m02 Physics
m02 Physics
m02 Physics
2.1 Matter
Electron /1850 -1 (negative) Arranged in energy levels
or shells around the nucleus
Compounds:Pure substances made up more than 1 element which have been joined together by a chemical
reaction therefore the atoms are difficult to separate. The properties of a compound are different from the atoms
that make it up. Splitting of a compound is called chemical analysis.
Note that a compound consists of atoms of two or more different elements bound together,
• can be broken down into a simpler type of matter (elements) by chemical means (but not by physical
• has properties that are different from its component elements, and
• always contains the same ratio of its component atoms.
Atomic Number: The atomic number (also known as the proton number) is the number of protons found in the
nucleus of an atom. It is traditionally represented by the symbol Z. The atomic number uniquely identifies a
chemical element. In an atom of neutral charge, atomic number is equal to the number of electrons.
Mass Number: The mass number (A), also called atomic mass number or nucleon number, is the number of
protons and neutrons (also defined as a less commonly known term, nucleons) in an atomic nucleus. The mass
number is unique for each isotope of an element and is written either after the element name or as a superscript to
the left of an element's symbol. For example,
Carbon-12 (12C) has 6 protons and 6 neutrons. The full isotope symbol would also have the atomic number (Z) as
a subscript to the left of the element symbol directly below the mass number, thus:
6 C
The difference between the mass number and the atomic number gives the number of neutrons (N) in a given
nucleus: N=A−Z.
For example: Carbon-14 is created from Nitrogen-14 with seven protons (p) and seven neutrons via a cosmic ray
interaction which transmutes 1 proton into 1 neutron. Thus the atomic number decreases by 1 (Z: 7→6) and the
mass number remains the same (A = 14), however the number of neutrons increases by 1 (n: 7→8).
Before: Nitrogen-14 (7p, 7n)
After: Carbon-14 (6p, 8n).
Isotopes: Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons. This gives each isotope of
the element a different mass or nucleon number but being the same element they have the same atomic or
proton number. There are small physical differences between the isotopes e.g. the heavier isotope has a
greater density and boiling point. However, because they have the same number of protons they have the same
electronic structure and are identical chemically. Examples are illustrated below. Do not assume the word isotope
means it is radioactive, this depends on the stability of the nucleus i.e. unstable atoms might be referred to as
and are the two isotopes of helium with mass numbers of 3 and 4, with 1 and 2 neutrons
respectively but both have 2 protons. Helium-3 is formed in the Sun by the initial nuclear fusion process. Helium-4
is also formed in the Sun and as a product of radioactive alpha decay of an unstable nucleus. An alpha particle is a
helium nucleus, it picks up two electrons and becomes the atoms of the gas helium.
and are the two isotopes of sodium with mass numbers of 23 and 24, with 12 and 13 neutrons
respectively but both have 11 protons. Sodium-23 is quite stable e.g. in common salt (NaCl, sodium chloride) but
sodium-24 is a radio-isotope and is a gamma emitter used in medicine as a radioactive tracer e.g. to examine
organs and the blood system.
Ionization: When the atom loses electrons or gains electrons in this process of electron exchange, it is said to be
ionised. For ionisation to take place, there must be a transfer of energy which results in a change in the internal
energy of the atom. An atom having more than its normal amount of electrons acquires a negative charge, and is
called a negative ion (or ‘anion’). The atom that gives up some of its normal electrons is left with less negative
charges than positive charges and is called a positive ion (or ‘cation’). Thus, ionisation is the process by which an
atom loses or gains electrons.
Our knowledge about the structure of atoms depends on the mathematical formulations predicted by Neils Bohr. He
suggested that electrons are distributed in orbits and the number of electrons held in the orbit depends on the number
of the orbit. The orbits are counted outwards from the nucleus. Higher the orbit number, farther are the electrons in
that orbit from the nucleus. If the orbit number is “n”, then the maximum electrons held in the orbit is given as 2n2.
The first orbit has n=1, and will hold maximum of 2 electrons, the second orbit has n=2 and is capable of holding a
total of 8 electrons; similarly the third orbit will be able to contain 18 electrons and so on.
Examples: diagram, symbol or name of element (Atomic Number = number of electrons in a neutral atom),
shorthand electron arrangement
On Period 1
On Period 3
On Period 4
Valency: Hydrogen is the simplest element. It has one electron. Its outer shell only holds two electrons. Let us use
Hydrogen as a standard to see how other atoms combine with it. Table 1.2 lists the simplest compound of selected
elements with Hydrogen.Valency can be simply defined as the number of Hydrogen atoms that an element can
combine with. In the above table, Helium, Neon and Argon have a valency of 0. They do not normally form
Lithium, Sodium and Potassium have a valency of 1 because they combine with one Hydrogen atom. Beryllium,
Magnesium and Calcium all have a valency of 2: they combine with two Hydrogen atoms. Note that the valences of
all these atoms are equal to the number of outer electrons that these elements have.
Boron and Aluminium combine with three Hydrogen atoms - their valences are 3 - and they have three outer
Atom Symbol Compound
Helium He Full None
Lithium Li 1 LiH
Beryllium Be 2 BeH2
Boron B 3 BH3
Carbon C 4 CH4
Nitrogen N 5 NH3
Oxygen O 6 H2O
Fluorine F 7 HF
Neon Ne Full None
Sodium Na 1 NaH
Magnesium Mg 2 MgH2
Aluminium Al 3 AlH3
Silicon Si 4 SiH4
Phosphorus P 5 PH3
Sulphur S 6 H2S
Chlorine Cl 7 HCl
Argon Ar Full None
Potassium K 1 KH
Calcium Ca 2 CaH2
Table 1.2: Electrons in outer shells of some common
What about Nitrogen and Phosphorus? They have five outer electrons. But they normally only combine with three
Hydrogen atoms. Their valences are 3. Note that 3 is 5 less that 8. These atoms are three electrons short of a full
Please note that both Nitrogen and Phosphorus can also have a valency of 5. Some atoms are capable of having
more than one valency. That will confuse the issue so we will talk of normal valency.
Now to Oxygen and Sulphur. Both have six outer electrons. Six is two short of a full shell. Their normal valences
are 2 and they combine with two atoms of Hydrogen. Water is H2O.
Finally, Fluorine and Chlorine - seven outer electrons. This is one short of a full shell. They both combine with a
single Hydrogen atom and their normal valences are 1.
As a side note, Chlorine can also have valences of 3, 5 and 7. The reasons are well beyond the scope of these
The normal valency of an atom is equal to the number of outer electrons if that number is four or less.
Otherwise, the valency is equal to 8 minus the number of outer electrons.
The atoms with full electron shells (Helium, Neon, Argon) are chemically inert forming few compounds. The atoms
don't even interact with each other very much. These elements are gases with very low boiling points.
The atoms with a single outer electron or a single missing electron are all highly reactive. Sodium is more reactive
than Magnesium. Chlorine is more reactive than Oxygen. Generally speaking, the closer an atom is to having a full
electron shell, the more reactive it is. Atoms with one outer electron are more reactive than those with two outer
electrons, etc. Atoms that are one electron short of a full shell are more reactive than those that are two short.
Atoms with only a few electrons in its outer shell are good electrical conductors. Atoms with 8, or close to 8
electrons in its outer shell are poor conductors (or good insulators). This is why atoms with 4 electrons in its outer
shell are semi-conductors.
When a semiconductor (such as silicon or germanium) atom bonds with another similar atom, it does so covalently.
Each atom shares one electron with 4 neighbour atoms. Thus all its electrons are used up in what becomes a solid
lattice of semiconductor atoms. The solid material has therefore no free electrons (and no holes for electrons to fit
The following names are given to ions of the specific number of electron bindings (valence):
Atomic Element Electrons per Shell Atomic Element Electrons per Shell
No. No.
K L M N O P Q K L M N 0 P Q
1 Hydrogen i 53 iodine 2 8 18 8 7
2 Helium 2 54 Xenon 2 8 18 18 8
3 Lithium 2 1 55 Caesium 2 8 18 8 8 1
4 Beryllium 2 2 56 Barium 2 8 18 8 8 2
5 Boron 2 3 57 Lanthanum 2 8 18 8 9 2
6 Carbon 2 4 58 Cerium 2 8 18 19 9 2
7 Nitrogen 2 5 59 Praseodymium 2 8 18 20 9 2
8 Oxygen 2 6 60 Neodymium 2 8 18 21 9 2
9 Fluorine 2 7 61 Promethium 2 8 18 22 9 2
10 Neon 2 8 62 Samarium 2 8 18 23 9 2
11 Sodium 2 8 1 63 Europium 2 8 18 24 9 2
12 Magnesium 2 8 2 64 Gadolinium 2 8 18 25 9 2
13 Aluminium 2 8 3 65 Terbium 2 8 18 26 9 2
14 Silicon 2 8 4 66 Dysprosium 2 8 18 27 9 2
15 Phosphorus 2 8 5 67 Holmium 2 8 18 28 9 2
16 Sulphur 2 8 6 68 Erbium 2 8 18 29 9 2
Example 1 - 2 hydrogen atoms (1) form the molecule of the element hydrogen H2
and combine to form where both atoms have a pseudo helium structure of 2
outer electrons around each atom.
Example 2 - 2 chlorine atoms (2.8.7) form the molecule of the element chlorine Cl2
Example 3 - 1 atom of hydrogen (1) combines with 1 atom of chlorine (2.8.7) to form the molecule of the
compound hydrogen chloride HCl
Example 4 - 2 atoms of hydrogen (1) combine with 1 atom of oxygen (2.6) to form the molecule of the
compound we call water H2O
Example 5 - 3 atoms of hydrogen (1) combine with 1 atom of nitrogen (2.5) to form the molecule of the
compound we call ammonia NH3
three of and one combine to form so that the hydrogen atoms are
electronically like helium and the nitrogen atom becomes like neon or argon. The molecule can be shown as
Example 6 - 4 atoms of hydrogen (1) combine with 1 atom of carbon (2.4) to form the molecule of the
compound we call methane CH4
four of and one of combine to form so that the hydrogen atoms are
electronically like helium and the nitrogen atom becomes like neon or argon. The molecule can be shown as
All the bonds in the above examples are single covalent bonds. Below are three examples 7-9, where there
is a double bond in the molecule, in order that the atoms have stable Noble Gas outer electron arrangements
around each atom.
Example 8 One atom of carbon (2.4) combines with two atoms of oxygen (2.6) to form carbon dioxide CO2.
The molecule can be shown as with two carbon = oxygen double covalent bonds.
Example 9 - Two atoms of carbon (2.4) combine with four atoms of hydrogen (1) to form ethane C2H4.
The molecule can be shown as with one carbon = carbon double bond and four carbon
- hydrogen single covalent bonds.
The Properties of Small Covalent Molecules - The electrical forces of attraction between atoms in a molecule
are strong and most molecules do not change on heating. However the forces between molecules are weak and
easily weakened further on heating. Consequently small covalent molecules have low melting and boiling points.
They are also poor conductors of electricity because there are no free electrons or ions in any state to carry
electric charge. Most small molecules will dissolve in a solvent to form a solution.
Large Covalent Molecules and their Properties. It is possible for many atoms to link up to form a giant covalent
structure. This produces a very strong 3-dimensional covalent bond network. This illustrated by carbon in the
form of diamond. Carbon can form four single bonds to four other atoms etc. etc. This type of structure is thermally
very stable and they have high melting and boiling points. They are usually poor conductors of electricity
because the electrons are not usually free to move as they can in metallic structures. Also because of the strength
of the bonding in the structure they are often very hard and will not dissolve in solvents like water.
Example 2 - A Group 2 metal + a Group 7 non-metal e.g. magnesium + chlorine Þ magnesium chloride
MgCl2 or ionic formula Mg2+(Cl-)2
In terms of electron arrangement, the magnesium donates its two outer electrons to two chlorine atoms forming
a double positive magnesium ion and two single negative chloride ions. The atoms have become stable ions,
because electronically, magnesium becomes like neon and chlorine like argon.
(* NOTE you can draw two separate chloride ions, but in these examples a number subscript has been used, as
in ordinary chemical formula)
In terms of electron arrangement, the aluminium donates its three outer electrons to three fluorine atoms
forming a triple positive aluminium ion and three single negative fluoride ions. The atoms have become stable
ions, because electronically, aluminium becomes like neon and also fluorine.
Example 4 - A Group 1 metal + a Group 6 non-metal e.g. potassium + oxygen Þ potassium oxide K2O or
ionic formula (K+)2O2-
In terms of electron arrangement, the two potassium atoms donates their outer electrons to one oxygen atom.
This results in two single positive potassium ions to one double negative oxide ion. All the ions have the stable
electronic structures 2.8.8 (argon like) or 2.8 (neon like)
Example 5 - A Group 2 metal + a Group 6 non-metal e.g. calcium + oxygen Þ calcium oxide CaO or ionic
formula Ca2+O2-
In terms of electron arrangement, one calcium atom donates its two outer electrons to one oxygen atom. This
results in a double positive calcium ion to one double negative oxide ion. All the ions have the stable electronic
structures 2.8.8 (argon like) or 2.8 (neon like)
Example 6 - A Group 3 metal + a Group 6 non-metal e.g. aluminium + oxygen Þ aluminium oxide Al2O3 or
ionic formula (Al3+)2(O2-)3 . In terms of electron arrangement, two aluminium atoms donate their three outer
3.1 Solids
A solid object is characterized by its resistance to deformation and changes of volume.
At the microscopic scale, a solid has these properties:
• The atoms or molecules that comprise the solid are packed closely together.
• These constituent elements have fixed positions in space relative to each other. This accounts for the
solid's rigidity. In mineralogy and crystallography, a crystal structure is a unique arrangement of atoms in a
crystal. A crystal structure is composed of a unit cell, a set of atoms arranged in a particular way; which is
periodically repeated in three dimensions on a lattice. The spacing between unit cells in various directions
is called its lattice parameters.
• If sufficient force is applied, its lattice atomic structure can be disrupted, causing permanent deformation.
3.3 Gases
Gases consist of freely moving atoms or molecules
without a definite shape and without a definite
volume. Compared to the solid and liquid states of
matter a gas has lower density and a lower viscosity.
The volume of a gas will change with changes in
temperature or pressure, as described by the ideal
gas law. A gas also has the characteristic that it will
diffuse readily, spreading apart in order to uniformly
fill the space of any container.
3.4 Plasma
A plasma is typically an ionized gas. Plasma is considered to be a distinct state of matter, apart from gases,
because of its unique properties. ‘Ionized’ refers to presence of one or more free electrons, which are not bound to
an atom or molecule. The free electric charges make the plasma electrically conductive so that it responds strongly
to electromagnetic fields.
Plasma typically takes the form of neutral gas-like clouds (e.g. stars) or charged ion beams, but may also include
dust and grains (called dusty plasmas). They are typically formed by heating and ionizing a gas, stripping electrons
away from atoms, thereby enabling the positive and negative charges to move more freely.
For most substances, when the temperature of the solid is raised high enough, the substance changes to a liquid,
and when the temperature of the liquid is raised high enough, the substance changes to a gas.
We typically visualize a solid as tiny particles in constant motion held together by attractive forces. As we add heat
to the solid, the motion, or the kinetic energy, of the particles increases.
At some temperature, the motion of the particles becomes great enough to overcome the attractive forces.
When the temperature of a substance is changing, we can use the specific heat to determine the amount of heat
that is being gained or lost. When a substance is changing phase, we can use the heat of fusion or heat of
vaporization to determine the amount of heat being gained or lost. When a substance freezes from liquid to solid,
the amount of heat given off is exactly the same as the amount of heat absorbed when the substance melts from
solid to liquid. The equations for heat gained or lost are given here:
The heat gained or lost during a temperature change: Q=mcΔt.
The heat gained or lost during a phase change of solid to liquid: Q=mHf.
The heat gained or lost during a phase change of liquid to gas: Q=mHv.
• Most substances may exist in any of the three common state of matter, solid, liquid, or gas.
• The phase in which a substance exists is the result of a competition between attractive forces and molecular
• The potential energy absorbed by a solid as it changes to a liquid is called the heat of fusion or the heat of
• The amount of potential energy necessary for a phase change to gaseous form is called the heat of
• The heat gained or lost during a temperature change is given by, Q=mcΔt.
• The heat gained or lost during a phase change of solid to liquid is given by, Q=mHf.
• The heat gained or lost during a phase change of liquid to gas is given by, Q=mHv.
2.2 - Mechanics
Note that we can convert from pounds to Newtons since both are units of weight and we can convert from
kilograms to slugs since both are units of mass.
However, if we want to find a mass if we know a weight or a weight if we know a mass we must use the equation:
m = w/g or w = mg
In summary, let us note that mass is a measure of the quantity of matter - ultimately, a measure of the number of
protons and neutrons in the body and weight is the force with which the earth pulls on a body. These are related
but not identical concepts. The units of mass are slugs and kilograms.
The units of weight are pounds and Newtons. A mass can be changed from slugs to kilograms and vice versa. A
weight can be changed from Newtons to pounds or vice versa. However, one cannot say that one pound equals
454 grams. The only correct statement is that a body having a weight of one pound has a mass of 454 grams.
A simple way of calculating the scale reading required without using the formula is set out in the following example,
for which the specified torque loading is 300 lb in and the lengths of the wrench and spanner are 10 and 5 inches
(a) Force required on wrench handle to produce a torque of 300 lb in is 300 lb in divided by the distance between
nut and wrench handle,which is
A couple is a pair of forces, equal in magnitude, oppositely directed,
and displaced by perpendicular distance
The simplest kind of couple consists of two equal and opposite forces
whose lines of action do not coincide.
The forces have a turning effect or moment called a torque about an
axis which is normal (perpendicular) to the plane of the forces.
The SI unit for the torque of the couple is newton meter.
If the two forces are F and - F then the magnitude of the torque is given by the following formula:
T= Fd where is T the torque, F is the magnitude of one of the forces,
d is the perpendicular distance between the forces, sometimes called the arm of the couple.
The magnitude of the torque is always equal to F d, with the direction of the torque perpendicular to the plane
containing the two forces. When d is taken as a vector between the points of action of the forces, then the couple is
the cross product of d and F
An example is the cutting of an internal thread with a tap and tap wrench. The force applied at one end of the
wrench handle, multiplied by the distance to the centre of rotation is just half of the torque felt at the tap itself, since
there is an equal torque applied at the other wrench handle.
Torque applied by a couple
= one of the forces (F) x distance to centre of rotation (r) x 2
= one of the forces (F) x distance between the forces (d) = Fd
Another example is the forces applied to a car steering wheel.
A couple is a system of forces with a resultant moment but no
resultant force.
A better term is force couple or pure moment. Its effect is to
create rotation without translation, or more generally without
any acceleration of the centre of mass.
Parallelogram rule
A resultant force is the single force which represents the vector sum of two or more forces. For example, two forces
of magnitudes F1, F2 acting upon a particle have a resultant as shown:F1
In order to add two forces together, the ‘start’ of the second force needs to be moved to the ‘end’ of the first force,
with the resultant going from the start of the first force directly to the end of the second force (as shown in the
diagram). This rule is then extended when considering more forces.
An airplane is a combination of many parts; the wings, engines, fuselage, and tail, plus the payload and the fuel.
Each part has a weight associated with it which the engineer can estimate, or calculate, using Newton's weight
W= m x g
where W is the weight, m is the mass, and g is the gravitational constant which is 32.2 ft/square sec in English
units and 9.8 meters/square sec in metric units.
The Proportional Limit is the point at which the deformation is no longer directly proportional to the applied force
(Hooke's Law no longer holds). Although these two points are slightly different, we will treat them as the same in
this course.
Next, rather than examining the applied force and resulting deformation, we will instead graph the axial stress
verses the axial strain (figure 2-2). We have defined the axial stress earlier.
The axial strain is defined as the fractional change in length or
Strain = (deformation of member) divided by the (original length of member)
We may write:
Strain has no units - since its length divided by length, however it is sometimes expressed as 'in/in (or inches per
inch)' in some texts.
As we see from figure 2.4, the Stress verses Strain graph has the same shape and regions as the force verses
deformation graph in figure 2.2. In the elastic (linear) region, since stress is directly proportional to strain, the ratio
of stress/strain will be a constant (and actually equal to the slope of the linear portion of the graph).
Related Definitions
Bulk Modulus - The bulk modulus gives the change in volume of a solid substance as the pressure on it is
changed. The formula for bulk modulus is very similar to that for Young’s Modulus:
The elastic limit for copper is 2.3 x 104 lb/in2 and the ultimate strength is
4.9 x 104 lb/in2 . Suppose that a copper rod has a cross-sectional area of 0.5 in2. A force of 11,500 lbs.
applied longitudinally to this rod would just be within the elastic limit. A force of 12,000 lbs. would deform the
rod in such a way that it would not return to it original size after the force is removed. A force of 24,500 lbs.
would cause the rod to rupture.
Liquid - Properties
• Much greater forces of attraction between the particles in a liquid
compared to gases, but not quite as much as in solids.
• Particles quite close together but still arranged at random throughout the
container, there is a little close range order as you can get clumps of particles
clinging together temporarily.
• Particles moving rapidly in all directions but more frequently colliding with
each other than in gases.
• With increase in temperature, the particles move faster as they gain
kinetic energy.
Properties of a Liquid
• Liquids have a much greater density than gases (‘heavier’) because
the particles are much closer together.
• Liquids flow freely despite the forces of attraction between the particles but liquids are not as ‘fluid’ as
• Liquids have a surface, and a fixed volume (at a particular temperature) because of the increased particle
attraction, but the shape is not fixed and is merely that of the container itself.
• Liquids are not readily compressed because of the lack of ‘empty’ space between the particles.
• Liquids will expand on heating (contract on cooling) but nothing like as much as gases because of the
greater particle attraction restricting the expansion. When heated, the liquid particles gain kinetic energy
and hit the sides of the container more frequently, and more significantly, they hit with a greater force, so in
a sealed container the pressure produced can be considerable.
Properties of a Gas
• Gases have a low density (‘light’) because the particles are so spaced out in the
container (density = mass ÷ volume).
• Gases flow freely because there are no effective forces of attraction between the
• Gases have no surface, and no fixed shape or volume, and because of lack of
particle attraction, they spread out and fill any container.
• Gases are readily compressed because of the ‘empty’ space between the
• If the ‘container’ volume can change, gases readily expand on heating because of the lack of particle
attraction, and readily contract on cooling. On heating, gas particles gain kinetic energy and hit the sides of
the container more frequently, and more significantly, they hit with a greater force. Depending on the
container situation, either or both of the pressure or volume will increase (reverse on cooling).
• The natural rapid and random movement of the particles means that gases readily ‘spread’ or diffuse.
Diffusion is fastest in gases where there is more space for them to move and the rate of diffusion increases
with increase in temperature.
Changes of State
We can use the diagrams shown below, to explain changes of state and the energy changes involved.
Evaporation and Boiling (liquid to gas. In evaporation and boiling the highest kinetic energy molecules can
‘escape’ from the attractive forces of the other liquid particles. The particles lose any order and become completely
free. Energy is needed to overcome the attractive forces in the liquid and is taken in from the surroundings. This
means heat is taken in (endothermic). Boiling is rapid evaporation at a fixed temperature called the boiling point
and requires continuous addition of heat. Evaporation takes place more slowly at any temperature between the
melting point and boiling point and results in the liquid becoming cooler.
Condensing (gas to liquid) On cooling, gas particles lose kinetic energy and eventually become attracted
together to form a liquid. There is an increase in order as the particles are much closer together and can form
clumps of molecules. The process requires heat to be lost to the surroundings i.e. heat given out, so condensation
is exothermic.
Pressure equals force divided by area. By rearranging the formula, this statement may be condensed into
This can be stated as follows: the weight of a column of water 1 foot high, having a cross-sectional area of 1
square inch, is 0.433 pound. If the depth of the column is tripled, the weight of the column will be 3 x 0.433, or
1.299 pounds, and the pressure at the bottom will be 1.299 lb/in2 (PSI), since pressure equals the force divided by
the area. Thus, the pressure at any depth in a liquid is equal to the weight of the column of liquid at that depth
divided by the cross-sectional area of the column at that depth. The volume of a liquid that produces the pressure
is referred to as the fluid head of the liquid. The pressure of a liquid due to its fluid head is also dependent on the
density of the liquid.
If we let A equal any cross-sectional area of a liquid column and h equal the
depth of the column, the volume becomes Ah. Using the equation for density,
D = Weight (W) / Volume (V), the weight of the liquid above area A is equal
to AhD.
Since pressure is equal to the force per unit area, set A equal to 1. Then
the formula pressure becomes
P =hD
It is essential that h and D be expressed in similar units.
That is, if D is expressed in pounds per cubic foot, the value of h must
be expressed in feet. If the desired pressure is to be expressed in
pounds per square inch, the pressure formula, becomes
The Hydraulic Ram Principle Consider the situation in figure 2.23, where the input piston is much smaller than
the output piston. Assume that the area of the input piston is 2 square inches. With a resistant force on the output
piston a downward force of 20 pounds acting on the input piston creates a pressure 10 PSI in the fluid
Although this force is much smaller than the force applied in figures 2.21 and 2.22, the pressure is the same.
This is because the force is applied to a smaller area.
Relationship between Force, Pressure, and Head In dealing with fluids, forces are usually considered in relation
to the areas over which they are applied. As previously discussed, a force acting over a unit area is a pressure, and
pressure can alternately be stated in pounds per square inch or in terms of head, which is the vertical height of the
column of fluid whose weight would produce that pressure.
In most of the applications of fluid power, applied forces greatly outweigh all other forces, and the fluid is entirely
confined. Under these circumstances it is customary to think of the forces involved in terms of pressures. Since the
term head is encountered frequently in the study of fluid power, it is necessary to understand what it means and
how it is related to pressure and force.
At this point you need to review some terms in general use. “Gravity head”, when it is important enough to be
considered, is sometimes referred to as simply “head”. The effect of atmospheric pressure is referred to as
“atmospheric pressure”. (Atmospheric pressure is frequently and improperly referred to as suction.) Inertia effect,
because it is always directly related to velocity, is usually called “velocity head”; and friction, because it represents
a loss of pressure or head, is usually referred to as “friction head”.
Static and Dynamic Factors Gravity, applied forces, and atmospheric pressure are static factors that apply
equally to fluids at rest or in motion, while inertia and friction are dynamic factors that apply only to fluids in motion.
The mathematical sum of gravity, applied force, and atmospheric pressure is the static pressure obtained at any
one point in a fluid at any given time. Static pressure exists in addition to any dynamic factors that may also be
present at the same time.
Remember, Pascal’s law states that a pressure set up in a fluid acts equally in all directions and at right angles to
the containing surfaces. This covers the situation only for fluids at rest or practically at rest. It is true only for the
factors making up static head. Obviously, when velocity becomes a factor it must have a direction, and as
previously explained, the force related to the velocity must also have a direction, so that Pascal’s law alone does
not apply to the dynamic factors of fluid power.
The dynamic factors of inertia and friction are related to the static factors. Velocity head and friction head are
obtained at the expense of static head. However, a portion of the velocity head can always be reconverted to static
head. Force, which can be produced by pressure or head when dealing with fluids, is necessary to start a body
moving if it is at rest, and is present in some form when the motion of the body is arrested; therefore, whenever a
fluid is given velocity, some part of its original static head is used to impart this velocity, which then exists as
velocity head.
the system. Notice that this system contains the five basic components—the reservoir; cylinder 1, which serves as
a pump; valve 3, which serves as a directional control valve; cylinder 2, which serves as the actuating device; and
lines to transmit the fluid to and from the different components. In addition, this system contains two valves, 1 and
2, whose functions are explained in the following discussion.
As the input piston is raised (fig. 2.26, view A), valve 1 is closed by the back pressure from the weight of the output
piston. At the same time, valve 2 is opened by the head of the fluid in the reservoir. This forces fluid into cylinder 1.
When the input piston is lowered (fig. 2.26, view B), a pressure is developed in cylinder 1.
When this pressure exceeds the head in the reservoir, it closes valve 2. When it exceeds the back pressure from
the output piston, it opens valve 1, forcing fluid into the pipeline. The pressure from cylinder 1 is thus transmitted
into cylinder 2, where it acts to raise the output piston with its attached lift platform. When the input piston is again
raised, the pressure in cylinder 1 drops below that in cylinder 2, causing valve 1 to close. This prevents the return
of fluid and holds the output piston with its attached lift platform at its new level. During this stroke, valve 2 opens
again allowing a new supply of fluid into cylinder 1 for the next power (downward) stroke of the input piston.
Thus, by repeated strokes of the input piston, the lift platform can be progressively raised. To lower the lift platform,
valve 3 is opened, and the fluid from cylinder 2 is returned to the reservoir.
Mercury barometers A standard mercury barometer has a glass tube of about 30 inches (about 76 cm) in height,
closed at one end, with an open mercury-filled reservoir at the base. Mercury in the tube adjusts until the weight of
the mercury column balances the atmospheric force exerted on the reservoir. High atmospheric pressure places
more force on the reservoir, forcing mercury higher in the column. Low pressure allows the mercury to drop to a
lower level in the column by lowering the force placed on the reservoir.
Since higher temperature at the instrument will reduce the density of
the mercury the scale for reading the height of the mercury is
adjusted to compensate for this effect.
The standard temperature for reading a mercury barometer is 0oC
(32oF). A correction factor is read from a graph and applied to the
reading for temperatures above 0oC. The barometer over-reads at
higher temperatures.
The mercury barometer's design gives rise to the expression of
atmospheric pressure in inches or millimeters: the pressure is
quoted as the level of the mercury's height in the vertical column. 1
atmosphere is equivalent to about 29.9 inches, or 760 millimeters, of
mercury. Barometers of this type normally measure atmospheric
pressures between 28 and 31 inches of mercury.
The reading from a barometer (in mm.hg or in.hg) can be converted
into Pascals or PSI by using the formula
Pressure = ρgh (if using Metric units)
Pressure = ρh (if using English units)
Pressure = the converted pressure (Pa or PSI)
ρ = density of the mercury (13,600 kg/m3 or 62.4 lbf../ft3)
h = height of mercury (m or ft)
Aneroid barometers An aneroid barometer uses a small, flexible metal vacuum chamber called an aneroid cell.
This aneroid capsule (cell) is made from an alloy of beryllium and copper.
The evacuated capsule (or usually more capsules) is prevented from collapsing by a strong spring. Small changes
in external air pressure cause the cell to expand or contract.
This expansion and contraction drives mechanical levers such that the
tiny movements of the capsule are amplified and displayed on the face of
the aneroid barometer.
Many models include a manually set needle which is used to mark the
current measurement so a change can be seen. In addition, the
mechanism is made deliberately 'stiff' so that tapping the barometer
reveals whether the pressure is rising or falling as the pointer moves.
They are used for measuring atmospheric pressure.
The weight of the block is (48.3 lbs./ft.3) (2 ft.3) = 96.6 lbs. As long as the block is below the water surface (while it
is rising to the top), it displaces 2 ft.3 of ocean water.
Module 2.2 Mechanics. ITS Lombardo Mobilità Sostenibile© 2-27
Copyright 2011
We know that:
We can see why the block rises. How far will the block rise? it will rise until the BF exactly equals its weight. In our
example it will rise until the BF has been reduced to 96.6 lbs. (the weight of the block). The BF will be reduced as
the block emerges from the water. In our example, it will rise until 25% of the block’s volume is above the water
surface. It follows that 75% of 2 ft.3 (= 1.5 ft.3 ) will be below the water surface. When this occurs, the BF on the
block is (64.4 lbs./ft.3)(1.5 ft.3) equals 96.6 lbs. Note again that the BF equals the weight of the block while the block
is floating.
In the preceding example, note that the ratio of the weight density of the block (48.3 lbs./ft.3) to the weight density
of the ocean water (64.4 lbs./ft.3) was 0.75. We recall that 75% of the floating block was under water. This is
generally true and makes a much easier procedure to determine how low a block will float in a given liquid.
In dealing with bodies that float, it is important to note that boats, made of materials more dense than water, are
shaped in such a way that the total weight density is less than water. In order to understand this, consider the
rowing boat with contents (people, lunch, fishing gear, etc.) shown in
figure 2.34. Note that some of the boat (shown with dotted lines) is
below the water surface. Suppose that the row boat floats in such a way
that it displaces 8 cu ft. of lake water. The weight of the displaced water
is 8 ft. (62.4 lbs./ft.3) or 499 lbs. Therefore, the BF is 499 lbs. The boat
and contents must weigh 499 lbs. to float at this level. If the boat weighs
150 lbs. the contents must weigh 349 lbs.
This is realistic (father 200 lbs., son 75 lbs., lunch 25 lbs., fishing gear
49 lbs.).
One final comment should be made regarding submarines. Submarines
cruising at a definite depth in ocean water have a total weight density
equal to the weight density of ocean water, 64.4 lbs./ft.3 This means that
the total weight of the submarine (metal shell, air, crew, load, ballast,
etc.) divided by the total volume is 64.4 lbs./ft.3 The ballast used in submarines is ocean water. These vessels can
take on water or pump out water. If the submarine wants to descend, it takes on water. If it wants to rise toward the
surface it pumps out water.
A block of oak (D = 45 lbs./ft.3) is placed in a tank of benzene (D = 54.9 lbs /ft.3). The oak floats since its
weight density is less that the weight density of the benzene. What percentage of the oak will be below the
surface of the benzene?
We find the ratio of the two weight densities.
We conclude that 82% of the oak block will be below the surface of the benzene.
The bag of a balloon is a sphere of radius 25 m filled with hydrogen of weight density 0.882 N/rn3. What total
weight (in Newtons) of fabric, car, and contents can be lifted by this balloon in air of weight density 12.6 N/rn3?
We first calculate the volume of the spherical balloon by recalling that the volume of a sphere is given by:
There is a formula dealing with the motion of a body that you have used for many years. In school, you probably
memorized the formula in these words:
(1) s = Vav t
Note that for the rate, we have used the average speed. We all know that even though sometimes speed changes,
we can always talk about the average speed. Thus, if we travel at an average speed of 50 MPH for 6 hours, we
cover 300 miles.
Now we must extend our treatment of motion to include the concept of acceleration. Acceleration (for straight-line
motion) is the rate of change of speed in time. We define acceleration (for straight-line motion) in the following
In using this formula, a may be either positive or negative. If v is less than u, then our value of a turns out to be a
negative number.
A truck is initially travelling at a speed of 50 ft./sec. The driver applies his brakes for 15 sec. The final speed of
the car is 20 ft./sec. What is the acceleration?
Notice that the unit of acceleration has the square of a time unit in its denominator.
A little thought will convince you that an acceleration is positive if the body is increasing speed and negative when
the body is decreasing its speed. If we cross-multiply in formula (2) we obtain:
After transposing, we can write:
(3) v = u + at
In this equation, we can substitute for v (= u + at) using the value in equation (3).
2s = (u + v)t
We can now multiply this equation by equation (2). After cancelling time (t) on the right:
(6) v2 = u2 + 2as
These equations are very important. They enable us to deal with all kinds of motion problems where the body is in
straight line motion and is changing its speed. These formulas will be summarized below. They will be numbered
with Roman numerals and can be referred to by these numbers when used in the problem exercises.
ii. v = u + at
iii. s = ut + ½ at2
iv. v2 = u2 + 2as
When a body in straight line motion is not changing speed, or in cases where we are interested only in the average
speed, the formula is more simple.
s = Vav t
Formulas i through iv are used in many practical physics problems. Note that each one involves four quantities.
When a problem is given to you to solve, be sure to determine which of these three quantities are given to you, and
which quantity is to be found. Choose the formula which involves these four quantities. If the formula is not solved
for the unknown quantity, solve for this quantity algebraically. Finally substitute the known quantities and solve for
the unknown quantity.
An example should clarify the above procedure.
In attacking this problem it is wise to write down exactly what is known and what is unknown.
u = 50 ft./sec. V = 75 ft/sec.
S = 125ft. a=?
Formula iv involves these four quantities. Note that i, ii, and ill do not involve these exact four quantities.
Formula iv is the one to use. First it should be solved for the unknown, a.
v2 = u2 + 2as v2 - u2 = 2as a= v2 - u2 / 2s
A body started from rest and has been falling freely for 3 sec. At what speed is it falling?
u = 0 t = 3 sec, a = 32 ft/sec2, v = ?
We will use Formula ii : v = u + at
Newton’s Second Law connects acceleration and force, by Force = Mass x Acceleration.
Thus, we can write the equation of Centripetal Force Fnet = mac or Fnet =
Centrifugal force
Is often confused with its counterpart, centripetal force, because they are so closely related — essentially two sides
of the same coin.
Centripetal force is defined as, "the force that is necessary to keep an object moving in a curved path and that is
directed inward toward the center of rotation," while centrifugal force is defined as "the apparent force that is felt by
an object moving in a curved path that acts outwardly away from the center of rotation,"
Note that while centripetal force is an actual force, centrifugal force is defined as an apparent force.
In other words, when twirling a mass on a string, the string exerts an inward centripetal force on the mass, while
mass appears to exert an outward centrifugal force on the string.
"The difference between centripetal and centrifugal force has to do with different 'frames of reference,' that is,
different viewpoints from which you measure something. "Centripetal force and centrifugal force are really the exact
same force, just in opposite directions because they're experienced from different frames of reference."
Module 2.2 Mechanics. ITS Lombardo Mobilità Sostenibile© 2-33
Copyright 2011
If you are observing a rotating system from the outside, you see an inward centripetal force acting to constrain the
rotating body to a circular path.
However, if you are part of the rotating system, you experience an apparent centrifugal force pushing you away
from the center of the circle, even though what you are actually feeling is the inward centripetal force that is
keeping you from literally going off on a tangent.
Meaning Tendency of an object following a curved The force that keeps an object moving with
path to fly away from the center of a uniform speed along a circular path.
curvature. Might be described as “lack of
centripetal force.”
Direction Along the radius of the circle, from the Along the radius of the circle, from the
center towards the object. object towards the center.
Example Mud flying off a tire; children pushed out on Satellite orbiting a planet
a roundabout.
Is it a real No; centrifugal force is the inertia of motion. Yes; centripetal force keeps the object from
force? "flying out".
It is also possible that the point is not moving with constant angular velocity. It may be increasing or decreasing its
angular velocity. When a CD starts rotating in a CD drive the angular velocity increases until it reaches a constant
value. After the reject button is pushed the angular velocity decreases until the CD comes to rest.
In both of the above cases we say that the point has an angular acceleration. The Greek letter alpha (a) is used
for angular acceleration. Note that a is positive if the angular velocity is increasing and negative if the angular
velocity is decreasing.
Angular acceleration can also be expressed in different units,
Now as a body moves in a circular path four similar equations hold as in the case of a body moving in a straight-
line path. Both sets of equations will be shown below. It is important to re-memorize the equations for straight-line
motion. In this way the other four equations will also be known, since they are exactly analogous.
Study these equations carefully and note that the set to the right, the “rotational analogy” are easily remembered if
the left set is well known. We recall that the subscripts ”u” and ”v” indicate “initial” and “final”.
These rotational equations help us to solve many practical problems dealing with rotating bodies.
A propeller starts from an angular velocity of 900 rev./min. and accelerates at 100 rev./min.2 for 5 minutes.
Through how many revolutions has it turned?
A propeller starts at 1,000 rev./min. and accelerates at 100 rev./min.2 through 2,000 revolutions. What is its
final angular velocity?
w22 = w12 +2aq w22 = (1,000 rev./min.)2 +2 (100 rev./min.2)(2,000 rev.) w2 = 1,180 rev./min
This is a general wave relationship which applies to sound and light waves, other electromagnetic waves, and
waves in mechanical media.
Properties of SHM
Considering the motion of a mass on the end of a spring, or the horizontal motion of a pendulum, the following
properties can be observed:
The velocity of the body is always changing. It is maximum at the undisturbed position (centre of its motion) and
zero at the extremities of its motion (maximum displacement position)
The acceleration of the body is always changing. It is maximum at the extremities of its motion (maximum
displacement position) and zero at its undisturbed position (centre of motion).
In other words, when its velocity is zero, its acceleration is a maximum, and when its acceleration is zero, its
velocity is a maximum.
The ideal mechanical advantage of a machine can always be determined by measurements made on the machine
The Efficiency (Eff) of a machine is the ratio of the output work to the input work.
The efficiency can be expressed as a decimal or as a percentage. For example, if the efficiency is calculated as
0.78, we can expressed it as 78%.
One final point should be made regarding efficiency.
There is no machine that is 100% efficient.
We always have some friction. However, sometimes we assume that there is no friction and that the machine is
perfect or ideal! if a problem says that the efficiency is 100%, we are doing a make-believe problem. This kind of a
problem is not meaningless, however, because it tells us the best that this machine can do. In this ideal case the
AMA equals the IMA.
1) A worker is able to raise a body weighing 300 lbs. by applying a force of 75 lbs. What is the AMA of the
machine that he is using?
2) A worker applied his force through a distance of 15 ft. The load is raised a distance of 2.5 ft. What is the
IMA of the machine that he used?
3) The actual mechanical advantage of a machine is 8 and the efficiency of this machine is 78%. What is the
ideal mechanical advantage?
4) A worker uses a machine to raise a load of 500 lbs. a distance of 2 ft. He does this by applying a force of
100 lbs. through a distance of 12 ft. What was the efficiency of the machine?
Method 1
Method 2:
The Lever
Consider the diagram in figure 2.42. Note that the lever
always pivots about some point called the fulcrum. The
input force (F1) is downward force and in our diagram, is
applied at the right end of the lever. This input force gives
rise to an upward force at the left end in our diagram. This
upward force causes the load to be raised and is called
The distance from the input end of the lever to the fulcrum is called the input lever arm (Li) and the distance from
the output end to the fulcrum is called the output lever arm (L0).
Recall that:
Since it is much easier to measure lever arms that the distances of rotation, we always use the ratio on the right
hand side of the above equation to express the IMA of a lever.
(Lever) IMA =
Note that one cord is wrapped around the axle of radius (r). The
load is attached to this cord. Another cord is wrapped around the
wheel of radius (A). The worker applies his force to this second
Both wheel and axle turn together. This means that if the wheel
rotates through one revolution the axle also turns through one
Let us suppose that the worker pulls in a length of cord equal to
one circumference of the wheel (D1) The load will be raised a
distance equal one circumference of the axle, (Do).
We note that the sine of the angle of inclination (q) is also h/L.
Therefore, we can write the expression for the IMA as follows:
The pitch of the screw (p) is the distance between adjacent threads (see
figure 2.48). As the handle is turned through one revolution, a distance given
2 p r ft., the load is raised a distance of one pitch.
Therefore, we have the relation:
A screw Jack has a great deal of friction. Therefore its efficiency is usually very low. However, the distance through
which the input force acts in comparison to the pitch is usually very large. This gives a screw jack a large
mechanical advantage.
The radius of the wheel in a windlass (wheel and axle) is 3.5 ft. and the radius of the axle is 0.27 ft. The
efficiency of the machine is 60%. What load can be lifted by this machine by using a force of 75 lbs.?
An inclined plane has a 32° angle of incline. A force of 50 lbs. Is required to slide a 90 lbs. load up the incline.
What is the efficiency of this machine?
The first law of motion is called the law of inertia. It can be summarized:
A body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion continues to move
at constant velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced external force.
The importance of the law of inertia is that it tells us what to expect in the absence of forces, either rest (no motion)
or straight line motion at constant speed. A passenger’s uncomfortable experience of being thrown forward when
an aircraft comes to a sudden stop at the terminal is an example of this principle in action. A more violent example
is the collision of a vehicle with a stationary object. The vehicle is often brought to an abrupt stop.
Unconstrained passengers continue to move with the velocity they had just prior to the collision only to be brought
to rest (all too frequently with tragic consequences) by surfaces within the vehicle (dashboards, windshields, etc.).
A less dramatic example of Newton’s first law comes from the invigorating activity of shovelling snow. Scooping up
a shovel full of snow, a person swings the shovel and then brings it to a sudden stop. The snow having acquired
the velocity of the shovel continues its motion leaving the shovel and going off onto the snow pile.
Fnet = m a
In words, the second law states that a net or unbalanced force acting on an
object equals the mass of the object times the acceleration of that object.
Here, the net force is the total force acting on the object, obtained by adding vectorially all of the forces influencing
the object. The mass is a scalar quantity. However, both the net force and the acceleration are vector quantities.
Mathematically, this means that they must always point in the same direction. That is, at each instant the
acceleration is in the same direction as the net force.
Before we consider cases where the net force acting on a body is not zero, it is most important to understand that
sometimes the net force acting on a body is zero.
The vector sum of the forces acting on the body in the x-direction is zero and the vector sum of the forces acting on
the body in the y-direction is also zero.
In this case we say that the body is in equilibrium.
From the law, net force equals mass times
acceleration, we know that since the net force is
zero the acceleration is also zero.
Zero acceleration means that the velocity of the
body in not changing in direction or in magnitude.
This means that the body is moving in a straight
line with constant speed or it has the constant
speed, zero (it is at rest). If we observe that a body
is at rest we know that all of the forces on this body
are balanced. Similarly, if a body is moving in a
straight line with constant speed, all of the forces
acting on this body are balanced.
For example, if a plane is travelling on a straight stretch of runway at constant speed, there are four forces acting
on this plane: the earth is pulling down on the plane (its weight), the earth is pushing up on the plane (the normal
force), the engine is giving a forward thrust to the plane, and frictional forces (air resistance, tires on runway. etc.)
are acting backward.
This is illustrated in figure 2.50.
Next, we must consider some examples where the
net force acting on a body is not zero.
The body is accelerating. The body is experiencing
a change in its direction or in its speed or both.
As a first example, a plane accelerating down a
runway gets a change in velocity in the direction of
its motion. This is the same direction as the thrust
provided by the power plant.
In figure 2.51, note that the thrust is greater than
the frictional forces. The net forward force is the
thrust minus the friction. It is this net forward force
that results in the acceleration of the plane.
Both of the velocities (u and v) are the velocities relative to the plane of rotation of the propeller. The time (t) is the
time involved in accelerating the air mass from u to v.
By Newton’s third law, the thrust, which is the force the air mass exerts back on the propeller, is equal in magnitude
to F. Therefore, the thrust (T) is given by:
The velocities of the air mass are relative to the plane, and therefore change as the plane’s speed changes. Also
the time involved in accelerating the air mass changes with the speed of the plane. This causes considerable
variation in the thrust provided by a propeller.
Each second a propeller accelerates an air mass of 12.2 slugs from rest to a velocity of 137 ft./sec.
How much thrust is provided?
T = 1,670 lbs.
The Pratt & Whitney J60 has a mass air flow of 23 kg/sec. During a static test (initial velocity = 0) the exhaust
velocity was measured to be 580 m/sec. Determine the thrust produced.
Note that the ram drag is zero since v1 is zero. Therefore, the thrust is equal simply to the gross thrust.
What would the thrust have been if the J60 of the previous example had been in a plane moving at 250 knots?
Assume the same mass flow and exhaust velocity.
Note that the ram drag is not zero in this case. In order to calculate this ram drag we must use the formula:
During a static test (initial velocity = zero), a Pratt & Whitney J75 produced a thrust of 16,000 lbs. with an air
mass flow of 8.23 slugs/sec. Determine the exhaust gas velocity of the engine.
Since u is zero, the ram drag is zero and T = gross thrust.
The air intake velocity of a turbojet will be approximately equal to the airspeed of the plane. Let us again
examine the thrust formula.
It can be seen that the thrust may be increased in two ways, either by increasing the air
mass flow through the engine (m / t) or increasing the exhaust gas velocity (v).
T = 7,630 N
A Lockheed Jet Star is equipped with four Pratt & Whitney JT12 engines. Cruising at 220 knots, each engine
was found to be providing 1,420 lbs. of thrust. If the airflow through each engine was 1.55 slug/sec., what was
the exhaust gas velocity
U = 220 knots = 371 ft/sec.
When a force acts on an object and it causes the object to move it is
said to be work.
There are two things happen in this process. The first thing that
happens is that an object moves when an force is applied on it
otherwise it cannot move and the second thing is that the direction of
the object changes in the direction of the force applied on it.
The definition of work is as follows: W = F D cos q
The symbol for “distance” has been switched from S to D, to
emphasize that we are dealing with distances in our treatment of
simple machines.
The angle (q) in this definition is the angle between the direction of the force vector and the direction of the
displacement vector.
In this chapter, we will assume that in all the cases we will study the force and displacement vectors act in the
same direction. This implies that the angle (q) is a 0° angle and since the cosine of a 0o angle equals one, the
equation for work becomes the simple equation:
Very often the force vector and the distance vector act in the same direction. In this case, the angle (q) is a zero
degree angle. If you check on your calculator, you will find that the cosine of a zero degree angle is equal to one.
This simplifies things in this case because then work is simply equal to the product of force times distance.
The unit of work in the English system is the foot-lb. Note that the two units are multiplied by each other.
Students tend to write ft./lb. This is incorrect. The unit is not feet divided by pounds. In the metric system, the unit is
the Newton-meter or the Joule (J). Note that the Newton-meter has a name, the Joule. The foot-lb. has no special
A puck lies on a horizontal air table. The air table reduces the friction between the puck and the table to almost
zero since the puck rides on a film of air. A player exerts a force of 70 lbs. on this puck through a distance of 0.5
feet, and he is careful that his force is in the same direction as the distance through the force is applied. The
player has done 35 ft.-lbs. of work on the puck.
A sled is dragged over a horizontal snowy surface by means of a rope attached to the front of the sled. The rope
makes an angle of 28° with the horizontal. The sled is displaced a distance a 50 ft. The worker exerts a force of
35 pounds. How much work does the worker do? We use the formula:
W = FS cos q. W = (35 lbs.) (50 ft.) cos 28° W = 1550 ft.lbs.
Sometimes the force and the displacement are in the opposite directions. This situation gives rise to negative work.
Note, in this case, the angle between the force and the displacement is a 180° angle. The cosine of 180° is
negative one.
One example of negative work occurs when a body is lowered in a gravitational field. If a student carefully lowers a
book weighing 15 pounds through a distance of 2 feet, we note that the displacement vector points downward and
the force vector point upwards
W = FS cos q
W = (15 lbs.)(2 ft.) cos 180o W = (15 lbs.)(2 ft.)(-1) W = -30 ft.lbs.
Energy (Kinetic and Potential)
The concept of energy is one of the most important concepts in all of physical science. We often hear of energy
sources, alternate energy, shortage of energy, conservation of energy, light energy, heat energy, electrical energy,
sound energy, etc. What is the exact meaning of this word, energy?
Sometimes energy is defined as the “capacity to do work”. This definition is only a partial definition.
However, it has the advantage of immediately relating the concept of energy to the concept of work. These two
ideas are intimately related to each other.
Energy is a quality that a body has after work has been done on this body. Once work has been done on a body of
mass (m) this body has energy. The body can then do work on other bodies. Consider the following situation:
A body of mass (m) was resting on a horizontal air table. A player exerted a horizontal force (F) on this mass
through a distance (s). Since the angle between the force and the displacement was a zero degree angle, the work
done on this body was simply Fs. At the instant the player removed his hand from the body we note two facts. The
body accelerated while the force (F) was acting on the body and the body has acquired a velocity (v) during this
time of acceleration (a). The body has moved through a distance (s) in time (t).
s = ½ at2
Also note that the force (F) is related to the acceleration by the relation:
F = ma
We now look again at this body at the instant the force (F) has ceased acting. We note that work (W) has been
done on this body and that the body moves with speed (v).
W = Fs = (ma) ( ½ at2) W = ½ m(at)2
Now we note that the speed obtained by the body during the time of acceleration is given by the equation:
V = at
Therefore, we can substitute v for at in the equation above.
W = ½ mV2
The equation we have obtained is the defining equation for a quantity known as kinetic energy.
Usually, we use the symbol “KE” for kinetic energy. KE = ½ mV2
After the work has been done on the mass (m) it moves off on the frictionless air table with this kinetic energy.
This body now is capable of doing work on other bodies that it contacts. For example, it probably will strike the
edge of the table. When this happens this kinetic energy will be changed into other types of energy such as sound
energy or heat energy.
We note that the initial kinetic energy of the mass (m) was zero. This is true because the body was initially as rest.
We can say that the work done on the body is equal to the change in the energy of the body.
A body of mass 4 slugs is held by an agent at a distance of 6 ft. above the surface of the earth. The agent
drops the body. What is the speed of the body when it is on the way down and at a distance of 2 feet above
the earth’s surface?
We note that the initial potential energy is equal to the sum of the kinetic and potential energies on the way
down (wd). PE = PEwd + KEwd
(4 slug) (32 ft/sec ) (6 ft.) = (4 slug) (32 ft/sec2) (2 ft.) + ½ (4 slug) v2
A body of mass, 10 kg, falls to the earth from a height of 300 m above the surface of the earth. What is the
speed of this body just before it touches ground?
PEi = KEf. (10 kg) (9.8 m/sec2) (300 m) = (10 kg) V2
In the English system the unit of power is the horsepower and in the metric system the unit is the Watt.
Conversion factors exist giving information regarding these units.
An aircraft engine weighing 4,000 lbs. is hoisted a vertical distance of 9 feet to install it in an aircraft. The time
taken for this piece of work was 5 minutes. What power was necessary? Give the answer in ft.lb./sec. and in
An elevator cab weighs 6,000 N. It is lifted by a 5 kW motor. What time is needed for the cab to ascend a
distance of 40 m?
Alternate Form for Power We can put our formula for power in another form by recognizing that s/t is speed v.
This leads to the formula:
This form is particularly useful for obtaining an expression for the power output of a turbine engine.
These engines are ordinarily rated in terms of the thrust which they produce. To obtain an expression for their
power output it is necessary to multiply their thrust by the speed of the plane. This thrust power, which is usually
expressed in units of horsepower (THP, thrust horsepower), can be obtained by multiplying the thrust in pounds
by the speed in ft./sec. and dividing by 550 where the conversion
1 HP = 550 ft-lbs./sec. is used. Thus:
Alternatively, we can take the speed of the aircraft in MPH and use the conversion 1 HP = 375 mi.lbs./hr
to obtain:
A gas turbine engine is producing 5,500 lbs. of thrust while the plane in which the engine is installed is
travelling 450 MPH. Determine the THP.
It is important to note that while the thrust of a gas turbine engine may not vary much over a particular range of
aircraft speeds, the power must be recalculated each time the plane changes its speed.
Units of Heat - The SI unit or heat is a form of energy called the joule (J).
Heat is frequently also measured in the calorie (cal), which is defined as "the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of one gram of water from 14.5 degrees Celsius to 15.5 degrees Celsius." Heat is also sometimes
measured in "British thermal units" or Btu.
A word can have multiple and ambiguous meanings in everyday language but they have precise meanings in
Efficiency in physics is a comparison of the energy output to the energy input in a given system. It is defined as
the percentage ratio of the output energy to the input energy, given by the equation:
Efficiency = Eout / Ein×100%
This equation is commonly used in order to represent energy in the form of heat or power
The energy supplied to a light bulb is 200 J. A total of 28 J of this is usefully transferred. How efficient is the
light bulb?
Efficiency = useful energy transferred / total energy supply = 28 / 200 = 0,14
Percentage efficiency = efficiency x 100 = 0,10 x 100 = 14%
Definition - Momentum is a vector quantity defined as the product of mass times velocity. Note that velocity (V) is
also a vector quantity. We write the defining equation as:
Momentum = mV
Momentum is a very important quantity when we are dealing with collisions, because it is conserved in all such
Conservation of Momentum. In a collision, there are always at least two bodies that collide. We will deal only with
collisions of two bodies. We will also limit our discussion to collisions occurring in one dimension. Such collisions
are called “head-on” collisions.
At this time, we need to recall two of Newton’s laws. We need Newton’s second law,
F = ma, and Newton’s third law, which tells us that if two bodies collide, the force that the first body exerts on the
second body is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force that the second body exerts on the first
body. Also recall that the acceleration (a) equals the change in the velocity (symbolized by the Greek letter Delta,
D) divided by the time (t).
Now let us visualize two bodies of masses, m1 and m2 on a one dimensional track.
The equation tells us that the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision.
Sometimes we say simply that “momentum is conserved”.
Recoil Problems
The simplest example of the conservation of momentum is in recoil problems.
A boy and a man are both on ice skates on a pond. The mass of the boy is 20 kg and the mass of the man is 80
kg. They push on each other and move in opposite directions. If the recoil velocity of the boy is 80 m/sec., what
is the recoil velocity of the man?
First we note that both the man and the boy are at rest before the collision occurs.
m1V1’ + m2V2’ = m1V1” + m2V2”
(20) (0) + (80) (0) = (20) (80) + (80)V2” ; 0 = 1,600 + 80V2” ; -1,600 = 80V2” ; V2” = - 20 m/sec.
The negative sign indicates that the man recoils in the opposite direction from the boy.
Collision Problems - Whenever two bodies collide, momentum is always conserved. This is simply the result of
applying Newton’s second and third laws as we have done in the preceding discussion.
Sometimes kinetic energy is also conserved in a collision. This happens when the bodies are so hard that there is
very little deformation of the bodies in the actual collision process. Billiard balls are a good example. These
collisions are known as elastic collisions. We will derive a formula for determining the velocities of the bodies after
the collision has occurred.
Another type of collision that we will discuss is the perfectly inelastic collision. In this type of collision, the bodies
are deformed so much that they actually stick together after the collision. An example would be the collision of two
masses of putty. We will also do some problems for this type of collision.
Inelastic Collisions - We use the conservation of momentum for dealing with this type of collision. As we have
said, the colliding bodies stick together after impact. Therefore, the equation is simply:
Note that we use the symbol V” for the common velocity of the two bodies (which are now one body) after the
A truck of mass 1,550 kg is moving east at 60 m/sec. A car of mass 1,250 kg is travelling west at 90 m/sec.
The vehicles collide and stick together after impact.
What is the velocity of the combined mass after the collision has occurred?
We will not include units in our substitution. However, we will note that the velocity, when we obtain it, will be
in m/sec.
(1,550) (60) + (1,250) (-90) = (1,550 + 1,250)V” ; -19,500 = 2,800 V” ; V” = - 6.96 m/sec.
Since the calculated velocity has a negative sign, we conclude that the combined mass is travelling west after
the impact has occurred.
Our answer is that the wreckage starts moving west with a speed of 6.96 m/sec.
Sometimes the principle of conservation of momentum in the case of an inelastic collision can be used by the
police to determine the speed of a vehicle engaged in a head-on collision.
Sometimes the principle of conservation of momentum in the case of inelastic collision can be used by the police to
determine the speed of a vehicle engaged in a head –on collision.
Suppose that a large truck with a weight of 12,000 lbs. (mass of 375 slugs) travelling east with an unknown velocity
enters into a head-on collision with a smaller truck of weight 6.400 lbs. (mass of 200 slugs) initially travelling west
with a speed of 30 MPH (44 ft./sec.). The trucks stick together in the collision and marks on the highway indicate
that the wreckage travelled a distance of 120 feet east. The condition of the roadway (amount of friction) indicates
that the wreckage would travel for a time of 4 sec. Determine the initial speed of the large truck.
The equation:
can be used to determine the initial velocity of the wreckage. Note that the final velocity of the wreckage is zero.
Next, we can use the conservation of momentum equation to determine the velocity of the large truck at the instant
of the impact. We will use the symbol V to represent this velocity.
(375 slugs) (V) + (200 slugs) (- 44 ft./sec.) = (575 slugs) (60 ft./sec.)
Elastic Collisions - are collisions that occur between bodies that deform very little in the collision. Therefore we
assume that no energy is lost. An example of such a collision is the collision between pool balls.
In elastic collisions, both kinetic energy and momentum are conserved. In an ordinary elastic collision problem, we
know the masses and the velocities of two bodies that will collide. We want to predict, by a mathematical
calculation, the velocities the bodies will have after the collision has occurred, the two unknowns. If we write the
two conservation equations, we have two equations in these two unknowns. It is possible to solve these two
equations for these two unknowns. However, one of the conservation equations, the energy equation, is a “second
order” equation. A “second order” equation contains the squares of the unknowns. This makes the solution more
difficult. Instead, we will use an algebraic trick! The two conservation equations can be solved together producing a
third equation. This third equation and the momentum conservation equation provide the two first order equations
that we will use in solving elastic collision problems.
Module 2.2 Mechanics. ITS Lombardo Mobilità Sostenibile© 2-57
Copyright 2011
We will write the two conservation equations:
Conservation of Energy
(1) ½ m1V1’2 + ½ m2V2’2 = ½ m1V1”2 + ½ m2V2”2
Conservation of Momentum
(2) m1V1’ + m2V2’ = m1V1” + m2V2”
Divide (1) by ½:
In words, this equation says that the relative velocity of the balls before the collision is equal to the relative velocity
of the balls after the collision.
Equation (9) has been obtained algebraically from two equations, the conservation of momentum and the
conservation of energy. We use equations (2), the conservation of momentum equation, and equation (9), called
the relative velocity equation, to solve for the velocities of the two bodies after an elastic collision.
We will rewrite these two important equations for future reference:
In using these two equations, the two unknowns are usually V1” and V2”, the velocities of the two bodies after the
collision has occurred. The known quantities are usually the two masses and the velocities of the bodies before the
collision. Also be careful to include the signs of the velocities. If you forget to do this, you will always end up with
incorrect results.
If both sides of the above equation are multiplied by the quantity t, a new equation results.
F • t = m • ∆v
This equation represents one of two primary principles to be used in the analysis of collisions during this unit. To
truly understand the equation, it is important to understand its meaning in words. In words, it could be said that the
force times the time equals the mass times the change in velocity. In physics, the quantity Force • time is known
as impulse. And since the quantity m•v is the momentum, the quantity m•Δv must be the change in momentum.
The equation really says that the
Impulse = Change in momentum
One focus of this unit is to understand the physics of collisions. The physics of collisions are governed by the laws
of momentum; and the first law that we discuss in this unit is expressed in the above equation. The equation is
known as the impulse-momentum change equation. The law can be expressed this way:
In a collision, an object experiences a force for a specific amount of time that results in a change in momentum.
The result of the force acting for the given amount of time is that the object's mass either speeds up or slows down
(or changes direction). The impulse experienced by the object equals the change in momentum of the object.
In equation form, F • t = m • Δ v.
In a collision, objects experience an impulse; the impulse causes and is equal to the change in momentum.
Consider a football halfback running down the football field and encountering a collision with a defensive back. The
collision would change the halfback's speed and thus his momentum.
3.5 The Gyroscope
Gyros are fascinating to study and a great deal of
material is available on them. For the most part, we will
be concerned with only two of the properties of spinning
gyros. The first is the tendency of a spinning gyro to
remain fixed in space if it is not acted upon by outside
forces such as bearing friction.
This is the property of rigidity.
Rigidity is used to measure position in position gyros
such as the HSI (gyro compass) and ADI (artificial
The other property of a spinning gyro that concerns us is
its right angle obstinacy. It never goes in the direction that
you push it, but off to one side. Figure 2.62 illustrates this
obstinate characteristic.
Whichever way you apply the force to the axis of a gyro, it will move in a direction 90o (in direction of rotation) to the
force. The speed at which it moves is proportional to the force applied. This action is called precession. The
force of procession is used in rate gyros, such as those in a turn and slip indicator, where the speed of turn is
measured by the force that the precessing gyro exerts on a spring.
Gyro A has its spin axis parallel with the spin axis of the earth, sitting on top of the North Pole. It could maintain that
position indefinitely.
Gyro B has its spin axis parallel to the earth’s spin axis, and is located above the equator. The other gyros in its
group represent Gyro B as it would appear at different times of the day. If we were to look at Gyro B sitting on a
table in front of us, we would see that the upper end of its spin axis is pointing off toward the north star. As time
goes on and the earth turns 360°, we would not see any change in its attitude on the table. Its spin axis would
always point toward the north star.
Gyro C is situated on the equator. The other gyros in its group represent Gyro C as it would appear at different
times of the day.
Let’s say that we have the Gyro C in front of us on a table. Its spin axis is parallel to the earth’s surface. As time
goes on and the earth rotates, we would see its spin axis gradually tilting upward at one end until, six hours later
(90° of earth rotation), we would see it perpendicular to the earth’s surface, illustrated by the gyro shown to the
right of the earth. Six hours later (behind the earth out of sight in this drawing) the spin axis would once again be
parallel to the earth, but with the end which was first pointing east now pointing west.
Another six hours later, the spin axis would once again be perpendicular, but this time the opposite end of the axis
would be another six hours later. When we get to the same time of day at which we started, the gyro will again be
occupying its original position.
Gyro D and its group illustrate another changing aspect of a gyro, in different positions as viewed from the earth’s
surface at different times of day.
These perfect gyros illustrate what any gyro tries to do but cannot because of its orientation of the spin axis -
always in the same direction in space.
Static Friction: or ‘starting’ friction, is the force between two objects that are not moving relative to each other. For
example, static friction can prevent an object from sliding down a sloped surface. The coefficient of static friction,
typically denoted as μs, is usually higher than the coefficient of kinetic friction. The initial force to get an object
moving is often dominated by static friction.
Another important example of static friction is the force that prevents a car wheel from slipping as it rolls on the
ground. Even though the wheel is in motion, the patch of the tire in contact with the ground is stationary relative to
the ground, so it is static rather than kinetic friction.
The maximum value of static friction, when motion is impending, is sometimes referred to as limiting friction,
although this term is not used universally
Rolling Friction: is the frictional force associated with the rotational movement of a wheel or other circular objects
along a surface. Generally the frictional force of rolling friction is less than that associated with kinetic friction. One
of the most common examples of rolling friction is the movement of motor vehicle tyres on a road, a process which
generates heat and sound as by-products.
A steel body weighing 100 lbs. is resting on a horizontal steel surface. How many pounds of force are
necessary to start the body sliding? What force is necessary to keep this body sliding at constant speed?
W = N = 100 lbs. F = mN
The mapping out of our atmosphere, that is, determining its density, pressure, and temperature at different
altitudes, required the effort of many individuals working over many years. The fruit of this labour is a vast quantity
of data which has led to the definition of a standard atmosphere. The standard atmosphere, a term coined by Willis
Ray Gregg in 1922, is a compilation of mean annual atmospheric properties. Since our atmosphere undergoes
seasonal variations in properties such as temperature, a mean or average value is used. Tables 2.6 and 2.7 are
two tables of values for the standard atmosphere. The first table (table 2.6) gives values in English units and the
second (table 2.7) in metric units. It must be kept in mind that the numbers in these tables are annual averages
which can be useful for reference purposes but do not indicate the actual atmospheric conditions existing at any
particular moment.
Using the Gas Law and the temperature and pressure at an altitude of 12,000 meters listed in the Standard
Atmosphere Table (table 2.5), verify that the density of air at this altitude is 0.312 kg/m3.
We will use the equation
Cabin Altitude
Cabin altitude is a term used to express cabin pressure in terms of equivalent altitude above sea level. For
example, a cabin altitude of 6,000 feet means that the pressure inside the aircraft cabin is the same as the
atmospheric pressure at an altitude of 6,000 feet. Looking at the Standard Atmosphere Table (table 2.6), the
pressure is found to be 1,696 lbs/ft2 which upon division by 144 gives the pressure in lb/in2 to be 11.78 lbs/in2
At a cabin altitude of 8,000 feet, the passengers and crew can ride in relative comfort without any special oxygen
supply. Planes which fly at much higher altitudes than 8,000 feet must be furnished with a special atmosphere
control system. It is highly advantageous to fly at high altitudes both for economy of fuel consumption, and the
smooth air high above the level of turbulent weather systems. At these high altitudes, the pressure outside the
plane can be significantly lower than the cabin pressure.
At 8,000 ft., the Standard Atmosphere Table tells us that the air pressure is 1,572 lbs/ft2 or 10.92 lbs/in2 This is the
pressure that is normally maintained in the cabin even though the plane is flying at a higher altitude.
Suppose the plane is flying at an altitude of 40,000 ft. At this altitude the pressure (from the table 5-1) is 393 lbs/ft2
or 2.73 lbs/in2 This means that for a cabin altitude of 8,000 ft. for a plane flying at 40,000 ft., there is a net outward
pressure of 8.19 lbs/in2 This number was obtained by subtracting 2.73 lbs/in2 from 10.92.
For a Learjet with a pressurized area of 45,000 in2, we are dealing with a bursting force of over 368,000 lbs. (8.19
x 45 thousand). in addition to being able to withstand this much force, a safety factor of 1.33 is generally used by
design engineers. Therefore, the pressurized portion of the fuselage must be constructed to have an ultimate
strength of over 460 thousand pounds or about 230 tons. The challenge of finding lightweight materials which can
withstand these large forces is great.
In the description of an aircraft’s air conditioning and pressurization system, a differential pressure is given. The
differential pressure is the maximum difference between cabin pressure and atmospheric pressure which the
pressurization system can sustain. For example, the air-cycle air-conditioning system of a Boeing 747 can maintain
a pressure differential of 8.9 lbs/in2 This means that the system can maintain a cabin pressure 8.9 lbs/in2 greater
than the atmospheric pressure surrounding the plane. This also means that there is an upper limit imposed by the
pressurization system on the altitude at which the plane can fly.
Absolute humidity: The mass of water vapour in a given volume of air (i.e., density of water vapour in a given
parcel), usually expressed in grams per cubic meter.
Actual vapour pressure: The partial pressure exerted by the water vapour present in a parcel. Water in a gaseous
state (i.e. water vapour) exerts a pressure just like the atmospheric air.
Vapour pressure is also measured in Millibars.
Condensation: The phase change of a gas to a liquid. In the atm., the change of water vapour to liquid water.
Dewpoint: the temperature air would have to be cooled to in order for saturation to occur. The dewpoint
temperature assumes there is no change in air pressure or moisture content of the air.
Dry bulb temperature: The actual air temperature. See wet bulb temperature below.
Freezing: The phase change of liquid water into ice.
Evaporation: The phase change of liquid water into water vapour.
Melting: The phase change of ice into liquid water.
Mixing ratio: The mass of water vapour in a parcel divided by the mass of the dry air in the parcel (not including
water vapour).
Relative humidity: The amount of water vapour actually in the air divided by the amount of water vapour the air
can hold. Relative humidity is expressed as a % and can be computed in a variety of ways. One way is to divide
the actual vapour pressure by the saturation vapour pressure and then multiply by 100 to convert to a percent.
Saturation of air: The condition under which the amount of water vapour in the air is the maximum possible at the
existing temperature and pressure. Condensation or sublimation will begin if the temperature falls or water vapour
is added to the air.
Saturation vapour pressure: The maximum partial pressure that water vapour molecules would exert if the air
were saturated with vapour at a given temperature. Saturation vapour pressure is directly proportional to the
Specific humidity: The mass of water vapour in a parcel divided by the total mass of the air in the parcel
(including water vapour).
Sublimation: In meteorology, the phase change of water vapour in the air directly into ice or the change of ice
directly into water vapour. Chemists, and sometimes meteorologists, refer to the vapour to solid phase change as
Wet bulb temperature: The lowest temperature that can be obtained by evaporating water into the air at constant
pressure. The name comes from the technique of putting a wet cloth over the bulb of a mercury thermometer and
then blowing air over the cloth until the water evaporates. Since evaporation takes up heat, the thermometer will
cool to a lower temperature than a thermometer with a dry bulb at the same time and place. Wet bulb temperatures
can be used along with the dry bulb temperature to calculate dew point or relative humidity.
Density is a very important and useful concept. If a body is made of a certain kind of material its density is known. If
the weight of the body is also known, it is possible to determine the volume of this body. Similarly, if the kind of
material and volume are known it is possible to determine the weight of the body.
Table 2.8 is a table of densities. You can refer to this table when you solve the problems dealing with mass,
weight, and volume.
The density of the lubricating oil has been obtained from table 2-1
An order has been placed for 150 lbs. of turpentine. How many gallons of turpentine will be delivered?
Specific Gravity
The term “specific gravity” is closely related to the idea of density. The definition is as follows:
The calculation will give the same result (for a given substance) no matter what units are used. The example below
will calculate the specific gravity of sulphuric acid (see table 2.8).
If we use the metric units (kg/m3) we obtain
The specific gravity number (1.83) is unitless. It tells us that, for sulphuric acid, the density is 1.83 times as dense
as water.
4.3 -Viscosity
Viscosity is a measure of the resistance of a fluid to being deformed by either shear stress or extensional stress. It
is commonly perceived as "thickness", or resistance to flow. Viscosity describes a fluid's internal resistance to flow
and may be thought of as a measure of fluid friction. Thus, water is "thin", having a lower viscosity, while vegetable
oil is "thick" having a higher viscosity.
All real fluids (except superfluids) have some resistance to stress, but a fluid which has no resistance to shear
stress is known as an ideal fluid or inviscid fluid.
The study of viscosity is known as rheology.
Viscosity coefficients - When looking at a value for viscosity, the number that one most often sees is the
coefficient of viscosity. There are several different viscosity coefficients depending on the nature of applied stress
and nature of the fluid.
Dynamic viscosity determines the dynamics of an incompressible fluid;
Kinematic viscosity is the dynamic viscosity divided by the density;
Volume viscosity determines the dynamics of a compressible fluid;
Bulk viscosity is the same as volume viscosity
Viscosity Measurement
Dynamic viscosity is measured with various types of viscometer. Close temperature control of the fluid is essential
to accurate measurements, particularly in materials like lubricants, whose viscosity can double with a change of
only 5°C. For some fluids, it is a constant over a wide range of shear rates. These are Newtonian fluids.
The fluids without a constant viscosity are called Non-Newtonian fluids. Their viscosity cannot be described by a
single number. Non-Newtonian fluids exhibit a variety of different correlations between shear stress and shear rate.
One of the most common instruments for measuring kinematic viscosity is the glass capillary viscometer.
In paint industries, viscosity is commonly measured with a Zahn cup, in which the efflux time is determined and
given to customers. The efflux time can also be converted to kinematic viscosities (cSt) through the conversion
Also used in paint, a Stormer viscometer uses load-based rotation in order to determine viscosity. The viscosity is
reported in Krebs units (KU), which are unique to Stormer viscometers.
Vibrating viscometers can also be used to measure viscosity. These models use vibration rather than rotation to
measure viscosity.
Units of Measure
Dynamic Viscosity - Dynamic viscosity and absolute viscosity are synonymous. The symbol for viscosity is the
Greek symbol eta (η), and dynamic viscosity is also commonly referred to using the Greek symbol mu (μ). The SI
physical unit of dynamic viscosity is the pascal-second (Pa·s), which is identical to 1 kg·/(m s) (kilogram per metre-
second). If a fluid with a viscosity of one Pa·s is placed between two plates, and one plate is pushed sideways with
a shear stress of one pascal, it moves a distance equal to the thickness of the layer between the plates in one
Kinematic viscosity - In many situations, we are concerned with the ratio of the viscous force to the inertial force,
the latter characterised by the fluid density ρ. This ratio is characterised by the kinematic viscosity (ν), defined as
follows: (where μ is the (dynamic) viscosity, and ρ is the density)
Kinematic viscosity (Greek symbol: ν) has SI units (m2·/ s). The cgs physical unit for kinematic viscosity is the
stokes (abbreviated S or St), named after George Gabriel Stokes. It is sometimes expressed in terms of
centistokes (cS or cSt). In U.S. usage, stoke is sometimes used as the singular form.
1 stokes = 100 centistokes = 1 cm2/s = 0.0001 m2/s.
1 centistokes = 1 mm2/s
Viscosity of air - The viscosity of air depends mostly on the temperature. At 15.0 °C, the viscosity of air is
1.78 × 10−5 kg/(m·s).
Viscosity of water - The viscosity of water is 8.90 × 10−4 Pa·s at about 25 °C.
Liquids - Many people think that a liquid is incompressible. However, liquids are, like any material, to a certain
amount compressible.
In calculations, the amount of compressibility of liquid is considered to be 1 volume-% per 100 bar.
This means that for example when there is liquid supplied to a 200 liter oil drum which already is completely filled
with liquid, the pressure increases with 100 bar for each 2 liter of extra supplied liquid. When we supply 3 liter of
extra oil the pressure increases with 150 bar.
The compressibility of liquid plays a key role in for example fast hydraulic systems like servo-systems of a flight
simulator. To obtain a maximum dynamic performance, the compressibility should be as little as possible.
This is achieved by mounting the control valves directly on the hydraulic motor or cylinder. In that case the amount
of liquid between the control valve and the motor/cylinder is minimised.
In some situations, the compressibility of liquids is made use of in design. A ‘liquid spring’ for example, is the
principle of a particular type of landing gear leg. The leg is completely filled with air and oil. The air is compressed
under the extremely large forces encountered on landing, and the shock of the landing is absorbed by the
incompressibility of the oil.
m = rV
Figure 2.71: Fluid flowing through a tube of increasing cross sectional area
The fluid flows from a region where the cross-sectional area is less (labelled with 1's in the diagram) to a region
where the cross-sectional area is greater (labelled with 2’s in the diagram). We assume that the volume of fluid in
the left cylindrical shape of fluid (labelled with 1’s) is equal to the volume of fluid in the right cylindrical shape of fluid
(labelled with 2’s).
Hence, the volume flow rate in any part of the tube is constant, regardless of the tube diameter. And, since the
density of the fluid is constant (and air flowing at subsonic speed is considered incompressible) than the mass flow
rate is also constant, regardless of the diameter of the tube.
1 2
The height of the fluid column in the vertical tubes at the three places shown in the diagram, is an indication of the
fluid pressure. As we expect from Bernoulli’s Principle, the pressure is greater where the velocity is lower and vice
Venturi tubes in different shapes and sizes are often used in aircraft systems.
If we consider the types of energy involved in the flowing fluid, we find that there are three types – potential
(gravitational), pressure and kinetic energies.
Now if we consider only two positions in the venturi – the wide part (marked ‘1’) and the narrow part (the throat,
marked ‘2’), and consider the conservation of energy principle, we have:
Note that the mass, m, has no suffix, since the mass flow rate is constant regardless of the area of the flow. The
density, r, is also a constant since the fluid is considered incompressible (even air, providing its velocity is
Cancelling the mass, m, from each equation, and multiplying each term by the density, r, gives us
P1 + ½ r V12 = P2 + ½ r V22
This is the standard mathematical form of the Bernoulli’s Equation. It can be rearranged to give the pressure
difference (for example between the upper and lower surfaces of a wing) thus:
P1 – P2 = ½ r V22 - ½ r V12
Factorising gives:
P1 – P2 = ½ r (V22 - V12)
Figure 2.76 shows the cross section of a wing at rest and subject
to atmospheric pressure which on the average is 14.7 lbs./in.2
For example, if a plane is moving through stationary air at a speed of 200 MPH, the effect is the same (as far as
the plane and air are concerned) as if the plane were stationary and the air was moving with velocity 200 MPH past
the plane.
There is a thin layer of air in direct contact with the wing surface, which, due to skin friction, is actually stationary
(relative to the wing). This is called the boundary layer. In these discussions we will disregard the boundary layer
and assume that the airflow is unaffected by friction.
As air streams past the wing of a plane, the speed of the air past the upper surface of the wing is greater than the
speed of the air past the lower surface of the wing.
These exact speeds are determined by the shape of the wing and the angle of attack.
For example, if the speed of the relative wind (equal to the speed of the plane) is 200 MPH, the speed of the air
past the upper surface of the wing may be 210 MPH and the speed of air past the lower surface of the wing may be
195 MPH. As indicated above, the exact values for a given case depend on the shape of the wing and the angle of
In this example, we could say that the speed past the upper surface of the wing is [1.05 (200 MPH)] and the speed
past the lower surface if the wing is [0.975 (200 MPH)].
P1 + ½ r V12 = P2 + ½ r V22
We note that the ones refer to the upper surface and the twos apply to the lower surface of the wing.
When finding the lift on a wing, the pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces is found from the
above equation, and, since Force = Pressure x Area, simply multiply the calculated pressure difference by the area
of the wing, thus:
Lift = DP x Area
(Note: In some questions, the weight of the aircraft will be quoted. Thus, if the aircraft is flying straight and level,
the Lift = Weight). (momentum-impulse)
1.A gun of mass 5 kg fires a bullet of mass 20 grams. The velocity of the bullet after firing, is 750 m/sec. What is
the recoil velocity of the gun?
2. An astronaut on a space walk has a mass of 5 slugs and is at rest relative to the space station. She is working
with a tool having a mass of 0.5 slug. She accidentally throws this tool away from herself with a speed of 6
ft/sec. With what speed does the astronaut recoil?
Module 2.2 Mechanics. ITS Lombardo Mobilità Sostenibile© 2-79
Copyright 2011
3.An automobile having mass 1,500kg is travelling east on an expressway at 30m/sec. It overtakes a truck of mass
2,000kg also travelling east and moving with a speed of 25 m/sec. The automobile rear-ends the truck. The
vehicles become locked together in this collision and continue east. What is the velocity of this combined mass?
4. Two balls of putty become one mass of putty in a collision. The first, of mass 6 kg, was originally moving east at
10 m/sec., and the second, of mass 4 kg was originally moving west at 9 m/sec. What is the velocity of the total
mass after the collision has occurred?
5.Due to a controller’s error two aircraft are directed to land in opposite directions on the same runway in a fog. A
Cessna 150 of mass 50 slugs and a Beechcraft Bonanza of mass 80 slugs undergo a direct head-on collision.
The Beech-craft Bonanza was originally travelling north at a speed of 30 MPH and the Cessna was travelling
south. The wreckage travels a distance of 20 ft. south during a time of 3.6 sec. What was the original speed of
the Cessna?
6.A 3 kg ball is moving right with a speed of 3 m/sec. before a collision with a
2 kg ball originally moving left at 2 m/sec. What are the directions and speeds of the two balls after the collision?
7.A 2 kg ball moving right at 5 m/sec. overtakes and impacts a 1 kg ball also moving right at 2 m/sec. What are the
speeds and directions of the two balls after the impact? (friction)
1. An aircraft with a weight of 85,000 lbs. is towed over a concrete surface. What force must the towing vehicle
exert to keep the aircraft rolling?
2. It is necessary to slide a 200 lb. refrigerator with rubber feet over a wet concrete surface. What force is
necessary to start the motion? What force is necessary to keep the motion going?
1.Verify, that using the Gas Law (r = P/RT) and the temperature and pressure from the Standard Atmosphere
Table, at an altitude of 65,000 ft., the density of air is 0.000178 slug/ft.3
2.A pressurized Cessna Centurion II has a cabin pressurization system which can maintain a pressure differential
of 3.45 lbs/in2 What is the maximum altitude at which the plane can fly and still maintain a cabin altitude of
8,000 feet? (Hint: convert the of 3.45 lbs/in2 to lbs/ft2 and compare with the Standard Atmosphere table)
3.What is the maximum altitude at which this same Cessna plane can fly and maintain a cabin altitude of 6,000 ft?
MODULE 2 – PHYSICS (momentum-impulse)
M2 - Physics
2.3 Thermodynamics
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Module 2.3 Enabling Objectives and Certification Statement .......................................................... 6
Module 2.3 Thermodynamics _________________________________________________ 8
1.0. - Temperature................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1. Temperature Scales (°C and °F) ......................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Thermometers ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Alcool thermometers ___________________________________________________________________ 9
Mercury thermometers _________________________________________________________________ 9
Resistance thermometers _______________________________________________________________ 9
Thermocouple thermometers ___________________________________________________________ 10
1.3 Heat Definition .................................................................................................................................... 10
2.0 Heat ................................................................................................................................................ 10
2.1.Heat capacity ...................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.Heat specific ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Specific heat at constant volume _________________________________________________________ 12
Specific heat at constant pressure _______________________________________________________ 12
3.0 Heat Transfer ................................................................................................................................ 13
Convection__________________________________________________________________________ 13
Conduction _________________________________________________________________________ 13
Radiation: __________________________________________________________________________ 13
Calcolation of heat transfer _____________________________________________________________ 13
4.0 Volumetric Expansion ................................................................................................................ 14
4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2. Linear Expansion ............................................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Area and Volume Expansion .............................................................................................................. 15
4.4. Expansion of Liquids and Gases ....................................................................................................... 15
The Interesting Case of Water___________________________________________________________ 16
5.0 Thermodynamics Laws ................................................................................................................ 17
5.1 The First Law of Thermodynamics ..................................................................................................... 17
5.2 The Second Law of Thermodynamics ............................................................................................... 18
Entropy ____________________________________________________________________________ 19
Summary ___________________________________________________________________________ 20
6.0 - Gases........................................................................................................................................... 21
6.1 Ideal Gas Laws ................................................................................................................................... 21
Boyle’s Law _________________________________________________________________________ 21
Charles’ Law ________________________________________________________________________ 22
Gay-Lussac’s Law ____________________________________________________________________ 22
6.2. The General (Ideal) Gas Law ............................................................................................................ 23
Alternate Form of the General (Ideal) Gas Law ______________________________________________ 24
6.2 Specific heat ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Specific heat at constant volume _________________________________________________________ 25
Specific heat at constant pressure .......................................................................................................... 25
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6.3 Work done by expanding gas ............................................................................................................. 26
Internal Energy ______________________________________________________________________ 27
Enthalpy____________________________________________________________________________ 27
7.0 – Expansion of Gases .................................................................................................................. 27
7.1 Isotermal espansion........................................................................................................................... 28
7.2 Adiabatic Expansion and Compression .............................................................................................. 28
7.3 Engine cycle ....................................................................................................................................... 29
General ____________________________________________________________________________ 29
Constant Volume Cycle (Otto cycle) _____________________________________________________ 30
Constant Pressure Cycle (The Brayton cycle) _____________________________________________ 31
7.4 Refrigeration and Heat Pumps ........................................................................................................... 32
General ____________________________________________________________________________ 32
Refrigeration ________________________________________________________________________ 32
Refrigerant Types ____________________________________________________________________ 34
Heat Pumps _________________________________________________________________________ 35
8.0 - Latent Heat .................................................................................................................................. 36
8.1. Heat Exchange _____________________________________________________________________ 36
Cooling and Heating Curves ____________________________________________________________ 37
8.2 Latent Heat of Fusion and Vaporisation ............................................................................................ 37
8.3 Further Discussion on Latent Heat ..................................................................................................... 38
9.0 Thermal energy and heat of combustion ................................................................................. 39
9.1 Thermal energy................................................................................................................................... 39
Relation to heat and internal energy ______________________________________________________ 39
9.2 Heat of Combustion ............................................................................................................................ 40
The Calorific Power ___________________________________________________________________ 40
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Module 2.3 Enabling Objectives and Certification Statement
Certification Statement
These Study Notes comply with the syllabus of EASA Regulation 2042/2003 Annex III (Part-66) Appendix I, and
the associated Knowledge Levels as specified below:
EASA 66 Level
Objective Reference B1 B2
Thermodynamics 2.3 2 2
Temperature: thermometers and temperature
scales: Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin; Heat
(b) 2 2
Heat capacity, specific heat
Heat transfer: convection, radiation and conduction;
Volumetric expansion
First and second law of thermodynamics
Gases: ideal gases laws; specific heat at constant volume
and constant pressure, work done by expanding gas
Isothermal, adiabatic expansion and compression, engine
cycles, constant volume and constant pressure, refrigerators
and heat pumps
Latent heats of fusion and evaporation, thermal energy, heat
of combustion
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Module 2.3 Thermodynamics
1.0. - Temperature
1.1. Temperature Scales (°C and °F)
Our common notion of hot and cold has its precise expression in the concept of temperature. As objects are heated
their molecules move faster. In a solid the molecules vibrate more rapidly. In liquids and gases the molecules move
all over in the container at a faster rate of speed. These variations in speed of the molecules cause objects to
expand when they are heated.
This expansion can be used to construct instruments called thermometers. The ordinary mercury thermometer
uses the expansion of a volume of mercury contained in a bulb to indicate temperature.
A number of temperature scales are currently in use. The Fahrenheit scale is the one we have used most
extensively. On this scale the freezing point of water is 32° and its boiling point is 212°.
The metric scale is the Celsius or centigrade scale. On this scale the freezing point of water is zero and the boiling
point is 100°.
In theory, if we cool any substance enough, we can cause all molecular motion to cease. We call this lowest
possible temperature “absolute zero”. Ordinary gases like air would be rock solid at this temperature.
Low temperature physicists have never been able to reach this extremely low temperature in their laboratories.
However, they have come close—down to a fraction of a centigrade degree.
Absolute zero is a limiting temperature which can never be reached.
Two other temperature scales are used by engineers and experimental scientists. In both of these scales the zero
of the scale is placed at absolute zero, the coldest possible temperature. These scales are the metric Kelvin scale
and the English Rankin scale.
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• Kelvin has no sign in-front of the K.
• The accurate conversion factor for 0C to K is +273.15
1.2 Thermometers
The method used to measure temperature depends on the degree of hotness of the body or substance
being measured. Measurement apparatus include; liquid-in-glass thermometers, resistance thermometers,
thermistor thermometers and thermocouples.
All thermometers are based on some property of a material that changes when the material becomes colder or
hotter. Liquid-in-glass thermometers use the fact that most liquids expand slightly when they are heated. Two
common types of liquid-in-glass thermometer are the mercury thermometer and alcohol thermometer, both have
relative advantages and disadvantages.
Alcool thermometers
are suitable for measuring temperatures down to —115°C and have a higher expansion rate than mercury,
so a larger containing tube may be used. They have the disadvantage of requiring the addition of a colouring in
order to be seen easily. Also, the alcohol tends to cling to the side of the glass tube and may separate.
Mercury thermometers
conduct beat well and respond quickly to temperature change. They do not wet the sides of the tube and
so flow well in addition to being easily seen. Mercury has the disadvantage of freezing at —39°C and so is not
suitable for measuring low temperatures. Mercury is also poisonous and special procedures must be followed in
the event of spillage.
Resistance thermometers
are based on the principle that current flow becomes increasing more difficult with increase in tempera-
ture. They are used where a large temperature range is being measured approximately —200 to 1200°C.
Thermistor thermometers work along similar lines, except in this case they offer less and less resistance to the
flow of electric current as temperature increases.
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Thermocouple thermometers
are based on the principle that when two different metal wires are joined at two junctions and each
junction is subjected to a different temperature, a small current will flow. This current is amplified and used to
power an analogue or digital temperature display. Thermocouple temperature sensors are often used to
measure aircraft engine and jet pipe temperatures, they can operate over a temperature range from about
—200 to 1600°C.
1 calorie = the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1°C
1 Celsius Heat Unit (CHU) = the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 lb of water 1°C
(Note: The CHU is a mix of English and Metric units and is rarely used).
When we talk about the heat content of fuel (which must be burned to be released) – commonly called the heat
of combustion, we talk about Calories per lb. of fuel, or Btu per lb. of fuel, or Joules per kg of fuel. Since 1 Btu =
252 calories, and 1 calorie = 4.186 Joules, there are 1055 Joules in 1 Btu. And since 1 lb. = 2.2 kg, 1 Btu/lb. =
2326 J/kg.
We note that the Calorie is the famous dietary Calorie. The body stores excess food as fat and we measure the
Calories in a certain foodstuff by burning these foodstuffs and measuring the heat produced!
In the solution of heat problems, we will limit our discussion to the English system, since this is the system that is
most often encountered in our society
2.0 Heat
2.1.Heat capacity
. Heat capacity or thermal capacity is a physical property of matter, defined as the amount of heat to be supplied
to a given mass of a material to produce a unit change in its temperature. The SI unit of heat capacity is Joule per
kelvin (J/K).
Heat capacity is an extensive property. The corresponding intensive property is the specific heat capacity. Dividing
the heat capacity by the amount of substance in moles yields its molar heat capacity. The volumetric heat capacity
measures the heat capacity per volume. Heat capacity is often referred to as thermal mass in civil engineering.
2.2.Heat specific
As heat is added to a body its temperature increases. However, the same amount of heat added to a piece of
aluminium and a piece of copper will not produce the same temperature change. Aluminium and copper have
different “specific heats”.
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The important equation is the following:
Q = wCDT (when using English units)
In this equation:
Q = heat gained or lost (Btu)
w = weight of the body (lb.)
C = the specific heat of the substance Btu/lb.oF
DT = the temperature change (oF or oR)
In this equation:
Q = heat gained or lost (J) m = mass of the body (kg)
C = the specific heat of the substance (J/kgoC) DT = the temperature change (oC or K)
It is important to note that this equation deals with substances that are not changing their states of matter. Another
equation will deal with heat added or lost as a body changes from one state (solid, liquid, or gas) to another.
Since there are two equations, (depending on whether you are using English or Metric units) there are also two
sets of Specific Heat Capacity constants.
Table 3.5 shows various specific heats of substances in English and Metric units.
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Specific heat at constant volume
If 1 kg of a gas is supplied with an amount of heat energy sufficient to raise the temperature by 1°C or 1 K while
the volume of the gas remains constant, then the amount of heat energy supplied is known as the specific heat
capacity at constant volume and is denoted by c v . Note that under these circumstances (Figure 4.100(a))
no work is done, but the gas has received an increase in internal energy ( U). The specific heat at constant
volume for air ) is 718 J/kgK, this constant is well worth memorizing!
Therefore g air = = 1.4
Also CP – Cv = R (the ideal gas constant we saw in Chapter 4).
Since both R and g are always positive values, and greater than 1, CP is always greater than Cv.
How much heat must be supplied to raise the temperature of a 32 lb. aluminium fitting from 60°F to 90°F?
Q = w C DT (imperial)
æ Btu ö
Q = ç 0.212 o
÷ (32 lbs.)(30 F) Q = 204 Btu.
è lb.ft. ø
How much heat is given up as 100 lbs. of sea water cools from 90°F to 50°F?
Q = w C DT (imperial)
æ Btu ö
Q = ç 0.93 o
÷ (100 lbs.)( 40 F) Q = 3720 Btu.
è lb.ft. ø
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3.0 Heat Transfer
Heat can be transferred from one place to another by one or more of the
following processes:
is the transfer of heat energy in a gas or liquid by movement of currents.
Think of air and water currents! (it can also happen is some solids, like sand.)
The heat moves with the fluid.
Consider this: convection is responsible for making macaroni rise and fall in a
pot of heated water. The warmer portions of the water are less dense and
therefore, they rise. Meanwhile, the cooler portions of the water fall because
they are denser.
is the transfer of energy through matter from particle to particle. It is the
transfer and distribution of heat energy from atom to atom within a substance.
For example, a spoon in a cup of hot soup becomes warmer because the heat
from the soup is conducted along the spoon.
Conduction is most effective in solids-but it can happen in fluids. Have you
ever noticed that metals tend to feel cold? Believe it or not, they are not colder!
They only feel colder because they conduct heat away from your hand. You
perceive the heat that is leaving your hand as cold.
Electromagnetic waves that directly transport ENERGY through space.
Sunlight is a form of radiation that is radiated through space to our planet at
the speed of light without the aid of fluids or solids. The energy travels
through nothingness! Just think of it!
The sun transfers heat through 93 million miles of space. Because there are
no solids (like a huge spoon) touching the sun and our planet, conduction is
not responsible for bringing heat to Earth.
Since there are no fluids (like air and water) in space, convection is not
responsible for transferring the heat. Thus, radiation brings heat to our
t L
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Q = heat flow in Btu
t = time in hours
A = the surface area of the insulation in square feet
DT = the temperature difference in oF
L = the thickness of the insulation in inches
k = the thermal conductivity of the material from which the insulation is made
An outside wall of a house has total cross-sectional area of 2,000 ft.2 The thickness of the fibreboard insulation
is 3 inches. The inside temperature is 70°F and the outside temperature is 20°F. What is the heat loss per
hour through this outside wall?
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4.2. Linear Expansion
A rod of a substance will increase its length for a given
temperature change. The increase in length depends on the
original length of the rod, the temperature change, and the
material of the rod. The increase in size of the object comes
about by the fact that an increase in temperature results in a n
increase in kinetic energy of the molecules or atoms which make
up the material. Increasing the movement of the molecules
forces it to occupy more space.
We define alpha (a), the coefficient of linear expansion. Tables of
values of alpha for various substances are found in handbooks of
The formula is: DL = a Lo DT
In this formula,
Lo = the original length of the rod a = the coefficient of linear expansion
DL = the change in length of the rod DT = the change in temperature
4.3 Area and Volume Expansion
Two-dimensional solid bodies also experience thermal area expansion. The formula is as follows:
DA = 2a Ao DT
In this formula,
Ao = the original area of the body a = the coefficient of linear expansion
DA = the change in area of the body DT = the change in temperature
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The Interesting Case of Water
Most materials expand when heated and contract when cooled. Water is an exception. Between 0°C and 4°C,
water actually expands when cooled. Above this range, it behaves normally. Water therefore has its greatest
density at 4°C. This turns out to be quite important for things that live underwater. In the winter, you notice that the
top of a pond always freezes first. As the temperature decreases, there is a temperature gradient in the water.
The top will be cooler than the bottom because it is in contact with the cold air. When the water on the top of the
lake reaches 4°C, it becomes denser and sinks to the bottom of the lake, being replaced by warmer water from the
bottom. The water that is now on top cools to 4°C, and so on, until the whole lake is at 4°C.
The surface water cools even more, but now it is less dense than the water below it, so it stays on the top of the
lake and turns to ice (which is even less dense than cold water). If the ice sank instead of floating, the lake would
freeze all the way through and pretty much everything inside would die. The layer of ice additionally acts as an
insulator, keeping the rest of the water away from the surface and the colder environment.
A steel rail of length 140 ft. Is laid down when the temperature is 20°F. What is the increase in length of this
rail when the temperature is 95°F?
DL = a Lo DT DL = (11 x 10-6/oF) (140 ft.) (75 oF) DL = 0.116 ft.
An aluminium tank has volume 35 ft.3 What is the increase in volume of this tank when the temperature
increases from 30°F to 90°F?
It should be noted that a solid block of a substance increases in volume as the body is heated. Also, a
container has a bigger volume as the temperature of the container increases.
DV = 3a Vo DT DV = 3 (13 x 10-6/oF) (35 ft.3) (60 oF) DV = 0.0819 ft.3
The manager of an airport accepts delivery of 1,000 gallons of avgas on a cool evening when the temperature
is 35°F. This avgas completely fills a 1,000 gallon aluminium tank. A warm front moves in the next morning
and the temperature rises to 95°F. How much avgas will overflow?
If the avgas costs £1.25/gal. what is the loss to the airport?
For the gasoline:
DV = b Vo DT DV = (0.58 x 1 0-3/oF) (1,000 gal.) (60 oF) DV = 34.8 gal.
For the tank:
DV = b Vo DT DV = 3(13 x 10-6/oF) (1,000 gal.) (60 oF) DV = 2.3 gal.
The new volume of the avgas is 1,034.8 gal. and the new volume of the tank is 1,002.3 gal. We note that 32.5
gallons of avgas will overflow!
Loss £1.25/gal. x 32.5 gal. = £40.63.
A motorist puts 20.1 gallons of petrol in his gas tank on a hot summer day when the temperature is 95°F. He
uses 0.1 gal. in driving home. The temperature falls to 45°F that evening after a cool front has moved into the
area. How many gallons are in his tank the next morning when he leaves for work?
DV = b Vo DT DV = (0.58 x 10-6/oF) (20 gal.) (50 oF) DV = 0.58 gal.
There are 19.42 gallons of petrol in his tank the next morning!
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5.0 Thermodynamics Laws
5.1 The First Law of Thermodynamics
Previously, the energy conservation law was defined; it says: "energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but
only transformed from one form into another".
The first law of thermodynamics is an affirmation of the afore mentioned general principle, which refers in particular
to heat, as thermal energy, and to mechanical energy.
Before enunciating the law, it is necessary to first define what is meant by "system".
By system we mean: "a set of objects or matter, enclosed within clearly defined and identifiable borders".
The region outside the borders is called: "the surrounding
The system can be represented by a house, or by an
aircraft, or even by a gas cylinder.
The figure shows a system in general.
The inputs to the system and its outputs can also be
considered; in the case of a house, it could be the flow
and return of a heating system, or the entry of water from
the aqueduct and the exit of the water towards the sewer,
or even the noise that enters and that which comes out, or Ambiente
even more. circostante
The term "closed system" means a system that has no
energy exchange with the external environment: no exchange takes place, neither of light, nor of heat, nor of
matter (mass), or other, across the border or outline of the system, neither inward nor outward; however, there is a
peculiarity: the system boundary can be expanded or contracted without requiring any effort.
A closed system of this kind is represented by the cylinder and piston assembly, when the piston seal is considered
perfect, the thermal insulation of the cylinder is perfect and the piston is free to move back and forth along the
barrel, without any friction.
As indicated in the figure, the piston is able to compress the Confin
gas or to allow it to expand, without any passage of mass or
heat through the system boundary.
In practice these conditions are impossible to obtain in real Moviment
condition, because although excellent thermal insulation is o
achieved, there is always a heat exchange with the outside.
As for the first principle of thermodynamics, it is important to
remember that both work and heat are both energies in transit,
therefore they cannot be stored.
Let's consider two different conditions The first includes the case in which the piston compresses the gas in the
cylinder: during this action both the pressure and the temperature of the gas increase, i.e. the intrinsic energy of the
Since it has been assumed that the cylinder is perfectly isolated from the thermal point of view, so that the heat of
the gas cannot propagate outside the cylinder, the intrinsic energy of the gas corresponds to the work performed by
the piston on the gas.
In the second condition, shown in the figure, the piston is kept fixed in a certain position, but the cylinder is not
thermally insulated.
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Since the boundary is fixed, no work on the gas can be
performed: by supplying the gas with heat from the
outside, both its pressure and its temperature increase,
and consequently its intrinsic energy increases.
In both cases, the gas already had an intrinsic level of Posizione
energy before supplying or removing it from work or heat. fissa
This means that only the difference of intrinsic energies
is taken into account during transformations: final energy
minus initial energy.
In both cases there is no mass shift between the inside Calore
and outside of the cylinder, and if the fluid is not moving,
this intrinsic energy is called the "internal energy" of the fluid and is indicated by the symbol "u".
In a closed system in which a transformation takes place, without mass flow towards the outside or inside, and
during the transformation the quantity of heat "Q" enters the system, while the quantity "W" comes out, the First
Law of Thermodynamics establishes the following:
“The difference between the sum Q of the heat that enters the system as a whole, and the work W performed
by the system towards the outside, is equal to the increase [U2 - U1] of the internal energy of the system".
In mathematical terms: Q = W + [U2 - U1]
Q (heat entered the system) = W (work provided by the system) +
[U2 - U1] (increase of the internal energy of the system).
Every time a complete cycle is performed on a closed system, at the end of the cycle the conditions are the same
as those found at the beginning of the cycle.
For example, the piston moves towards the inside of the cylinder and then outwards, returning to the same starting
In this case, although the system has received heat and work from the outside, in the end the same quantities were
transferred outside from the system, so the internal energy of the system, at the end of the cycle is equal to the
initial internal energy.
In this case the following relation can be written: Q = W, and the First Law of Thermodynamics can be stated in the
following way:
“When a closed system evolves following an entire cycle, the sum of the heat and
energy received by the external environment and entry inside the border, it is the
same as the overall work supplied or transferred outside by the system ".
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efficiency = 1 -
(the efficiency of a heat machine is equal to one minus the low operating temperature of the machine in degrees
Kelvin, divided by the high operating temperate of the machine in degrees Kelvin).
For a machine to attain 100% efficiency, temperatures of absolute zero would have to be incorporated. Reaching
absolute zero is later proved impossible by the Third Law of Thermodynamics (which would surface in the late 19th
The irrevocable loss of some energy to the environment was associated with an increase of disorder in that
system. Scientists wishing to further penetrate the realm of chaos needed a variable that could be used to calculate
disorder. Thanks to mid-nineteenth century physicist, R.J.E. Clausius, this Pandemonium could be measured in
terms of a quantity named entropy1 (the variable S).
Entropy acts as a function of the state of a system - where a high amount of entropy translates to higher chaos
within the system, and low entropy signals a highly ordered state.
Like Carnot, Clausius worked out a general equation, his being devoted to the measurement of entropy change
over a period of time: (change)S = Q / T (the change in entropy is equal to the amount of heat added to the system
[by an invertible process] divided by the temperature in degrees Kelvin).
The beauty of this equation is that it can be used to compute the entropic change of any exchange in nature, not
solely limited to machines. This development brought thermodynamics out of the industrial workplace, and opened
the possibility for further studies into the tendencies of natural order (and lack therefore of), eventually extending to
the universe as a whole.
Applying this knowledge to nature, physicists found that the total entropy change (change in S) always increases
for every naturally occurring event (within a closed system) that could be then observed.
Thus, they theorized, disorder must be continually augmenting evenly throughout the universe.
When you put ice into a hot cup of tea (aristocrats of the Victorian era were constantly thinking of tea), heat will flow
from the hot tea to the cold ice and melt the ice in the beloved beverage. Then, once the energy in the cup is
evenly distributed, the cooled tea would reach a maximum state of entropy.
This situation represents a standard increase in disorder, believed to be perpetually occurring throughout the entire
Specifically, is a measure of randomness or disorder in a system.
Darrell Ebbing, in the textbook General Chemistry, very usefully suggests thinking of a deck of cards. A new pack
fresh out of the box, arranged by suit and in sequence from ace to king, can be said to be in its ordered state.
Shuffle the cards and you put them into a disordered state.
Entropy is a way of measuring just how disordered that state is and of determining the likelihood of particular
outcomes with further shuffles. Of course, if you wish to have any observations published in a respectable journal
you will need also to understand additional concepts such as thermal non-uniformities, lattice distances, and
stoichometric relationships, but that’s the general idea.
The second law of thermodynamics (also known as ‘the entropy law’ or ‘law of entropy’) was formulated in the
middle of the nineteenth century by Clausius and Thomson following Carnot's earlier observation that, like the fall
or flow of a stream that turns a mill wheel, it is the "fall" or flow of heat from higher to lower temperatures that
motivates a steam engine.
The key insight was that the world is inherently active, and that whenever an energy distribution is out of
equilibrium a potential or thermodynamic "force" (the gradient of a potential) exists that the world acts
spontaneously to dissipate or minimize. All real-world change or dynamics is seen to follow, or be motivated, by
this law.
So, whereas the first law expresses that which remains the same, or is time-symmetric, in all real-world processes
the second law expresses that which changes and motivates the change, the fundamental time-asymmetry, in all
real-world processes.
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Clausius coined the term "entropy" to refer to the dissipated potential and the
second law, in its most general form, states that the world acts spontaneously
to minimize potentials (or equivalently maximize entropy), and with this, active
end-directedness or time-asymmetry was, for the first time, given a universal
physical basis.
The balance equation of the second law, expressed as S > 0, says that in all
natural processes the entropy of the world always increases, and thus
whereas with the first law there is no time, and the past, present, and future
are indistinguishable, the second law, with its one-way flow, introduces the
basis for telling the difference.
The active nature of the second law is intuitively easy to grasp and empirically
demonstrate. If a glass of hot liquid, for example, as shown in Figure-3, is
placed in a colder room a potential exists and a flow of heat is spontaneously
produced from the cup to the room until it is minimized (or the entropy is
maximized) at which point the temperatures are the same and all flows stop.
The glass of liquid at temperature TI is placed in a room at temperature TII
such that the disequilibrium produces a field potential that results in a flow of
energy in the form of heat from the glass to the room so as to drain the
potential until it is minimized (the entropy is maximized) at which time thermodynamic equilibrium is reached and all
flows stop.
This refers to the conservation of energy in that the flow from the glass equals the flow of heat into the room.
The two laws have far reaching ramifications in physics and the real world. One such is that no heat engine can
ever be 100% efficient, unless the exhaust temperature (known as the ‘sink’ temperature) is absolute zero.
Absolute zero is both theoretically and practically impossible to achieve.
Another ramification is the fact that no thermodynamics process can be reversed, precisely due to the first law
which states that not all the heat energy supplied can be turned into work.
The closest one can come to a fully reversible process is forcing a flow through a constricted pipe. Ideal means no
boundary layer losses. As the flow moves through the constriction, the pressure, temperature and velocity change,
but these variables return to their original values downstream of the constriction.
The state of the gas returns to its original conditions and the change of entropy of the system is zero.
Aerodynamicists call such a process an isentropic process. Isentropic means constant entropy.
The second law states that if the physical process is irreversible, the combined entropy of the system and the
environment must increase. The final entropy must be greater than the initial entropy for an irreversible process:
Thermodynamics is the study of the inter-relation between heat, work and internal energy of a system.
The British scientist and author C.P. Snow had an excellent way of remembering the three laws (including the 3rd
1. You cannot win (that is, you cannot get something for nothing, because matter and energy are conserved).
2. You cannot break even (you cannot return to the same energy state, because there is always an increase
in disorder; entropy always increases).
3. You cannot get out of the game (because absolute zero is unattainable).
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6.0 - Gases
6.1 Ideal Gas Laws
We will next discuss the volume and density of gases under varying conditions of temperature and pressure.
Three gas laws, named after the scientists that discovered them, will be considered.
Boyle’s Law
A cylinder containing gas is fitted with a light piston. This cylinder contains a certain mass of gas and therefore a
certain number of molecules of gas. The gas has a definite absolute temperature. This temperature is a measure of
the average speed of the gas molecules in the sample. Some of the molecules are moving faster and some are
moving slower. The average speed determines the temperature.
If the temperature of the gas remains constant and the volume of the gas sample is decreased, the molecules, still
moving with the same average speed, are “squashed” into a smaller space (see figure 3.2).
The result is that the sides of the container experience more collisions per unit time. This results in an increase in
the absolute pressure the molecules exert on the walls of the container.
Note that a decrease in volume produces an increase in
absolute pressure. This is characteristic of an inverse
proportion. We write the equation as:
P1 V2
P2 V1
If we cross multiply in the above equation we reach the form in
which Boyle’s Law is usually written:
P1V1 = P2V2
Here P1 and P2 are the absolute pressures corresponding to
the volumes V1 and V2 respectively. In working with Boyle’s
Law, it must always be remembered to use absolute pressures.
A cylinder fitted with a piston contains gas at a pressure of 35.5 lbs./in2 as indicated by a gauge mounted to
the outside of the cylinder. The atmospheric pressure is 14.5 lbs./in2 if the piston is forced down reducing the
volume in the cylinder to one fourth of its original volume while holding the temperature of the gas constant,
determine the new reading on the pressure gauge.
(50 lbs./in2) (V1) = P2 ( ¼ V1). Solving for P2 gives, P2 = 200 ibs./in2 absolute
We still must express this new pressure as a gauge pressure since the problem asked for the new reading on
the pressure gauge. Our final answer is:
P2 = (200 - 14.5) lbs./in2 = 186 lbs./in2
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Charles’ Law
Toward the end of the 18th century, investigations carried out by
French physicists, Jacques Alexandre Charles and Joseph Louis
Gay-Lussac led to the discovery of a relation between the volume
and absolute temperature of gases under conditions of constant
Let us again consider a sample of gas containing a definite number
of molecules. We stipulate that the pressure on this sample of gas
will remain constant. If the pressure is to remain constant, an
increase in absolute temperature must be accompanied by a
corresponding increase in volume (see figure 3.3).
We say that the volume is directly proportional to the absolute
temperature. provided that the pressure remains constant. We
write the equation as:
V1 V2
T1 T2
The absolute temperatures must be either Kelvin,
or Rankin degrees
A quantity of air occupies a volume of one cubic foot on a day when the temperature is 15°F. What will be the
volume of this quantity of air when the temperature increases to 85°F, and the pressure stays the same?
1 ft 3 V2
475 R 545 o R
Note that we have changed the temperatures from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Rankin, because we must
express the temperatures in absolute units. Cross multiplying, we obtain:
1 ft 3 ´ 545 o R
V2 = = 1.15 ft 3
475 o R
Failure to convert to absolute temperatures will always lead to incorrect answers when working with the gas
Gay-Lussac’s Law
This third gas law relates the absolute pressure to the absolute
temperature of a gas when its volume is held constant.
Again we consider a certain number of molecules of gas in a closed
container where the volume of the gas is held constant. If we
increase the absolute temperature of the gas, the average speed of
the molecules increases.
As these molecules strike the walls of the container they exert a
greater pressure since they are moving faster (see figure 3.4).
Using absolute pressures and temperatures the
following simple relationship is obtained:
P1 P2
T1 T2
This equation is referred to as Gay-Lussac’s Law.
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The tyre of a bicycle is filled with air to a gauge pressure of 50.0 lbs./in. at 58°F. What is the gauge pressure in
the tyre on a day when the temperature rises to 86°F? Assume that the volume of the tyre does not change
and the atmospheric pressure is 14.7 lbs.fin.2
We must first convert to absolute temperatures and pressures.
P1 = 50.0 lbs./in2 + 14.7 lbs./in2 = 64.7 ibs./in2 T1 = 460 + 58°F = 518°R T2 = 460 + 86°F = 546°R
Substituting these values into Gay-Lussac’s Law gives:
Solving for P2, we obtain P2 = 68.2 ibs./in2. Finally, the new gauge pressure is obtained by subtracting the
atmospheric pressure from P2. 68.2 lbs./in2 - 14.7 lbs./in2 = 53.5 lbs./in2
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Alternate Form of the General (Ideal) Gas Law
The general gas law tells us that for a fixed quantity of gas, the expression PV/T is constant. Since PV/T is a
constant for a fixed mass of gas, we can set this expression equal to the product of the mass (m) of the gas and
what is referred to as a gas constant (R). This gas constant (R) varies according to the type of gas. Table 3.2 gives
values of R for various gases.
We can write: = mR PV = mRT
If we divide both sides of this equation by V. we obtain: P=
We remember that the density of any substance is given by: r=
Therefore, we can write: P = rRT
The most important application of this formula enables us to obtain the density of any particular kind of gas if we
know its absolute pressure and absolute temperature.
We write the equation in the form: r=
Note: When comparing the density of one type of gas
to another, we need to use equal temperatures and
pressures for each gas (since, as the above equation
shows, density changes with pressure and temperature
changes). The temperature and pressure we use for
this is known as Standard Temperature and
Pressure. These are 0oC and 1 atmosphere (273.15 K
and 760 mmHg).
Find the density of air if the temperature is 80°F and the absolute pressure is 2,150 lbs./ft2
P 2150 lbs / ft 2 = 0.00233 slug/ft3
r= =
RT (1710 ft.lbs / slug oR)(540 o R)
Application of the General Gas Law to Compressors
We can apply the general gas law to the flow of air through the compressor of a turbojet engine. The function
of the compressor is to provide a large quantity of high pressure air to the limited space of the combustion
chamber. The reason for this is that the energy released in the combustion chamber is proportional to the
mass of air consumed. The pressure of the air when it leaves the compressor is called the compressor
discharge pressure (CDP) and the ratio of this to the compressor inlet pressure (CIP) is the compression ratio.
That is, Compression Ratio =
Note that the compression ratio can also be expressed as: Compression Ratio. = P2 / P1 =
where the 1’s refer to the inlet pressure and the 2’s to the discharge pressure.
Air entering a compressor having a compression ratio of 12.5:1 at a pressure of 14.7 PSIA will leave with a
pressure of: (12.5)(14.7) = 184 PSIA
If however, the temperature of the air is increased too much in the compression process the volume of a
quantity of air entering the combustion chamber will not be reduced significantly and the compressor efficiency
will be low.
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A quantity of air occupying 1 cu.ft. at pressure of 14.7 PSIA and a temperature of 59°F enters the compressor
of a turbojet engine having a compression ratio of 12.5:1 and is discharged at a temperature of 2,000°F. With
what volume will this quantity of air enter the combustion chamber?
P1V1 P2 V2
Solving our general equation: = for V2 yields
T1 T2
P1V1T2 æ T öæ 1 ö
V2 = = V1 çç 2 ÷÷çç ÷÷
T1P2 è T1 øè P2 / P1 ø
Therefore, we can substitute our given values:
æ 2000 + 460 öæ 1 ö
V2 = (1 ft 3 )ç ÷ç ÷ V2 = 0.379 ft.3
è 59 + 460 øè 12.5 ø
With what volume would the quantity of air of the previous problem enter the combustion chamber if the
discharge temperature of the compressor were 750°F instead of 2,000°F?
æ 750 + 460 öæ 1 ö
V2 = (1 ft 3 )ç ÷ç ÷ V2 = 0.187 ft.3
è 59 + 460 øè 12.5 ø
We see that the volume of the original cubic foot of air is less (0.187 ft.3) when the temperature is 750°F than it
is (0.379 ft.3) when the temperature is 2,000°F.
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This implies that when the gas has been heated it will expand a distance h (Figure 4.100b), so work has been
done. Thus for the same amount of heat energy there has been a ri-increase in internal energy (U), plus work.
The value of cp is, therefore, greater than the corresponding value of cv.
Cp.= The specific heat capacity at constant pressure for air air is 1005 J/kgK.
Cp = Specific heat at constant pressure will be greater than specific heat at constant volume, since work is done.
The charatteristic gas equation pV = mRT
R is the characteristic gas constant and for air, from the above table, is R = 287 J/kgK. This is related to the specific
heat capacities for air in the following way, i.e. R = cp — cv, you should check this relationship by noting the above
values of R, ci, and cv for air. This relationship (R= cp - cv) is not only valid for air, it is also valid for any perfect gas
that follows the ideal laws.
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Internal Energy
Whenever a gas increases in temperature, the molecules of the gas vibrate and move around more vigorously. It
is this increased kinetic energy that actually produces the increased pressure as they collide with each other and
with the walls of the container in which it is confined.
This kinetic energy is directly proportional to the absolute temperature in the gas.
Thermodynamicists call the sum of this kinetic and potential energies in the gas, “Internal Energy”, symbol U, and
is measured in Joules.
When the temperature of a gas is increased, it will increase in volume (and provide work) or increase in internal
kinetic and potential (due to a rise in pressure) energies – that is, increase Internal Energy, or more likely, a
combination of both volume and internal energy changes.
The combination of internal energy, and pressure and volume are the most likely things to change whenever a gas
is heated. Since this happens so often in thermodynamics, it is all grouped together and given its own name and
unit. It is called “Enthalpy” and given a symbol H. It is simply the sum of the internal energy plus the pressure
volume product.
Thus Enthalpy H = U + PV
Remember that PV is the work done when a gas expands when it is heated.
In fact, Enthalpy is the amount of energy in a gas which is capable of doing work.
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7.1 Isotermal espansion
An isothermal process is a thermodynamic process, in which the
temperature of the system remain constant (T = const). The heat
transfer into or out of the system typically must happen at such a slow
rate in order to continually adjust to the temperature of the reservoir
through heat exchange. In each of these states th e thermal
equilibrium is maintained.
For an ideal gas and a polytropic process, the case n = 1 corresponds
to an isothermal (constant-temperature) process.
In contrast to adiabatic process, in which n = κ and a system
exchanges no heat with its surroundings (Q = 0; ∆T≠0), in an
isothermal process there is no change in the internal energy (due to
∆T=0) and therefore ΔU = 0 (for ideal gases) and Q ≠ 0.
An adiabatic process is not necessarily an isothermal process, nor is
an isothermal process necessarily adiabatic.
In engineering, phase changes, such as evaporation or melting, are isothermal processes when, as is usually the
case, they occur at constant pressure and temperature.
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Other p, V, T Relation
On a p-V diagram, the process occurs along a line
( called adiabat) that has the equation p = constant / V.
For an ideal gas and a polytropic process, the case n= k corresponds to an
adiabatic process.
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Constant Volume Cycle (Otto cycle)
The Otto cycle is the ideal air standard cycle for
the spark ignition piston engine. In this cycle it is
assumed that the working fluid, air, behaves as a
perfect gas and that there is no charge in the
composition of the air during the complete cycle.
Heat transfer occurs at constant volume and there is
isentropic (reversible adiabatic) compression and
This cycle differs from the practical engine cycle in that
the same quantity of working fluid
used repeatedly and so an induction and exhaust stroke
are unnecessary.
'The thermodynamic processes making up a .complete
Otto cycle ( See Figure 7.1) are detailed below
1-2 Adiabatic compression. No heat transfer takes
place, temperature and pressure increase and the
volume decrease to the clearance volume.
2-3 Reversible constant volume heating, temperature
and pressure increase.
3-4 Adiabatic expansion (through swept volume). Air
expands and does work on the piston. Pressure
and temperature fall. No heat transfer takes place,
during the process.
4-1 Reversible constant volume heat rejection (cooling).
Pressure and temperature fall to original values.
Note that during the compression and expansion of the
working fluid, the ideal Otto cycle assumes that no heat
is transferred to or from the working fluid during the
The practical four-stroke cycle
The sequence of operations by which the four-stroke
spark ignition engine converts heat energy into mechanical
energy is known as the four-stroke cycle. A mixture of
petrol and air is introduced into the cylinder during the
induction stroke and compressed during the compression
stroke. At this point the fuel is ignited and the pressure
wave produced by the ignited fuel drives the piston down
on its power stroke. Finally, the waste products of
combustion are ejected during the exhaust stroke.
The cycle of events is illustrated in Figure 7.2 and consists
of the following processes:
1-2 Inlet valve is open and piston moves down cylinder
sucking in fuel/air mixture (charge).
2-3 With inlet and exhaust valves closed, the piston moves
up the cylinder and the charge is compressed. Ignition
occurs as cylinder rises and is complete at point 4.
3, 4,5, 6 The piston moves down the cylinder on the power-
stroke, work done by gas on piston.
5 The exhaust valve opens at this point, and pressure
decreases to near atmospheric at point 6.
6-1 Spent gases are exhausted as piston rises.
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Constant Pressure Cycle (The Brayton cycle)
The working cycle of the gas turbine: The working cycle of the gas turbine engine is similar to that of the four-
stroke piston engine. In the gas turbine engine
combustion occurs at a constant pressure, while in
the piston engine occurs at a constant volume. In
both engines there is an induction, compression,
combustion and exhaust phase.
As already mentioned in the case of the piston
engine we have a non-flow process whereas in the
gas turbine we have a continuous flow process. In
the gas turbine engine the Jack of reciprocating
parts gives smooth running and enables more
energy to be released for a given engine size, With
the gas turbine engine, combustion occurs at
constant pressure with an increase in volume,
therefore, the peck pressures which occur in
the piston engine are avoided. This allows the use
of lightweight, fabricated combustion chambers and
lower octane fuels, although the higher flame
temperatures require special materials to ensure a
long life for combustion chamber components.
The working cycle upon which the gas turbine
operates is known as the Brayton cycle. This
cycle is illustrated in Figure 4.115, and consists of
the following processes:
1-2 Frictionless adiabatic compression where at point 1 atmospheric air is compressed along the line 1-2.
2-3 Frictionless constant pressure heating. Where beat is added from the burnt fuel at constant pressure, thus
increasing volume.
With the gas turbine engine, combustion occurs at constant pressure with an increase in volume,
therefore, the peck pressures which occur in the piston engine are avoided. This allows the use of lightweight,
fabricated combustion chambers and lower octane fuels, although the higher flame temperatures require special
materials to ensure a long life for combustion chamber components.
3-4 Frictionless adiabatic expansion of the gases through the turbine.
4-4 Frictionless constant pressure heat rejection, through the jetpipe nozzle to atmosphere.
To ensure maximum thermal efficiency (see explanation of the second law) we require the highest temperature of
combustion (heat in) to give the greatest expansion of the gases. There has to be a lima on the temperature of the
combusted gases as they enter the turbine, which is dictated by the turbine materials. Additional cooling
within the turbine, helps maximize the gas entry temperature to the turbine.
The practical Brayton cycle - Although it can be seen from Figure 4.115 that the practical cycle follows fairly
closely to the ideal Brayton cycle, there are losses, which are detailed as follows:
1. The air is not pure, it contains other gases and water vapour.
2. Heat will be transferred to the materials of the compressor, turbine and exhaust units, so it is not a pure
adiabatic process.
3. Due to dynamic problems, such as turbulence and flame stability in the combustion chamber, a constant
temperature and hence a constant pressure cannot be maintained.
A further pressure loss occurs as a result of the burnt air causing an increase in volume and hence a
decrease in its density. These losses are indicated on the diagram by a drop between points 2 and 3.
4. The Brayton cycle assumes frictionless adiabatic operation and this is not possible in practice.
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7.4 Refrigeration and Heat Pumps
First of all, did you know that there is no such thing as cold? You can describe something as cold and everyone will
know what you mean, but cold really only means that something contains less heat than something else.
All there really is, is greater and lesser amounts of heat. The definition of refrigeration is The Removal and
Relocation of Heat. So, if something is to be refrigerated, it is to have heat removed from it.
If you have a warm can of pop at say 80 degrees Fahrenheit and you would prefer to drink it at 40 degrees, you
could place it in your fridge for a while, heat would somehow be removed from it, and you could eventually enjoy a
less warm pop. (oh, all right, a cold pop.)
But let’s say you placed that 40 degree pop in the freezer for a while and when you removed it, it was at 35
degrees. Even "cold" objects have heat content that can be reduced to a state of "less heat content". The limit to
this process would be to remove all heat from an object.
This would occur if an object was cooled to Absolute Zero which is -273º C or -460º F. They come close to creating
this temperature under laboratory conditions and strange things like electrical superconductivity occur
How do things get colder? Things get cold because they lose heat by one or more of the following methods
Radiation, Conduction, Convention
The conductions are used extensively
in the design of refrigeration
equipment. If you place two objects
together so that they remain touching,
and one is hot and one is cold, heat
will flow from the hot object into the
cold object.
This is an easy concept to grasp and
is rather like gravitational potential,
where a ball will try to roll down an inclined plane. If you were to fan a hot plate of food it would cool somewhat.
Some of the heat from the food would be carried away by the air molecules.
When heat is transferred by a substance in the gaseous state the process is called convection. And if you kicked a
glowing hot ember away from a bonfire, and you watched it glowing dimmer and dimmer, it is cooling itself by
radiating heat away. Note that an object doesn’t have to be glowing in order to radiate heat, all things use
combinations of these methods to come to equilibrium with their surroundings.
So you can see that in order to refrigerate something, we must find a way to expose our object to something that is
colder than itself and nature will take over from there. We are getting closer to talking about the actual mechanics
of a refrigerating system, but there are some other important concepts to discuss first.
The States of Matter and something on latent heat: They are of course; solid, liquid and gas. It is important to
note that heat must be added to a substance to make it change state from solid to liquid and from liquid to a gas. It
is just as important to note that heat must be removed from a substance to make it change state from a gas to a
liquid and from a liquid to a solid.
Long ago it was found that we needed a way to quantify heat. Something more precise
than "less heat" or "more heat" or "a great deal of heat" was required. This was a fairly
easy task to accomplish. They took 1 Lb. of water and heated it 1 degree Fahrenheit.
The amount of heat that was required to do this was called 1 BTU (British Thermal Unit).
The refrigeration industry has long since utilized this definition. You can for example
purchase a 6000 BTU/H window air conditioner.
This would be a unit that is capable of relocating 6000 BTU's of heat per hour. A larger
unit capable of 12,000 BTU/H could also be called a One Ton unit.
There are 12,000 BTU's in 1 Ton.
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To raise the temperature of 1 LB of water from 40 degrees to 41 degrees would take 1 BTU. To raise the
temperature of 1 LB of water from 177 degrees to 178 degrees would also take 1 BTU. However, if you tried raising
the temperature of water from 212 degrees to 213 degrees you would not be able to do it.
Water boils at 212 degrees and would prefer to change into a gas rather than let you get it any hotter. Something of
utmost importance occurs at the boiling point of a substance.
If you did a little experiment and added 1 BTU of heat at a time to 1 LB of water, you would notice that the water
temperature would increase by 1 degree each time. That is until you reached 212 degrees. Then something
changes. You would keep adding BTU's, but the water would not get any hotter! it would change state into a gas
and it would take 970 BTU's to vaporize that pound of water. This is called the Latent Heat of Vaporization and in
the case of water it is 970 BTU's per pound.
What keeps that beaker of water from boiling when it is at room temperature? if you say it's because it is not hot
enough, sorry but you are wrong. The only thing that keeps it from boiling is the pressure of the air molecules
pressing down on the surface of the water.
When you heat that water to 212 degrees and then continue to add heat, what you are doing is supplying sufficient
energy to the water molecules to overcome the pressure of the air and allow them to escape from the liquid state.
If you took that beaker of water to outer space where there is no air pressure the water would flash into a vapour.
If you took that beaker of water to the top of Mt. Everest where there is much less air pressure, you would find that
much less heat would be needed to boil the water. (it would boil at a lower temperature than 212 degrees).
So, water boils at 212 °F at normal atmospheric pressure. Lower the pressure and you lower the boiling point.
Therefore, we should be able to place that beaker of water under a bell jar and have a vacuum pump extract the air
from within the bell jar and watch the water come to a boil even at room temperature. This is indeed the case!
A liquid requires heat to be added to it in order for it to overcome the air pressure pressing down on its' surface if it
is to evaporate into a gas. We just learned that if the pressure above the liquids surface is reduced it will evaporate
easier. We could look at it from a slightly different angle and say that when a liquid evaporates it absorbs heat from
the surrounding area.
So, finding some fluid that evaporates at a handier boiling point than water (i.e. lower) was one of the first steps
required for the development of mechanical refrigeration.
Chemical Engineers spent years experimenting before they came up with the perfect chemicals for the job. They
developed a family of hydroflourocarbon refrigerants which had extremely low boiling points. These chemicals
would boil at temperatures below 0 degrees Fahrenheit at atmospheric pressure.
So, finally, we can begin to describe the mechanical refrigeration process.
There are 4 main components in a
mechanical refrigeration system. Any
components beyond these basic 4 are called
The compressor is a vapour compression
pump which uses pistons or some other
method to compress the refrigerant gas and
send it on it's way to the condenser.
The condenser is a heat exchanger which
removes heat from the hot compressed gas
and allows it to condense into a liquid. The
liquid refrigerant is then routed to the
metering device.
This device restricts the flow by forcing the
refrigerant to go through a small hole which
causes a pressure drop. And what did we say
happens to a liquid when the pressure drops?
if you said it lowers the boiling point and makes it easier to evaporate, then you are correct. And what happens
when a liquid evaporates? Didn't we agree that the liquid will absorb heat from the surrounding area?
This is indeed the case and you now know how refrigeration works.
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This component where the evaporation takes place is called the evaporator. The refrigerant is then routed back to
the compressor to complete the cycle. The refrigerant is used over and over again absorbing heat from one area
and relocating it to another. Remember the definition of refrigeration? (The removal and relocation of heat.)
Refrigerant Types
Remember that a refrigerant, in order to cool the space, must evaporate at the temperature of the space. So in the
case of an air conditioning unit, we need a chemical which will evaporate (boil) at the temperature of the room you
are trying to cool. In the case of a fridge, you need a chemical which will boil at the temperature of the inside of the
fridge. There are hundreds of chemicals which will do this. Several of the commonest are as follows:
Refrigerant Formula temperature Properties Applications
Penetrating odour,
soluble in water.
harmless in Large industrial
Ammonia NH3 -33
concentration up to plants
1/30%, non flammable,
Packaged air
Little odour, colourless
conditioning units
as gas or liquid, non
where size of
R22 CH Cl F2 -40.8 toxic, non irritating, non
equipment and
flammable, non
economy are
corrosive, stable
C Cl F2 (48.8%)
Non flammable, non
C Cl Capacity comparable
R502 -45.6 toxic, non corrosive,
F2 - CF3 to R22.
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The range of refrigerants beginning with the ‘R’ prefix (R12, R22 etc.) are complex compounds of fluorocarbons or
hydroflourocarbons collectively known as ‘Freon’.
Other chemicals could be used and have been used in the past. Methyl bromide is a refrigerant but has almost
completely been phased out for safety and environmental reasons. Carbon dioxide (dry ice) has also been used as
a refrigerant (infact at one time Carbon Dioxide and Ammonia were the only two refrigerants in use) but is no
longer used because other complex formulas are much more efficient.
So is water a refrigerant? Remember that a refrigerant, in order to cool the space, must evaporate at the
temperature of the space. Unless the room you are trying to cool, or the inside of your fridge, is 100oC or more,
water will not work as a refrigerant at normal atmospheric pressure. You would have to reduce the pressure to
almost nothing before water will boil at 0oC (0.089 PSI to be exact). This is impractical.
However, if you want to cool something which is very hot (i.e. over 100oC) like the rods of a nuclear reactor, then
pouring water on it will do the job. In turning to steam (evaporating) the rods are cooled. This is how cooling
towers work – water is poured onto the hot object at the base of the cooling tower.
The water turns to steam and rises (because water vapour is lighter than air) and expands, which forces it to cool
(Charles’ Law). The cooled steam condenses into water which runs down the inside of the cooling tower and back
onto the hot object where the process repeats.
So, you have water, as a refrigerant, cooling an object in much the same way as Freon or Ammonia cools the
interior of your car, office or fridge.
But also, water can vaporise at temperatures below 100oC, thus missing out the boiling process. Hence water
which exudes from the pores of your skin when you are hot (sweat) evaporates, and in changing state absorbs the
heat from your skin, and cools you. Again water is a refrigerant. However, to be efficient, it usually helps to have a
breeze over the skin to help the evaporation process.
Heat Pumps
A heat pump is a machine or device that moves heat from one location (the 'source') to another location (the 'sink'
or 'heat sink'), using work. Most heat pump technology moves heat from a low temperature heat source to a higher
temperature heat sink. Common examples are food refrigerators and freezers and air conditioners and reversible-
cycle heat pumps for providing thermal comfort.
Heat pumps can be thought of as a heat engine which is operating in reverse. One common type of heat pump
works by exploiting the physical properties of an evaporating and condensing a refrigerant. In heating, ventilation,
and cooling (HVAC) applications, a heat pump normally refers to a vapour-compression refrigeration device that
includes a reversing valve and optimized heat exchangers so that the direction of heat flow may be reversed. Most
commonly, heat pumps draw heat from the air or from the ground. Air-source heat pumps do not work well when
temperatures fall below around −5°C (23°F).
According to the second law of thermodynamics heat cannot spontaneously flow from a colder location to a hotter
area; work is required to achieve this. Heat pumps differ in how they apply this work to move heat, but they can
essentially be thought of as heat engines operating in
A heat engine allows energy to flow from a hot 'source' to a
cold heat 'sink', extracting a fraction of it as work in the
process. Conversely, a heat pump requires work to move
thermal energy from a cold source to a warmer heat sink.
Since the heat pump uses a certain amount of work to move
the heat, the amount of energy deposited at the hot side is
greater than the energy taken from the cold side by an
amount equal to the work required. Conversely, for a heat
engine, the amount of energy taken from the hot side is
greater than the amount of energy deposited in the cold heat
sink since some of the heat has been converted to work.
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The working fluid, in its gaseous state, is pressurized and circulated through the system by a compressor. On the
discharge side of the compressor, the now hot and highly pressurized gas is cooled in a heat exchanger called a
condenser until it condenses into a high pressure, moderate temperature liquid.
The condensed refrigerant then passes through a pressure-lowering device like an expansion valve, capillary tube,
or possibly a work-extracting device such as a turbine. This device then passes the low pressure, barely liquid
(saturated vapour) refrigerant to another heat exchanger, the evaporator where the refrigerant evaporates into a
gas via heat absorption. The refrigerant then returns to the compressor and the cycle is repeated.
In such a system it is essential that the refrigerant reaches a sufficiently high temperature when compressed, since
the second law of thermodynamics prevents heat from flowing from a cold fluid to a hot heat sink.
Similarly, the fluid must reach a sufficiently low temperature when allowed to expand, or heat cannot flow from the
cold region into the fluid. In particular, the pressure difference must be great enough for the fluid to condense at the
hot side and still evaporate in the lower pressure region at the cold side.
The greater the temperature difference, the greater the required pressure difference, and consequently more
energy is needed to compress the fluid. Thus, as with all heat pumps, the energy efficiency (amount of heat moved
per unit of input work required) decreases with increasing temperature difference. Thus, a ground-source heat
pump, which has a very small temperature differential, is relatively efficient. (Figures of 75% and above are
Due to the variations required in temperatures and pressures, many different refrigerants are available.
Refrigerators, air conditioners, and some heating systems are common applications that use this technology.
In HVAC applications, a heat pump normally refers to a vapour-compression refrigeration device that includes a
reversing valve and optimized heat exchangers so that the direction of heat flow may be reversed.
The reversing valve switches the direction of refrigerant through the cycle and therefore the heat pump may deliver
either heating or cooling to a building. In the cooler climates the default setting of the reversing valve is heating.
The default setting in warmer climates is cooling.
Because the two heat exchangers, the condenser and evaporator, must swap functions, they are optimized to
perform adequately in both modes. As such, the efficiency of a reversible heat pump is typically slightly less than
two separately-optimized machines.
If 5,000 lbs. of sea water at 100°F are mixed with 7,000 lbs. of ordinary water at 40°F, what is the final
temperature of the mixture?
We note that, if the final temperature is T, the temperature 100° is more than T and the temperature 40° is less
than T. Therefore the temperature change of the sea water is (100 - T) and the temperature change of the
ordinary water is (T - 40).
Heat Lost = Heat Gained
In setting up the wCDT left and right members of the above equation, we will not include the units. However
we will note that the weights must be in lbs. and the temperature changes in Fahrenheit degrees.
(0.93) (5,000) (100 - T) = (1.00) (7,000) (T - 40) 465,000 – 4,650 T = 7,000 T – 280,000
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Cooling and Heating Curves
When a substance changes phase, that is it goes from either a solid to a liquid or liquid to gas, the energy, it
requires energy to do so. The potential energy stored in the inter-atomic forces between molecules needs to be
overcome by the kinetic energy of the motion of the particles before the substance can change phase.
If we measure the temperature of the substance which
is initially solid as we heat it we produce a graph like
Figure 3.5.
Starting a point A, the substance is in its solid phase,
heating it brings the temperature up to its melting point
but the material is still a solid at point B.
As it is heated further, the energy from the heat source
goes into breaking the bonds holding the atoms in
place. This takes place from B to C.
At point C all of the solid phase has been transformed
into the liquid phase. Once again, as energy is added
the energy goes into the kinetic energy of the particles
raising the temperature, (C to D).
At point D the temperature has reached its boiling point
but it is still in the liquid phase. From points D to E
thermal energy is overcoming the bonds and the
particles have enough kinetic energy to escape from
the liquid. The substance is entering the gas phase.
Beyond E, further heating under pressure can raise the
temperature still further is how a pressure cooker
Note the temperature stays constant during the state changes of melting and boiling.
Note: Since ‘fusion’ (meaning ‘to melt’) is the opposite of ‘solidification’, the Latent Heat of Fusion is the same as
the Latent Heat of Solidification. Also, since ‘vaporisation’ is the opposite of ‘condensation’, the Latent Heat of
Vaporisation is the same as the Latent Heat of Condensation.
A heating curve summarises the changes: solid Þ liquid Þ gas
The principle of latent heat (especially of vaporization) is what is behind the operation of the fridge and air
conditioning system, water injection of gas turbine engines, and the cooling effect you feel when you perspire.
That principle is that if you make a fluid vaporize, it extracts heat (latent heat) to cause it to vaporize, but the fluid
does not change temperature.
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Some values of Specific Latent Heats of Fusion and Vaporisation are shown in table 3.6.
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Water could change directly from the frozen state to the vapour state without passing through the liquid state first.
This process is called sublimation. Water can also change from the vapour state to the frozen state without passing
through the liquid state. This is usually called deposition and is what you see when frost forms on grass or windows
on a cold night. (Sometimes the term sublimation is used when water changes state in either direction, that is,
from solid to vapour, or vapour to solid).
The really important thing to remember is that each time water changes state, energy is absorbed or released. This
energy is latent heat. Latent heat is the energy absorbed or released when a substance changes its physical state.
Latent heat is absorbed upon evaporation and released upon condensation to liquid (as in clouds). Latent heat is
also absorbed when water melts and released when it freezes.
How much heat does it take to get water to change state? if the water is at a temperature of 100 degrees C (that is,
the boiling point, or 212 degrees F) it takes an additional 540 calories of heat to convert one gram of water from the
liquid state to the vapour state. When the vapour converts to the liquid state, 540 calories of energy will be released
per gram of water. If you are converting solid water (ice) to liquid water at 0 degrees C, it will require about 80
calories of heat to melt one gram of ice, and the 80 calories will be released when the liquid water is frozen to the
solid state.
Water does not have to be at the
boiling point to evaporate. if you
don't believe this, set a pan of
water out in the sun and watch it
slowly disappear. The sun's heat is
not boiling the water, but it is
evaporating it. In a given amount
of water at a given temperature,
some molecules of water will have
more energy than others, so some
molecules will be able to
evaporate, while others remain in
the liquid state.
The lower the temperature of the
water, the more energy is required
for evaporation. If the water is
liquid at a temperature of 0 degrees C, the latent heat of vaporization is 597 cal/g, compared to 540 cal/g at 100
degrees C. in between, at 50 degrees C, an input of 569 cal/g would be required for evaporation.
It will take a total of about 720 calories per gram to sublimate water, that is change it directly from ice at 0 degrees
C, to vapour at 100 degrees C: this includes 80 calories from latent heat of fusion (melting) + 100 calories to raise
the temperature of the water 100 degrees C + 540 calories to make the liquid water evaporate (latent heat of
vaporization). Similarly, about 720 calories per gram will be released when water is changed directly from vapour to
ice, the process called deposition.
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In a statistical mechanical account of an ideal gas, in which the molecules move independently between
instantaneous collisions, the internal energy is the sum total of the gas's independent particles' kinetic energies,
and it is this kinetic motion that is the source and the effect of the transfer of heat across a system's boundary. For
such a gas, the term 'thermal energy' is effectively synonymous with 'internal energy'.
In many statistical physical text, "thermal energy" refers to, the product of Boltzmann’s constant and the absolute
temperature, also written as kBT. In material, especially in condensed matter, such as a liquid or a solid, in which
the constituent particles, such as molecules or ions, interact strongly with one another, the energies of such
interactions the contribute strongly to the internal energy of the body.
The term 'thermal energy' is also applied to the energy carried by a heat flow,[6] although this can also simply be
called heat or quantity of heat.
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Module 2.3 Termodynamic - Problem
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1. A 90 ft. aluminium rail is put in place on a hot summer day when the temperature is 85°F. What is the
decrease in length of this rail when the temperature is 35 °F?
2. A 150 ft. steel rail is put in place when the temperature is 35°F. What is the increase in length of this rail
when the temperature is 95°F?
3. A concrete bridge is laid down in sections with some space between sections to allow for expan-
sion. The length of one section is 250 ft. The lowest recorded temperature in the area is - 45 °F and the highest
recorded temperature is 115 °F. How much space should the builders leave between each section?
4. The volume of an aluminium tank is 200 gallons on a day when the temperature is 30 °F. It is
completely filled with gasoline from a supply truck. The temperature rises to 70°F when a warm front moves in.
How many gallons of gasoline overflow? Answers (volumetric expansion)
1. 0.0585 ft
2. 0.099 ft.
3. 0.20 ft
4. 3.7 gallons
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1. 0.45m3
2. 405 lb./in2
3. 1.86 atmosphere
4. 3.26 m3
5. 0.007 slug/ft3
6. - 2°C
7. 0.16 kg/m3, 640 kg
8. 0.00 188 slug/ft3
9. 0.01 slug/ft3
10. 0.3 ft3
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Module 2
Licence Category B1 and B2
Certification Statement
These Study Notes comply with the syllabus of EASA Regulation 2042/2003 Annex III (Part-66) Appendix I, and
the associated Knowledge Levels as specified below:
EASA 66 Level
Objective Reference B1 B2
Optics (Light) 2.4 2 2
Nature of Light; speed of light
Laws of reflection and refraction; reflection at plane
surfaces, reflection by spherical mirrors, refraction,
Fibre optics
The wavelength of visible light is usually measured in a unit called the Angstrom (Å). 1 Å = 10-10m
We see that both the electric field lines and magnetic field
lines vary sinusoidally.
The frequency of an x-ray is
5 x 1018 Hz. What is the wavelength of this radiation?
c 3 ´ 10 8 m / sec .
c = f l. l= = .
f 5 ´ 10 18 Hz
An FM radio wave has a wavelength of 6 m.
What is the frequency in megahertz?
c 3 ´ 10 8 m / sec
f= =
l 6m
f = 50 x 106 Hz = 50 megahertz
From this equation, we see that we can find the speed (v) in various transparent substances by using the relation:
3.00 ´ 10 8 m / sec
Notice that light does not pass through the mirror, and the image is really an optical illusion. It isn’t really ‘there’ —
you couldn’t, for example, catch it on a photographic film placed at the image position.
The image is therefore a virtual image. Compare this image with
the one produced by the convex lens which is formed from rays of
light and can be caught on a photographic film. Our brain
perceives (‘sees’) virtual images by making them into ‘real’ ones
using another optical
device — our eyes.
An ordinary glass
mirror produces a
blurred image because
of multiple reflections
— see figure 4.17. Figure 4.16: Mirrors produce a
Such a mirror is not ‘virtual’ image
suitable for optical
instruments which need to give sharp images. There are two main
solutions to this problem.
Convex Mirrors - Convex mirrors are used to shrink the image, and therefore fit more detail into the mirror (such
as car rear-view mirrors). The focal point is at the half radius point (but behind the mirror. The image is virtual.
cm = flm
This change in speed also causes the refraction effect — the wave-fronts change direction when they enter or
leave the surface of the material at other than 90o (at an angle to the normal).
The diagram shows a set of parallel wavefronts of single frequency radiation entering a transparent medium. As the
leading edge enters the medium, the wave slows down but the 'outside’ section of the front does not, so it catches
up on the inside section. Inside the medium the distance between successive fronts is smaller and the direction of
travel of the wave has changed. Snell’s law of refraction follows directly from this effect.
Figure 4.2: Refraction of light as it travels from a material of low to a high refractive index
sin i c
= =n
sin r cm
The constant n is the refractive index (air to glass for glass lenses).
Figure 4.7 which shows rays from a point-source passing through a
lens. The radius lines of the curved surface are shown extended
beyond the surface as normal lines. We can see again that the law
of refraction applies to the rays as they cross the air—glass
The spherical geometry of the simple lens makes the rays
converge (but not accurately) to one point or focus. For parallel
rays (that form a plane wavefront), this point is called the principal
The distance of this point from the centre of the lens is called the
focal length of the lens, CF in figure 4.8.
A lens has two principal focuses, one on each side of the lens, at
equal distances from it,
F and F’.
Drawing to find the image - We can draw any number of rays to help us find the position and size of an image,
but the three rays that are most helpful to draw are shown above, with the labels we use when drawing ray
Figure 4.8 shows an upright object OX close to a lens. In ray diagrams, the rays are assumed to change direction
at a line that represents a plane in the centre of the lens. The object could be anything, but by convention it is
drawn simply as an arrow.
Any ray that is parallel to
the principal axis of the
lens is refracted to pass
through the principal focus,
F. In this way, we can
predict the direction of the
ray labeled 1.
We use the same idea for
ray 2. Going through F’, it
emerges from the lens
parallel to the principal
The third useful line, for ray
3, goes straight through the
centre of the lens — it does
not deviate. But see the
close-up drawing. At the
centre of the lens, the two
faces are parallel to each
other. If the lens is thin
compared with the
distances of object and
image, the slight sideways
displacement of the ray is
not significant. All three
rays pass through the
same point, Y They all
started at X, and it is clear
that a screen placed at Y
would catch them all together again: Y is a focused image of X. Similarly, any point on OX would give a focused
image of itself somewhere between i and Y. IY is a real image.
These construction rays can be drawn to scale to find the position and relative size of the image of any object
placed in front of the lens. Objects viewed through a lens, and their images, are usually much smaller than the
distances they are from the lens. In such cases, it is best to make the vertical scale larger than the horizontal one.
Note that the image may be inverted, or not, real or virtual, depending on whether the object is placed behind or
in-front of the focal point.
So the distance of the image from the lens centre is 6.7 cm, and the negative sign tells us that the image is also
Lens Power =
The unit of power is called the dioptre, symbol D, and so a lens of focal length +10 cm (0.1 m)
has a power of +10 D. A diverging lens of focal length -5 cm (0.05 m) has a power of -20 D.
This way of describing lenses lets us work out what happens when two lenses are used
together. The combined power of the lenses is simply the sum of the power of each lens,
bearing in mind their signs, as shown in figure 4.13.
Since the medium next to the fibre at the launching point is normally air, n0 is equal to 1.00. The NA is then simply
equal to sin θ a.
The NA is a convenient way to measure the light-gathering ability of an optical fibre. It is used to measure source-
to-fibre power-coupling efficiencies. A high NA indicates a high source-to-fibre coupling efficiency.
Typical values of NA range from 0.20 to 0.29 for glass fibres. Plastic fibres generally have a higher NA. An NA for
plastic fibres can be higher than 0.50.
In addition, the NA is commonly used to specify multimode fibres.
However, for small core diameters, such as in single mode fibres, the ray theory breaks down. Ray theory
describes only the direction a plane wave takes in a fibre. Ray theory eliminates any properties of the plane wave
that interfere with the transmission of light along a fibre. In reality, plane waves interfere with each other. Therefore,
only certain types of rays are able to propagate in an optical fibre.
Optical fibres can support only a specific number of guided modes. In small core fibres, the number of modes
supported is one or only a few modes. Mode theory is used to describe the types of plane waves able to propagate
along an optical fibre.
Skew Rays. - A possible path of propagation of skew rays is
shown in figure 4.31: view A, provides an angled view and view
B provides a front view.
Skew rays propagate without passing through the centre axis of
the fibre. The acceptance angle for skew rays is larger than the
acceptance angle of meridional rays.
This condition explains why skew rays outnumber meridional
rays. Skew rays are often used in the calculation of light
acceptance in an optical fibre. The addition of skew rays
increases the amount of light capacity of a fibre. In large NA
fibres, the increase may be significant.
The addition of skew rays also increases the amount of loss in a
fibre. Skew rays tend to propagate near the edge of the fibre core. A large portion of the number of skew rays that
are trapped in the fibre core are considered to be leaky rays. Leaky rays are predicted to be totally reflected at the
core-cladding boundary. However, these rays are partially refracted because of the curved nature of the fibre
boundary. Mode theory is also used to describe this type of leaky ray loss.
Mode Theory The mode theory, along with the ray theory, is used to describe the propagation of light along an
optical fibre. The mode theory is used to describe the properties of light that ray theory is unable to explain. The
mode theory uses electromagnetic wave behaviour to describe the propagation of light along a fibre. A set of
guided electromagnetic waves is called the modes of the fibre.
Plane Waves. - The mode theory suggests that a light wave can be represented as a plane wave. A plane wave is
described by its direction, amplitude, and wavelength of propagation. A plane wave is a wave whose surfaces of
constant phase are infinite parallel planes normal to the direction of propagation.
where c is the speed of light in a vacuum, f is the frequency of the light, and n is the index of refraction of the plane-
wave medium.
Figure 4.32 shows the direction and wavefronts of plane-wave
propagation. Plane waves, or wavefronts, propagate along the fibre
similar to light rays. However, not all wavefronts incident on the fibre at
angles less than or equal to the critical angle of light acceptance
propagate along the fibre. Wavefronts may undergo a change in phase
that prevents the successful transfer of light along the fibre.
Wavefronts are required to remain in phase for light to be transmitted
along the fibre. Consider the wavefronts incident on the core of an
optical fibre as shown in figure 4.33. Only those wavefronts incident on
the fibre at angles less than or equal to the critical angle may
propagate along the fibre.
The wavefront undergoes a gradual phase change as it travels down
the fibre. Phase changes also occur when the wavefront is reflected.
The wavefront must remain in phase after the wavefront transverses
the fibre twice and is reflected twice.
The distance transversed is shown between point A and point B on figure 4.33. The reflected waves at point A and
point B are in phase if the total amount of phase collected is an integer multiple of 2p radian. If propagating
wavefronts are not in phase, they
eventually disappear. Wavefronts
disappear because of destructive
interference. The wavefronts that are in
phase interfere with the wavefronts that
are out of phase. This interference is the
reason why only a finite number of
modes can propagate along the fibre.
The plane waves repeat as they travel
along the fibre axis. The direction the
plane waves travel is assumed to be the
z direction as shown in figure 4.33. The
plane waves repeat at a distance equal
to λ /sin θ. Plane waves also repeat at a periodic frequency
b = 2p sin θ / λ. The quantity b is defined as the propagation constant along the fibre axis. As the wavelength
(λ) changes, the value of the propagation constant must also change.
For a given mode, a change in wavelength can prevent the mode from propagating along the fibre. The mode is no
longer bound to the fibre. The mode is said to be cut off. Modes that are bound at one wavelength may not exist at
longer wavelengths.
The wavelength at which a mode ceases to be bound is called the cut-off wavelength for that mode. However, an
optical fibre is always able to propagate at least one mode. This mode is referred to as the fundamental mode of
the fibre. The fundamental mode can never be cut off.
The wavelength that prevents the next higher mode from propagating is called the cut-off wavelength of the fibre.
An optical fibre that operates above the cut-off wavelength (at a longer wavelength) is called a single mode fibre.
An optical fibre that operates below the cut-off wavelength is called a multimode fibre. Single mode and multimode
optical fibres are discussed later in this chapter.
In a fibre, the propagation constant of a plane wave is a function of the wave's wavelength and mode. The change
in the propagation constant for different waves is called dispersion. The change in the propagation constant for
different wavelengths is called chromatic dispersion. The change in propagation constant for different modes is
called modal dispersion.
where n1 and n2 are the index of refraction for the core and the cladding, respectively. When the propagation
constant becomes smaller than 2pn2 / λ, power leaks out of the core and into the cladding. Generally, modes
leaked into the cladding are lost in a few centimetres. However, leaky modes can carry a large amount of power in
short fibres.
Normalized Frequency. - Electromagnetic waves bound to an optical fibre are described by the fibre’s normalized
frequency. The normalized frequency determines how many modes a fibre can support. Normalized frequency is a
dimensionless quantity.
Normalized frequency is also related to the fibre’s cut-off wavelength. Normalized frequency (V) is defined as:
where n1 is the core index of refraction, n2 is the cladding index of refraction, a is the core diameter, and λ is the
wavelength of light in air.
The number of modes that can exist in a fibre is a function of V. As the value of V increases, the number
of modes supported by the fibre increases. Optical fibres, single mode and multimode, can support a
different number of modes. The number of modes supported by single mode and multimode fibre types
is discussed later in this chapter.
Figure 4.38: Pulse spreading and power loss along an optical fibre.
In addition to fibre attenuation and dispersion, other optical fibre properties affect system performance. Fibre
properties, such as modal noise, pulse broadening, and polarization, can reduce system performance.
Modal noise, pulse broadening, and polarization are too complex to discuss as introductory level material.
However, you should be aware that attenuation and dispersion are not the only fibre properties that affect
Attenuation - Attenuation in an optical fibre is caused by absorption, scattering, and bending losses. Attenuation
is the loss of optical power as light travels along the fibre. Signal attenuation is defined as the ratio of optical input
power (Pi) to the optical output power (Po). Optical input power is the power injected into the fibre from an optical
source. Optical output power is the power received at the fibre end or optical detector. The following equation
defines signal attenuation as a unit of length:
Signal attenuation is a log relationship. Length (L) is expressed in kilometres. Therefore, the unit of attenuation is
decibels/kilometre (dB/km). As previously stated, attenuation is caused by absorption, scattering, and bending
losses. Each mechanism of loss is influenced by material-material properties and fibre structure. However, loss is
also present at fibre connections. Fibre connector, splice, and coupler losses are discussed later. The present
discussion remains relative to optical fibre attenuation properties.
Absorption - Absorption is a major cause of signal loss in an optical fibre. Absorption is defined as the portion of
attenuation resulting from the conversion of optical power into another energy form, such as heat. Absorption in
optical fibres is explained by three factors:
• Imperfections in the atomic structure of the fibre material
• The intrinsic or basic material-material properties
• The extrinsic (presence of impurities) material-material properties
The amount of water (OH-) impurities present in a fibre should be less than a few parts per billion. Fibre attenuation
caused by extrinsic absorption is affected by the level of impurities (OH-) present in the fibre. If the amount of
impurities in a fibre is reduced, then fibre attenuation is reduced.
The number of modes that multimode step-index fibres propagate depends on Δ and core radius (a) of the fibre.
The number of propagating modes also depends on the wavelength (λ) of the transmitted light.
In a typical multimode step-index fibre, there are hundreds of propagating modes.
Most modes in multimode step-index fibres propagate far from cut-off.
Modes that are cut off cease to be bound to the core of the fibre. Modes that are farther away from the cut-off
wavelength concentrate most of their light energy into the fibre core. Modes that propagate close to cut-off have a
greater percentage of their light energy propagate in the cladding. Since most modes propagate far from cut-off,
the majority of light propagates in the fibre core.
Therefore, in multimode step-index fibres, cladding properties, such as cladding diameter, have limited affect on
mode (light) propagation.
Multimode step-index fibres have relatively large core diameters and large numerical apertures. A large core size
and a large numerical aperture make it easier to couple light from a light-emitting diode (LED) into the fibre.
Multimode step-index fibre core size is typically 50 µm or 100 µm.
Unfortunately, multimode step-index fibres have limited bandwidth capabilities.
Dispersion, mainly modal dispersion, limits the bandwidth or information-carrying capacity of the fibre. System
designers consider each factor when selecting an appropriate fibre for each particular application.
Multimode step-index fibre selection depends on system application and design. Short-haul, limited bandwidth, low-
cost applications typically use multimode step-index fibres.
Multimode Graded-Index Fibres
A multimode graded-index fibre has a core of radius (a). Unlike step-index fibres, the value of the refractive index of
the core (n1) varies according to the radial distance (r). The value of n1 decreases as the distance (r) from the
centre of the fibre increases.
The value of n1 decreases until it approaches the value of the refractive index of the cladding (n2). The value of n1
must be higher than the value of n2 to allow for proper mode propagation. Like the step-index fibre, the value of n2
is constant and has a slightly lower value than the maximum value of n1. The relative refractive index difference (Δ)
is determined using the maximum value of n1 and
the value of n2.
Figure shows a possible refractive index profile
n(r) for a multimode graded-index fibre. Notice the
parabolic refractive index profile of the core. The
profile parameter (α) determines the shape of the
core's profile. As the value of α increases, the
shape of the core's profile changes from a
triangular shape to step as shown in figure 4.46.
Most multimode graded-index fibres have a
parabolic refractive index profile. Multimode fibres
with near parabolic graded-index profiles provide
the best performance. Unless otherwise specified,
when discussing multimode graded-index fibres,
assume that the core's refractive index profile is
parabolic (α =2).
However, the NA for graded-index fibres varies as a function of the radial distance (r). NA varies because of the
refractive index grading in the fibre’s core. The NA decreases from the maximum, NA(0), to zero at distances
greater than the core-cladding boundary distance (r>a). The NA, relative refractive index difference (Δ), profile
parameter (α), and normalized frequency (V) determine the number of propagating modes in multimode graded-
index fibres.
A multimode graded-index fibre with the same normalized frequency as a multimode step-index fibre will have
approximately one-half as many propagating modes. However, multimode graded-index fibres typically have over
one-hundred propagating modes.
Multimode graded-index fibres accept less
light than multimode step-index fibres with
the same core Δ. However, graded-index
fibres usually outperform the step-index
fibres. The core's parabolic refractive
index profile causes multimode graded-
index fibres to have less modal
Figure 4.48 shows possible paths that
light may take when propagating in
multimode graded-index fibres. Light rays
that travel farther from the fibre’s axis
travel a longer distance. Light rays that
travel farther from the centre travel in core material with an average lower refractive index.
Earlier, you learned that light travels faster in a material with a lower refractive index. Therefore, those light rays
that travel the longer distance in the lower refractive index parts of the core travel at a greater average velocity.
This means that the rays that travel farther from the fibre’s axis will arrive at each point along the fibre at nearly the
same time as the rays that travel close to the fibre’s axis.
The decrease in time difference between light rays reduces modal dispersion and increases multimode graded-
index fibre bandwidth. The increased bandwidth allows the use of multimode graded-index fibres in most
Most present day applications that use multimode fibre use graded-index fibres. The basic design parameters are
the fibre’s core and cladding size and Δ. Standard multimode graded-index fibre core and cladding sizes are
50/125 µm, 62.5/125 µm, 85/125 µm, and 100/140 µm. Each fibre design has a specific Δ that improves fibre
performance. Typical values of Δ are around 0.01 to 0.02. Although no single multimode graded-index fibre design
is appropriate for all applications, the 62.5/125 µm fibre with a Δ of 0.02 offers the best overall performance.
For example, local area network (LAN) and aircraft applications use multimode graded-index fibres with a core and
cladding size of 62.5/125 µm. In LAN-type environments, macrobend and microbend losses are hard to predict.
Cable tension, bends, and local tie-downs increase macrobend and microbend losses. In aircraft applications, a
cable-way may place physical restrictions, such as tight bends, on the fibre during cable plant installation.
The good microbend and macrobend performance of 62.5/125 µm fibre permits installation of a rugged and robust
cable. 62.5/125 µm multimode graded-index fibres allow for uncomplicated growth because of high fibre bandwidth
capabilities for the expected short cable runs onboard aircraft.
Single Mode Step-Index Fibres
There are two basic types of single mode step-index
fibres: matched clad and depressed clad.
Matched cladding means that the fibre cladding
consists of a single homogeneous layer of dielectric
Depressed cladding means that the fibre cladding
consists of two regions: the inner and outer cladding
Matched-clad and depressed-clad single mode step-
index fibres have unique refractive index profiles.
A matched-clad single mode step-index fibre has a core
of radius (a) and a constant refractive index n1. A cladding of slightly lower refractive index surrounds the core. The
cladding has a refractive index n2. Figure 4.49 shows
the refractive index profile n(r) for the matched-clad
single mode fibre.
Figure 4.50 shows the refractive index profile n(r) for the
depressed-clad single mode fibre. A depressed-clad
single mode step-index fibre has a core of radius (a)
with a constant refractive index n1. A cladding, made of
two regions, surrounds the core.
An inner cladding region surrounds the core of the fibre
and has a refractive index of n2. The inner cladding
refractive index n2 is lower than the core's refractive
index n1.
An outer cladding region surrounds the inner cladding
region and has a higher refractive index n3 than the
inner cladding region. However, the outer cladding refractive index n3 is lower than the core's refractive index n1.
Single mode step-index fibres propagate only one mode, called the fundamental mode. Single mode operation
occurs when the value of the fibre’s normalized frequency is between 0 and 2.405 (0 ≤ V < 2.405). The value of V
should remain near the 2.405 level. When the value of V is less than 1, single mode fibres carry a majority of the
light power in the cladding material. The portion of light transmitted by the cladding material easily radiates out of
the fibre. For example, light radiates out of the cladding material at fibre bends and splices.
Single mode fibre cut-off wavelength is the smallest operating wavelength when single mode fibres propagate
only the fundamental mode. At this wavelength, the 2nd-order mode becomes leaky and radiates out of the fibre
core. As the operating wavelength becomes longer than the cut-off wavelength, the fundamental mode becomes
increasingly leaky.
The higher the operating wavelength is above the cut-off wavelength, the more power is transmitted through the
fibre cladding. As the fundamental mode extends into the cladding material, it becomes increasingly sensitive to
bending loss.
Single mode fibre designs include claddings of sufficient thickness with low absorption and scattering properties to
reduce attenuation of the fundamental mode. To increase performance and reduce losses caused by fibre bending
and splicing, fibre manufacturers adjust the value of V. To adjust the value of V, they vary the core and cladding
sizes and relative refractive index difference (Δ).
A single mode step-index fibre has low attenuation and high bandwidth properties. Present applications for single
mode fibres include long-haul, high-speed telecommunication systems. Future applications include single mode
fibres for sensor systems. However, the current state of single mode technology makes installation of single mode
systems expensive and difficult. Short cable runs, low to moderate bandwidth requirements, and high component
cost make installation of single mode fibre aircraft systems impractical at this time.
Therefore, field measurements may require two people.
The main field measurement technique involves optical time-domain reflectometry. An optical time-domain
reflectometer (OTDR) is recommended for conducting field measurements on installed optical fibres or links of 20
meters or more in length. An OTDR requires access to only one fibre end. An OTDR measures the attenuation of
installed optical fibres as a function of length. It also identifies and evaluates optical connection losses along a
cable link and locates any fibre breaks or faults.
End users can also measure fibre attenuation and cable plant transmission loss using an optical power meter and a
stabilized light source. End users use this measurement technique when optical time-domain reflectometry is not
recommended. Measurements obtained with a stabilized light source and power meter are more accurate than
those obtained with an OTDR. Measuring fibre attenuation and transmission loss using a power meter and light
source requires access to both ends of the fibre or link. An optical loss test set (OLTS) combines the power
meter and source functions into one physical unit.
The cable assembly link loss should always be less than the specified link loss for that particular link.
Besides measuring individual cables, test personnel measure the transmission loss of installed fibre optic cable
plants. The transmission loss of fibre optic cable plants is measured using method B (multimode fibre) or (single
mode fibre). The procedure measures the internal loss of the cable plant between points A and B, plus two
connection losses. Figure 4.53 (A) illustrates the method for measuring the reference power (P1). Figure 4.53 (B)
shows the final test configuration for
measuring the cable plant test power
The procedure is exactly the same as
described for measuring the link loss of
an individual cable assembly. The total
optical loss between any two
termination points, including the end
terminations, of the optical fibre cable
plant link is measured. The measured
cable plant link loss should always be
less than the specified cable plant link
Test personnel should conduct cable
assembly link loss, and cable plant
transmission loss measurements in
both directions and at each system operational wavelength. By performing these measurements in each direction,
test personnel can better characterize cable and link losses. Unlike optical time-domain reflectometry, bi-directional
readings are always possible when performing power meter measurements. In power meter measurements, by
definition, end users have access to both ends of the cable or cable plant.
2. 7.5 x 1017 Hz
3. 600 kilohertz
4. 2 x 108 m/sec.
5. 1.46
Certification Statement
These Study Notes comply with the syllabus of EASA Regulation 2042/2003 Annex III (Part-66) Appendix I, and
the associated Knowledge Levels as specified below:
EASA 66 Level
Objective Reference B1 B2
Wave Motion and Sound 2.5 2 2
Wave motion; mechanical waves, sinusoidal wave
motion, interference phenomena, standing waves
Sound: speed of sound, production of sound, intensity,
pitch and quality, Doppler effect
The end of the slinky can also be moved in and out along its axis. The coils undergo compression, followed by
rarefaction when the coils open out. Displacement of the coils is now along the axis of the spring.
When we start a wave in the slinky, either transverse or longitudinal. we can watch it travel from one end to the
other. Because it progresses along the slinky it is called a progressive wave. However, if the far end of the slinky is
fixed, waves are reflected back. These can combine with the next waves which are traveling forwards. At the right
combination of frequency and speed, the waves traveling in opposite directions can produce a stationary or
standing wave. Here we shall consider both types.
In this case: F = 6Hz and T= sec.
From this example we see that f and T are reciprocals of each other.
1 1
T= and f =
f T
We next seek a relationship between wave
speed (v), frequency (f), and wavelength (l).
We note that the wave moves forward a
distance of one wavelength in a time of one
period. Of course, the wave moves with speed
Since the distance equals the speed times the
time, we can write the equation:
l = vT =v fl=v v=fl
v 2 ft / sec .
f= = = 4 cycles / sec . = 4 Hz
l 0.5 ft.
amplitude and relative phase of the two waves. If the two waves have the same amplitude A and wavelength the
resultant waveform will have an amplitude between 0 and 2A depending on whether the two waves are in phase or
out of phase.
2.0 Sound
2.1 Production of Sound
Everyday we hear sounds from various sources like humans, birds, bells, machines, vehicles, televisions, radios
etc. Sound is a form of energy which produces a sensation of hearing in our ears.
There are also other forms of energy like mechanical energy, heat energy, light energy etc. We have talked about
mechanical energy in the previous chapters. You have been taught
about conservation of energy, which states that we can neither create
nor destroy energy.
We can just change it from one form to another. When you clap, a
sound is produced. Can you produce sound without utilising your
energy? Which form of energy did you use to produce sound?.
• Take a tuning fork and set it vibrating by striking its prong on a
rubber pad. Bring it near your ear.
• Now, suspend a table tennis ball or a small plastic ball by a
thread from a support (Fig. 1).
1.000 MPH and the local speed of sound is 750 MPH. the Mach number is calculated in the following way:
We say that the plane is travelling at Mach 1.25.
The intensity of a given sound is 10~ Watts/rn2. What is the intensity level (IL) in decibels?
It should be noted that 120 db is the “threshold of pain”. Sound of this intensity is painful to the normal ear. If the
ear is continuously subjected to sound of this intensity, ear damage and hearing loss can result.
Those who work in the aviation industry should take precautionary measures and wear ear protectors.
2.6 Ultrasound
Is sound waves with frequency higher than the upper audible limit of human hearing.
Ultrasound is not different from "normal"
(audible) sound in its physical properties,
except that humans cannot hear it. This limit
varies from person to person and is
approximately 20 kilohertz (20,000 hertz) in
healthy young adults. Ultrasound devices
operate with frequencies from 20 kHz up to
several gigahertz.
Ultrasonic testing - Is a type of Non Destructive Testing (NDT) commonly used to find flaws in materials and to
measure the thickness of objects.
Frequencies of 2 to 10 MHz are common, but for special purposes other frequencies are used. Inspection may be
manual or automated and is an essential part of modern manufacturing processes. Most metal can be inspected as
well as plastic and aerospace composites. Lower frequency ultrasound (50–500 kHz) can also be used to inspect
less dense materials such as wood, concrete and cement.
Ultrasound inspection of welded joints has been an alternative
to radiography for NDT since the 1960s.
Ultrasonic inspection eliminates the use of ionizing radiation,
with safety and cost benefits. Ultrasound can also provide
additional information such as the depth of flaws in a welded
Ultrasonic inspection has progressed from manual methods to
computerized systems that automate much of the process. An
ultrasonic test of a joint can identify the existence of flaws,
measure their size, and identify their location. Not all welded
materials are equally amenable to ultrasonic inspection; some
materials have a large grain size that produces a high level of
background noise in measurements.
1. A water wave has a wavelength of 0.9 ft. and the wave speed is 4.5ft/sec. What is the frequency of the
disturbance setting up this wave?
2. A wave on a cord is set up by a body oscillating at 12 Hz. The wavelength is 0.25ft. What is the wave
3. A water wave is set up by a source oscillating at 12 Hz. The speed of the wave is 24ft/sec. What is the
Answers (sinusoidal wave)
1. 5 Hz
2. 3ft/sec.
3. 2 ft.