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European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry



Parents’ views and experiences of the autism spectrum disorder

diagnosis of their young child: a longitudinal interview study
Delphine Jacobs1   · Jean Steyaert2,3 · Kris Dierickx1 · Kristien Hens4

Received: 30 July 2019 / Accepted: 24 October 2019

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

Parents are valuable stakeholders in research, clinical practice and policy development concerning autism spectrum disorder
(ASD). Little is known, however, about how parents view and experience an ASD diagnosis. We investigated the evolution
of parents’ views and experiences of the ASD diagnosis before, right after and 12 months after their child was diagnosed.
Seventeen Flemish parents waiting for their young child’s diagnostic ASD assessment participated in a longitudinal study
consisting of three in-depth interviews. They described their views and experiences concerning their child’s ASD diagnosis
at three separate moments: (T1) prior to a diagnostic ASD assessment; (T2) immediately after their final feedback session at
the end of the assessment; and (T3) 12 months later. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed and analysed in Nvivo
11 according to the procedures of interpretative phenomenological analysis. We extracted three themes from the interview
material throughout the parental journey: (T1) expecting certainty and exculpation; (T2) vulnerabilisation of the child; and
(T3) pragmatic attitude and some disappointment. At T3, the parents overall had come to value the diagnosis because of two
reasons: they were satisfied with their child’s entitlement to ASD-related support at school, and with the diagnosis’ impact on
the child’s relationships with parents and teachers. Many parents experienced their child with an ASD diagnosis as vulner-
able, and themselves as acutely responsible for his development and future. Our findings may lead to a higher satisfaction
with the clinical trajectory in both clinician and parents by inspiring a conversation between them about parents’ evolving
views, hopes and concerns related to their child’s ASD diagnosis.

Keywords  Autism spectrum disorder diagnosis · Parents · Longitudinal · Experiences · Blame · Vulnerability

Abbreviations Background
ADHD Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
ASD Autism spectrum disorder Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental
DSM Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental condition diagnosed through the assessment of early-onset
disorders difficulties in social communication and repetitive behav-
ID Intellectual disability iours and restricted interests, leading to dysfunctioning in
IPA Interpretative phenomenological analysis at least two contexts [2, 33].
Parents are pivotal in the care of children with a (pre-
sumed) ASD diagnosis. Indeed, in understanding and sup-
porting children with a diagnosis, parents occupy a central
position [37, 45]. Moreover, it has been argued that under-
standing ASD begins with listening to, communicating with,
and learning from autistic people and their families, and by
understanding their experiences [5, 10].
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this Several studies investigated parents’ experiences of their
article (https​://doi.org/10.1007/s0078​7-019-01431​-4) contains child getting an ASD diagnosis and having ASD. Previous
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. research investigated diagnostic best practices for ASD, and
made recommendations to improve the diagnostic assess-
* Delphine Jacobs
delphine.jacobs@uclouvain.be ment, the disclosure of a diagnosis, and parents’ satisfaction
after the feedback session. For example, studies have shown
Extended author information available on the last page of the article

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

that a clinician’s manner during the disclosure of the ASD such as an ASD assessment. Children need a categorical
diagnosis was important, and a follow-up appointment was DSM diagnosis (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental
advised to take place within weeks after the feedback session disorders) to be entitled to specialised support and treatment
[1, 8, 11]. Also, parents’ perspectives on and experiences [2]. Half of the toddlers attend day care, mostly state-funded,
of the impact of their child’s ASD-related behaviours and and from 2.5 to 3 years on, more than 90% of the children
needs on their lives were investigated. For example, studies go to a state-funded school in which extra support can be
have described the challenges associated with caring for a provided to children with special needs. In 2015, the school
child with ASD, and the need of parents of a child with an support organisation changed towards an inclusive system
ASD diagnosis (as well as adults with an ASD diagnosis) of in which children’s special needs are judged dimensionally.
post-diagnostic support [11, 14, 49]. Thus, children would not need a categorical diagnosis any-
However, several authors have claimed that few stud- more to qualify for extra school support [15] but, according
ies aimed at exploring parents’ views and experiences to frequent articles in Flemish lay press (e.g. https​://www.
of an ASD diagnosis per se [36, 53]. That is, few studies stand​aard.be/cnt/dmf20​19061​1_04454​183), this organisa-
focussed on parents’ understandings and experiences of an tion is not put into practice (yet). We purposively sampled 17
ASD diagnosis. In a review of the few empirical studies that parents [42, 52, 60] who asked for a diagnostic ASD assess-
investigated this topic (for example [58, 63], we found (1) ment of their child in two specialised centres in Leuven: a
a temporal shift in parents’ understandings and experiences child psychiatric and a paediatric centre. We chose these
of an ASD diagnosis throughout their trajectory in clinical two centres, because young Flemish children are most often
ASD care; (2) a preference for a collaborative relationship diagnosed in these two types of centres by multidiscipli-
between clinician and parents over, e.g. a paternalistic rela- nary teams including a child psychiatrist or a paediatrician
tionship [18, 51]; and (3) that both clinicians and parents [55]. The two centres collaborate to some degree and there
experienced important psycho-relational implications of an does not seem to be a difference between their respective
ASD diagnosis [29]. These findings inspired the research patients up to 6 years of age whose parents ask for a diag-
question and design of this study. nostic ASD assessment. Parents are either referred to such a
The aim of this study is to explore and gain an insight into centre by a child professional and/or they self-refer. One of
how parents understand and experience the ASD diagnosis the clinicians who would be conducting the child’s assess-
of their child. Because our literature review showed a tem- ment invited both parents, mother and father, to participate
poral evolution in parents’ understandings and experiences in this study. Information about the study was given orally
of ASD, we set up a longitudinal study investigating parents’ and in written form, and all participants gave their informed
views and experiences of an ASD diagnosis before and after consent to their inclusion in the study and to the publication
the ASD diagnostic assessment of their child. We conducted of the study results. The Ethics Committee of the University
three interviews: (1) before the start of the diagnostic assess- Hospitals Leuven approved this study on 3 February 2017
ment; (2) right after parents’ feedback session at the end of (Belgian Registration Number B322201731147).
the assessment; and (3) 12 months later. This longitudinal
study with parents in turn is part of a broader research pro- Data collection
ject also investigating doctors’ views and clinical experi-
ences of an ASD diagnosis of a young child [28, 31, 32]. Data were gathered by conducting one pre-diagnosis and
two post-diagnosis phenomenological in-depth interviews.
The first interviews took place after the parents had called
Method to ask for a diagnostic assessment, and a couple of weeks
before the first session of the child’s diagnostic assessment
This method section is similar to the method section in the (T1). The second interviews were conducted within 2 weeks
article concerning the pre-diagnosis interviews alone, con- after the parents’ feedback session at the end of their child’s
ducted at T1 [30]. assessment (T2). The third interviews took place 12 months
after the feedback session (T3). The interviews were semi-
Sample structured by topic guides (Online Resource 1) that were
based on the findings from our literature review on how
We included Flemish parents of young children (up to parents conceptualise ASD [29, 64]. The interview guides
6 years of age) without a previously diagnosed disability consisted of open-ended questions. They were used flex-
(intellectual disability (ID) or other disability) who applied ibly to encourage participants to elaborate freely and reflec-
for a diagnostic ASD assessment. In the Flemish Region of tively on a theme—either mentioned by the interviewer or
the federal state Belgium, health insurance is mandatory and a closely related one they wanted to talk about. All inter-
covers the majority of all medically indicated procedures, views were conducted in Dutch by the first author (D. J.)

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Table 1  Sample characteristics
Child Age at first interview Sex Interviewed parent Sibling with ASD diagnosis Family structure

1 2y9m (2.75) Male Mother /(first child) Mother + father

2 2y10m (2.83) Male Mother + father + Mother + father
3 1y11m (1.92) Male Mother + father / Mother + father
4 2y3m (2.25) Male Mother + father /(first child) Mother + father
5 6y4m (6.33) Male Mother / Parents
father absent
6 4y (4) Male Mother + father + Mother + father
7 3y7m (3.58) Male Mother + father + Mother + father
8 4y11m (4.92) Male Mother + Mother + father
9 4y2m (4.17) Male Mother + Mother + father
10 5y6m (5.5) Male Mother + father / Mother + father
11 1y11m (1.92) Male Mother + Mother + father
Average age: 3y8m (3.65) Male Mother + father Sibling with ASD diagnosis Mother + father

SD: 1y5m (1.42) 11/11 (100%) 6/11 (55%) 6/11 (55%) 10/11 (91%)

and audio-recorded. They took between 36 and 102 min, analytic process was subjected to peer scrutiny by research-
depending on parents’ elaboration on the topic. Data were ers from the local psychology and pedagogy faculties during
collected between July 2017 and February 2019. several meetings and seminars; the data were triangulated by
also interviewing physicians working with the same group of
Analysis children—and their parents—with a similar research ques-
tion [28, 31, 32]; and, by conducting several interviews, the
We inductively analysed the data by applying the procedures study’s credibility was increased because of its improved
outlined for interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) potential to generate data which fitted the views of the par-
[64]. D. J. transcribed each recorded interview verbatim. She ticipants and properly represented the dynamic process [6,
systematically and inductively coded the transcripts line- 9].
by-line in NVivo 11 (QSR International 2017), identifying
passages of text across the data of one interview that were
loosely or closely related to the research question. Then,
D. J. and K. H. combined the relevant codes across inter- Results
views to discern patterns (1) within one series of interviews
(cross-sectional analysis, at respectively T1, T2 and T3); We interviewed 17 parents after they applied for a diagnostic
(2) between the three different interviews concerning one ASD assessment of their child in one of two university cen-
child (longitudinal analysis of case profiles, regarding one tres (Table 1): 11 mothers and 6 fathers of 11 children who
single child at T1, T2 and T3); and (3) between the succes- were, at the moment of the first of 3 interviews, between 1
sive series of interviews (cohort analysis, at T1, T2 and T3) and 6 years of age (average age of the children at the first
[59, 65, 66]. Consequently, these primary emergent codes interviews: 3y08m, SD: 1y05m). Fifty percent of the invited
were clustered into recurrent subthemes and interpretively parents did not accept the invitation to participate in the
synthesised into themes. All four authors met regularly to study. All 11 children were male. Ten children were living
discuss and govern this analytic process in an interdiscipli- in a family consisting of a mother and a father. One child’s
nary collaboration. Finally, an overall narrative account was parents had divorced and his father did not have any con-
created by combining the themes which were created out of tact with him. The parents’ education and employment were
the three types of analysis. We translated representative quo- diverse. Six children were found to have an older sibling who
tations verbatim from Dutch to English to give an impression already was diagnosed with ASD. We conducted three con-
of the interviewees’ original expressions. Square brackets secutive interviews with six couples of mother and father,
indicate information added from the interview material one divorced mother, and four mothers without their part-
before or after the quote to facilitate readers’ understanding ners. Therefore, four fathers chose not to participate in the
of the quote. Several strategies were employed to strengthen interviews, although they had been explicitly invited. In the
the trustworthiness of the findings [62]. For example, the interviews, their partners, the four corresponding mothers,

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

were asked to say something about their views on their part- I decided on my own [after the school had suggested
ners’ experiences. to have my child tested, but left all initiative to my]
At the moment of inclusion, we did not know if the to well: “I have him tested um I want to know now
included children would get an ASD diagnosis at the end if he really has that [ASD], and what is going on.”—
of the diagnostic assessment. Eventually, all but one child Mother 5
got an ASD diagnosis. One of the ten diagnosed children
However, parents who had an older son or daughter
first got the diagnosis of a ‘working hypothesis of ASD’;
diagnosed with ASD (Sib +) already at T1 expressed quite
1 year later, after a planned second diagnostic assessment,
some certainty about their child going to be diagnosed
this child got the actual ASD diagnosis.
with ASD. These parents often did not expect an ASD
In the course of the second interview with the parents
diagnosis to have an impact on their child-rearing prac-
of the one child who did not get a diagnosis, the interview
tices, like the following mother who also had a 2 year older
guide had to be slightly adapted to more conditional word-
child with an ASD diagnosis:
ings once the parents told the interviewer that the child had
not been diagnosed with ASD (e.g. “can you describe what Though I ask myself with [my child who is going
‘getting an ASD diagnosis’ for your child would have meant to be assessed]: “What?” Because we already have
to you?”). These parents were clearly disappointed about home counselling [for the older brother with an ASD
their child not being diagnosed with ASD. They said that diagnosis] and we have a day line, we know how we
he was too young (3y07m) to be certain about the outcome have to handle everything, so that’s playing inside of
of the assessment, and they were planning to have him re- me like “Uh?”.—Mother 4 (Sib +)
assessed in 2 years’ time, although this was not advised to
Many parents talked about blame, that is, whether they
them by the diagnosing professionals. These parents chose
as parents or the child were to blame for the child’s differ-
not to participate in a third interview, because of lack of
ent or difficult behaviours. Both parents and others (rela-
tives, friends, acquaintances) appeared to be worried in
Several themes were extracted from the interviews on par-
this regard. An ASD diagnosis was expected to dissolve
ents’ understandings and experiences of the ASD diagno-
these concerns. For example, the following mother—and
sis of their child. We describe the three themes which were
father, not quoted here—had one 2-year-old child, and
most prominent in the analytic coding process throughout
were very insecure about their own contribution to the
the three series of interviews: (T1) expecting certainty and
child’s challenging behaviours.
exculpation; (T2) vulnerabilisation of the child; and (T3)
pragmatism and some disappointment. Where appropriate, Yes, [an ASD diagnosis will tell us whether] it is
we highlight the difference between the interviews of par- congenital, something that we have to learn to live
ents with an older child diagnosed with ASD (Sib +) and with, or [whether] it is just our way of raising him
the interviews of parents without an older child diagnosed that is no good?—Mother 4
with ASD (Sib −). We do not mention parents’ Sib + and
Second, the diagnosis was also expected to lift blame
Sib − status if we did not find any difference.
from the child:
Before the assessment (T1): expecting certainty I think for me it [an ASD diagnosis] will rather be a
and exculpation relief, because then I know: “Yes, you see, he can’t
help it, he’s not naughty, it’s, you know, it’s just a
At T1, in the pre-diagnosis interviews, parents overall kink in his brain and we have to accept that, you
wished to understand and gain certainty about what was know, we have to learn to handle this”.—Mother 8
going on with their child and hoped for an exculpatory effect
Third, parents expected other people to be susceptible
of the ASD diagnosis.
to an exculpatory effect of the ASD diagnosis towards both
All parents said that their children behaved in some
child and parents:
respect differently from their peers, and some parents said
that their children were more difficult than their siblings and If you can say to people: he has ASD, [I hope] that
peers. They expected that the ASD diagnosis and the cor- people will more easily say “Oh yes, he can’t help
responding explanations by the ASD professionals would it” you know. [I hope] that they won’t judge him that
provide them with answers (All people want answers, you easily, and also us, you know, that maybe they will
know.—Mother 3), and specifically for Sib − parents, to also better understand us, you know.—Mother 10
guide them in their education of the child. The following
Sib − mother did not think about ASD until the school men-
tioned it. Once ASD was mentioned, she wanted certainty:

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

After the diagnosis (T2): Vulnerabilisation ASD diagnosis would not encounter problems anymore once
by the ASD diagnosis they would turn 18.
So we will have to find a place for them [my child and
After their child was diagnosed with ASD, all parents were his older sister with an ASD diagnosis] where they are
satisfied with the certainty they felt the diagnosis conveyed not just weird but yes, they can do their own thing. I
(Now you finally effectively know that there really is some- think that if we are able to guide them through second-
thing.—Mother 5) but many parents also told that the diag- ary school, these [ASD-related issues] will not really
nosis made them view the child as more vulnerable. annoy them anymore.—Mother 9
At T2, compared to T1, despite the interviewer’s explicit
prompts in this regard, all parents talked little about what As a consequence the child’s vulnerabilisation by the
exactly was ASD and what caused it, that is, about the exact diagnosis, we found many parents to feel much weight put
nature of the certainty that the diagnosis had provided. on their shoulders for helping the child thrive. Although
Rather, all parents were satisfied with a broad understand- they often viewed ASD as life-long, many parents were
ing of ASD as a congenital condition caused by biological— convinced that the evolution in the child’s challenges and
neurological and/or genetic—mechanisms. development was dependent on their personal efforts to do
whatever was helpful to the child. The following mother
Well, now apparently, it’s genetically determined had a university degree, and her mother worked as an auti-
hum the daughter of my husband’s brother also has it coach at a primary school. Mother and grandmother highly
[ASD]. Hum but how it is caused…? Well, I, yes, no, valued stimulating children’s development, and helping them
it is ‘in there’ I suppose and then, you have it or you to attain an optimal educational level:
don’t have it.—Mother 1
I buy a lot of stimulating and educational material.
At T2, after the child was diagnosed with ASD, many These things are actually used in therapy [by a thera-
parents said that their child was vulnerable or in need of pist] or in nursery school by a support teacher. Like for
protection, in a general sense—not related to specific prob- his birthday, he [my child who got an ASD diagnosis
lems. The ASD diagnosis, which was often sought for as an 1 year ago] got this peg-board that is meant for learn-
explanation for specific challenges the child was facing, also ing the pen grip.—Mother 11
could bring along the conviction that there was something
pervasively fragile about the child. This feeling had been Several parents worried about not doing enough to help
only rarely and implicitly discerned in the parents’ narra- their child, e.g. because of not providing every single avail-
tives at T1, but at T2, it had become explicit. The following able therapy to the child or because they felt not to have
mother said that she had always been protective of her only enough expertise on ASD.
child because he was born after lengthy fertility treatment.
Once he was diagnosed with ASD, she considered herself After the diagnosis (T3): pragmatism and some
to have become even more protective: disappointment
But it’s not, you know, that I love him less because I Twelve months after their child was diagnosed with ASD, all
know there is something wrong, actually, maybe quite parents expressed a pragmatic attitude towards their child’s
the opposite [laughs]. I am, yes, I really became very diagnosis. They valued the corresponding entitlements and
protective. Because, you know, he’s, yes, maybe he is experienced the diagnosis’ exculpatory effect, but also said
more vulnerable than other children.—Mother 1 to be disappointed about the post-diagnosis services and the
Many parents said that they were concerned about extent of this exculpation. Despite the interviewer’s explicit
the child because they understood ASD to be a life-long prompts in this regard, the parents did not venture anymore
impairment. into what exactly was ASD and what was its cause. They
were all satisfied with the diagnosis: several parents said that
For me it actually is, well, I would kind of say an the diagnosis was “really useful” or “necessary” to obtain
impairment, a personality trait yes, because I won’t be services. Especially support and adaptations at the children’s
able to change it, you can’t cure it. He is like that, he school were wanted and valued.1
will have to learn to live with it, we too.—Mother 10
On the contrary, one mother was convinced that, at the
university where she had been working, many professors
were ‘autistic’. Likewise, she believed that children with an 1
  Sib + parents often had already experienced these same pragmatic
benefits of the diagnosis with their older child with an ASD diagno-

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

For autism you get school guidance and not for ADHD. The advantage [of an ASD diagnosis] is that he is not
Really, the diagnosis [of ASD], we were like: we need seen as one of the annoying and bad children. He dis-
it for school and for the rest we are actually doing what plays annoying behaviour but there is a reason: it’s not
we, yes, think is best. We only need that [ASD diag- because he is spoiled and irritating but there really is
nosis] for school, we don’t use it outside of school.— a reason.—Mother 9
Mother 9
Consequently, the child’s relationships with most teachers
Compared to the pre-assessment interviews at T1, all had become better.
parents who had been worried about their causal role in the However, this was not always the case, since teachers reg-
child’s behaviours, at T2 accepted that they were not the ularly did not notice that the child dysfunctioned at school.
cause of the behaviour, as ASD was the cause. The following The parents of these children—who did not seem to be chal-
mother had an older daughter with an ASD diagnosis, but lenged at school—were struggling to obtain extra care for
she said concerning her recently diagnosed youngest child: their child at school, because they felt that the child had to
put much effort into not dysfunctioning at school:
Yes, that question would have continued to play [if
my child hadn’t been diagnosed with ASD]: what am At school, they don’t want to come along. The teach-
I doing wrong here? Yes.—Mother 8 ers say that they don’t see his autism in the classroom.
Last week I went to see the school principal to slam my
Importantly, all parents said, explicitly or implicitly,
fist down on a table because they don’t want to provide
that they believed that the diagnosis exculpated the child.
extra support.—Mother 6
Accordingly, many parents spontaneously mentioned that
the relationship between them and their child had become Also, many parents said that several other people—some
better. Also, several parents experienced the ASD diagnosis relatives, friends and acquaintances—did not ‘accept’ the
as providing an affirmation of the fact that they were right diagnosis. These people did not ‘believe’ that there existed
to adapt their interactions with the child, that is, to take the something like ASD. Some people in parents’ vicinity
child’s problems into account. Parents, both Sib + and Sib −, thought that children were given the diagnosis too often and
had often already been adapting their interactions with the too easily. The following mother first talked about father’s
child prior to the diagnosis according to what they had heard recent diagnosis of ADHD to consequently draw a parallel
and read about ASD. These parents felt that their child’s with the diagnoses of ADHD and ASD in children:
ASD diagnosis proved that they were not spoiling the child
That’s a feeling that people often express: yes, yes,
when adapting their child-rearing practices to him, like the
if nowadays children are a bit lively… [they quickly
following father:
get an ADHD diagnosis]. And people also talk like
Because then [after the diagnostic assessment] you this about autism: yes, yes, nowadays they [children]
know for sure that he [has this condition] and you quickly get [an ASD diagnosis].—Mother 6
know that your aren’t spoiling him because if you do
Accordingly, many parents told that, after the child was
this [interact with a child in this way] with other chil-
diagnosed with ASD, several people (such as some teachers
dren, yes, then you are spoiling them rotten because
and family members) continued to not adapt their interaction
they are allowed to do everything.—Father 3
with the child according to the ASD diagnosis. Also, some
However, already at T2 and more so at T3, many par- people were still blaming the child and/or the parents. The
ents’ hopes that also other people would view a diagnosis as following parents experienced that the child’s stepgrandfa-
exculpating parents and child did not come true to the extent ther was blaming them as parents and their child-rearing
they had hoped.2 Several parents experienced that some oth- practices:
ers indeed were accepting the diagnosis as exonerating both
His [father’s] stepfather doesn’t believe and accept this
parents and child. This was especially the case for most pro-
[the ASD diagnosis of our child], and it [our child’s
fessionals such as teachers and therapists, who were taking
problem] is entirely due to his education, and we suck
the child’s diagnosis into account in their interactions with
as parents.—Mother 4
the child.
The second parental disappointment concerned the post-
diagnostic services. Several parents, especially Sib − par-
ents, felt that after the feedback session, they received right
  This was the case for both Sib + and Sib  − parents because when after the diagnosis, they were ‘left on their own’ by the diag-
Sib + parents talked about this evolution they conflated their experi- nosing professionals to find out what should happen next.
ences with both the concerned child and their older child(ren) with an
ASD diagnosis.

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Yes, just the feeling that for them [the diagnosing pro- among children (self-)referred for diagnostic ASD evalu-
fessionals] it’s all closed down. Because yes, she [the ations (i.e. not after a screening for ASD) has only been
professional] gave us websites and phone numbers and reported once as being 61% [47]. In a sociological analysis
it’s like “Now handle it yourself”.—Mother 1 of diagnostic practices related to disability, Nettleton argued
that in the clinic, diagnosing a disability3 is preferred over
Moreover, services did not always offer exactly what par-
non-diagnosis, because diagnosing the well would be better
ents had hoped for, although all parents wanted to obtain
than to leave the unwell untreated, and because non-diag-
whatever treatment and support might be helpful to their
nosis would leave the patients with uncertainty and illegiti-
child. For example, ASD-specific services like home coun-
macy [56]. Hence, it is suggested that when parents request
selling had long waiting lists, and several parents talked
professional help, diagnosis may be considered an intrinsic
vigorously about their unmet need to have one coordinating
part of the therapeutic trajectory because of the certainty
professional that would guide them throughout their clini-
it provides. Additionally, a need to understand and make
cal trajectory. Also, some parents noticed that professionals
sense of symptoms is critical as a coping mechanism [17,
were not always able, based on the ASD diagnosis, to pro-
43]—even if this understanding is only partial in the case of
vide solutions to certain behavioural problems of the child.
ASD, because ASD diagnostics, cause and mechanism are
For example, the following mother’s youngest child, diag-
uncertain [12, 37]. Nevertheless, an interpretation in ASD
nosed 1 year ago, had severe sleeping problems. She pointed
terms might provide parents with a ‘narrative account’ of
out that her request for help regarding these problems was
their concerns about the child’s behaviours [3, 69]. Such an
delegated from one professional to the other:
account is most often not really causal but the parents we
And no one is able to, you know… the psychiatrist interviewed welcomed it for providing a socially accepted
is saying “Maybe ask the psychologist”, and the psy- (medical) ‘story’ or narrative [13, 19, 69].
chologist says “Maybe ask the home based counsel- Importantly, however, 1 year after the diagnosis, this
lor”, and the home based worker says “Maybe ask…”, hope for and, subsequently, satisfaction with certainty had
so no one actually has the answer to his [my child’s] given way to a pragmatic attitude in the parents towards the
fears, to his sleeping problems.—Mother 6 child’s ASD diagnosis. That is, all parents prioritised obtain-
ing whatever support and treatment might be helpful to their
child, and they appreciated the usefulness of the diagnosis
Discussion with regard to acquiring entitlements to school support and
therapeutic services. In many Western countries, indeed, an
In this study, we interviewed parents before, right after and a ASD diagnosis entails that the child will receive support at
year after their child underwent a diagnostic assessment for school and in the community, which is not the case for other
ASD. The interviews showed an evolution of parental views diagnoses [20]. Within this pragmatic stance though, parents
and experiences of the ASD diagnosis from before the start expressed disappointment at T3 compared to T1 and T2,
of their child’s diagnostic ASD assessment until 12 months about the post-diagnostic support and treatment services.
after their child was diagnosed with ASD. The certainty and Previous research also has shown that a diagnosis per se
exculpation that the ASD diagnosis was expected to offer is not helpful to parents [57], but instead, has emphasised
at T1 rarely translated, at T3, into certainty regarding tai- parents’ need for post-diagnostic support [1, 11, 22].
lored solutions for the child’s worrisome behaviours and At T1, both parents and other people sometimes won-
into a generalised exculpation of child and parents. Parents’ dered whether the parents were to blame for the child’s
need for de-responsabilisation (exculpation) of both them- different behaviours. But significantly, their concerns also
selves and the child was replaced by parents feeling highly revolved around the blame that might be attributable to the
responsible for their child’s vulnerable development. After child. Within policy and the disciplines of education and
12 months, a pragmatic attitude towards the diagnosis pre- psychology, a long tradition exists of looking for causal rela-
vailed as it was felt to be necessary to provide entitlements tionships between parental practices and outcomes for chil-
to extra services, especially at school, and thus to attend to dren [16]. Like other authors, we found that also lay people
the child’s vulnerability. (including parents themselves) may consider parents to have
Ten out of 11 children whose parents were interviewed a causal influence on their child’s different behaviours [7,
got an ASD diagnosis. The high proportion of diagnoses 68]. And like in previous studies, the interviewed parents
might be partly due to the fact that parents were recruited who had been worrying about their own causal role in the
in specialised diagnostic centres, so if parents did not (only) child’s unusual behaviours, no longer had this concern after
self-refer but had been referred to these centres, the referrer
might already have highly suspected a developmental dis-
order. To our knowledge, the prevalence of ASD diagnoses 3
  ASD is often viewed as a disability (Baron-Cohen 2002).

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

their child got an ASD diagnosis (e.g. [58]. This shift proba- psychopathological conditions, such as the notion of ASD
bly took place, because the dominant understanding of ASD as a neurodevelopmental disorder, are associated with
as a purely biological disorder invalidates previous claims prognostic pessimism [35]. Also, describing individuals
in the professional field about parental blame in ASD [23]. as ‘vulnerable’ in itself may carry the risk of viewing them
Significantly, however, at T2 and more so at T3, many as worthy of pity [27]. Pity is a sentiment that might not
parents were disappointed that several other people contin- be easy to cope with in the parent–child relationship. Early
ued to blame them for the child’s behaviours after the child detection and diagnosis of ASD have been advocated by
was diagnosed with ASD. Accordingly, neurobiologically many experts, as it would make sure that parents do not
explained mental health diagnoses in adults have been found have to search unnecessarily long for explanations for their
not to be linked to reduced blame [38]. Also, many par- child’s challenges [70]. However, the potential risk that a
ents told that several lay people—like parents’ relatives and diagnosis actually increases parental concerns has rarely
acquaintances—continued to not ‘believe’ in the ‘existence’ been mentioned [46].
of the entity of ASD or to not ‘believe’ that the ASD diag- Additionally, at T2 and T3, many parents talked explic-
nosis had been appropriately given to the child. No research itly and implicitly about their acute sense of responsibility
exists on the topic of people believing versus not believing concerning the child’s challenges, development and future.
in the existence of ASD (for a short mention on the topic of This ties in with the general evolution in views on parent-
‘believing’ an ASD diagnosis, see [48]) or in its presence hood, as described by Lareau: since several decades, par-
in a particular child. Therefore, it is not known how many ents “are no longer merely expected to give their children
people ‘disbelieve’ an ASD diagnosis and for what reasons. love, intimacy and security and to safeguard their physical
Anyway, these doubts are reminiscent of scholars question- health and development, but are expected to stimulate and
ing the validity of ASD—and other DSM diagnoses [25, take responsibility for the intellectual development of their
26, 40]. Such scholarly questions might be disseminated to children” (Lareau 1989 in [54], p. 197; [56]). Specifically
the general public through various channels, and have some in the context of autism, sociologist Jennifer Singh writes
influence on their views. that “in a neo-liberal context, parents are expected to pro-
Strikingly, many parents also anticipated an ASD diagno- vide an environment that will enable their children to live
sis to provide exculpation of the child—both on behalf of the ‘meaningful’ and ‘productive’ lives” (Singh [63], p. 12).
parents and of other people. Once the child was diagnosed Thus, at present, parents in general carry much respon-
with ASD, the diagnosis was indeed experienced as effective sibility towards their children’s development and future,
in this regard, but only partially. Many parents highly valued and we have demonstrated that parents of a child with an
this potential benefit of the ASD diagnosis. They equally ASD diagnosis might experience this responsibility more
valued its correlate of an adaptation by parents and other acutely. This stressful experience of responsabilisation
people of their relationship and interaction with the child should be addressed by clinicians in their consultation
according to his ASD diagnosis and unique needs. with parents.
The child’s diagnosis often led to the child being seen In sum, this study gives an indication about how parents
as vulnerable, and the parents as having an extra respon- understand an ASD diagnosis and why parents may value
sibility with regards to this vulnerability. At T2 and T3, it. This is of relevance to clinicians, researchers and policy
when compared to T1, many parents expressed more con- makers, and also to parents themselves and the general
cerns about their child’s present fragility to function as public. We found that the interviewed parents did not feel
expected, his future being compromised by a life-long the need to exactly know what ASD is. A broad under-
condition, and his need for protection with regard to his standing of ASD as a genetic and neurological condition
relationships and well-being. This finding constitutes one appeared to be sufficient for them. Their main concern
possible reason why an ASD diagnosis has the poten- was to obtain whatever could be helpful for their child.
tial to increase parental stress [4, 50, 68]. Indeed, stud- Significantly, we found that an ASD diagnosis might help
ies have shown that parents thought that, after their child adults to consider a child as not blameworthy for differ-
got a diagnosis, he would never be completely ‘normal’ ent or difficult behaviours. The child might not be seen
anymore and that this created worries about his future as ‘naughty’ or ‘bad’ anymore once he is diagnosed with
[41]. For example, an ASD diagnosis might be viewed as ASD. The interviewed parents valued that the diagnosis
implying that the person diagnosed has less self-control gave them as well as other people a reason to adapt their
and is not fully able to independently participate in com- relationship with the child to his unique needs instead of
munity life [21, 34]. Additionally, the labelling theory wanting the child to fit in the ‘normal’ adult–child inter-
claims that a mental health diagnosis may lead to self- actions. However, between the moment their child got an
fulfilling prophecies and damaging preconceptions in oth- ASD diagnosis and 1 year later, parents’ hopes for the
ers [58, 61]. Moreover, biomedical conceptualisations of

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

diagnosis’ exculpating effect on other people—towards the with or instead of a categorical diagnosis of ASD [32,
child and also to themselves—were partially disappointed. 39]. Throughout this clinical trajectory, we argue against
Moreover, an ASD diagnosis often increased parents’ wor- the partition of the diagnostic and the therapeutic phases,
ries about their child’s vulnerability, which in itself gave as is the case in Flanders—and in many other regions and
them a new kind of responsibility 4 towards the child’s countries. The coordinating clinician should try to be a care
behaviours—now seen by many parents as representing a provider who is available in a continuous way and provides
life-long vulnerability in the context of ASD. This sense both the treatment-related and psycho-relational help that
of responsibility arguably contributed to parents pragmati- parents need. In this way, she may be a consistent partner to
cally valuing an ASD diagnosis for its administrative util- those parents who acutely feel responsible for their child’s
ity towards service entitlements in Flanders—as is the case development and well-being after their child is diagnosed
in many other regions and countries. with ASD. Finally, parents should feel that the responsibility
These findings have clinical relevance. We argue that concerning the vulnerable child is really shared between the
addressing parents’ evolving views, hopes and concerns clinician and them.
related to an ASD diagnosis during each clinical consulta-
tion may lead to a better patient–clinician alignment and a
higher satisfaction with the clinical trajectory in both par- Limitations
ties [24, 44, 51]. Hence, clinicians should not consider the
diagnosis as a goal in itself, and the feedback session with Since we purposively sampled parents who asked for a diag-
parents as an end-point, but reassess and address parents’ nostic ASD assessment of their child, we cannot exclude that
experiences related to the diagnosis during each consult, there is some selection bias. The parents we interviewed
since they will probably be evolving. E.g. parents’ relation- had decided that they wanted such an assessment, so argu-
ships with the people around them may be tense because ably the participants of this study expected that the balance
of people’s doubts whether the child’s ASD diagnosis is between the positive and negative implications of a diagno-
justified. sis would be in favour of the former ones.
Specifically, we suggest that a clinician, in the beginning Moreover, 9 out of 17 parents had an older child diag-
of a diagnostic ASD trajectory, transparently talks with par- nosed with ASD, so their experiences of the diagnosis in
ents about the reasons why parents feel that an ASD diag- the younger child was without any doubt influenced by
nosis might be useful to them and the child. The clinician their experiences with the older child. According to the IPA
may address the degree of certainty and exculpation an ASD guidelines, we inductively analysed each interview within
diagnosis will actually be able to provide. By openly dis- the participant’s personal context to also discern all influ-
cussing the certainty, exculpation and pragmatic usefulness ences of this particular difference between the parents. We
parents are looking for, she may help parents to adjust their only found a minor influence of parents already having an
expectations to their actual future experiences and pragmatic older child with an ASD diagnosis on the results of this
views in the post-diagnosis phase. study.
Importantly, she may—in collaboration with her col- Also, we only interviewed parents of boys without a pre-
leagues—set up a clinical trajectory in which, first of all, she vious diagnosis of a disability. Parents’ views and experi-
devises ‘hands-on’ answers to parents’ requests for help. But ences concerning their child’s ASD diagnosis may differ if
she may also assist parents in coping with their worries and the child is a girl or has previously been diagnosed with a
challenges concerning their child without attaining complete disability.
certainty about the child’s behaviours and without attaining Finally, each research method has inherent limitations, so
complete exculpation towards the child and themselves. we used specific strategies to enhance the trustworthiness
Later on in the clinical trajectory, a clinician may address of this study’s findings. For example, to increase confirm-
potential feelings in the parents of the child’s vulnerabil- ability, we provided many quotes to demonstrate that our
ity and the parents’ responsibility. In this regard, she may findings emerged from the data and not from our own predis-
prefer to elaborate a ‘profile’ or ‘clinical case formulation’ positions; and the research context was ‘thickly’ described
of the child including both stronger and more vulnerable so that the results would be transferrable to another situation
characteristics of the child and his context—in combination with the appropriate translational adaptations [62].

 Parents’ ‘backward-looking’ responsibility, consisting of account-
ability and blameworthiness, was replaced by a ‘forward-looking’
responsibility, “that of seeing to it that a certain state of affairs
obtain” (Goodin in [67], p. 37), in this case for taking care of the
child’s vulnerability.

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

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Delphine Jacobs1   · Jean Steyaert2,3 · Kris Dierickx1 · Kristien Hens4

Jean Steyaert Centre for Autism Expertise, Child and Youth Psychiatry,
jean.steyaert@uzleuven.be University Hospitals Leuven, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven,
Kris Dierickx
kris.dierickx@kuleuven.be Department of Neurosciences, KU Leuven, Faculty
of Medicine, Herestraat 49, Box 1021, 3000 Leuven,
Kristien Hens
Department of Philosophy, University of Antwerp, Faculty
Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, KU Leuven, Faculty of Arts, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
of Medicine, Kapucijnenvoer 35, Box 7001, 3000 Leuven,


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