Finals Worldreligion
Finals Worldreligion
Finals Worldreligion
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Dumaguete City
Piapi, Dumaguete City
I. Read the sentences carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your paper.
1. One distinct feature of Mahayana Buddhism concerns its teaching about an enlightened being who is already eligible
to enter nirvana but opts to forego this right to assist others attain the same state.
A. Bodhisattva B. Mahasamgika C. Trikaya D. Tripitaka
2. Which of the following refers to the concept of Mahayana Buddhism that pertains to the teachings about the nature
of Buddha and reality.
A. Bodhisattva B. Mahasamgika C. Trikaya D. Tripitaka
3. What became the new teachings of the Mahayana sect that became popular and appealing to common people?
A. Four Noble Truths B. Nirvana C. Paranirvana D. Samsara
4. It also known as the “Great Vehicle”
A. Buddhism B. Mahayana Buddhism C. Theravada Buddhism D. School of Taught
5. What is the best example of the Law of Dependent Origination or Paticca-samuppada?
A. Ascetic Life B. Karma C. Meditation D. Reincarnation
6. Why did Siddharta Gautaman left his family and his luxurious life?
A. He felt discontentment B. He seek answers
C. Both A and B D. He wants to see the reality
7. What is the oldest recorded text of Buddhist texts that became the central precept of Theravada Buddhism?
A. Pali Canon B. Pentateuch C. Tipitaka D. Tripitaka
8. Theravada Buddhism is dominantly practiced in what country?
A. China B. Japan C. Philippines D. Thailand
9. Why does Theravada called the school of elder monks?
A. It adheres to the original practices of Buddha from his disciples
B. Can draw doctrines from their school
C. Monks live in an ascetic life
D. Siddharta Buddha was the enlightened one.
10. What is the fundamental teachings of Buddhism?
A. The division of Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism
B. The life and teachings of Siddharta Buddha
C. The monk of live in an ascetic life
D. The way to Nirvana through meditation
11. Why does Hinduism often considered as the oldest and most complex of all world religions?
A. They are considered as a philosophy or a religion
B. They have many Gods and Goddesses
C. They have no single founder and no specific theological system
D. The sacred scripture of Hinduism is categorized into two.
12. What is the Fundamental to Hindu teachings?
A. Caste System B. Doctrines of Samsaraa C. Great salvation D. Reincarnation
13. Mahabharata is another major Sanskrit literature of Old India. What does it compose?
A. Journey of Rama B. Historical Background C. Tales and Myths D. Verses/Poem
14. It is the third book of Hinduism the contains knowledge of chants.
A. Rig- Veda B. Sama- Veda C. Vedas D. Yajur- Veda
15. Shruti is part of the sacred scriptures of Hinduism. What does shruti mean?
A. Sacrificial Hymns B. Sitting down here
C. That which has been remembered D. That is what heard
16. It is considered as religion because of its ideals that are inspirational.
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Hinduism D. Shintoism
17. It is considered the very essence of Japanese devotion to unseen spiritual beings and powers.
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Hinduism D. Shintoism
18. What is the most practical among the world’s great religions?
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Hinduism D. Shintoism
19. What is the world’s third largest religion?
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Hinduism D. Shintoism
20. What is the meaning of Dharma for the Hindus?
A. Individuals appropriate behavior B. Faith within oneself
C. Philosophical Point of View D. Universal Law & Order
21. The basic justification of a ruler’s power is when he is accepted by his people.
A. Five Classics B. Mandate of Heaven C. Remonstrate D. Tian
22. What do you call a group of books which was regarded as early Confucianism’s special texts?
A. Five Classics B. Mandate of Heaven C. Remonstrate D. Tian
23. Which of the following terms means make a forcefully reproachful protest?
A. Five Classics B. Mandate of Heaven C. Remonstrate D. Tian
24. Which of the following refers to heaven?
A. Five Classics B. Mandate of Heaven C. Remonstrate D. Tian
25. It is a period of great economic growth, social change, and political development
A. Eastern Zhou B. Confucianism C. Daoism D. Shintoism
26. Which religion focuses on the importance of ancestor and nature worship to achieve harmony in all
A. Eastern Zhou B. Confucianism C. Daoism D. Shintoism
27. It is considered becoming one with the Tao is the way to promote harmony in society.
A. Eastern Zhou B. Confucianism C. Daoism D. Shintoism
28. What religion does virtues is needed to promote peace and harmony in the society?
A. Eastern Zhou B. Confucianism C. Daoism D. Shintoism
29. What do you call the Amalgation of different religious beliefs?
A. De B. Syncretism C. Tao D. Qi/Chi
30. Which of the following means “The Way”?
A. De B. Syncretism C. Tao D. Qi/Chi
31. Which of the following are built to honor the spirits believed to be found in nature?
A. Altar B. Church C. Shrines D. Temples
32. What is the common symbol for Shintoism?
A. Bell Church B. Cross C. Tori Gate D. Yin Yang
33. Which of the following is considered as the worst form of impurity for Shintoism?
A. Death B. Menstruation C. Pregnancy D. Wound
34. Which of the following is the most well known Daoist religious sysmbol?
A. Bell Church B. Cross C. Tori Gate D. Yin Yang
35. Which of the following does not belong to the Shinto Rites of Passage?
A. Adult’s Day B. Baptism C. Wedding D. Funeral
36. Which of the following worship/belief of Shintoism where these things provide protection and can even be a source
of magic?
A. Amulets B. Charms C. Cross D. Both A and B
37. Which of the following is considered the leader of the devas or gods; the lord of heaven in Hinduism; god of rain and
A. Agri B. Adityas C. Indra D. Narasimba
38. It is considered Half-man, half-lion and he who destroyed the tyrant king.
A. Agri B. Adityas C. Indra D. Narasimba
39. Which of the following is considered the God of Fire; messenger od the Gods?
A. Agri B. Adityas C. Indra D. Narasimba
40. Who authored Dao De Jing and is considered the “Old Master”?
A. Lao -Tzu B. Mengzi C. Xunzi D. All of the above
41. In what religion does (purushartha) dharma, artha, kama, and moksha belong?
A. Buddhism B. Daoism C. Hinduism D. Shintoism
42. Which of the following refers to spirits and best understood by Shinto followers through faith?
A. Kame B. Kami C. Shinto D. Shogun
II. Matching Type: Match Column A from Column B by writing the letter of the correct answer on your paper.
1. Non-competition in emptiness A. contentment with what is
2. inaction with nature B. absence of desire
3. Yang C. passive force
4. Yin D. Virtue
5. Qi/Chi E. The way of nature
6. Wu-wei F. Action through inaction
7. Dao G. classic of the way
8. Daodejing H. balance of nature
9. De I. natural energy
10. Yin-yang J. active force
III. Complete the table by filling in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose the answer from the list below.
A. Four Noble Truth B. feeling C. killing thing
E. Overcome F. single G.tale-bearing H.untruthfulness
Right View
1. Understand the “ ______________________”
Right Intention
2. Free one’s self from ill-will, cruelty and ______________________.
Right Speech
3. Abstain from untruthfulness, __________________, harsh language and vaintalk
Right Action
4. Abstain from _________________ stealing and sexual misconduct
Right livelihood
5. Earn a living in a way not harmful to any __________________
Right Effort
6. Avoid evil thoughts and __________________ them, arouse good thoughts and maintain them
Right Mindfulness
7. Pay vigilant attention to every state of the body, ________________ and mind
Rght Concentration
8. Concentrate on a _______________ object so as to induce certain special states of consciousness in
deep mediation.
I. Read the sentences carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your paper.
1. One distinct feature of Mahayana Buddhism concerns its teaching about an enlightened being who is already eligible
to enter nirvana but opts to forego this right to assist others attain the same state.
A. Bodhisattva B. Mahasamgika C. Trikaya D. Tripitaka
2. Which of the following refers to the concept of Mahayana Buddhism that pertains to the teachings about the nature
of Buddha and reality.
A. Bodhisattva B. Mahasamgika C. Trikaya D. Tripitaka
3. What became the new teachings of the Mahayana sect that became popular and appealing to common people?
A. Four Noble Truths B. Nirvana C. Paranirvana D. Samsara
4. It also known as the “Great Vehicle.”
A. Buddhism B. Mahayana Buddhism C. Theravada Buddhism D. School of Taught
5. What is the best example of the Law of Dependent Origination or Paticca-samuppada?
A. Ascetic Life B. Karma C. Meditation D. Reincarnation
6. Why did Siddharta Gautaman left his family and his luxurious life?
A. He felt discontentment B. He seeks answers.
C. Both A and B D. He wants to see the reality.
7. What is the oldest recorded text of Buddhist texts that became the central precept of Theravada Buddhism?
A. Pali Canon B. Pentateuch C. Tipitaka D. Tripitaka
8. Theravada Buddhism is dominantly practiced in what country?
A. China B. Japan C. Philippines D. Thailand
9. Why does Theravada called the school of elder monks?
A. It adheres to the original practices of Buddha from his disciples.
B. Can draw doctrines from their school.
C. Monks live in an ascetic life.
D. Siddharta Buddha was the enlightened one.
10. What is the fundamental teachings of Buddhism?
A. The division of Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism
B. The life and teachings of Siddharta Buddha
C. The monk of live in an ascetic life.
D. The way to Nirvana through meditation
11. Why does Hinduism often considered as the oldest and most complex of all world religions?
A. They are considered as a philosophy or a religion.
B. They have many Gods and Goddesses
C. They have no single founder and no specific theological system.
D. The sacred scripture of Hinduism is categorized into two.
12. What is the Fundamental to Hindu teachings?
A. Caste System B. Doctrines of Samsara C. Great salvation D. Reincarnation
13. Mahabharata is another major Sanskrit literature of Old India. What does it compose?
A. Journey of Rama B. Historical Background C. Tales and Myths D. Verses/Poem
14. It is the third book of Hinduism the contains knowledge of chants.
A. Rig- Veda B. Sama- Veda C. Vedas D. Yajur- Veda
15. Shruti is part of the sacred scriptures of Hinduism. What does shruti mean?
A. Sacrificial Hymns B. Sitting down here.
C. That which has been remembered D. That is what heard.
16. It is considered as religion because of its ideals that are inspirational.
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Hinduism D. Shintoism
17. It is considered the very essence of Japanese devotion to unseen spiritual beings and powers.
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Hinduism D. Shintoism
18. What is the most practical among the world’s great religions?
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Hinduism D. Shintoism
19. What is the world’s third largest religion?
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Hinduism D. Shintoism
20. What is the meaning of Dharma for the Hindus?
A. Individuals appropriate behavior B. Faith within oneself
C. Philosophical Point of View D. Universal Law & Order
21. The basic justification of a ruler’s power is when he is accepted by his people.
A. Five Classics B. Mandate of Heaven C. Remonstrate D. Tian
22. What do you call a group of books which was regarded as early Confucianism’s special texts?
A. Five Classics B. Mandate of Heaven C. Remonstrate D. Tian
23. Which of the following terms means make a forcefully reproachful protest?
A. Five Classics B. Mandate of Heaven C. Remonstrate D. Tian
24. Which of the following refers to heaven?
A. Five Classics B. Mandate of Heaven C. Remonstrate D. Tian
25. It is a period of great economic growth, social change, and political development
A. Eastern Zhou B. Confucianism C. Daoism D. Shintoism
26. Which religion focuses on the importance of ancestor and nature worship to achieve harmony in all
A. Eastern Zhou B. Confucianism C. Daoism D. Shintoism
27. It is considered becoming one with the Tao is the way to promote harmony in society.
A. Eastern Zhou B. Confucianism C. Daoism D. Shintoism
28. What religion does virtues is needed to promote peace and harmony in the society?
A. Eastern Zhou B. Confucianism C. Daoism D. Shintoism
29. What do you call the Amalgation of different religious beliefs?
A. De B. Syncretism C. Tao D. Qi/Chi
30. Which of the following means “The Way”?
A. De B. Syncretism C. Tao D. Qi/Chi
31. Which of the following are built to honor the spirits believed to be found in nature?
A. Altar B. Church C. Shrines D. Temples
32. What is the common symbol for Shintoism?
A. Bell Church B. Cross C. Tori Gate D. Yin Yang
33. Which of the following is considered as the worst form of impurity for Shintoism?
A. Death B. Menstruation C. Pregnancy D. Wound
34. Which of the following is the most well-known Daoist religious sysmbol?
A. Bell Church B. Cross C. Tori Gate D. Yin Yang
35. Which of the following does not belong to the Shinto Rites of Passage?
A. Adult’s Day B. Baptism C. Wedding D. Funeral
36. Which of the following worship/belief of Shintoism where these things provide protection and can even be a source
of magic?
A. Amulets B. Charms C. Cross D. Both A and B
37. Which of the following is considered the leader of the devas or gods; the lord of heaven in Hinduism; god of rain and
A. Agri B. Adityas C. Indra D. Narasimba
38. It is considered Half-man, half-lion and he who destroyed the tyrant king.
A. Agri B. Adityas C. Indra D. Narasimba
39. Which of the following is considered the God of Fire; messenger od the Gods?
A. Agri B. Adityas C. Indra D. Narasimba
40. Who authored Dao De Jing and is considered the “Old Master”?
A. Lao -Tzu B. Mengzi C. Xunzi D. All of the above
41. In what religion does (purushartha) dharma, artha, kama, and moksha belong?
A. Buddhism B. Daoism C. Hinduism D. Shintoism
42. Which of the following refers to spirits and best understood by Shinto followers through faith?
A. Kame B. Kami C. Shinto D. Shogun
II. Matching Type: Match Column A from Column B by writing the letter of the correct answer on your paper.
1. non-competition in emptiness A. contentment with what is
2. inaction with nature B. absence of desire
3. Yang C. passive force
4. Yin D. Virtue
5. Qi/Chi E. The way of nature
6. Wu-wei F. Action through inaction
7. Dao G. classic of the way
8. Daodejing H. balance of nature
9. De I. natural energy
10. Yin-yang J. active force
III. Complete the table by filling in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose the answer from the list below.
A. Four Noble Truth B. feeling C. killing thing
E. Overcome F. single G.tale-bearing H.untruthfulness
Right View
1. Understand the “ ______________________”
Right Intention
2. Free one’s self from ill-will, cruelty and ______________________.
Right Speech
3. Abstain from untruthfulness, __________________, harsh language and vaintalk
Right Action
4. Abstain from _________________ stealing and sexual misconduct
Right livelihood
5. Earn a living in a way not harmful to any __________________
Right Effort
6. Avoid evil thoughts and __________________ them, arouse good thoughts and maintain them
Right Mindfulness
7. Pay vigilant attention to every state of the body, ________________ and mind
Rght Concentration
8. Concentrate on a _______________ object so as to induce certain special states of consciousness in deep