Article Review Guideline
Article Review Guideline
Article Review Guideline
Dear Students:
Sections to be
No. Contents OR Items For Discussion /Checklist
Title of the article
Article Review Author (s)
headline Publisher
Place of Publication
Date of Publication
Number of pages
Reviewed By:
Name of Article Reviewer’s name
2 Reviewer Your ID-Number
Date and year of review
This should include a factual summary of paragraph(s) of the
article (not more than half a page).
It should be a synopsis of key parts of the research including but
not limited to study objective, research questions, study design,
3 Summary study population and/or sample, primary analysis, key findings
and conclusion.
There should be no critique or commentary included in this
It should be written in a paragraph form (no bullet points)
Appropriateness of the Research topic with respect to the content
of the article
Research Title And
4 The research report is written and organized based on accepted
Reporting Format
5 Quality of Abstract A brief theme sentence to orient the reader about the overall
Sections to be
No. Contents OR Items For Discussion /Checklist
issues used,
Clarity of objective
Research methodology used,
Major findings of the study,
Contribution of the study.
Indication of future area of investigation
identification of key words and
Is the study objective(s)/study purpose/research question(s)
clearly and concisely stated?
Did the researcher(s) identify a socially significant problem as
The Introduction the focus of the study?
6 Section Did the proposed study include a thorough, current and relevant
literature review to justify the research gap?
Did the introduction guide the reader to the rationale for the
study (i.e why the study needs to be conducted)? Was the
rational justified (with proper citation of previous studies)?
Is there sufficient critical evaluation of both the theoretical and
empirical literature
Is the literature review organized logically -broad to specific,
logical division
Was a conceptual /theoretical frame work developed to guide the
study (if and when necessary)? If so, is it supported by relevant
arguments based on previous study findings?
Review of Related Overall Quality and relevance of reviewed literature
7 Literature/Theoretical Is there clarity of the hypothesis formulated to be tested (if
Background available) (Is sufficient background/theoretical support presented
for the stated hypothesis/ when available)
Is there sufficient description and justification of the chosen
research design, /approach
Population and sampling techniques/sample size determination,
sampling procedures followed
Was the sample a representative sample of the target population?
Quality of research instruments
Reliability and validity issues
Procedures followed for ensuring ethical research.
Were all methods (i.e the study design, selection of participants,
measurement of study variable etc…) done in such a way that
8 Research Methodology compromises the ability to accurately answer the research
question? (i.e Was there bias in the process?)
Is the analysis used in line with the research question/research
problem? (Is the right (statistical) analysis tool chosen?)
Appropriateness of statistical tools used to analyze the data
Sections to be
No. Contents OR Items For Discussion /Checklist
Did the author(s) present the results related to the research
questions? Are there any results that you feel are omitted (not
addressed)? Are the findings generalizable to similar context?
Are the results clearly presented (i.e. with tables, graphs, P-
values for statistical analysis)?
Data Presentation,
Did the researchers summarized the results and provide
9 Analysis &
reasonable interpretations of the results based n the data and the
analysis conducted?
Is the discussion objective? Is it linked with prior research works
showing possible consistency or inconsistency with the present
findings? Or does the author(s) reference articles that support
his/her/their findings?
Does the conclusion make sense (i.e could there be any other
alternative explanation than presented in the study?) A statement
of Conclusion –quality and relevance
Are the implications and limitations of the study discussed?
Conclusion and
10 And/Or Did the theoretical and/or practical contributions
presented? And/Or Are areas of further investigation/research
Overall quality of recommendations-relevance, practicality,
11 Did the author(s) used/cited sources that are relevant to the
Referencing study?
Citation source mixes –journals, websites and books