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LibOBasic Runtime Library Cheet Sheet

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LibreOffice RefCard Numerical Functions

LibreOfice BASIC Exp()
Returns a number absolute value.
Exponential. Returns e to a given power.

Runtime Library
Fix() Returns the integer part of a number (no rounding).
Hex() Returns the hexadecimal value of a decimal number.
Int() Returns a number integer part (rounded to the lower value).
Beginner Log() Returns a number logarithm.
v. 1.14 – 04/26/2019 Oct() Returns the octal value of a decimal number.
Randomize() Initializes the random number generator (before using Rnd()).
Writen with LibreOffice v. 5.3.3 – Platform : All
Rnd() Returns a random number, between 0 and 1. See Randomize()
Sgn() Returns the sign of a number.
Runtime Options Sqr() Calculates a number square root.
Must be specified for each module, before any executable code. Trigonometrical Functions
Option Explicit Imposes explicit variable declaration. Angles in radians. radians = (degrees * Pi)/180
Option Compatible LibO BASIC behaves like VBA. Atn() Arc tangent. Cos() Cosine. Tan() Tangent.
Option VBASupport 1 Activates VBA support. Date/Time Functions
Option Base 1 Arrays are 1-indexed instead of 0-indexed.
Option ClassModule
“UNO” Date Functions
To use for classes creation (+ Option Compatible).
LibreOffice API often uses “UNO” dates, that is of type com.sun.star.util.DateTime
BASIC Constants (or .Date or .Time), structured as follows:
True True (Boolean) Empty Unitialized value. IsUTC True if timezone is UTC. Hours Hours (0-23).
False False (Boolean) Null The var. doesn’t hold any useful data. Year Year number Minutes Minutes (0-59).
Pi 3.14159265358979 Nothing (objects) suppresses any previous Month Month number (0 if empty). Seconds Seconds (0-59).
(Double) assignment. Day Day number (0 if empty). NanoSeconds Nanoseconds.
☞ Date ↔ Uno Date : use the conversion functions CDateXxx below.
Date/Time Functions
☞ Functions syntax: Result = FuncName(arguments) CDateFromISO() Returns the Date type value corresponding to the date ISO
String Functions (type String) string (YYYYMMDD).
Asc() st
Returns the ASCII value (of the 1 character) of a string. CDateFromISO("20170714") → that date in Date format.
Asc("Azerty") → 65 CDateFromUnoDate() Converts a UNO com.sun.star.util.Date structure into a
See Chr(), ASCII table. Date type value.
Chr() Returns the character which ASCII code is passed. CDateFromUnoDateTime() Converts a UNO com.sun.star.util.DateTime structure
Chr(65) → "A" into a Date type value.
See Asc(), ASCII table. CDateFromUnoTime() Converts a UNO com.sun.star.util.Time structure into a
ConvertFromURL() Converts a file name in URL form to OS form. Date type value.
URL form: protocol:///host/path/to/file.ext CDateToISO() Returns an ISO date string (YYYYMMDD) from a Date type
Ex. Windows : file:///c:/somedir/file.ods value.
Ex. Linux : file:///home/user/somedir/file.ods On 7/14/2017, CDateToISO(Now()) → "20170714"
ConvertToURL() Converts a file name in OS form to URL form. CDateToUnoDate() Returns a date as a UNO com.sun.star.util.Date
See ConvertFromURL() structure.
Format() Converts a number into a string, with mask formatting. CDateToUnoDateTime() Returns a date as a UNO com.sun.star.util.DateTime
On the 7/14/2017, Format(Now(), "yyyy") → "2017" structure.
See Format function – Formatting Masks. CDateToUnoTime() Returns a date as a UNO com.sun.star.util.Time
InStr() Returns a string position within another. structure.
If not found, returns 0. Date() Returnes the current date (Date type).
InStr("LibreOffice", "Office") → 6 See Now(), Time()
Join() Returns a string from an array of strings. DateAdd() Returns a new date from a starting date and an addition
MyArray = Array("C:", "Dir", "SubDir", "MyFile.ods") criterion (±).
Join(MyArray, "\") → "C:\Dir\SubDir\MyFile.ods" On 7/14/2017, DateAdd("m", 1, Now()) → 8/14/2017
See Split() Add type masks:
LCase() Returns a string in lower case. yyyy Year ww Week
LCase("LibreOffice") → "libreoffice" q Quarter d Day
See UCase() m Month h Hour
Left() Left(chaine, N) Extracts N characters from the left of a string. y Year day n Minute
Left("LibreOffice", 5) → "Libre" w Week day s Second
See Mid(), Right() DateDiff() Calculates a dates difference, expressed in the desired unit
Len() Returns the number of characters in a string. (See table in DateAdd()).
Len("LibreOffice") → 11 DateDiff("m", "8/14/2017", "7/14/2017") → 1
LTrim() Suppresses the leftmost spaces from a string. DatePart() Returns the specified date part (See table in DateAdd()).
See RTrim(), Trim() DatePart("q", "7/14/2017") → 3
Mid() Mid(chaine, P, N). Extracts N characters in a string, starting at DateSerial() Returns a date numerical value, calculated from its 3 parts
position P. year, month and day.
Mid("14/7/2017", 4, 1) → "7" DateSerial(2017,7,14) →
See Left(), Right() DateValue() Returns a date value from its string representation.
Right() Right(chaine, N). Extracts N characters from the right of a string. DateValue("7/14/2017") → 07/14/2017 (Date type)
See Left(), Mid() Day() Returns the day number in the month.
RTrim() Suppresses the rightmost spaces from a string. Day("7/14/2017") → 14
See LTrim(), Trim() Hour() Returns the current time.
Space() Returns a string made of a series of spaces. It is noon. Hour(Now()) → 12
Space(3) → " " Minute() Returns the minutes of a Date type value.
See String() It is noon. Minute(Now()) → 0
Split() Returns an array of strings from a single string, separating at a given Month() Returns the month number.
character. Month("7/14/2017") → 7
MyString = "C:\Dir\SubDir\MyFile.ods" Now() Returns the current date and time (Date type).
Split(MyString, "\") → a 4 items array: "C:", "Dir", See Date(), Time()
"SubDir", "MyFile.ods" Second() Returns the seconds of a Date type value.
See Join() It is noon. Second(Now()) → 0
Str() Converts a numeric expression into a string. Time() Returns the current time as a Date type value.
Str(-65) → " -65" See Date(), Now()
☞ A space is at the left of the text. Decimal separator is a dot. Timer() Returns a Double value with the number of elapsed seconds
See CStr(), Val() from midnight.
StrComp() Compares two strings and returns an integer value that represents ☞ Set Timer() to a variable before use!
the comparison result. TimeSerial() Returns a Date type value, calculated from the 3 items hours,
String() Creates a string made of N times a character. minutes and seconds.
String(4, "Y") → "YYYY" TimeSerial(12,25,14) → 12:25:14 (type Date)
See Space() TimeValue() Returns an hour value (Date type) from a string value.
Trim() Suppresses the leftmost and rightmost spaces from a string. TimeValue("12:25:14") → 12:25:14 (type Date)
See LTrim(), RTrim() Wait (instruction) Waits the number of specified milliseconds.
UCase() Returns a string in upper case. Wait 1000 → pauses for 1 sec.
UCase("LibreOffice") → "LIBREOFFICE" WeekDay() Returns the week number (1 = sunday).
See LCase() Weekday("7/14/2017") → 6 (friday)
Val() Converts a string into a numerical value (0 when not possible). Year() Returns the year number.
Val("12,34") → 12,34 Year("7/14/2017") → 2017
See Str(), Val()

Color Functions Dates
Colors are stored as Longs. D or DD Day number (1 or 2 char) Q or QQ Quarter number (1 or 2 char)
Red(), Green(), Blue() Extracts the said colour component. M or MM Month number (1 or 2 char) W or WW Week number (1 or 2 char).
RGB() Returns a color from its 3 components red, green and blue. MMMM Month name. h or hh Hour (1 or 2 char)
RGB(128,0,0) → 8388608 (red) YY or YYYY Year number (2 or 4 char) m or mm Minutes (1 or 2 char)
Array Functions NNN Day name. s or ss Seconds (1 or 2 char)
Array() Creates an array from discrete values. VBA Support
MyArray = Array("One", 2, Now())
DimArray() Like Array() : MyArray = DimArray("One", 2, Now()) ☞ VBA support is not complete.
☞ Use only if implicit variable declaration, otherwise use Array(). Environment Functions
Erase (Instruction) Erases an array contents. In case of a dynamic array, frees the Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Load/Save > VBA Properties
memory. Erase MyArray Load Basic code Loads and saves VBA code from a MSOffice document into a
LBound() Lower bound. UBound() Upper bound. special LibreOffice Basic module.
Type Information Functions Executable code The VBA code is loaded, ready to execute.
Save original Basic code The document VBA code is saved apart when the document is
These functions give information about the variables.
loaded in LibreOffice.
Any Variable
TypeName() Returns a string that details a given variable.
Runtime Functions
VarType() Returns a numerical identifier for a given variable. VBA support requires the options : Option VBASupport 1 et Option Compatible.
IsUnoStruct() Returns True if the argument is a UNO structure. VBA Functions
The first two functions return of one of the values below: AscW FV() IRR() Round()
VarType TypeName VarType TypeName VarType TypeName ChrW Input() Me() RTL()
0 Empty 5 Double 11 Boolean DDB() InStrRev() MIRR() StrReverse()
1 Null 6 Currency 12 Variant FormatDateTime() IPmt() NPer() WeekDayName()
2 Integer 7 Date 17 Byte More details in the on-line help.
3 Long 8 String 37 Decimal VBA Instructions
4 Single 9 Object
Enum Enum EnumName
☞ Arrays: 8192 + vartype W1ND0WS = 1 ' Windows
Variants OS2PM = 2 ' OS/2 Presentation Manager
MACINTOSH = 3 ' Macintosh
Return True according to the actual type found. MOTIF = 4 ' Motif Window Manager / Unix-like
Function Type check Function Type check OPENLOOK = 5 ' Open Look / Unix-like
IsArray() Array. IsNull() Null (no data). End Enum
IsDate() Date. IsNumeric() Numerical value. Enumerated values are rendered as Long.
IsEmpty() Uninitialized variable. IsObject() OLE object.  Enumeration names and value names must be unique within a library and across
IsError() Error value. IsUNOStruct() True if UNO structure. modules.
UNO Structures And Objects
CreateUnoService(Name) Creates a UNO service.  Name is case-sensitive!
IsUNOStruct() True if UNO structure.
(struct.)Dbg_Properties Returns the UNO structure name (String). ASCII Table
HasUnoInterfaces() True if UNO object supports interfaces. Dec Hex Val Dec Hex Val Dec Hex Val Dec Hex Val
(obj.)SupportsService() True if (UNO) obj. supports the service in argument 0 0 NUL 32 20 SPC 64 40 @ 96 60 `
(String). 1 1 SOH 33 21 ! 65 41 A 97 61 a
EqualUnoObjects(o1, o2) True if both var. refer to the same object instance. 2 2 STX 34 22 " 66 42 B 98 62 b
Typecast Functions 3 3 ETX 35 23 # 67 43 C 99 63 c
These functions convert a value from a compatible type into another. The function name 4 4 EOT 36 24 $ 68 44 D 100 64 d
reflects the target type name. 5 5 ENQ 37 25 % 69 45 E 101 65 e
☞ Code readability: always prefer an explicit typecast to an implicit one! 6 6 ACK 38 26 & 70 46 F 102 66 f
CBool() To Boolean CDbl() To Double CSng() To Single 7 7 BEL 39 27 ' 71 47 G 103 67 g
CByte() To Byte CDec() To Decimal CStr() To String 8 8 BS 40 28 ( 72 48 H 104 68 h
9 9 HT 41 29 ) 73 49 I 105 69 i
CCur() To Currency CInt() To Integer CVar() To Variant
10 0A LF 42 2A * 74 4A J 106 6A j
CDate() To Date CLng() To Long CVErr() To Variant
11 0B VT 43 2B + 75 4B K 107 6B k
12 0C FF 44 2C , 76 4C L 108 6C l
Error Information Functions 13 0D CR 45 2D - 77 4D M 109 6D m
Erl Error line number. Error Error message. 14 0E SO 46 2E . 78 4E N 110 6E n
Err Error code. 15 0F SI 47 2F / 79 4F O 111 6F o
Misc. Functions 16 10 DLE 48 30 0 80 50 P 112 70 p
GetGUIType() Returns a value that reflects the OS, among: 17 11 DC1 49 31 1 81 51 Q 113 71 q
1 Windows 4 OSX or Linux 18 12 DC2 50 32 2 82 52 R 114 72 r
3 MacOS 19 13 DC3 51 33 3 83 53 S 115 73 s
GetSolarVersion() Returns LibreOffice version. 20 14 DC4 52 34 4 84 54 T 116 74 t
IsMissing() Checks whether an optional parameter is omitted. 21 15 NAK 53 35 5 85 55 U 117 75 u
22 16 SYN 54 36 6 86 56 V 118 76 v
Calling System Commands 23 17 ETB 55 37 7 87 57 W 119 77 w
Command syntax: Shell(Commande, Style, Param, Synchro) 24 18 CAN 56 38 8 88 58 X 120 78 x
with: 25 19 EM 57 39 9 89 59 Y 121 79 y
Command The command to execute (String). 26 1A SUB 58 3A : 90 5A Z 122 7A z
Style The window in which the process takes place, among (Integer) : 27 1B ESC 59 3B ; 91 5B [ 123 7B {
0 The program has focus, its window is hidden. 28 1C FS 60 3C < 92 5C \ 124 7C |
1 The program has focus and runs in a standard window. 29 1D GS 61 3D = 93 5D ] 125 7D }
2 The program has focus and runs as minimized. 30 1E RS 62 3E > 94 5E ^ 126 7E ~
3 The program has focus and runs as maximized. 31 1F US 63 3F ? 95 5F _ 127 7F DEL
4 The program starts in a standard non-focused window.
6 The program starts in a minimized window; focus is on the current Credits
window. Author : Jean-François Nifenecker – jean-francois.nifenecker@laposte.net
10 The program starts in full-screen mode. We are like dwarves perched on the shoulders of giants, and thus we are able to see more and farther than the
Param Execution parameters to hand to the command (String). latter. And this is not at all because of the acuteness of our sight or the stature of our body, but because we are
Synchro Execution flag: carried aloft and elevated by the magnitude of the giants. (Bernard of Chartres [attr.])
True Wait for the command execution to finish. History
False Do not wait for the command execution to finish. Version Date Comments
Format Function – Formatting Masks 1.10 04/16/2018 First EN version
The Format() function converts a number into a string by formatting it according to a 1.14 26/04/19 Updates and fixes.
A format mask is a string that can be split in 3 sections separated with semicolons:
val>0;val<0;val=0. One section only = all numbers.
☞ Language formatting of numbers: Tools > Options > Language settings > Languages.
0 Number is mandatory at that % Result in percent format.
position (0 if missing)
# Optional number E- E+ License
Scientific format. This RefCard is placed under the
. Decimal separator e- e+
+- space Literal character, appears as-is \ Escape character: the character CreativeCommons BY-SA v3 (fr) license
( ) in the result. that follows is in the result as-is. Information

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