before 10 min.

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Carlin et al. Alkaloids in Poppy Seeds

FIGURE 2 | Extracted chromatograms from a mixed injection of (a) morphine, (b) morphine-d3, (c) codeine, (d) thebaine, (e) papaverine, and (f) noscapine.

TABLE 5 | Validation parameters for morphine, codeine, thebaine, papaverine, and noscapine.

Compound Linear equation R2 Concentration range LOQ LOD Precision Repeatability

(ng/mL) (ng/mL) (ng/mL) %CV %CV

Morphine y = 0.0047x−0.0100 0.9957 0–200 10 1.5 1.1 2.9

Codeine y = 0.014x−0.0675 0.9976 0–200 10 2 2.7 4.8
Thebaine y = 0.0214x−0.2152 0.9915 0–200 10 2 1.5 4.5
Papaverine y = 0.019x−0.1795 0.9952 0–400 10 2 1.8 5.8
Noscapine y = 0.0735x−0.6081 0.9985 0 – 500 10 1.5 3.6 4.6

Method Validation For each solvent, extractions were carried out at a different
In the validation of the LC-MS method, calibration models were pH’s (i.e., pH 3.5, pH 5.0, pH 7.0, and pH 9.0) to obtain the
prepared by using the concentration versus the ratio of the optimum extraction conditions for the alkaloids from the poppy
drug peak area/internal standard peak area. A minimum of six seeds. To avoid contamination by plastic residues from pipette
calibration points, plus a blank, were used with the concentration tips by the solvents, glass pipettes were employed.
range and associated linear equations and R2 values (Table 5). Poppy seeds from a portion of the #1 seeds were homogenized
A calibration set was analyzed alongside every data set. The using a spice blender and approximately 200 mg of the seeds
limit of detection (LOD) for this method was determined to be were weighed into glass Durham tubes (four tubes for each of
<2 ng/mL and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) was determined the solvents). For each solvent, the pH was altered to produce
to be 10 ng/mL. Precision and accuracy were found to be less than a solution of poppy seeds and solvent (1 mL) at the specified
6% for all alkaloids. Analyte specific validation data is shown in pHs. To each solution, deuterated internal standard (morphine-
Table 5. d3 ) was added. The tubes were then capped and placed into
an ultrasonic bath for 10 min, centrifuged at 4,000 rpm for
10 min. The appropriate layer was transferred to a clean glass
Alkaloid Extraction From Poppy Seeds tube, where it was dried down under nitrogen at 40◦ C and
Seven solvents, which covered a broad range of polarity reconstituted in 100 µL of aqueous mobile phase: extracts
index values (Table 6) and a solvent mix, chloroform: were filtered using a 0.22 µm nylon syringe filter before being
isopropanol (90:10, v/v), were investigated with respect to transferred to a glass insert held in an auto-sampler vial for the
alkaloid extraction efficiency. LC-MS instrument.

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Carlin et al. Alkaloids in Poppy Seeds

Calibration solutions were prepared in the mobile phase on The ingredients were mixed into a batter and added to each
the day of analysis for each of the extractions. The resultant of the dimples of mini-muffin trays purchased from Lakeland
equations from the calibration were used to determine the (Ambleside, Cumbria). The trays were then placed into an
concentration of the solution of poppy seeds; the final alkaloid electric oven set to 180◦ C and left to cook for 15 min. The final
levels in ng/g were determined by taking into account the dilution weight of poppy seeds in each mini-muffin was approximately
factor from the solvent and the original weight of the poppy seeds 1.8 g. They were then left to cool to room temperature. Each
used. The reason that calibration curves were produced on each poppy seed muffin weighed ∼20 g. The poppy seed muffins
analysis day was that it was shown in previous extractions, that were immersed in liquid nitrogen, crushed using a mortar and
small sub-samples of poppy seeds from the same packet/batch pestle and transferred to a spice blender for homogenisation
showed much variation of the concentration of the alkaloids prior to extraction and analysis by LC-MS. The LC-MS method
present. This is in keeping with the findings of other researchers, employed has been previously reported in the literature (Carlin
who identified a variation in opium alkaloids within a batch and et al., 2017). The liquid nitrogen method was found to be
between batches of poppy seeds analyzed (Bozan and Temelli, easiest to apply to the muffins: this was due to the fact that
2008; López et al., 2018). the poppy seeds were incorporated into the sponge of the
muffin. Trying to extract each poppy seed from the matrix
proved very time consuming and was also considered that
Preparations of Poppy Seeds and Bakery
any alkaloids that may have interacted with the muffin matrix
Products may also be included in results. Less fatty emulsion was also
Poppy Seed Muffins formed during the extraction method, when liquid nitrogen
Mini poppy seed muffins were prepared by mixing together 175 g was employed.
of self-raising flour, 112 g of caster sugar, 50 g of poppy seeds,
½ teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda, 70 g of melted butter, two
small eggs, the zest of one lemon, and 175 mL of skimmed milk. Poppy Seed Topped Rolls
A comparative study was carried out to establish if there was
a difference between alkaloid levels resulting from poppy seeds
incorporated into the matrix of the muffin to those resulting
TABLE 6 | Extraction solvents and associated polarity index values. from poppy seeds coated onto a bread roll. The dough for the
rolls was prepared using 280 g of strong white bread flour, 1½
Solvent Polarity index (snyder)1
tablespoons of sugar, one teaspoon of salt, ¾ teaspoon of fast
Diethyl ether 2.8
action yeast, two tablespoons of skimmed milk powder, 150 mL
Dichloromethane 3.1
of water, and two tablespoons of oil. The dough was mixed
Chloroform 4.1
in a commercially available Morphy Richards compact bread
maker (using the “dough” program). The dough was then split
Isopropanol 4.3
into 4 equal portions and each one was pressed into poppy
Acetonitrile 5.8
seeds. The rolls were then placed into an oven at 190◦ C and left
Methanol 6.6
to cook for 25 min, according to the recipe of the bread mix.
Water 9
The rolls were left to cool to room temperature and the poppy
Chloroform/isopropanol (90:10, v/v) Unknown
seeds were scraped from the surface using a metal spatula and
1 Snyder’sPolarity Index Values of Common Laboratory Solvents. Available online at: homogenized in a spice blender prior to extraction and analysis
http://www.sanderkok.com/techniques/hplc/eluotropic_series_extended.html#1. by LC-MS.

TABLE 7 | Range and mean weight of alkaloids (ng/g) in poppy seeds.

Morphine Codeine Thebaine Noscapine

Poppy seed Mean weight Range Mean weight Range Mean weight Range Mean weight Range
source reference (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g)

#1 1233 233–3,197 2,308 1,426–4,520 1,251 285–2,480 ND ND

#2 29,652 2,638–63,994 8,507 474–23,307 42,950 1,977–133,493 ND ND
#3 121 ND−769 157 ND−651 ND ND ND ND
#4 ND ND 72 52–106 ND ND ND ND
#5 5,840 864–10,837 2,610 ND−5,441 6,363 841–12,561 534 ND−2,970
#6 1,620 141–4,223 153 61–349 112 ND−343 ND ND
#7 1,059 ND−4,754 5,688 236–14,607 ND ND 2,224 291–10,700
#8 62 ND−312 117 94–157 ND ND ND ND

ND, not detected.

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Carlin et al. Alkaloids in Poppy Seeds

Thermally Processed Poppy Seeds mixture i.e., chloroform: isopropanol (90:10, v/v) at pH 3.5.
In order to assess if the muffin matrix had any effect on the For this reason, this extraction solvent mixture was used for all
level of alkaloids found in the poppy seeds, raw poppy seeds subsequent extraction’s.
from different suppliers were placed on a baking tray and heating
at 180◦ C for 15 min: they were then left to cool to room Harvested Poppy Seeds
temperature, homogenized in a spice blender prior to extraction From each batch of poppy seeds, a minimum of six different
and analysis by LC-MS. portions (weighing ∼200 mg) were extracted and analyzed. For
each source, the mean weight of each of the alkaloids in poppy
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION seeds was calculated. When the levels of morphine in poppy seeds
from each of the different sources was compared (Table 7), it
Extraction Method was found that there was much variation within batch but also
The resulting chromatograms from the poppy seed extractions between sources of poppy seeds. For example, no morphine was
were obtained for each of the alkaloid compounds and identified in any of the 15 randomly selected portions of seeds
were compared with respect to the presence of alkaloid and from source #4 however from source #2, when 15 randomly
internal standard peaks, peak shape, and interferences from the selected portions of these seeds were analyzed, the levels of
matrix/solvent combination. It was found that at the extremes morphine ranged from 2,638–63,994 ng/g. The range is provided
of the polarity scale (diethyl ether, dichloromethane, and water), to show the extent of the variation and is in keeping with other
the chromatograms produced were complex and with poor peak publications of this nature (López et al., 2018). There is much
shape for the alkaloids; these observations were independent variation in the extracted opiate compounds, which is primarily
of pH. due to the environmental differences of the seeds (Katrine et al.,
In contrast, the optimum result, in terms of alkaloid 2018; Lahiri et al., 2018). The country of origin for both of these
presence and peak shape, was obtained using the solvent poppy seed sources is unknown.
When the same comparison was carried out for codeine
(Table 7) it was also found that there was much variation within
different portions of the same batch and between sources of
poppy seeds as was the case with morphine. Source #2, which was
found to have a level of morphine much higher than the other
sources, was also found to have a higher level of codeine. No
other similarities can be drawn from the data. When this same
comparison was carried out for thebaine (Table 7) it was found
that of the poppy seeds analyzed, 50% of the source seeds did not
contain thebaine. It was also found that the same source with the
highest levels of morphine and codeine also exhibited the highest
levels of thebaine.
Noscapine was identified in only two of the eight sources of
poppy seeds (Table 7). It was found that the seeds from source
#7 contained the highest levels of noscapine of the two sources
where noscapine was identified. When the levels of the other
FIGURE 3 | Sample tubes containing poppy seed muffin and extraction
solvent, post agitation, and centrifugation.
alkaloids present in source #7 seeds, it was found that morphine
(ND−4,754 ng/g) and codeine (2,361–14,607 ng/g) were also

TABLE 8 | Comparison of levels of alkaloids identified in harvested poppy seeds, seeds from the surface of bread rolls and seeds heated with no matrix.

Harvested Seeds on bread roll Heated (no matrix)

Source reference Alkaloid Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range

(ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g)

#1 Morphine 545 8–1,888 11 ND−33 63 ND−304

Codeine 82 ND−284 3 ND−27 5 ND−54
#6 Morphine 217 ND−431 1 ND−11 ND ND
Codeine 175 ND−418 3 ND−21 ND ND
Papaverine 11 ND−64 ND ND ND ND
Noscapine 34 ND−80 ND ND ND ND
#8 Morphine 25 ND−96 ND ND 15 ND−49
Codeine 30 ND−81 5 ND - 19 11 ND−52

ND, not detected.

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Carlin et al. Alkaloids in Poppy Seeds

identified at levels in the higher range with the respect to the was added prior to extraction of the alkaloids from the seeds and
other sources. Papaverine was detected in some of the analyzed percentage extractions were incorporated into the calculations.
seeds but peaks were so small that it was not possible to quantify What was identified from this data was that whether the
them. Source #2 was found to contain morphine (2,638–63,994 seeds were heated on the surface of the bread roll or were
ng/g), codeine (474–23,307 ng/g) and thebaine (1,977–133,493 heated with no bread matrix, the levels of alkaloids (if detected)
ng/g) at levels higher in comparison to other sources. It has were considerably lower than in the harvested seeds. Koleva
been identified that sub-varieties of Papaver somniferum L. will et al. (2012) reported that morphine content could be reduced
have different alkaloid content and compositions (EFSA, 2011; by 10–50% in the process of baking while Sproll et al. (2007)
Stranska et al., 2013). However, this taxonomic information was reported that the process of grinding and baking could reduce
not available from the suppliers of the seeds. the morphine content of poppy seeds by up to 84%.
It has been known since 1920 (Annett, 1920) that factors, such When comparing the results from the current work to levels
as the season in which the plants are grown, weather conditions, published in the literature (Table 9) it can be seen that these
and quality and type of fertilizer used can greatly affect the levels findings are in-keeping with those published by Sproll et al.
of alkaloids biosynthesised by Papaver somniferum L. In turn, the (2006) however, their maximum concentrations for each of
levels of alkaloids found in opium latex will also be affected. No the alkaloids compared, was found to be higher than in the
data currently exist that compares levels of alkaloids in opium current study. This group of researchers employed an LC/MS/MS
latex and alkaloids from the same plant but it is assumed that method for the detection of morphine, codeine, papaverine, and
the levels would correlate. On this basis, the country of origin, noscapine in poppy seeds. The work published by Grove et al.
where the plant was grown in the field (e.g., in the shade or direct (1976) appears to show much lower levels for morphine and
sunlight) and the quality of the soil can all affect the levels of codeine and only these two alkaloids were included in this study.
alkaloids in the poppy seeds (Moeller et al., 2004; Sproll et al., However, this could have been due to the sensitivity of the GC-
2006). This means that if a batch of poppy seeds is harvested from MS instrument employed, the lack of information regarding the
one field, naturally there will be variation in the levels of alkaloids presence of other alkaloids present in poppy seeds at this time as
from each of the plants. It has also been shown that the alkaloids the work reported by Grove et al. was published in 1976 when
present in the opium latex may contaminate the poppy seeds as analytical instruments, such as GC-MS were not as sensitive as
part of the growing process and that a batch of poppy seeds is the they are today.
combination of multiple fields in one country: all of these factors The levels of alkaloids identified in the current work are
may explain why there is such variation within batch and between generally lower than those found by Sproll et al. (2006) but
sources of poppy seeds. this could be due to the same factors that may influence the

TABLE 9 | Comparison of alkaloids identified in poppy seeds.

Harvested Versus Thermally Processed
Poppy Seeds Current work Grove et al. (1976) Sproll et al. (2006)
A comparison was carried out to establish if there was a difference Compound Range (ng/g)
in the levels of alkaloids identified between harvested poppy
seeds, as described above, poppy seeds which were baked on Morphine ND−63,994 600–2,300 1,000–270,000
top of a bread roll, poppy seeds incorporated into a muffin Codeine ND−23,307 100–500 ND−56,000
matrix, and poppy seeds heated in an oven in the absence of Thebaine ND−133,493 NI NI
bread/muffin matrix. For each supermarket source of harvested Papaverine ND NI ND
poppy seeds, poppy seeds heated without matrix, and poppy Noscapine ND−10,700 NI ND−21,000
seeds scraped from the bread roll, 15 randomly selected portions ND, not detected; NI, not included in the study.
from each packet weighing ∼200 mg were extracted and analyzed
while for the poppy seed muffins, ∼400 mg of homogenized
poppy seed/muffin mixture was extracted. However, the muffin TABLE 10 | Comparison of alkaloids identified on harvested and thermally
matrix greatly interfered with the extraction process. During processed poppy seeds.

the extraction process, a fatty emulsion was formed which Harvested Seeds on bread Heated
affected further sample preparation techniques (Figure 3). These roll (no matrix)
aliquots were filtered twice prior to being transferred into HPLC
Source Alkaloid (ng) (ng) (ng)
vials however when the chromatograms were analyzed for these reference
muffin extractions, no alkaloids were identified. For this reason, it
was not possible to include the poppy seed muffins extract results #1 Morphine 5,666–11,330 49.5–59.4 912–1824
in the comparison between harvested poppy seeds, thermally Codeine 850–1700 40.5–48.6 324–648
processed seeds on their own and poppy seeds on the top of bread #6 Morphine 1290–2590 16.5–19.8 –
buns. In addition, seed portions from three randomly selected Codeine 1250–2500 31.5–37.8 –
sources were extracted and analyzed with the results shown in Papaverine 192–380 – –
Table 8. Again, as was established with extractions of harvested Noscapine 240–480 – –
poppy seeds there was much variation in the alkaloids identified #8 Morphine 290–580 – 147–294
and in the levels of those alkaloids present, Deuterated morphine Codeine 240–490 28.5–34.2 156–312

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Carlin et al. Alkaloids in Poppy Seeds

levels of alkaloids in poppy seeds previously highlighted. This compounds would not present a health concern. In relation to
research has shown that alkaloid variation exists depends on the the presence of thebaine and oripavine (not included in the
specific alkaloids, their source and thermal processing. It was work of this paper), it was concluded that there was insufficient
clear from the data obtained in this current work, and from other data to make any assessment. Based on these updated EFSA
studies published in the literature, that there is much variation in findings, the presence of the morphine and codeine in the poppy
the levels of alkaloids identified in poppy seeds. This variation seeds analyzed in this work, would still would still fall below the
can be attributed to a variety of natural parameters, such as recommendations outlined.
weather and soil conditions, but also in the way that the seeds are Currently, there are no guidelines on how poppy seeds
harvested (Lachenmeier et al., 2010). Processing methods prior to entering the food chain should be treated prior to use (López
packaging and even the baking process has been shown to greatly et al., 2018). There is also little or no information on packaging
affect the level of alkaloids (Sproll et al., 2007). The findings of of poppy seeds regarding what, if any, treatment has taken place
this study correlate with the studies published in the literature. prior to packaging. Since the ingestion of poppy seeds has been
When poppy seeds are consumed on a bun or roll, it has used as reasons for failure of workplace drug testing and roadside
been estimated that each roll contains 1–4 g of poppy seeds drug testing, more should be done to ensure as much information
(Lachenmeier et al., 2010). Due to the reduction of the levels of as is possible is available on the preparation methods of the seeds.
alkaloids in the baking process, it has been estimated that if the
poppy seeds contained 100,000 ng/g of morphine, the amount DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
of seeds ingested would not cause any significant effect on an
individual (Sproll et al., 2006). The datasets generated for this study are available on request to
Assuming that the average salad contains 3–6 g (1–2 the corresponding author.
teaspoons) of poppy seeds and the average bread bun has between
1.5–1.8 g of poppy. In addition, if 3–6 g of heated (“toasted”) ETHICS STATEMENT
poppy seeds would be used in a salad, the following values were
calculated (based on the data obtained from Table 8 and using This work was approved by the Northumbria University Ethics
the highest value of each alkaloid determined). committee. The university holds a UK Home Office Drug License
The EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain defined for the storage and use of controlled drug standards and for the
an acute reference dose (ARfD) of 10 µg morphine/kg (10,000 extraction of alkaloids from poppy seeds.
ng morphine/kg) of body weight (EFSA, 2011). If one assumes
a 70 kg body weight of an “average” adult, it is possible to safely AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
ingest 700 µg (700,000 ng) of morphine. This value cannot be
used when relating to young children, the elderly or individuals The laboratory work, analysis of data and writing was carried
of poor health (Sproll et al., 2006). With respect to the values of out predominantly by MC. JD and JA helped in the design and
morphine obtained in this work for harvested seeds, seeds on top review of data and interpretation and all parties contributed to
of a bread roll and seeds heated with no matrix (Table 10) and the writing and review of the article. All authors contributed to
taking into account the weights of poppy seeds used in a variety the article and approved the submitted version.
of food products mentioned above, the morphine ingested will
not exceed the ARfD determined by the EFSA. FUNDING
Recently, the EFSA published an update on these guidelines
(Katrine et al., 2018). This update related to the detection of This work was funded with the support from the Department of
morphine, codeine, oripavine, noscapine, and papaverine in Applied Sciences, Northumbria University.
poppy seed samples whereas, the previous report related only
to the levels of morphine entering the food chain. Codeine ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
values were given in relation to morphine equivalents, using
a conversion factor of 0.2. Noscapine and papaverine were This work was carried out and submitted as part of a
considered in the most recent publication however, the data Ph.D., program by MC (Carlin, 2015). The work was
that was available to the EFSA did not allow for a hazard carried out by JA while working at Northumbria University,
characterization but they did conclude that the presence of these United Kingdom.

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M., de Stoppelaar, J., Mol, H. G. J., et al. (2018). Straightforward distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original
analytical method to determine opium alkaloids in poppy seeds and author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication
bakery products. Food Chem. 242, 443–450. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017. in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use,
08.045 distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

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