IB994E Errata February2022 PQ
IB994E Errata February2022 PQ
IB994E Errata February2022 PQ
2005 Edition
Fifth edition, 2021 (ISBN: 978-92-801-1738-7)
March 2022
On page vii, replace “Volume 11” with “Volume II” to read as follows:
“The Code, particularly Volume II, was primarily intended for use by ships and aircraft and, via
coast radio stations, between ships or aircraft and authorities ashore.”
General section
I Distress – emergency
Search and rescue
Results of rescue
On page 51, replace the code “GX 1” for “All persons lost.” with “GZ 1”.
IV Manoeuvres
Stop – heave to
On page 78, replace the messages for SN and SO with the following:
SN You should stop immediately. Do not scuttle. Do not lower boats.
Do not use the wireless. If you disobey I shall open fire on you.
SO You should stop your vessel instantly. L
VI Meteorology – weather
On page 86, the code “*WA” should read “†WA” and the second footnote callout “*” replaced with “†“
to read as follows:
“† Procedure signal for repetition.”
Medical section
Tables of complements
Table M3
List of medicaments
Item 12
On page 128, replace “Unguentum Xylocaini Hydrochlondi” with “Unguentum Xylocaini Hydrochloridi”.
Appendix 3
Table of life-saving signals
On page 143, under Night signals section, in MANUAL SIGNALS column, replace “Horizontal motion of
a light or flare” with “Horizontal motion of a white light or flare” as follows:
Horizontal motion of a white or firing of a red star signal or code letter S given by light
flag or of the arms extended or sound-signal apparatus Landing
horizontally here highly
Horizontal motion of a white or firing of a red star signal or code letter S given by light
light or flare or sound-signal apparatus