Parmeshwari Devi Dhanuka: Submitted To: Submitted by
Parmeshwari Devi Dhanuka: Submitted To: Submitted by
Parmeshwari Devi Dhanuka: Submitted To: Submitted by
This is to certify that ABHINAV MISHRA of class XII- B of PDDSVM Vrindavan has
successfully completed and submitted investigatory project entitled “OXALATE IONS IN
GUAVA FRUITS” to the department of physics for AISSCE practical examination 2022-23 as
set by Central Board of Secondary Education and it wholly fulfilled the standard set by CBSE.
This project is absolutely genuine and does not indulge any kind of plagiarism.
The references taken in making this project has been declared at the end of this project.
It is my proud privilege to offer my sincere thanks to the CBSE who has gave me this opportunity to
make a project on this subject successfully.
I would like to offer my sincere thanks and gratitude to Mr. Shyam Prakash Pandey, the principal
of my school to complete this in time.
I am extremely indebted to our physics teacher Mr. Vipin Sharma for his able guidance, timely help
and constructive encouragements towards the completion of this project.
And at last, I would like to offer my sincere thanks to our lab assistance Mr. Sunil Sharma for
guidance me on a step by step basis and ensuring that I completed all my experiments with ease.
The following sources were used for the appropriate information required to complete the project.
~ Supervisor : Mr. Vipin Sharma