SSRN Id3850494
SSRN Id3850494
SSRN Id3850494
Yufeng Han
Belk College of Business, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina,
Yang Liu
School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Guofu Zhou
Olin School of Business, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Zhou, Guofu ¡¿
Yingzi Zhu
School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
59.1 Introduction
59.2 Time-series Predictability
59.2.1 Market Empirical studies The theory Brock, Lakonishok, and LeBaron (1992): An update
59.2.2 Portfolios and Other Assets Related studies Han, Yang and Zhou (2013): An update
59.3 Cross-section Predictability
59.3.1 Fama-MacBeth Regressions Han, Zhou and Zhu (2016): An update
Technical analysis is the study for forecasting future asset prices with past data. In this
survey, we review and extend studies on not only the time-series predictive power of technical
indicators on the aggregated stock market and various portfolios, but also the cross-sectional
predictability with various firm characteristics. While we focus on reviewing major academic
research on using traditional technical indicators, but also discuss briefly recent studies that
apply machine learning approaches, such as Lasso, neural network and genetic programming,
to forecast returns both in the time-series and on the cross-section.
Technical Analysis, Machine Learning, Genetic Programming, Cross-sectional Returns, Pre-
59.1 Introduction
Why does technical analysis matter? It is about forecasting future asset prices using the
past data, and clearly contradicts with market efficiency theory. In an ideal world in which all
investors have the same information and the same rational expectations, the asset prices must
be a random walk and must be unpredictable by any means. However, the real world is much
different. First, no all investors have the same information on stocks. More importantly, even
if they do have the same information, not everyone processes the information the same way,
and some can view the information as good news and some can view as bad. As a result, how
the market collective reacts to the information is never known an ante for sure by anyone,
and there is no rational or all agreed equilibrium prices in practice. Therefore, investors have
to observe the price path carefully to see how the market price adjusts over time relative
to the information and related to their own expectations, resulting in the relevance of past
data to future prices, yielding a certain degree of predictability.
There are many other reasons why the path matters (see, Han, Zhou and Zhu (2016) for
a review). A simple example of path-dependent asset prices is that investors require greater
returns after a big market crash. Another example is that the market is not perfectly liquid,
and so larger traders must take time in days or even months to build or unwind their large
positions, revealing possibly up or down trends in the market.
Technical indicators have a long history of use by practitioners to predict stock returns.
Smidt (1965) surveys amateur traders and finds that over half of them use charts to identify
trends. Schwager (1993, 1995) and Lo and Hasanhodzic (2009) show that many top traders
and fund managers also rely heavily on technical analysis. Moreover, Covel (2005), citing ex-
amples of successful hedge funds, advocates the use of technical analysis exclusively without
exploiting any fundamental information on the market. Today, with increasing computing
There are both time-series predictability and cross-section predictability. We discuss the
former in this section, and the later in the next section.
59.2.1 Market
Earlier studies on the usefulness of technical analysis concentrate on the market for its
data availability. Cowles (1933) is perhaps the first empirical study on the profitability of
professional forecasters who presumably use technical analysis and other means. But he
A short survey of theoretical models that justify the use of technical analysis is provided
by Han, Zhou and Zhu (2016). Here we focus on the most widely used technical indicators,
the moving averages (MAs), which are the foundation of trend-following.
Zhu and Zhou (2009) seems the first to provide a theoretical basis for the MAs. In a
partial equilibrium model for a small investor, the MAs are fast learning methods about
the underlying true model of asset dynamics. Under uncertainty about predictability or
uncertainty about the true parameters, the MA learning can add value to an asset allocation
problem in reasonable sample sizes. In contrast, sophisticated econometric methods, though
asymptotically optimal, underperform the simple MAs due to not enough data. As an
with i = 1, 2 and α1 > α2 > 0, to infer information. A1t corresponds to the short-term signal
and A2t the long-term signal. Formally, Fi u (t) = {1, Dt , Pt , Ait }, i = 1, 2 is the information
sets of the technical traders of type i at time t. The result is summarized as follows.
Theorem: In an economy defined in above Assumptions, there exists a stationary rational
expectations equilibrium. The equilibrium price function has the following linear form:
where f0i , f1i , f2i , f3i , f4i and f5i are constants.
To solve the technical traders’ optimization problem, for i = 1, 2, let Wiu be the wealth
of a technical trader i, ηiu be the holding of stock and cui be the consumption. Then the
optimization problem is
Z ∞
−ρs−ci (s)
u u
E − e u
ds|Fit s.t. dWiu = (rWiu − cui )dt + ηiu dQui . (59.6)
ηi ,ci t
Let J u (Wiu , Ψui ; t) be the value function, then it solves the following HJB equation,
u 1 u uT u2
0 = max −e−ρt−ci + JW u u u u u u
u (rWi − ci + ηi eQ Ψi ) + σ σ η JWiu Wiu + ηiu σiQ
u uT u
σΨ JW u Ψu
u u
ci ,ηi i 2 Q Q
u u u T u 1 u u uT
−ρJ + (eΨ Ψ ) JΨ + σΨ JΨu Ψu σΨ . (59.7)
We have now Equations (59.5) and (59.8), the demands of stock by informed and technical
investors, the market clearing condition requires
(1 − w1 − w2 )η i + w1 η1u + w2 η2u = 1 + θt ,
or equivalently,
(1−w1 −w2 )[f0i +f1i Dt +f2i πt +f3i θt +f4i A1t +f5i A2t ]+ wj [f0ju +f1ju Dt +f2ju Pt +f3ju Ajt ] = 1+θt .
The solution to Equation (59.10) determines the coefficients p0 , p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 and p5 for the
price function of (59.2). It is easy to show that a unique solution exists under general
conditions. This implies that the Proposition holds. Q.E.D.
If all the investors are informed, i.e., w = 0, there is an explicit solution to the problem
with the parameters in Equation (59.2) given as
h 2 2
σD σπ
p0 = Φ + p∗0 = r(r+ααDπ)(r+α
− (r+αD )2
+ (r+αD )2 (r+απ )2
, (59.11)
p1 = p∗D = 1
, (59.12)
p2 = p∗π = 1
(r+αD )(r+απ )
, (59.13)
Since Brock, Lakonishok, and LeBaron (1992) is one of the major studies to provide
empirical support to technical analysis, it is of interest to examine how the strategies perfor-
mance after publication. The original sample period is from January 2, 1897 to December
31, 1986, and in this review, we extend the sample period to December 31, 2020.
We consider three trading rules: variable-length moving average (VMA), fixed-length
moving average (FMA), and trading range break-out (TRB). To construct these strategies,
we first calculate the moving average signals. The moving average (MA) at day t of lag L is
defines as
Pt−L−1 + Pt−L−2 + · · · + Pt−1 + Pt
At,L = , (59.14)
where Pt is the market index level (DJIA) at day t.
The first rule, variable-length moving average (VMA), generates buy (sell) signals when
the short moving average is above (below) the long moving average by an amount larger
than the band. With a band of zero, this method classifies all trading days into either buys
or sells. Mathematically, the returns on VMA strategy are
n M KT ,
t if At−1,Llong
≥ 1 + b;
R̃V M A,t = (59.15)
−M KTt , otherwise,
While numerous variations of the above rules with different parameters are used in prac-
tice, we follow Brock, Lakonishok, and LeBaron (1992) to focus on the simplest and the
most popular ones. For VMA and FMA, the windows for the short-long moving average
are: 1-50, 1-150, 5-150, 1-200, and 2-200. For TRB, the resistance (support) level is defined
as the maximum (minimum) price over the past 50, 150, and 200 days. In addition, all the
rules are implemented with and without a one percent band.
Table 59.1 reports the summary statistics for the entire series and five subsamples for
the daily and 10-day returns on the DJIA. Returns are defined as log differences of the
index level. Panel A shows that the index yields the highest average daily return of 0.033%
during the most recent subperiod from 1987 to 2020. Meanwhile, the lowest skewness (-1.58)
and the greatest kurtosis (41.43) are also observed in this subperiod, indicating that the
DJIA return represents a strong non-asymmetric and leptokurtic feature. Panel B reports
the statistics for 10-day nonoverlapping returns. It is interesting to note that the resulting
kurtosis is much lower than that for the daily returns for all subperiods.
Table 59.2 reports the performance of the 10 variable-length moving average (VMA)
trading rules in the full sample and five subperiods. The second column specifies the trading
rules. For instance, (1, 50, 0.01) indicates that the short period is one day, the long period
is 50 days, and the band is 1%. “N (Buy)” and “N (Sell)” are the number of the buy and sell
signals. It is expected to see that the trading rules with zero band generally initiates more
trading signals. The last column reports the difference between the buy and sell returns.
Panel A shows that during the full sample over 1897 to 2020, all these differences are positive
and the resulting t-stats are highly significant. The column of “Buy” and “Sell” shows that
the average return for buy and sell signals is positive and negative, respectively, for each
There are many studies on the use of technical analysis in other markets besides the stock
market. Taylor and Allen (1992) show that currency market seems the next largest place
where technical analysis is widely used. However, as shown by Hsu and Taylor (2014), the
predictive power, like that in the stock market, tends to decrease over time.
In general, Fung and Hsieh (2001) find that trend-following trading is of great importance
for explaining hedge fund returns. Burghardt and Walls (2011) show that a simple mechani-
Recently, Moskowitz, Ooi and Pedersen (2012) provide evidence on momentum across
asset classes, that is, the past values have predictive power. However, Huang, Li, Wang
and Zhou (2020) argue that, while asset classes may have predictability, the predictability
is not simply fixed at the 12-month horizon with the past 12-month return as the sole
predictor. They show that asset-by-asset time-series regressions reveal little evidence of 12-
month momentum, both in- and out-of-sample. From an investment perspective, a strategy
of using the 12-month momentum has similar performance with a strategy that is based on
historical sample mean and does not require predictability. In other words, while Huang, Li,
Wang and Zhou (2020) do not rule out the predictive power of past returns on future values
for a wide range of assets, their study merely points out that the predictability can be much
more complex than using just the past 12-month return.
Going beyond technical indicators, Filippou, Rapach, Taylor and Zhou (2020) show that
the currency market is predictable with country characteristics, global variables, and their
interactions, and the predictability yields sizable carry trade profits. For the corporate bond
market, Guo, Lin, Wu, and Zhou (2020) provide the first predictability evidence across bond
rating along with a survey of the literature.
In summary, technical analysis appears useful not only in the stock market, but also
valuable across asset classes. However, as it is in the stock market, the predictability is
small and tends to decline over time.
Instead of forecasting the stock index which can have too many factors affecting its returns,
Han, Yang and Zhou (2013) provide perhaps the first application of a moving average timing
strategy to portfolios, which are sorted by volatility or other characteristics of the stocks.
We replicate this study below to see whether the publication effct is strong enough to weaken
its performance too.
Their study is focused on portfolios sorted by volatility as stock volatility is a simple
proxy of information uncertainty. The more uncertain the future information about a stock
is, the more volatile the stock price is. The volatility sorted portfolios are also of interest
from the theoretical perspectives about technical analysis. Rational models, such as Brown
and Jennings (1989), show that rational investors can gain from forming expectations based
on historical prices and this gain is an increasing function of the volatility of the asset.
For their major results, they apply the moving average (MA) timing strategy to the CRSP
NYSE/Amex volatility decile portfolios constructed based on the NYSE/Amex stocks sorted
1 To put this in perspective, the equal-weighted NYSE/Amex index has an average return of 19.22% per annum, and a
Cross-section predictability is about the relative performance of assets, and hence the
econometric tools will be different from time-series regressions and the like. Instead, it relies
on cross-section regressions, panel models and their extensions.
The cross-section predictive power of a firm characteristic can be assessed by sorting the
variable across firms, or by running Fama and MacBeth’s (1973) regressions, in which asset
returns are regressed on firm specific variables across firms. The latter is the most used
method for examining the cross-section predictive power of more than one firm characteris-
tics. Haugen and Baker (1996) provide excellent illustration of implementing the latter.
The size and the book-to-market are the earlier well known predictors, and the momen-
tum effect of Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) is the next most well known. Jagannathan,
Schaumburg and Zhou (2010), Nagel (2013), and Lewellen (2015) review more predictive
variables and related studies. Recent research, however, makes use of more complex models
and machine learning tools, to be discussed in the next subsection.
Han, Zhou and Zhu (2016) is the first to study the predictive power of technical indicators
in the cross-section. Based purely on the MAs over various horizons, they find that the
resulting trend factor earns a high Sharpe ratio, beating almost all known fundamental
factors. Because of large individual trading volume in China, Liu, Zhou and Zhu (2021a)
propose a new trend factor accounting for the trading volume, and find that it improves the
usual trend factor substantially and explains almost all the know anomalies in the Chinese
stock market. Avramov, Kaplanski and Subrahmanyam (2021) propose a novel moving
average distance as a predictor for the cross-section of stock returns. They find that the
resulting spread earns annualized value-weighted alphas around 9%, and the predictability
goes beyond momentum, 52-week highs, profitability, and other prominent anomalies.
It is of interest to examine how the trend factor performs after its publication. To con-
struct the trend factor, the paper first calculates the MA prices on the last trading day of
each month t, which is defined as
t t t t
Pj,d−L+1 + Pj,d−L+2 + · · · + Pj,d−1 + Pj,d
Ajt,L = , (59.22)
where Pjd is the closing price for stock j on the last trading day d of month t, and L is the
lag length. Then, the moving average prices are normalized by the closing price on the last
trading day of the month,
Ãjt,L = t . (59.23)
rj,t = rate of return on stock j in month t,
Ãjt−1,Li = trend signal at the end of month t − 1 on stock j with lag Li ,
βi,t = coefficient of the trend signal with lag Li in month t,
β0,t = intercept in month t,
and n is the number of stocks. It should be noted that only information in month t − 1 or
prior is used above to regress returns in month t. For the signals in the above regressions,
the paper considers MAs of lag lengths 3-, 5-, 10-, 20-, 50-, 100-, 200-, 400-, 600-, 800-, and
1,000-days. These MA signals roughly indicate the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, 1-year,
2-year, 3-year, 4-year, and 5-year price trends of the underlying stock.
Then, in the second step, as in Haugen and Baker (1996), we estimate the expected return
for month t + 1 from X
Et [rj,t+1 ] = Et [βi,t+1 ]Ãjt,Li , (59.25)
where Et [rj,t+1 ] is our forecasted expected return on stock j for month t + 1, and Et [βi,t+1 ]
is the estimated expected coefficient of the trend signal with lag Li , and is give by
1 X
Et [βi,t+1 ] = βi,t+1−m , (59.26)
12 m=1
which is the average of the estimated loadings on the trend signals over the past 12 months.
Finally, to construct the trend factor, stocks are sorted into five portfolios by their fore-
casted expected returns. The portfolios are equal-weighted and rebalanced every month.
The return difference between the quintile portfolio of the highest expected returns and the
quintile portfolio of the lowest is defined as the return on the trend factor. Intuitively, the
trend factor buys stocks that are forecasted to yield the highest expected returns (Buy High)
and shorts stocks that are forecasted to yield the lowest expected returns (Sell Low).
Table 59.9 reproduces the original Table 1 in the paper with the sample extended to
December 2019 and replaces the momentum factor with Fama-French UMD factor. It also
includes the trend factor constructed using Fama-French approach (Table 10 in the paper).
The trend factor is constructed by excluding stocks with prices below $5 (price filter) and
stocks that are in the smallest decile sorted with NYSE breakpoints (size filter) at the end
of each month. It reports the summary statistics of the trend factor, short-term reversal
factor (SREV), momentum factor (UMD), long-term reversal factor (LREV), as well as the
Fama-French three factors, eg, Market, small minus big (SMB), and high minus low (HML).
59.4 Conclusion
This article reviews primarily the use of technical analysis in the stock market, though
we do discuss briefly applications in other asset classes. The empirical evidence shows that
technical analysis is useful and has significant predictive power on stock returns both in the
time-series and in the cross-section.
However, there are three important caveats. First, the degree of predictability is typi-
cally small, and has to be well managed to be exploited profitably. Although cross-section
predictability is stronger than time-series predictability, the trading cost of the former is
much higher. Second, the predictability is time-varying, and tends to decrease over time.
A particular profitable predictability strategy often subjects to a publication effect (Schw-
ert, 2003 and McLean and Pontiff, 2016) that, its superior performance often disappears,
reverses, or attenuates after its publication. We have updated three major studies with data
after publication, and find that two of them have weaker results than before publication.
Third, all trading rules, technical strategies included, are subject to a tournament effect. No
matter what the state of art machine learning tools or artificial intelligence packages all the
traders are using, about half of them will fail to beat the market return, while the others
will probably outperform.
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Results are presented for the full sample over 1897 to 2020 and five nonoverlapping subperiods. Returns
are measured as log differences of the level of the Dow index. 10-day returns are based on nonoverlapping
10-day periods.
Results for daily data from 1897-2020. Rules are identified as (short, long, band) where short and long
are the short and long moving averages respectively, and band is the percentage difference that is needed
to generate a signal. “N (Buy)” and “N (Sell)” are the number of buy and sell signals reported during the
sample. Numbers in parentheses are standard t-ratios testing the difference of the mean buy and mean sell
from the unconditional 1-day mean, and buy-sell from zero. “Buy > 0” and “Sell > 0” are the fraction of buy
and sell returns greater than zero. The last row reports averages across all 10 rules. Results for subperiods
are given in Panel B.
Results for daily data from 1987-2020. Rules are identified as (short, long, band) where short and long
are the short and long moving averages respectively, and band is the percentage difference that is needed
to generate a signal. “N (Buy)” and “N (Sell)” are the number of buy and sell signals reported during the
sample. Numbers in parentheses are standard t-ratios testing the difference of the mean buy and mean sell
from the unconditional 1-day mean, and buy-sell from zero. “Buy > 0” and “Sell > 0” are the fraction of
buy and sell returns greater than zero. The last row reports averages across all 10 rules.
Cumulative returns are reported for fixed 10-days periods after signals. Rules are identified as (short, long,
band) where short and long are the short and long moving averages respectively, and band is the percentage
difference that is needed to generate a signal. The last row reports averages across all 10 rules. The sample
period in Panel A is from 1897 to 2020. The sample period in Panel B is from 1987 to 2020.
Cumulative returns are reported for fixed 10-days periods after signals. Rules are identified as (short, long, band)
where short and long are the short and long moving averages respectively, and band is the percentage difference that
is needed to generate a signal. The last row reports averages across all 10 rules. The sample period in Panel A is
from 1897 to 2020. The sample period in Panel B is from 1987 to 2020.
Rank Avg Ret Std Dev Skew SRatio Avg Ret Std Dev Skew SRatio Avg Ret Std Dev Skew Success
This table reports the summary statistics for the trend factor (Trend), another version of the trend factor following
Fama-French approach (Trend(FF)), the short-term reversal factor (SREV), the umdentum factor (umd), the long-
term reversal factor (LREV), and the Fama-French three factors including the market portfolio (Market), SMB and
HML factors. For each factor, we report sample mean in percentage, sample standard deviation in percentage, Sharpe
ratio, skewness, and excess kurtosis. The t-statistics are in parentheses and significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10%
levels is given by an ***, an **, and an *, respectively. The sample period is from June, 1930 through December,
This table reports the summary statistics for the trend factor (Trend), another version of the trend factor following
Fama-French approach (Trend(FF)), the short-term reversal factor (SREV), the umdentum factor (umd), the long-
term reversal factor (LREV), and the Fama-French three factors including the market portfolio (Market), SMB and
HML factors. For each factor, we report sample mean in percentage, sample standard deviation in percentage, Sharpe
ratio, skewness, and excess kurtosis. The t-statistics are in parentheses and significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10%
levels is given by an ***, an **, and an *, respectively. The sample period starts after the sample period in the paper,
from January, 2015 through December, 2019.