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Detecting Web Application Vulnerability using Dynamic Analysis with

Penetration Testing

Article · October 2016


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Pandikumar Thangasamy
Defence University


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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct -2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Detecting Web Application Vulnerability using

Dynamic Analysis with Penetration Testing
Dr. T.Pandikumar 1 Tseday Eshetu 2

11 Phd, Department of Computer and Information Technology, Defence University, College of Engineering,
Debre Zeyit, Ethiopia
2 M-tech, Department of Computer and Information Technology, Defence University, College of Engineering,

Debre Zeyit, Ethiopia

Abstract - Web application is becoming so popular and completeness of the obtained results. The second
significant part of our daily lives. Due to the use of web approach is based on web application analysis from
applications increasing day by day, the web application the server side, with assumption that source code of
security is becoming vital for user’s secret data. In parallel the application is available. In this case dynamic or
to this, the number of reported web application static analysis techniques can be applied. A
vulnerabilities is increasing dramatically. Most of the comprehensive survey of these techniques was made
vulnerabilities are the result of improper input validation.
by vigna et al., according to this survey several
This paper discuss the Tainted Mode Model (TMM) which
allows inter module vulnerabilities detection. Besides, the statements could be made. [1]
seminar presents a new approach to vulnerability analysis  The most common model of input validation
which incorporates advantages of penetration testing and vulnerabilities is the Tainted Mode model.
dynamic analysis. This approach effectively utilizes the This model was implemented both by means
extended Tainted Mode Model. of static or dynamic analysis.
Key Words: Web Applications, Vulnerability Analysis,
Penetration Testing, Dynamic Analysis, Taint Analysis  Another approach to model input validation
vulnerabilities is to model syntactic structure
1. INTRODUCTION for sensitive operations arguments. The idea
Web application is a software program that runs on a behind this is that the web application is
web server, it became more and more popular and susceptible to an injection attack, if syntactic
important part of our daily life than before. Web structure for sensitive operation arguments
application contains security vulnerability, attackers depends on the user input. This approach
have an over growing list of vulnerability to exploit was implemented by means of string analysis
in order to maliciously gain access to web in static and it was applied to detect SQLI and
application. Thus the task of securing web XSS vulnerabilities in PHP.
applications is one of the most urgent for now.
According to, the most efficient way of finding  One of the main drawbacks of static analysis
security vulnerabilities in web applications is manual in general is its susceptibility to false
code review. This technique is very time-consuming, positives caused by inevitable analysis
requires expert skills, and is prone to overlooked imprecisions. This is made worse by dynamic
errors. Therefore security society actively develops nature of scripting languages. However, static
automated approach to finding security vulnerability. analysis techniques normally perform
This approach can be divided into two wide conservative analysis that considers every
categories Black box and White box testing. The first possible control path.
approach is based on web application analysis from 1.1 TAINTED MODE MODEL
Taint mode is a way of making your code more secure. It
the user side, assuming that source code of an
means that your program will be fussier about data it
application is not available. The idea is to submit receives from an external source. External sources include
various malicious patterns (implementing for users, the file system, the environment, locale information,
example SQL injection or cross-site scripting attacks) other programs and some system calls.
into web application forms and to analyze its output Dynamic and static analysis uses Tainted Mode model for
thereafter. If any application errors are observed an finding security vulnerabilities that cause improper input
assumption of possible vulnerability is made. This validation.
approach does not guarantee neither accuracy nor

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 430
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct -2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

According to, following assumptions were made within vulnerabilities that could result from poor or improper
Tainted Mode Model: system configuration, either known and unknown
1. All data received from the client via HTTP-requests is hardware or software flaws, or operational weaknesses in
untrustworthy (or tainted). process or technical countermeasures. This analysis is
2. All data being local to the web application is carried out from the position of a potential attacker and
trustworthy (or untainted). can involve active exploitation of security vulnerabilities.
3. Any untrustworthy data can be made trustworthy by Penetration testing approach is based on simulation of
special kinds of processing, named sanitization with these attacks against web applications. Currently, penetration
assumptions made; security vulnerability is defined as a testing is implemented as black box testing. A vulnerability
violation of any of the following rules: assessment simply identifies and reports noted
1. Untrustworthy (tainted) data should not be used in vulnerabilities, whereas a penetration test attempts to
construction of HTTP responses. exploit the vulnerabilities to determine whether
This prevents cross site scripting attacks.
2. Untrustworthy (tainted) data should not be saved to
local storages. This prevents possible construction of
HTTP responses from these sources in future.
3. Untrustworthy (tainted) data should not be used in
system calls and in construction of commands to external
services such as database, mail, etc. This prevents most of
injection attacks.
4. Untrustworthy (tainted) data should not be used in
construction of commands that would be passed as input
to interpreter. This prevents script code injection attacks.
2. Dynamic Analysis Testing
A Dynamic analysis test communicates with a web unauthorized access or other malicious activity is possible.
application through the web front-end in order to identify Penetration testing typically includes application security
potential security vulnerabilities and architectural testing as well as controls and processes around the
weaknesses in the web application. Unlike source code applications.
scanners, a dynamic analysis program doesn't have access
to the source code and therefore detects vulnerabilities by
actually performing attacks.[2]
Figure 1: Visualization of vulnerability in the application
A dynamic analysis security scanner can facilitate the
automated detection of security vulnerabilities within a
web application. A dynamic analysis test is often required
to comply with various regulatory requirements. Dynamic 3.1 Conducting Penetration Testing
analysis scanners can look for a wide variety of Penetration testing is not merely the serial execution of
vulnerabilities, including: automated tools and generation of technical reports as it is
-Site Scripting, SQL frequently viewed. It should provide a clear and concise
Injection, etc.) direction on how to secure an organization’s information
and information systems from real world attacks.
lems One critical factor in the success of penetration testing is
its underlying methodology. A systematic and scientific
3. PENTETERATION TESTING approach should be used to successfully document a test
A penetration test, occasionally called as pen-test, is a and create reports that are aimed at different levels of
method of evaluating the security of a computer system or management within an organization. It should not be
network by simulating an attack from malicious outsiders restrictive to enable the tester to fully explore his
(who do not have an authorized means of accessing the intuitions.
organization's systems) and malicious insiders (who have Generally, penetration testing has three phases: test
some level of authorized access). The process involves an preparation, test, and test analysis as shown in Figure 2.
active analysis of the system for any potential

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 431
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct -2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

 Inject malicious data into Web

Common methods used include:
o URL manipulation: use specially crafted
parameters to be submitted to the Web
application as part of the URL.

o Hidden field manipulation: set hidden fields of

HTML forms in Web pages to malicious values.

o HTTP header tampering: manipulate parts of

HTTP requests sent to the application.

o Cookie poisoning: place malicious data in cookies,

small files sent to Web-based applications.
Figure 2: Penetration Testing Methodology [6]
 Manipulate applications using
All the necessary documents for the test are organized and malicious data
finalized during the test preparation phase. The testers Common methods used include:
and the organization meet to decide the scope, objectives, o SQL injection: pass input containing SQL
timing, and duration of the test. Issues such as information commands to a database server for execution.
leakages and downtime are resolved and put into legal
o Cross-site scripting: exploit applications that
agreement document. Other legal agreements that are
output unchecked input verbatim to trick the user
deemed necessary are concluded and signed during this
into executing malicious scripts.
phase. The bulk of the penetration testing process is done
during the test 12 o HTTP response splitting: exploit applications that
phase. This phase involves the following steps: output input verbatim to perform Web page
information gathering, vulnerability analysis, and defacements or Web cache poisoning attacks.
vulnerability exploits.
o Path traversal: exploit unchecked user input to
3.2 Penetration Test Process control which files are accessed on the server
The Penetrator performs information discovery via a wide
range of techniques that is, databases, scan utilities and 5. CONCLUSIONS
more in order to gain as much information about the This paper presents a new approach to automatic
target system as possible. These discoveries often reveal penetration testing by leveraging it with knowledge from
sensitive information that can be used to perform specific dynamic analysis. Most of vulnerabilities result from
attacks on a given machine [2]. Development process in improper or none input validation by the web application.
such a way that findings can help improve design, Most existing approaches are based on the Tainted Mode
implementation, and deployment practices vulnerability model which cannot handle inter-module
vulnerabilities. Vulnerability management should be
considered a priority given the sophisticated malware
targeting client PCs inside the organization.
I would like to thank my advisor Dr. T. PANDI KUMAR for
the suggestions, ideas, and advices during the
development of this work. Especially, I thank him for his
consistent guidance and encouragement throughout my
work. The achievement of this paper work would not have
been possible without his help.
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My name is Tseday Eshetu Belayneh

I received my BSc. Degree in Information

Communication Technology (ICT) in 2008.
Currently am taking my M –tech in Computer
and information technology from Defense
University College of Engineering. In 2009,
I joined Rift Valley University to work as An
Instructor and I am still working there in this

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 433

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