Lesson 5 Summary
Lesson 5 Summary
Lesson 5 Summary
Lesson Objectives:
1. Recognize one’s limitations and possibilities
2.Evaluate one’s limitations and the possibilities for their transcendence
3.Recognize how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for transcendence
One of the leading subjects in the course Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human
Person is the idea that the human person is an embodied spirit. So, what do we exactly mean by
“embodied spirit”?
MAN- is a general term which is commonly used to refer to the entire human race.
HUMAN- refers to man as a species- Homo sapiens or modern human beings.
PERSON- is a much more complex term which generally refers to a human being granted
recognition of certain rights, protection, and responsibilities
1. Comparative method:
• By studying different animal species, their behavior under similar stimuli can be
compared to human data enhancing the understanding of human behaviors.
2. Physiology:
• investigates how the nervous system and hormones work
• determines how the brain functions
• determines how changes in structure and function of these systems may affect
3. Inheritance:
• investigates which traits are inherited by offspring from their parents
• Investigates the mechanism of inheritance of traits in animals
The PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE emphasize on human behavior and thought processes
in analyzing human nature. Man possesses awareness, a sense of self, and the capacity to
perceive and experience. The significant mental faculties and capabilities of man include:
The psyche which refers to the human mind and is divided into the conscious and
unconscious mind. The conscious mind is the part which governs awareness while the
unconscious mind consists of latent or repressed emotions, thoughts and desires.
Introspection or the ability to examine ones owns conscious thoughts, feelings, and
mental state, and the capacity for self-reflection.
○ Anthropocentrism is the belief that humans are the central and most
significant species on the planet.
Cahlee is playing in the living room while his mom is in the kitchen cooking some dishes.
He accidentally bumps into a table, causing a vase to fall. Upon hearing, his mom went to the living
room and saw him, standing near the broken vase. She asked, “Did you break the vase?” What do
you think Cahlee‘s answer will be?