1 Unitor Cleanbreak MSDS
1 Unitor Cleanbreak MSDS
1 Unitor Cleanbreak MSDS
Wilhelmsen Ships Service AS
Willem Barentszstraat 50
3165AB Rotterdam
Telephone: +31 4877 777
Fax: +31 4877 888
The Netherlands
3.1 Mixtures
10.1 Reactivity
- This article is considered stable under normal conditions
10.2 Chemical stability
- Considered stable under normal conditions
10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions
- No hazardous reactions known if used for its intended purpose
10.4 Conditions to avoid
- Avoid overheating
- Keep away from naked flames, incandescent or hot surfaces
10.5 Incompatible materials
- None
10.6 Hazardous Decomposition Products
- Decomposition products may include carbon oxides
12.1 Toxicity
- LC50 (fish) (Hydrocarbones) >100 mg/l (96 hr)
- EC50 (daphnia) (Hydrocarbones) >100 mg/l (72 hr)
- EC50 (daphnia) (Hydrocarbones) >100 mg/l (48 hr)
- Biodegradability. OECD-test. 28 days >60 % (Hydrocarbones)
15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
- Composition information in accordance with EC Regulation 648/2004 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 31st March 2004 on detergents:
- Aliphatic hydrocarbons >30 %
- Anionic surfactants <5 %
- This composition meets the criteria for not being harmful to the marine environment
according to MARPOL Annex V and may be discharged into the sea when used to clean
cargo holds and external surfaces on ships.
- Counsil Directive 1999/45/EEC Classification, packing and labelling of dangerous
- Refer to The Dangerous Substances Directive (67/548/EEC)
- This Safety Data Sheet is provided in compliance with the EC Directive 1907/2006-
- Regulations 1272/2008/EEC. Classification, labeling and packing of dangerous
substances and preparations
- IMO -approved; Tank Cleaning.
- Norwegian Productregistration no: 18210
- Danish PR number: 1540384
15.2 Chemical Safety Assessment
- None
The information provided about the product on this Safety Data Sheet has been compiled from
knowledge of the individual constituents
The data given here only applies when product used for proper application(s). The product is not
sold as suitable for other applications - usage in such may cause risks not mentioned in this sheet.
Do not use for other application(s) without seeking advice from manufacturer
The data given here is based on current knowledge and experience. This Safety Data Sheet
describes the product in terms of safety requirements and does not signify any warranty with
regard to the product's properties
The most up-to-date version of this MSDS can be found on www.wilhelmsen.com/shipsservice
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Wilhelmsen Ships Service INC 2200 W. Pacific Coast Highway US-90810 Long Beach California,
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Wilhelmsen Ships Service INC 701 Ashland Ave. Ashland Center Two, Bay 12 US- 19032 Folcroft
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Wilhelmsen Ships Service INC. 9400 New Century Drive US-77507 Pasadena Texas United States
Telephone daytime: (+1) 281 867 2000 Fax: (+1) 281 867 2800
Wilhelmsen Ships Service Ltd. Unit 3A NewtonsCourt Crossways DA2 6QL Dartford, Kent United
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Wilhelmsen Ships Service Ltda Rua Bispo Lacerda nos.61/67 Del Catilho BR 21051120 Rio de
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Wilhelmsen Ships Service (S) Pte Ltd 186 Pandan Loop Singapore 128376 Tel (+65) 6395 4545
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Wilhelmsen Ships Service Hellas SA 100, D. Moutsopoulou & Serifou str GR-185 41 Piraeus
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Wilhelmsen Ships Service AS U.A.E . Fl 24 Executive Heights, Tecom C Sheikh Zayed Road (East)
Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel (+971) 4 382 3888
Wilhelmsen Ships Service AS, Willem Barentszstraat 50 3165 AB Rotterdam-Albrandswaard,
the Netherlands. Tel (+31) 10 4877 777