CE-352 Lab Report
CE-352 Lab Report
CE-352 Lab Report
A2-1 3
A2-2 1.6
A2-3 2.4
A2-4 2.8
A2-5 3.4
A2-6 5.6
Data Table :
DO (mL) DO5 (mL)
Initial Final Initial Final
Initial 6.3 9.6 4 6.1
Difference 3.3 2.1
Calculation :
Normality of Na2S2O4 = 0.025
Sample taken = 100 mL
Equivalent weight of Oxygen = 8
𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 Na2S2O4 ∗𝐸𝑞𝑣.𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑥𝑦𝑔𝑒𝑛∗1000
MF =
𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛 (𝑚𝐿)
= (0.025*8*1000)/100
So, DO = Volume of Na2S2O4 added in mL * MF
Initial DOi = 3.3*2
= 6.6 mg/L
Final DOf = 2.1*2
= 4.2 mg/L
So, BOD = DOi - DOf
= 6.6 – 4.2
= 2.4 mg/L
Result : The result of the amount of Biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD) is 2.4 mg/L.
Discussion :
From the experiment we have found the BOD value is 2.4 mg/L where
the standard value of BOD according to BECR (1997) is 0.2 mg/L for
drinking water. It shows that our BOD value is quite high than the
guideline which indicates that this water is not drinkable. But this water
can be used in other purposes like washing , cleaning etc.
Question 1 :
In a BOD test on a diluted wastewater sample (1:20
dilution, but not seeded), the initial DO is 8.2 mg/L
and final DO after 5 days is 3.2 mg/L. If the reaction
rate constant is 0.2/day, calculate; (a) 5-day BOD of
the wastewater, (b) Ultimate carbonaceous BOD of
the wastewater, (c) Remaining Oxygen demand after
Answer :
DOi = 8.2 mg/L , DOf = 3.2 mg/L
Now, the Dilution Factor D.F = (20+1)/1
= 21
SO, BOD5 = (DOi – DOf ) * D.F
= (8.2 – 3.2 ) * 21
= 105 mg/L
Now, BOD5 = Lo ( 1 - e-kt ) where, k = 0.2 / day
Lo = BOD5 / (1 – e-kt) t = 5 days
= 105 / ( 1 – e-0.2*5 )
= 166.108 mg/L
So,Ultimate carbonaceous BOD of the wastewater is166.108 mg/L
(c) Remaining Oxygen Demand after 5 days = (166.108 – 105) mg/L
= 61.108 mg/L
Question 2 :
A test bottle containing just seeded dilution water has
its DO level drop by 0.5 mg/L in 5-day test. A 300 mL
BOD bottle filled with 40 mL of wastewater and the rest
with seeded dilution water experiences a drop of 7.1
mg/L in the same period (5-day). Calculate the BOD5 of
the wastewater.
Answer :
Given that,
BODm = 7.1 mg/L , Vm = 300 mL
Vw = 40 mL , Vd = 0.5 mg/L
BODd = (300 – 40 ) mg/L
= 260 mg/L
We know that,
Or, BODw * 40 = 7.1*300 – 260*0.5
BODw = 50 mg/L (Ans)
Question 3 :
A sample of sewage is mixed with water (no seeding
done) in the ratio of 1:30 (i.e., 1 mL of sewage diluted
to 30 mL by adding water) for BOD test. The initial DO
is 8 mg/L and final DO, after 5 days, is 2.1 mg/L.
Calculate BOD5 of the sewage.
Answer :
Given that,
DOi = 8 mg/L , DOf = 2.1 mg/L
So, D.F = (30+1)/1 = 31
BOD5 = (DOi – DOf) * D.F
= (8-2.1) * 31
= 182.9 mg/L (Ans.)
A2-1 192
A2-2 256
A2-3 256
A2-4 192
A2-5 0
A2-6 192
Data Table:
SI. NO Sample Volume Burette Volume of
of sample reading 0.1 N
(mL) (ml) FAS (mL)
Initial Final
1 Blank 2.5 0 1.7 1.7
2 Sample 1 2.5 3 3.9 0.9
Volume of Ferrous Ammonium sulphate for blank (A) = 1.7 mL
Volume of Ferrous Ammonium sulphate for Sample (B) = 0.9 mL
Normality of Ferrous Ammonium sulphate, N = 0.1 N
Volume of Sample, V = 2.5 mL
(A – B) * N * 8 * 1000
Chemical oxygen Demand (COD) =
Volume of sample taken
= 2.5
=256 mg/L
The result of the amount of chemical oxygen demand (COD) is 256 mg/L
From the experiment we’ve found the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
is 256 mg/L where the standard value of COD for drinking according to
BECR (1997) is 4 mg/L. So it's clear that our sample has higher COD
value than the prescribed level for drinking. So the water isn’t
drinkable. This water can ne used in other purposes like cleaning,
washing , industrial purpose etc.
Question 1:
What are the principal advantages and disadvantages of the
COD test over the BOD test?
Answer :
1. Only the biodegradable agencies is measured in BOD test whereas
COD test measure complete organic material present in the water
2. BOD test required long period of time (5days) where COD test
Require only 3hrs to determine.
3. A high quantity of seed bacteria is required in BOD test.
1. COD test is unable to differentiate between biodegradable and
non-biodegradable organic matter where BOD test is able.
2. The use of chemical as chromium and strong acids produce
hazardous liquid, which requires carefully disposal.
Question 2:
Explain why COD values are greater than BOD values.
Answer :
COD is normally higher than BOD because more organic compounds
can be chemically oxidised than biologically oxidized. This includes
chemicals toxic to biological life, which can make COD tests very useful
when testing industrial sewage as they will not be captured by BOD
In COD test include both biodegradable and non-biodegradable organic
matter is determined whereas BOD take only biodegradable matter.
that’s why COD values are greater than BOD values.
Question 3:
What could be inferred from the following analytical results
regarding the relative ease of biodegradability of each
Type of Waste 5-day -day BOD COD
(mg/L) (mg/L)
A 240 300
B 100 500
C 80 240
Answer :
For waste A , 5 day BOD and COD ratio is = 240/300
= 0.8
This value means that it’s high biodegradable.
For waste B, 5 day BOD and COD ratio is = 100/500
= 0.2
That means it’s slightly biodegradable.
For waste C, 5 day BOD and COD ratio is = 80/240
= 0.33
That means it’s slightly biodegradable.
- Coagulation (stirring) device
- pH meter
- Turbidity meter
- Glass beakers (1000 mL; 6 nos)
1. We determined pH and turbidity of the water to be treated.
2. Filled six 1000 mL beakers each with 500 mL water to be treated.
3. Added required coagulant dose (standard alum. solution) to each
4. Mixed the samples in the beaker with the help of the stirring device.
Subjected the samples to one minute of rapid mixing (about 40 rpm)
followed by 15 minutes of slow mixing (about 25 rpm).
5. Then allowed the floes to settle down for about 15 minutes.
Observed the characteristics of the floes and the settling rates. Also
observed of which of the 6 beakers is clearest.
6. Collected the supernatant from each beaker and measured pH and
turbidity of each sample.
7.Then plotted pH versus alum dose in a graph paper and observed
effect of alum dose on pH.
8. Plotted turbidity (NTU) versus the coagulant (alum) dose (mg/L) in a
graph paper. Determined optimum dose of alum from this plot.
Data Sheet.
Calculation :
Alum dose,
S1 = 17 g/L = 17000 mg/L
V1 = 20 mL , V2 = 500 mL
So, S1V1=S2V2
𝑠1×𝑉1 17000×20
S2= = = 680 mg/L
𝑉2 500
Highest removal efficiency = ×100
From the turbidity (NTU) VS Alum dose (mg/L) graph, We get the lowest
value for final turbidity is 9.5 (NTU). For this, the Optimum value for the
Alum Dose is 1020 mg/L . And the highest efficiency for this point is
From this experiment we got the highest removal efficiency is 98.33%.
And we have plotted Turbidity (NTU) vs Alum Dose (mL) graph too.
From this graph we got the lowest value for turbidity is 9.5 (NTU) and
for this point the Alum Dose rate is 1020 mg/L. According to
Environmental Conservation Rules 1997, drinking water standard for
turbidity is 10 (NTU) where we have found the turbidity value from the
experiment is 9.5 (NTU). So according to this value our sample water is
Question 1 :
What is charge reversal? When and why it happens?
It is shown that if colloids are sufficiently strongly charged, the number
of condensed multivalent counterion can exceed the bare colloidal
charge leading to charge reversal. Charge renormalization in
suspensions with multivalent counterions depends on a subtle interplay
between the solvation energies of the multivalent counterions in the
bulk and near the colloidal surface. Also found that the effective charge
is a monotonically decreasing function of the multivalent salt
concentration. Furthermore, contrary to the previous theories, it is
found that except at very low concentrations, monovalent salt hinders
the charge reversal
Question 2 :
Why addition of alum may result in a drop in pH value.
Discuss the effect o' alum dose on pH from your
experimental results?
While alum and ferric-based coagulants are acidic in nature and
produce a drop in pH when added to wastewater, their main purpose is
to neutralize electrical charges of fine particles in water and clump
them together. So the pH value increases. The optimal pH range for
coagulation is 6 to 7 when using alum and 5.5 to 6.5 when using iron.
For high alkalinity water, excessive amounts of coagulant may be
needed to lower the pH to the optimal pH range. In these cases, it may
be beneficial to use acid in addition to the coagulant to reduce the
amount of coagulant needed and effectively lower chemical costs.
Enhanced coagulation is now widely practiced for removing disinfection
byproduct (DBP) precursors, and it also removes inorganics,
particulates, and color causing compounds. Removing these
contaminants using coagulation depends on the amount of coagulant
added. It is important to determine the optimal dose for coagulation;
insufficient doses will not effectively destabilize the particles and
adding excessive doses can cause detrimental effects such as re-
stabilization, excessive sludge production, or corrosion. Water quality
parameters such as pH, temperature, and alkalinity may dictate
effectiveness of the coagulation-filtration process. The pH during
coagulation has a profound influence on the effectiveness during the
destabilization process. The pH controls both the speciation of the
coagulant as well as its solubility, and it also affects the speciation of
the contaminants. For high alkalinity water, an excessive amount of
coagulant may be required to lower the pH to the optimal pH ranges
(alum pH 6 to 7, iron 5.5 to 6.5).
Question 3 :
What is the primary mechanism by which heavy metal ions
are removed during coagulation?
Chemical coagulation process is considered to be a valid method which
is determined by the hydrolyzed species of the inorganic coagulants
under different raw water and coagulation conditions. And the main
mechanisms of the removal of heavy metals are adsorption,
complexation, and coprecipitation. Compared with the aluminum-
based coagulants, the iron-based coagulants have better performance
due to the use of wide pH range and large surface area of the resulting
flocs. During the chemical coagulation process, the valence state of
arsenic and antimony could affect the removal efficiency. Thus, the
oxidants and reductants are often combined with inorganic coagulants
used in this process. It is found that pH is an important factor greatly
influencing the performance directly or indirectly. The complex
resulting from the interaction between the inorganic/organic pollutant
and inorganic coagulant may contribute to the removal of heavy
metals. Overall, chemical coagulation is an effective way to control
heavy metal pollution with/without other water treatment
Chlorination of public water supplies and polluted waters serves
primarily to destroy or de-activate disease-producing microorganisms.
Disinfection with chlorine is widely practiced. Chlorination may produce
some adverse effects including taste and odor problem. In recent years,
chlorination has been found to produce trihalomethanes (THMs) and
other organics of health concern (THMs are suspected human
carcinogens). Thus, use of alternative disinfectants, such as chlorine
dioxide and ozone that do not cause this particular problem, is
Environmental Significance:
Breakpoint chlorination is required to obtain a free chlorine residual for
better disinfection if ammonia is present in a water supply. While free
chlorine residuals have good disinfecting powers, they are usually
dissipated quickly in the distribution system. For this reason, final
treatment with ammonia if often practiced to convert free chlorine
residuals to longer-lasting combined chlorine residuals. The difference
between the amount of chlorine added to the water and the amount of
residual chlorine (i.e., free and combined available chlorine remaining)
at the end of a specified contact period is termed as "chlorine demand'.
-Starch Indicator
-Chlorine water
-Erlemeyer flask (250 mL)
-Measuring cylinder
1. We Placed 200-mL portion of the water to be chlorinated in each of
six 250-mL flasks.
3. Then, Shook each flask gently and allow to stand for 30 minutes.
4. At last, We Determined residual chlorine of water from each flask by
the starch-iodine method as described below:
Starch-Iodine Method:
The starch-iodine method is based on the oxidizing power of free and
combined chlorine residuals to convert iodide ion into free iodine at pH
8 or less, as shown below.
Cl2 + 2I- = I2 + 2 Cl
In the starch-iodine method, the quantity of chlorine residuals is
determined by measuring the quantity of iodine by titration with a
reducing agent sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3). The end point of titration
is indicated by the disappearance of blue color, produced by the reaction
between iodine and starch (which is added as indicator during the
꞊ ꞊ 4.4375
꞊ 1.1*4.4375
꞊ 4.88 mg/L
And the Chlorine dose rate for the 4.88 mg/L residual chlorine is 2.5
Data Sheet :
Group No Chlorine dose (mg/L) Residual Chlorine
A2-1 1.25 1.775
A2-2 2 3.99375
A2-4 5 2.66
A2-5 7.5 5.76
A2-6 10 6.65
Graph : Residual Chlorine Vs Chlorine Dose
Result :
From the graph, the break point is= (5-1.75) mg/L=3.25 mg/L
Discussion :
From the graph we have found the Chloride demand is 2.66 mg/L
where the breaking point is 3.25 mg/L. But for drinking purpose the
permissible limit of residual chlorine demand is only 0.2 mg/L – 0.5
mg/L. So from this value we can say that the water sample is not
suitable for drinking.
Question 1 :
What are the major disadvantages of chlorination? Name
some of the alternate disinfectants.
Major disadvantages
• Chloramines
• Chlorine dioxide (ClO2)
• Ozone (O3)
• Ultraviolet Radiation (UV)
Question 2 :
You would like to perform chlorination to a water sample with
pH 7.5. At this pH, what would be the relative proportions of
HOCl and OCI (see Fig. 1) What kind of change in pH would
you propose in order to increase the relative proportion of
HOCI, which is a better disinfectant?
Hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion are both disinfection agents.
These forms can exist together, but their concentration depends on the
pH of the solution. HOCl = OCl¯ + H+ at 25° C and a pH of 7.5 (7 is average
for water or neutral) half of the chlorine presenting a solution of OCl¯
and half is HOCl. At higher pH values, the quantity of OCl¯ increases at
the expense of HOCl and at lower pH values, the shift is toward
conversion of OCl¯ to HOCl. At a pH of about 5, nearly all the chlorine is
present as HOCl, and at pH 8.5, nearly all the chlorine is present as OCl¯.
In sanitizing water, hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is 80-100 times more
effective as hypochlorite ion (OCl¯). Chlorine gas lowers the pH of the
solution, thus more HOCl is present and many times more effective. At
pH 7 (neutral), 76% of the chlorine is in solution as HOCl. Hypochlorites
raise pH, losing its effectiveness. In hard water, this may contribute o
deposits on equipment and residues. Hypochlorites also produce CaCl2
or NaCl salt) which may have an adverse effect on the quality of the
water or solution. Hypochlorites are more sensitive to organic matter in
the water and thus lose their germicidal powers faster.
Question 3 :
Schematically draw a "chlorine residual" versus "chlorine
dose" curve for a water sample with no ammonia or organic
The curve is drawn below:
Determination of Total Coliforms (TC):
1. Firstly connected the Erlenmeyer (side-arm) flask to the vacuum
source (turned off) and placed the porous support in position.
2. Then opened a Petri-dish and placed a pad in it.
3. 'With a sterile pipette add 2 mL of selective broth (culture) medium to
saturate the pad.
4. Then assembled the filtration unit by placing sterile membrane filter
on the porous support, using forceps sterilized earlier by flaming.
5. After that placed the upper container in position and secure it with the
special clamps. The type of clamping to be used will depend on the type
of equipment.
6. Poured tide volume of sample chosen as optimal, in accordance with
the type of water, into the upper container.
7. After the sample had passed through the filter, disconnected the
vacuum and rinsed the container with 20-30 mL of sterile dilution water
8. Took the filtration unit apart and using the forceps, placed the
membrane filter in the Petri-dish on the pad with the grid side up.
9. Inverted the Petri-dish for incubation.
10. Incubated at 35°C or 37°C for 18-24 hours with 100% humidity
Determination of Fecal Coliforms (FC):
1. First placed the dishes in an incubator at 44±0.5 °C for 24 hours at
100% humidity. Alternatively, tight-fitting or sealed Petri-dishes may be
placed in water-proof plastic bags for incubation.
2. Then submerged the bags in a water-bath maintained at 44±0.5°C for
24 hours.
3.The plastic bags must be below the surface of the water throughout
the incubation period. They can be held down by means of a suitable
weight, e.g., a metal rack.
Data sheet
Observation No- Total coliform unit per Fecal coliform unit per
100 mL 100 mL
1 Nil Nil
The amount of Total coliform and fecal coliform unit is 0 unit CFU/100
mL in sample water.
In this experiment we have found the amount of FC and TC in sample
water is 0 CFU/100 mL. According to Environmental Conservation Rules
1997, the Standard Value for Drinkable water in Bangladesh in Coliform
parameter is 0 unit/100 mL. So from the experimental value we can say
that the water sample is fully safe for drinking and can be used in other
purposes too.
Question 1 :
What do you understand by "indicator organisms"? Why
water samples are usually tested for indicator organisms
instead of specific pathogenic organisms?
An indicator organism is one whose presence presumes that
contamination has occurred and suggests the nature and extent of the
contaminants. An indicator organism should be a microorganism whose
presence is evidence of fecal contamination of warm blooded animals.
Indicators may be accompanied by pathogens, but typically do not cause
disease themselves.
Using coliform as indicators of the presence and absence of pathogens
sometimes may cause the following drawbacks:
❖ False positive result can be obtained from the bacterial genus
aeromonas, which can biochemically mimic the coliform group
❖ False negative result can be obtained when conforms are present
along with high population of other bacteria. The latter bacteria
can act to suppress coliform activity.
❖ A number of pathogens have been shown to survive longer in
natural waters and / or through various treatment processes than
But the use of coliforms was established first and there does not appear
to be any distinct advantages to warrant shifting to other indicator
organisms. Since bacteria are used as indicator organisms, the
microbiological examination of water is commonly called bacteriological
Question 2 :
Define and differentiate between total coliform (TC) and
fecal coliform (FC)?
Total coliforms are defined as gram negative bacteria which ferment
lactose at 35° or 37° C with the production of acid, gas and aldehyde
within 24 or 48 hours. Fecal coliform are a subgroup of total coliforms,
which live in the warm blooded animals and have the same properties as
thetotalcoliform but tolerate and grow at higher selective temperature
range of 44° to 44.5°C. In addition, they form indole from tryptophan.
And these combined properties, when positive, are regarded as
presumptive Escherichia coli (presumptive E. coli).
Question 3:
What are the major advantages of "membrane filtration
method" over "multiple tube method"?
The major advantages of "membrane filtration method" over "multiple
tube method" are as follows-
❖ Results are obtained more quickly as the number of coliforms can
be assessed in less than 24 hours, whereas the multiple tube
technique requires 48 hours both for a negative or a presumptive
positive test;
❖ Saving in work, certain supplies and glassware;
❖ Method gives direct results;
❖ Easy to use in laboratories, or even in the field if portable
equipment is used.
1. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS)
2. Glass tube.
3. Micro.
4. Pipette.
5. Arsenic toolkits.
1. Firstly added reagent to reaction bottle and shaked vigorously.
2. Then inserted the strip into the turret and closed it.
3. After that it was sit for 15 minutes.
4. Selected the As concentration on the chart that matched the color
of the test strip most closely. The reference chart provided with the
kit displays the yellow to brown range of colors expected for As
concentrations of 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, and 1000 μg/L.
Data sheet
-Experiment No: 15
The amount of Arsenic in sample water is 0 µg/L
From the experiment we have found the amount of arsenic in sample
water is 0 µg/L. According to Environmental Conservation Rules 1997
and guideline from WHO the standard value for arsenic is 0.05 mg/L
and 10 µg/L respectively. So it is clear that the sample water is fully
safe for drinking and other purposes.
Question 1 :
In which chemical form arsenic is likely to exist in ground
water? Explain.
In groundwater, arsenic primarily exists as inorganic arsenic. Inorganic
trivalent arsenic, [As(III)] or arsenite is the dominant form in reducing
environment; while inorganic pentavalent arsenic [As(V)] or arsenate
is the dominant form in oxidizing or aerobic environment. In
groundwater environment where the conditions are mostly reducing,
a significant part of the arsenic exists as As(III).
Question 2 :
Write down some merits & demerits of ETAAS method and
FAAS method.
ETAAS is by far the most advanced and widely used high sensitivity
sampling technique for atomic absorption. The main advantages of
ETAAS can be summarized as follows:
❖ Slurries and solid samples can be analyzed in addition to
samples in solution
❖ It shows greater sensitivity than AAS
❖ It is an expensive technique
❖ Low sample throughput
❖ It requires experienced operators.
The advantages of FAAS are mentioned below:
• Inexpensive (equipment, day-to-day running) • High sample
throughput • Easy to use • High precision