Pantalla MTA 100
Pantalla MTA 100
Pantalla MTA 100
MAC 40+/MTA-100 is used with MELSEC PLC-systems. Beside this manual, the following manuals are also available: FX0/FX0S/FX0N/FX-series, Programming manual FX0S-series, Hardware manual FX-series, Hardware manual FX0/FX0N-series, Hardware manual A-series, Programming Manual AnU-CPU, User's Manual AnA-CPU, User's Manual AnN-CPU, User's Manual AnS-/AnAS, User's Manual MAC Programmer/SW-MTA, Manual MAC Programmer+/SW-MTA-WIN, Manual G & L Beijer Electronics AB 1997
All examples in this manual are used solely to promote understanding of how the equipment works and its operation. Mitsubishi take no responsibility if these examples are used in real applications. Because of the great many application areas for this equipment, the user himself must acquire the appropriate knowledge needed to use the equipment correctly for particular applications. Mitsubishi absolves itself of all reaponsibilities for damage and injuries that may occur during installation or use of this equipment. Mitsubishi absolves itself of all responsibilities for any type of modification made to the equipment. Only approved spare parts and accessories manufactured according to specifications of Mitsubishi should be used. The equipment must not be used in an explosive environment.
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Safety precautions
Safety precautions
Check the delivery for transport damage. If damage is found, advise your supplier. The product fulfils the requirements of article 4 of EMC directive 89/336/EEC. Do not use the product in an explosive environment. Modifications, changes and additions to the product are forbidden. Use only spare parts approved by G & L Beijer Electronics AB. Read the user instructions carefully before use. This equipment should only be operated by qualified personnel.
At installation
The product is constructed for stationary installation. Install the product according to the accompanying installation instructions. The product must be grounded according to the accompanying installation instructions. This equipment must be installed by qualified personnel. High voltage-, signal- and supply cables must be separated. The product should not be mounted in direct sunlight.
In use
Keep the equipment clean. Emergency stop- and other safety functions should not be controlled from the terminal. Do not touch the keys, displays, etc. with sharp objects.
Safety precautions
1 Introduction...........................................................................................1 2 Installation .............................................................................................3 2.1 Contents of package ..........................................................................3 2.2 System requirements ........................................................................3 2.3 Connection of the terminal to PLC system .......................................4 2.4 Programming from personal computer ............................................8 3 Function overview .................................................................................9 4 How to use the terminal ......................................................................11 4.1 The different modes ........................................................................11 4.2 Keyboard and menu selections.......................................................12 4.3 Character selections ........................................................................15 4.4 Text and system blocks ...................................................................15 4.5 Example: Water tank.......................................................................18 4.6 Static and dynamic information .....................................................20 4.7 Jump objects ....................................................................................21 4.8 Digital objects..................................................................................22 4.9 Analog objects .................................................................................24 4.10 Bar graph objects ...........................................................................25 4.11 Multiple choice object ...................................................................26 4.12 Text object .....................................................................................27 4.13 Function keys ................................................................................28
Contents 5 Programming example ........................................................................ 29 5.1 Structuring of text blocks according to the application ................. 29 5.2 Function keys ................................................................................. 30 5.3 Changing displayed text block....................................................... 32 5.4 Setting date and time...................................................................... 38 5.5 Password ........................................................................................ 38 5.6 Status of machine ........................................................................... 40 5.7 Program selection ........................................................................... 41 5.8 Text from PLC ................................................................................ 43 5.9 Behavior of display ........................................................................ 44 5.10 How much can be stored in a project ........................................... 45 6 Reference guide ................................................................................... 47 6.1 Setup mode ..................................................................................... 47 6.2 Programming mode ....................................................................... 53 6.3 Dynamic data fields ....................................................................... 57 6.4 Run-time mode ............................................................................... 65 7 Summary .............................................................................................. 67 7.1 Modes ............................................................................................. 67 7.2 Objects ............................................................................................ 67 7.3 System blocks ................................................................................. 67 7.4 Keyboard ........................................................................................ 68 7.5 Character settings ........................................................................... 69 7.6 International character set .............................................................. 70 7.7 Keys ................................................................................................ 71 7.8 Basic set-up ..................................................................................... 74 7.9 Data ................................................................................................ 75 Index ......................................................................................................... I
This manual describes the operator terminals MAC 40+ and MTA-100. Hereafter these products are referred to as the terminal. The terminal is included in a family of terminals developed to satisfy the demands made for human-machine communication. The terminal makes it possible to show text including static words as well as dynamic values. The texts are organized in text blocks. These text blocks can be ordered free of choice by the programmer to form a structure suitable for the application (e.g. menu trees). Other functions includes maneuvering and function keys. The programming of the terminal is very easy and made either directly from the built-in keyboard or from a Personal computer equiped with the PC software MAC Programmer/SW-MTA for DOS or Windows. Read the chapter Programming examples before you start programming. In this chapter you will find a lot of tips.
RS-422 Terminal
RS-422 Terminal
Connection to F1/F2
The F1/F2 system must be equiped with a F2-20GF1 interface. The speed should be set to 19200 baud. Power supply voltage +5 VDC is made external. See the Installation manual for cable configuration.
Connection to AJ71C24/AJ71UC24
The terminal should be connected to the RS-422 port. Power supply voltage +5 VDC, must be connected from an external power supply. See the Installation manual for cable configuration. The switches on AJ71C24 should be set like this:
Station number Mode Transmission switches 00 A 11, 12, 14, 15, 21 and 22 ON, remainder OFF
Note! The switches on the AJ71UC24 should be set as above. Furthermore switch 23 should be ON.
This means 19200 baud, 8 databits, no parity and 1 stop bit. The parameters in the terminal in the set-up menu under Port parameters, PLC must be the same.
Connection to A1SJ71C24-R4
Power supply voltage +5 VDC is made external. See the Installation manual for cable configuration. The switches on A1SJ71C24-R4 should be set like this:
Station number Mode Transmission switches 00 5 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12 ON,remainder OFF
This means 19200 baud, 8 databits, no parity and 1 stop bit. The parameters in the terminal in the set-up menu under Port parameters, PLC must be the same.
Connection to A2CCPUC24
The terminal can be connected to the CPU port or to the RS-422 port. See the Installation manual for cable configuration. If the terminal is connected to the RS-422 port the switches should be set like this:
Station number Mode Transmission switches 00 A 12, 13, 14, 18, 20 ON, remainder OFF
This means 19200 baud, 8 databits, no parity and 1 stop bit. The parameters in the terminal in the setup menu under Port parameters, PLC must be the same.
Connection for PC programming with the PC software. It is also possible to program directly from the terminal keyboard.
Function overview
Function overview
Basic definitions
Text block Textblock is the basic function of the terminal. They are used to create and structure an application. Text blocks can consist of an unlimited number of lines up to 16 characters long. Static text Static text is text which is written in text blocks and which cannot be changed during RUN-mode. Dynamic objects Dynamic objects are those objects which are linked to signals in the PLC system. There are 7 types of dynamic objects: digital, analog, jump, date/ time, bar graph, multiple choice and text object.
Function overview Function key The function keys are connected to a digital signal by typing the signal address for each key. During run-time the digital signal will be on, as long as the key is pressed. LED The LEDs are connected to a digital signal by typing the signal address for each LED. During run-time the LED will be lit when the digital signal is on.
The terminal is designed according to the object oriented point of view, that is you start from an object and then select the function you want for the object. According to that principle all types of signals are defined in a similar way, which makes it easier for the user. In this chapter we are going through the basic topics of the terminal and you will get a good introduction in using the terminal. We suggest that you read through the whole chapter while testing the different possibilities described below. For a more detailed description of all functions see the chapter Reference guide. The various picture texts shown in squares in this manual are equal to the text shown on the display. The lines above or below the square represent the current hidden text lines on the display. We are partly going to work with an example in this chapter. This will make it easier to explain how the different parts of a the terminal application are constructed.
F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1
Free memory Admits special characters Erase text block in Block list menu Key board layout
How to use the terminal To use any of the above combinations first press the function key, just like typing characters, and keep it down while pressing the other key. When selecting uppercase or lowercase letters the selected status remains until a new status is chosen. The picture below shows the functions of the different keys when pressing a function key.
Upper Case Lower Case Del
F2 A M Y + E Q I U
Del Block
Special Char
B N Z =
C1 C5 ( !
Mem Left
C2 C6 ) ?
F3 C O * G S K W D P % /
F4 H T L X
C3 C7 <
C4 C8 > #
How to use the terminal As an example we want to type the text MAC. To do so, press F1 and keep it down while pressing [4]. The M is in the top left corner of this key. You will get the next letter by pressing [F1] again and after that [7]. (The A in top left corner). You also find the letter C on key [7], but this time in bottom left corner, and so you first press [F3] and then [7]. Hereafter we will not explain which one of the function or numeric keys you should use to get a certain character. Only the character is defined. [LEAVE], (key [F5]), [NEXT] ([F6]), [MAIN MENU], [CLEAR], [INFO] and [ENTER] are used in all modes to selecting from menus, editing text and so on. The arrow keys on the left part of the keyboard are used for moving the cursor on the display. If you have a menu or a text block containing more lines than the current ones on the display, e. g. more than two, you can scroll the text, (change the current lines) by using [] or []. You find the function keys F1-F6 on the top line of the keyboard. They can be connected to a function, selected by the programmer. The information key with the I-symbol is used for supplying information of different objects, e. g. in Run-time mode. To eliminate the risk of mixing it with the letter I, we will type it as [INFO] in the manual. The entire terminal is built up of a menu system which makes it easy for the user to type and monitor his system. The following general rules are applicable for selections from menus: To select a function you first have to point it out. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the line you want. Then press [NEXT]. If there are more alternatives than those on the display, you can scroll the text by using the arrow keys. To leave a menu press [LEAVE].
How to use the terminal When selecting Edit, the Edit menu will appear with all the editing alternatives. >Text block Function keys LED Edit menu. Now select Text Blocks. By pressing [NEXT], the text block menu appears. BLOCK NUMBER :_ Disp sign : Statusword Text block menu. Each text block has a number as its identification. The first block, the one that is displayed when starting up the program, is always number 0. This block is also called Main menu. The following blocks are numbered from 1 to 999. Some of the block numbers are reserved for special purposes. These numbers are 998 - LED-indicator overview page and 999 - Function key overview page. See each chapter for further information. These reserved blocks are called system blocks as they have special functions in the terminal. After typing the number of your text block you can also choose Disp sign: and Statusword:. Disp sign: defines a digital signal which in ON position activates the text block to be current on the display. To type this signal place the cursor on the position after the text. This will happen automatically when pressing [Enter] after typing the block number. When the cursor is in the correct position, type in the signal address. After input press [Enter]. Statusword: defines the character of the display in run-time mode. See the reference guide for further information. Neither Disp sign: or Statusword: need to be defined. :
How to use the terminal After making the wanted setups you can start editing the text block. Press [NEXT]. The display will then be cleared and you can start typing the text. The cursor will move on the current line while typing. When the maximum number of characters have been typed, the cursor will automatically move to the beginning of next line. If you want a line shorter than maximum length, press [ENTER]. If the text block will contain more than two lines, these are scrolled during typing. This is an examp le of a text blo ck with more tha n two lines wher e you haven't de finied the retur ns Example of a text block. If you want to make changes in your text block, move the cursor to appropriate position and make the changes by using the functions described under Keyboard and menu selections in this chapter.
Note! You must specificly define if you want to put a character position into the text. Otherwise you will overwrite the current characters.
The water tank. Our application will be built of text blocks, organized in a tree structure. We will divide the example into smaller parts to make it easier to follow the application. When numbering the text blocks, we recommend that you choose a principle that makes it easy to follow the structure of the application. From the example in the picture below you find that all text blocks subordinated to a certain text block have inherited the first figure of the superior block.
How to use the terminal For example, the text blocks emerging from text block one have got the numbers 10 and 11, where the first figure 1 comes from block 1 and the following zero respectively one is an ordinal number. The disadvantige of this procedure is the fact that you can have maximum four levels including block zero. In our example the application would be built up in the following way.
Block 0 Water tank #PH-regulation #Fluid level Block 1 PH-regulation #PH-level #Regulation Block 2 Fluid level: #-#--
Controlling of water tank built up in a tree structure. Text block number zero and number one work as menus in Run-time mode. From here you can jump to text blocks below. From block number zero you can jump to block one and two. From block number one you can jump to block ten and eleven. Block two, ten, and eleven contain objects showing states and values of signals in the PLC system. Text block number two shows the state of the two transmitters, G1 and G2, giving min- and max level for the fluid in the tank. Each one of the text blocks ten and eleven contains an object showing the analog value for the PH-level respectively the flow of the acid fluid.
How to use the terminal To create a dynamic field, press # (found in the bottom right corner of the key [.]). Now a menu for selection of type of dynamic field (pop-up menu) will occur on the display. |>Digital |nAnalog | | | | | Jump Date/Time Bar graph Mult.choice Text | | | | | | |
Position the cursor on the appropriate line and press [NEXT]. Then a menu for definition of type of selected dynamic field will appear. Each menu is specific for its type of object.
The digital object menu. First type the signal the object should be connected to: M, X, Y, S, T, C. For Timers or Counters we are referring to the status. Our transmitter is connected to input X0. Type its address and finish by pressing [ENTER]. At Text 0: and Text 1: you type the texts you want to appear when the signal is ON/OFF.
Note! There must be as many free positions on the line of your text block as characters in the longest text.
How to use the terminal For this transmitter we choose the texts below, e. g. an empty string for input 0 and the text MAX for input 1. The last alternative in the menu Manuever:, meaning you can change the object's value during operation from the terminal, is not described here. For further information see Reference guide. | D.Obj | Text 0 :X0 : | | | |
The digital object menu. During run-time the text corresponding to the current state will be displayed.
The analog object menu. The signals which can be addressed from here are type D, T, C, W, R. You will find a complet list for each system in the Reference guide. Just like Digital objects you start by typing the address of the signal after the text A.Obj:. After that define the number of positions the object will need on the display. This is done after the text Pos:. This value should also include decimal points, if any. The value 10.05, for instance, takes five positions, four positions for the figures and one for the decimal point. Dec: defines to the system how many decimals should be presented. Min: and Max: specify the smallest/largest value possible to input for the signal. Sometimes you may want to scale the input value. Then do as follows: After Off: State a figure to be added to each value and after Gain: a figure to be multiplied by the input value. The general equation for the displayed value is: DisplayValue = Offset + Gain * SignalAddressValue In Run Time-mode the analog value will be displayed after being calculated by above equation.
How to use the terminal As an example take text block number 10. When the actual PH-level is defined, the definition of our analog object will look as follows: |A.Obj |Pos :D0 :3 | | | | | | | |
Analog object showing PH-level. In this case we want the value to be displayed with one decimal.
:RIGHT | :5 | :7 | :0 | :0.1 n |
Bar graph showing PH-level. The bar will be displayed horizontally. When the PH-value is seven, it will be four positions and when it is five, zero positions.
D.Obj3 :Y21 | Txt000 :STOPPED| Man000 :NO | Txt001 : | Man001 :NO | Txt010 :DOWN | Man010 :NO | Txt011 : | Man011 :NO | Txt100 :UP | Man100 :NO | Txt101 : | Man101 :NO | Txt110 : | Man110 :NO | Txt111 : | Man111 :NO |
Multiple choice object menu. See the Reference guide for further information.
At T.Obj: the register in which the first position is stored is defined. At Pos: the number of positions the text will use on the display is defined. Assume that whe have a plant for fruit-syrup making. On the terminal we desire to show which process step that is activated. The process steps can for example be Fill upp ingredients, Heating, Boiling, Hill upp bottles. The text object will have this configuration: | T.Obj | Pos :D0 :24 | | |
| Maneuver:NO
Store the texts in data register by using the ASC instruction. The first text will look like this:
M10 ASC Fill up ASC ingredie ASC nts D0 D4 D8
How to use the terminal The other process steps are connected to digital signals in the same way, and with the ASC-instruction the correct texts are stored in D0-D11. The F1/F2 series do not include any instruction compatible with the ASCinstruction in A- and FX-series. In run-time mode the text stored in D0-D11 will be displayed. The texts in D0-D11 is changed by the PLC-program by activating the signals connected to the process steps.
Function key menu. Now the digital signals, controlled by the function keys, are to be defined. After typing one signal, finish the line by pressing [ENTER]. Leave the menu by pressing [LEAVE]. During run-time the digital signals can be forced by pressing the function keys.
Programming example
Programming example
When planning an application there are a number of questions to take into consideration, for instance: Which blocks should you use? How do you combine blocks? How do you use the function keys? Naturally there are questions of various kinds and we will try to answer some of them.
Choice or motor 1, 2 or 3
Motor 1
Motor 2
Motor 2
Conv 1
Conv 2
Note! That all signals belonging to motor 2 (one object) are shown in the same block.
Programming example
(Y20 )
Programming example
Programming example MELSEC FX In text block 10, when pressing F1, we want Y0 to be ON. When pressing F1 in block 11 we want Y1 to be ON. In system signals we select D0 to store the number of the block wich is displayed. We connect F1 to M100.
M8000 CMP D0 K10 M10
M11 M100
Programming example
RETURN Block 20
Programming example We use M200-M202 as Display signal for block 10-12. In block 20 we make a digital object: D.Obj Text 0 :M300 :RETURN
Text 1 :RETURN Maneuver:YES Digital object menu. To move to block 20 for instance, we make jump objects in block 10-12.
Programming example MELSEC A The PLC program looks as follows: D700 = current block D701 = the block displayed before block 20
[ RST M300 ]
Check if D700 = 20 = D700 K20
( M100 )
Check if D700 = 20. M100
PLS M101 ]
MOV D700
When M300 is activated we compare D701 with K10K12 to know which block to jump back to.
M300 = M300 = M300 = D701 K12 D701 K11 D701 K10
Programming example MELSEC FX The PLC-program looks as follows: D0 = current block D1 = the block displayed before block 20
[ RST M300 ]
Check if D0=20.
M8000 CMP D0 M11 K20 M10
Transfer D0 to D1.
M11 CMP D0 K20
When M300 is activated we compare D1 with K10-K12 to know which block to jump back to.
CMP M21 M300 CMP D0 M31 M300 K20 M10 M300 D0 K20 M10
( M200 )
( M201 )
M300 CMP M41 M300 D0 K20 M10
( M202 )
Programming example
By setting the offset to 30 the actual value in D0 will be 0, 1 ....9. The DECO instruction is used to decode the value in D0. MELSEC A Use M0-M9 as display signals for the blocks 30-39. The PLC program looks as follows:
> < M100 MOV DECO D0 D0 M0 D1 K4
D0 D0
D1 D1
[ PLS M100 ]
MELSEC FX Use M0-M9 as display signals for the blocks 30-39. The PLC program looks as follows:
M8000 DECO D0 M0 K4
Programming example
Text block for date/time object. It is possible to have maneuverable date/time objects in several blocks. A change in one block effects then of course also the other blocks.
Note! Setting of format for presentation of date respectively time is made in Setup mode.
5.5 Password
The easiest way to make a password in order to move from one block to another, for instance from block 4 to block 5, is to make a maneuverable object (data register) in block 4. In this analog object you type a value in RUN-mode. If the value is right (this is defined in the PLC-program), a jump is made to block 5.
Programming example MELSEC A The password is typed into D700. Display signal for block 5 is M100. After input of the right password (578) D700 is cleared. The program looks as follows:
( M100 )
K10 T0 )
= D700 K578
K0 D700
MELSEC FX The password is typed into D0. Display signal for block 5 is M100. After input of the right password (578) D0 is cleared. The program looks as follows:
M8000 CMP D0 K578 M99
K10 T0 )
Programming example
D.Obj 3:Y30 Text 000:Empty Man 000:YES Text 001:Filling Man 001:YES Text 010:Rotate Man 010:YES Text 011: Man 011:NO Text 100: Man 100:NO Text 101: Man 101:NO Text 110:Heating Man 110:NO Text 111: Man 111:NO
Programming example --- MIXER --Mixer #-----Text block with multiple choice object. By typing YES at Man 000:, Man 001: and Man 010: it is possible to force to these status. A NO at M110 means that you can not force to this status.
D.Obj 3:M102 Text 000:White Man 000:YES Text 001:Red Man 001:YES Text 010:Blue Man 010:YES Text 011:Yellow Man 011:YES Text 100:Green Man 100:YES Text 101: Man 101:NO Text 110: Man 110:NO Text 111: Man 111:NO Multiple choice object menu.
Programming example
Condition Text 000 White Text 001 Red Text 010 Blue Text 011 Yellow Text 100 Green Text 101 Text 110 Text 111 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
D.Obj 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
D.Obj 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
D.Obj 3
Select product Program: #----Text block with multiple choice object. At setup you type that all status must be maneuverable. To change color in run-time mode, go to the multiple choice object with the arrow keys. When pressing [ENTER] a list with all maneuverable conditions is displayed. With the arrow keys you select wanted color and press [ENTER]. Now M100, M101 and M102 are forced into this new status.
Programming example
Maneuver :NO Text object menu Process step: #--------------Text block with text objects. In a sequence built PLC program, each step or working moment is represented by a memory cell. When this is activated the text connected to the process step appears on the display. The example below shows how to store text in data registers by the ASCinstruction. M10 is connected to the process step.
M10 ASC Fill up D0
An instruction equal to the ASC-instruction in A- and FX-series is not available in the F1/F2-series. In the F1/F2-series the decimal values of the letters must be transferred to registers one at a time. Each register contains only one letter.
Programming example
Selection list
In this example we want to select which pump to check-up. A selection means jumping to the text block in which run-time data for the pump is collected. -- SELECT PUMP #PUMP 1 #PUMP 2 #PUMP 3 The text block in programming mode. When the text block with selection list is displayed we want the cursor to position the first jump object, not the top left corner in run-time mode. We therefore type YES at the 1:st obj in the status word menu. Cursor off :NO 1:st obj :YES Dis.MAIN MORE-ind Auto Ent : NO : NO : NO
Programming example
Input screen
In this example we are going to input length and width for a number of boards. Type length and width in data registers. BOARD DIMENSIONS B.1 L:#-- W:#-B.2 L:#-- W:#-B.3 L:#-- W:#-The text block in programming mode. We want the cursor to move automatically to width after having typed length and so on. To get this function we type YES at Auto Data Enter in the status word menu. Then the cursor moves automatically to next maneuverable object after a typing. Cursor off :NO 1:st obj :YES Dis.MAIN MORE-ind Auto Ent : NO : NO : YES
Function keys do not occupy any bytes from this memory of 8 000 bytes. When displaying a block in Programming mode, [F1] [INFO] will show how many bytes are left.
Programming example
Reference guide
Reference guide
This chapter contains a general description in the functions of the different modes of the terminal. Each function will be presented in the following way: Name and purpose of the function. Description with detailed information about the different alternatives of the function. Parameters with description of the parameters of the dynamic objects. Warning of more permanent consequences of a command. The picture texts shown in squares in this manual are equal to the lines shown on the display. The lines above or below the square represent the currently hidden text lines on the display.
Reference guide PLC-Selection - Selection of PLC system >F1/F2 FX A-CPU AJ71-C24 (S3) Menu for PLC selection. In this menu you select which PLC system the terminal will be connected to. Move the cursor to appropriate PLC system and press [ENTER]. Application in the terminal is not erased when changing PLC system. I/O numbers not allowed in the choosed PLC system will not be erased. To connect the terminal to AJ71C24, A1SJ71C24-R4 or the RS-422 port on A2CCPUC24, select AJ71-C24 (S3) and set the parameters in Port Parameters in main menu. From now this modules will be mentioned as computer link module. System signals - Set handshaking signal for interaction between the terminal and MELSEC PLC.
Disp IO:
System signal menu. At Disp IO: type the data register, which in Run-time mode should contain the number of the displayed block. The register is automatically updated after each block change.
Note! This register is only for reading in the PLC program. You can not change textblock by writing to it.
Reference guide Language - Select menu language >English United States Menu for selection of menu language. Move the cursor to correct alternative by using the arrow keys to make your selection. Return to Setup menu by pressing [LEAVE], or [ENTER] at the desired language. Character set - Select character set Select the character set to work with. Eight character codes (C1-C8) are reserved for domestic characters. >Swedish German French Spanish Italian Nor/Dan Character selection menu with Swedish as current language. To select a new character set, move the cursor to appropriate alternative and press [ENTER]. For information about the characters, which are connected to each code for the different languages, see Appendix. Notice that this only affects which character C1-C8 corresponds to. Leave the Character set menu by pressing [LEAVE], or [ENTER] at the desired character set.
Reference guide Date/Time format - Set Date/Time format Datefmt:YY-MM-DD Timefmt:HH:MM:SS Display appearance when selecting Date/Time format. This function does only make sense if the terminal is connected to a CPU with a real time clock. When changing format of date, move the cursor by using the arrow keys, to the line Datefmt: and type the format you want. Use the same method to change format at the line Timefmt:. The following characters can be used for defining format: D - Date in numeric H - Hour in numeric M - Minute and months in numeric S - Second in numeric Y - Year in numeric - : . / , [Blank] - Punctuation marks Valid formats for date are e.g.: Format YY-MM-DD DD.MM.YY DD/MM-YY Format HH:MM:SS HH.MM Example 90-08-15 15.08.90 15/08-90 Example 15:33:36 15.33
To set the real-time clock you create a maneuverable date/time object in programming mode. Then the operator can set the real-time clock in run mode. You don't have to pay attention to special signals connected to the real-time clock as for example M9025 and M9028 in the A-CPU.
Reference guide Port parameters - Port settings In port parameters the parameters for PLC and the PC software are set. When selecting port parameters a sub-menu appears in which PLC or MP are selected by pressing [ENTER]. >PLC MP Sub-menu for port parameters. When selecting PLC following menu is displayed: Baudrate : 9600 Data bits : 8 Stobits : Parity : Station : 1 ODD 0
Menu for setting of PLC parameters. The parameters are set when the terminal is connected to a computer link module. The parameters are only changeable when AJ71C24(S3) is selected in the PLC selection menu. To change parameter, move the cursor to appropiate parameter and press [INFO]. The value of next option is displayed. Leave the menu by pressing [LEAVE]. The number at Station: must be the same as the station number on the computer link module. When selecting MP following menu is displayed: Baudrate : 9600 Data bits : 8 Stopbits: Parity : 1 NONE
Menu for setting of MP parameters. In this menu the parameters for interaction between the PC software and the terminal are defined. To change parameter, move the cursor to appropriate parameter and press [INFO]. Then the value of next option is displayed. Press [LEAVE] to leave menu.
Reference guide Erase memory - Erase the whole application memory By choosing Erase memory the application memory of the terminal is cleared. All text blocks and definitions of function keys, and system signals are deleted. Also Date/Time Format is reset to default values. When erase is finished the Setup menu will automatically appear on the display.
Note: Once you have used the Erase memory command, all dates stored in the therminal are lost.
Reference guide
After selecting Edit, choose the type of data to be edited. Move the cursor to correct alternative by using the arrow keys and press [NEXT]. >Text block Function keys LED Edit menu. Text block - Text block definition The text block consists of a free amount of lines. Each line has 16 positions for characters. If the block consists of more than two lines it can be scrolled on the display by using the arrow keys. An application contains maximum 990 blocks. Following blocks are reserved as system blocks: 0 990 - 997 998 999 Main menu Reserved, not used LED overview page Function key overview page
In run-time mode Main menu can be addressed directly from the keyboard by the key [MAIN MENU]. You can make jumps to these blocks and also define Display signal and Printer signal in the same way as described under Text block.
Reference guide Each text block must have a number assigned to it. After selecting a text block, the following menu will appear on the display: BLOCK NUMBER: Disp sign : Statusword :
Definition of text block. After the text BLOCK NUMBER the appropriate number is typed. If that text block already exists, the defined values, if any, will be displayed automatically. To move between different fields use the arrow keys. Terminate input data with [ENTER] and the cursor will get to the next field. The text block that should be the main menu of the application, e.g. the one that is displayed when starting up the program, is always number 0. Disp sign: defines the signal which activates the text block to be current on the display. To get as quick block changes as possible in run-time mode the display signals should be consecutive. Status word: defines the character of a display in run-time mode. Press [INFO] to enter the menu for status word. Cursor off:NO 1:st obj :NO Dis MAIN :NO MORE-ind. :NO Auto Ent :NO Menu for status word. To change between YES and NO press [INFO] and leave the menu with the key [LEAVE]. Curs off: defines if the cursor shall be displayed in text block in run-time mode. 1:st obj: defines if the cursor shall locate the 1st maneuverable object in text block instead of top left corner. Dis MAIN: defines if the [MAIN MENU] key shall be blocked in run-time mode when the text block is displayed.
Reference guide MORE-ind: defines if the + character shall be displayed in bottom right corner and top right corner when there is more current hidden text lines. Auto Ent: defines if the cursor shall move automatically to the next man obj. after [ENTER] is pressed. When the text block definition is completed then press [NEXT] to edit the textblock. The first time this is done you will get an empty display. To return to previous menu press [LEAVE]. Function keys - Definition of function keys There are six built-in function keys in the terminal, F1-F6. They are defined in system block 999. F1: M110 F2: M111 F3: M112 F4: _ F5: F6: Menu for definition of function keys. The function keys are connected to a digital signal by typing the signal address for each key. During run-time the digital signal will be on, as long as the key is pressed.
Reference guide LED - Definition of LEDs There are six built-in LEDs in the terminal, L1-L6. They are defined in system block 998. L1 : L2 : L3 L4 L5 L6 : : : :
Menu for definition of LEDs. The LEDs are connected to a digital signal by typing the signal address for each LED. During run-time the LED will be lit when the digital signal is on. Transfer - Transfer of applications between the terminal and a personal computer Transfer is used for transferring projects between the terminal and personal computers. This can only be done if the personal computer is equipped with the PC software for programming and documentation of the terminal. This package is available for IBM PC/XT/AT and PS/2 for DOS or Windows. Block list - Display all defined text block numbers. Block list specifies all the blocks used in the application.
bb0 1
(4)T 2 10
Block list menu. To erase a block, move the cursor to it and press [F1] [CLEAR]. The block will then be erased.
Reference guide
Text 1 : Maneuver : NO Digital object menu. Digital objects can only have two states, 0 or 1. Type of signal: Digital objects can be one of the following signal types: A series: X, Y, M, B, F, T, C FX and F series: X, Y, M, S, T, C For signals type T and type C we are referring to status.
Reference guide Parameters: D. Obj: Signal address. Text 0 : Text displayed when signal is OFF, the text can be seven characters long. Text 1 : Text displayed when signal is ON, the text can be seven characters long. Maneuver: Defines if the object is to be forced from the terminal in runtime mode. Possible value is YES or NO. NO is default. The value is changed by pressing [INFO] with cursor in this position. Analog - Analog objects |A.Obj |Pos :_ :5 | | | | | | | |
|Dec :0 |Maneuver :NO |Min :-32768 |Max :32767 |Off :0 |Gain :1 Analog object menu.
Analog objects represent integer numbers or floating point numbers. Type of signal: Analog objects can be one of the following signal types: A series: D, W, R, T, C. For T and C actual value is displayed. FX series: D, R, T, and C. For T and C actual value is displayed. F1/F2 series: D, T and C. Parameters: A. Obj: Signal address. By providing the analog signal with an affix you can present double registers and/or unsigned values.
Note! Values with decimals and/or scaling are stored internally as floating point values and therefore rounded which means that the last digits in a number with more than six significant digits can be inexact. To avoid this use values without decimals which are internally stored as integers.
Notation D100RB D100RF Format type BCD-real number Floating point real number Range -9999.9999 +9999.9999 3.4E28 Numbers 1000000 are displalyed with exponent. Decimals definition has no function for these presentation. -2147483648 +2147483647 0 +4294967295
D100L D100L+
Double Double
Notation D700 D700L PLC register type Single Double 0 999 0 999 999 Range
For timers and counters either the preset value or the actual value can be presented. Following examples exist:
Notation T50 T50L T50PRE T50LP T50 actual value T50 and T51 actual value T50 preset value (F1/F2 only) T50 and T51 preset value (F1/F2 only) Presentation
Reference guide Pos: Specifies the number of positions used by the object. Also characters as minus sign or decimal point must be included, if any. Default is five. Dec: Specifies the number of decimals represented by the object. Default is 0. Notice that the value must be scaled to a decimal value otherwise you will only get zeroes as decimals. Maneuver: Defines if the object shall be changeable from the terminal in run-time mode. Possible values YES and NO. NO is default. Change value by pressing [INFO]. For timers and counters in the A and FX series only the actual value is changeable. In the F1/F2 series only the preset value is changeable. Min: The smallest value that the operator can enter for an object. If the value has more than seven positions scrolling is done horizontally. Max: The largest value that the operator can enter for an object. If the value has more than seven positions scrolling is done horizontally. Off: and Gain: are used to scale the signal address value in the PLC to a displayed value according to the equation below: Display value = Offset + Gain * SignalAddressValue If a value is typed in from the terminal the value is scaled to a signal address value in the PLC according to the equation below: SignalAddressValue = (Display value - Offset)/Gain Scaling does not affect defined max and min values.
Reference guide Jumps - Jump objects | Cur.block: 12 | | Jump to : _ | Jump object menu. Jump objects make it possible to build up a menu tree in the application. Signal type: Jump objects do not work with signals from the PLC system. Parameters: Jump to: defines the number of the text block you want to jump to. If a jump to a non-existing block is generated during run-time, system error will occur. Cur.block: defines the number of the block you are leaving. Date/time - Objects for date/time | Weekday : NO | | Date : NO | | Time : NO | | Maneuver: NO | Date/time object menu. Date/time objects return data from the real time clock in the PLC. You can choose several of the alternatives to be displayed. Signal type: Date/time objects work with the real-time clock in the CPU. Parameters: Weekday: Defines if weekday should be displayed. Possible value YES or NO. NO is default. Change value by pressing [INFO] with cursor in this position. Weekday requires 2 positions. Date : Defines if date should be displayed. Possible value YES or NO. NO is default. Change value by pressing [INFO] with cursor in this position. Date normally requires 8 positions. Time : Defines if time should be displayed. Possible value YES or NO. NO is default. Change value by pressing [INFO] with cursor in this position. Time normally requires 8 positions.
Reference guide Maneuver: Defines if an object should be changeable in run-time mode. Possible value YES or NO. NO is default. Current date/time is changed by typing the new value in run-time mode and pressing [ENTER]. Bar graph - Bar graph for analog signal | A.Obj :_ | Pos :16 | |
| Dir : | | Min :-32768 | | Max :32767 | | Off :0 | | Gain :1 | Bar graph object menu. Bar graph objects represent integral numbers or floating numbers in the shape of a bar graph diagram. The bar graph will be displayed horizontally so that the maximum number of positions are marked when the value has reached the top level. Signal type: Bar graph objects can be analog signals with one of following types: A series: D,W, R, T, C. For T and C actual value is displayed. FX series: D, R, T and C. For T and C actual value is displayed. F1/F2 series: D, T and C. Signal affixes are the same as for analog objects. Parameters: A. Obj: Signal address. Pos: Defines the number of positions used for the signal. Maximum number of positions is 32. Dir: Defines if the bar graph shall be presented to the right or left. Change between Right and Left with the [INFO] key. Min: The smallest value for a signal. If the value has more than seven positions scrolling is made horizontally. Max: The largest value for a signal. If the value has more than seven positions scrolling is made horizontally.
Reference guide Off: and Gain: Are used to scale the input value of a signal to a displayed value according to the equation below: Display value = Offset + Gain * SignalAddressValue Scaling does not affect defined max- and min-values. Multiple choice - Object for several status D.Obj D.Obj 1: 2:
D.Obj 3: Txt 000: Man 000:NO Txt 001: Man 001:NO Txt 010: Man 010:NO Txt 011: Man 011:NO Txt 100: Man 100:NO Txt 101: Man 101:NO Txt 110: Man 110:NO Txt 111: Man 111:NO Multiple Choice Object is an object which can consist of several status. The object is connected to three digital signals that together can adopt eight different status. To each status you can connect a text obtaining seven characters. Signal type: Digital objects have one of following types: A series: FX and F1/F2 series: X, Y, M, B, F, T, C X, Y, M, S, T, C
Reference guide Parameters: D.Obj 1 - D.Obj 3: Signal addresses. It is not necessary to type three signals, if two are typed four status can be displayed. Text 000-Text 111: Texts that shall be displayed for respective status in the object. See the table below:
Status Text 000 Text 001 Text 010 Text 011 Text 100 Text 101 Text 110 Text 111 D.Obj 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 D.Obj 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 D.Obj 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Man 000 - Man 111: Defines if it shall be possible to force to this status in run-time mode. Text - Object for handling of ASCII-strings T.Obj Pos : :8
Maneuver :NO Text object menu. In a text object it is possible to present texts stored in the CPUs data register. The text shall be in ASCII-format. During run-time mode these texts can be changed in the terminal by open and close an input field with [ENTER]. Signal type: T. Obj can have one of following types: A series: D, W and R FX and F1/F2 series:D
Reference guide Parameters: T. Obj: Defines the register in which the first position is stored. Pos: Specifies the number of positions the text will use on the display. For the A and FX series each register obtains two characters (two positions) and for the F1/F2 series it obtains one character. Default is eight positions, which is equal to four registers in the A and FX series and eight in the F1/F2 series. The maximum number of positions is 32. Maneuver: Defines if it will be possible to change the object in run-time mode. Change between YES and NO by pressing [INFO].
Reference guide If you want to reverse the new value but have not yet pressed [ENTER] you can leave the field with [] or []. The old value will then remain. To change a text object, position the cursor on the object and press [ENTER]. Then an input field will be displayed. If the text has more than 14 characters scrolling is done in the input field. When typing text the function keys are used as shift keys. When the text has been typed, press [ENTER] and the input field disappears. - WATER TANK T bbbbbbbbbbbbbT Input field in text object. To change a multiple-choice object, position the object with the arrow keys. Press [ENTER] and a selection menu with all maneuverable status is displayed. Move to the appropriate status, press [ENTER] and the three digital signals connected to this status are forced. WATER TA
T>White T T<Red T
s Blue s s Green s
Selection menu in multiple-choice object. - Information about the dynamic objects during run-time. In Run-time mode you can get information about the dynamic objects by positioning the cursor in front of appropriate object and pressing [INFO]. A text line will then appear on the bottom line of the display if the object itself is on the first line, otherwise it will appear on the top line of the display. To remove the information line, press [INFO] again. For digital objects the texts defined for position OFF/ON will appear and for analog objects the min and max input level.
7.1 Modes
The terminal has three different modes: Programming mode Run-time mode Setup mode Change between Programming and Run-time mode by pressing [MAIN MENU] [INFO]. In Programming mode Setup mode is selected by pressing any key while the initial picture is displayed. By pressing [F1] [CLEAR] while power up you will get a total reset of the terminal.
7.2 Objects
The following objects can be used in blocks: Digital Analog Jump Date/Time Bar graph Multiple-choice Text State (two texts) Presentation of value Jump to block Date and/or time Proportional filling of analog object State (eight texts) Text string
7.4 Keyboard
The keyboard layout looks like this in programming mode:
There are also some special characters available by pressing [F1] [MAIN MENU]. :' ,$&;@[]^_{} s _
7.7 Keys
Certain keys have different functions in Programming and Run-time mode. The different keys have the following functions: Programming mode
F1 F2 F3 F4
Next line
F1 F1 F1 F1 F1
Keyboard layout
Functions keys
Show 0- and 1-texts for digital objects Show min and max limit for analog objects
Show text block 0 Permit jump at jump object Finish input alalog object Force digital object Input field text object Selection list multiple-choice object Erase previous character when entering text/values Alters between programming- and runtime mode
7.9 Data
Front panel Mounting depth Mounting hole Width 5,91 x height 6,69 x 0,12 in (150 x 170 mm). Including D-sub connector 1,30 in (33 mm). Hole: Dimension 5,20 0,16 x 5,98 0,16 in (1324 mm x 1524 mm). 4 pcs. mounting screws, M4, 5,51 x 6,30 in (140 x 160 mm). Panel thickness 0,31 in (8 mm). IP 65 IP 20 0,10 in (2,5 mm) black anodised aluminium and membrane keyboard, overlay film in polyester with backside printing. Black anodised aluminium. Excluding D-sub cable 1,32 lb (0,7 kg). 25-position D-sub connector, male with standard screw lock 4-40 UNC. RS-422 communication. 6-pair screened D-sub, housing in metallized plastic. Screw lock to PLC-system: M2,5. Screw lock to MTA 100: 4-40 UNC. LCD-display (Liquid cr ystal) Supertwist 2 rows x 16 characters, 0,33 in (8 mm) character height. Viewer angle adjustable with potentiometer behind battery cover. 10 year data retention min. 10 000 write cycles/byte Mounted in 28 pins IC-socked EEPROM. From PLC-system or via external power supply 5 VDC 5% min. 200 mA. +5 V 5%. Capacitance to chassi: 0,1 F. Resistance to chassi: 1 M. +32 to +122F (0 +55C). -4 to +140F (-20 +60C). 90%, no condensation. G & L Beijer Electronics AB confirm that the terminal conforms with the essential protection requirements in article four of the directive 89/336/EEC. Noise tested according to: EN50081-1 emmission and EN50082-2 immunity.
Memory Supply voltage Internal power Ambient temperature Storage temperature Humidity EMC test
Analog object, 24 Analog, 58
Edit, 53 Block list, 56 Function keys, 55 LED, 56 Textblock, 53 Transfer, 56 Erase memory, 52
Bar graph object, 25 Bar graph, 62 Block list, 56
Character selection, 15 Character set, 49, 69 Connection to A or FX CPU 4 Connection to A1SJ71C24-R4, 6 Connection to A2CCPUC24, 7 Connection to AJ71C24, 6 Connection to F1/F2, 5 CPU port 4
Function keys, 28, 55
Jump object, 21 Jump, 61
Keyboard, 12, 68 Keys, 71
Date/time, 50, 61 Default settings, 74 Digital object, 22 Digital, 57 Dynamic information, 20 Dynamic object, 57 Analog, 58 Bar graph, 62 Date/time, 61 Digital, 57 Jump, 61 Multiple choice, 63 Text, 64
Language, 49 LED, 56
Menu selection, 12 Modes, 11, 67 Multiple choice object, 26 Multiple choice, 63
Object, 67
PLC system, 4 PLC-selection, 48 Port parameters, 51 Programming mode 53 Programming, 8
Run-time mode, 65
Setup mode, 47 Static information, 20 System block, 15, 67 System signals, 48
Technical data, 75 Terminal options, 52 Text object, 27 Text, 64 Textblock, 15, 53 Transfer, 56