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Fligth Control System

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Feb. 22, 1966 F.


Filed April 23, 1964


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BY (C-4-).b.f34.
United States Patent Office 3,236,478
Patented Feb. 22, 1966
1. 2
3,236,478 complicated gust alleviation systems having improved
FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM performance characteristics.
F Le Roy Adams, Orange, and John D. Balducci, Placen These and other objects of the invention will become
tia, Calif., assignors to North American Aviation, Inc. apparent from the following description taken together
Filed Apr. 23, 1964, Ser. No. 362,074 with the accompanying drawing in which:
8 Claims. (C. 244-76) FIG. 1 is a schematic arrangement of a system employ
ing the concept of the invention.
The device of the subject invention relates to an im Referring to FIG. 1, there is illustrated a system em
proved flight controller, and more particularly to means ploying the concept of the invention. There is provided
for improving the controlled response of an aerospace 10 a flight control system having a control column 10 in co
vehicle such as an airplane and the like. operation with an artificial feel device 11 and employing
In the flight control of airplanes and the like, it is accelerometer feedback signals for reducing aircraft re
desired to conveniently induce pitching moments and ver sponse to gusts. There is further provided signal-can
tical accelerations in order to effect and maintain a selected cellation means adapted for cancelling that component of
or desired flight path. At the same time it is desired to the feedback signals due to command operation of the
minimize the response of the controlled vehicle to mo flight control system and comprising a force transducer 12
ments and accelerations induced by atmospheric turbu adapted to cooperate with control column 10.
lences (known as "gusts"), for the reason that such gusts The exemplary aircraft controls with which the system
produce discomfort to human passengers; alter the flight of FIG. 1 is adapted to cooperate is a fully power system
trajectory; and may apply incremental accelerations which, 20 comprising a hydraulic elevator power servo 13 mechani
when added to pilot-induced command accelerations, may cally coupled to control column 10, and an electro-hy
exceed the safe structural limits of the vehicle. draulic wing flap power servo 14 responsive to electrical
In the prior art of flight control, such command control control signals on line 15.
has been effected through a set of elevators, for example, A servo 16 is interposed in mechanical connection with
the controlled displacement of which exert both lift (e.g., 25 control column 10 and the input to elevator servo 13
normal acceleration) upon, and pitching moments about, whereby power servo 13 is further responsive to input sig
the center-of-gravity of the aircraft. Closed loop control nals on line 17 applied to the input of series servo 16 from
arrangements have been employed for improving the ve flight stability augmentation means such as for example,
hicle response to command inputs, and for augmenting the a pitch rate gyro 18.
flight stability performance or damping. 30 Gust alleviation is provided by means of the feedback
Gust alleviation devices for such prior art airframes signals from an accelerometer 19 oriented to detect vehicle
have variously employed sensing means for resisting and acceleration substantially normal (vertical) to the vehicle
regulating aircraft response to normal accelerations, em flight path, the output of accelerometer 19 being coupled
ploying pilot-initiated, control-stick operated signalling or to actuate servo 16 and wing flap power servo 14 in such
Switching devices, whereby the aircraft regulating means 35 sense as to induce a vehicle acceleration in opposition to
is disabled during pilot-induced accelerations. Hence, no the sensed acceleration.
gust alleviation occurs during the performance of a pilot In operation of the flight control system to a gust, the
induced maneuver. Other types of control systems have response of wing flap servo 14 actuates the wing flaps of
not distinguished between the sources of the acceleration, an aircraft whereby the magnitude of the lift vector is
but have only sought to limit it, thereby compromising the 40 changed so as to compensate for the sensed gust, the
aircraft response to a command input, in order to achieve elevators of the aircraft cooperating correspondingly. The
gust alleviation. concurrent operation of the elevators produces very little
Therefore, it is a broad object of the subject invention initial change in lift. However, such lift, acting at a dis
to provide improved flight control means for effecting gust tance aft of the center of gravity of the aircraft, does ini
alleviation while not compromising vehicle response to a tially induce pitching moments, which control feature co
command-control input. operates with the feedback signal to the elevator signal
According to the concept of the subject invention, sig Summing means 20 from rate gyro 18 to provide pitch
nal-cancellation means generates a signal analog of a pilot attitude stabilization.
induced maneuver, for cancelling such portion of the 50 Hence, it is appreciated that the wing flaps on the wing
Sponds.vehicle acceleration to which the gust alleviator re or main lifting surface of a vehicle substantially comprise
lift control means, while the conventional elevator sur
In a preferred embodiment of the subject invention there faces provide moment control means.
is provided a flight control system employing normal ac Command control of the system of FIG. 1 is achieved
celerometer feedback signals for reducing aircraft response 55 by deflection of control column 10, through the applica
to gusts, and further comprising signal cancellation means tion of control forces sufficient to overcome the resistive
responsive to the pilot's control column for cancelling force provided by artificial feel device 11, whereby power
feedback signals occurring due to aircraft acceleration in Servo 13 is caused to actuate the elevator control surfaces
duced by operation of the control column. Hence, in nor of an aircraft. The force gradient provided by artificial
mal operation of the invention, gust alleviation is effected feel device 11 is designed to vary as a function of aircraft
without compromising vehicle response to maneuvers com 60
mand by operation of the control column. Accordingly, flight condition (i.e., airspeed and altitude), in accordance
it is an object of the invention to provide an improved with the variation in the "g" response, or incremental nor
flight controller. mal acceleration response, of the aircraft to pitch maneu
It is another object of the subject invention to provide
vers. In this way, the pilot of a fully-powered flight con
65 trol System has a cue or feel for the incremental accelera
improved command-control response of an aircraft with tion to be anticipated from an attempted maneuver. By
out compromising performance of an associated gust means of Such cue, the pilot is better enabled to avoid
alleviator. over-controlling the aircraft beyond the structural limits
It is still another object of the invention to provide gust thereof, as is well understood in the art.
alleviation without compromising the response of the ve 70 The mechanical inputs to elevator power servo 13 may
hicle to commanded maneuvers.
It is yet another object of the invention to provide less be enabled to bias or overcome the stability augmentation
inputs to Summing means 20 so as to allow performance

of a commanded maneuver, by limiting either the ampli of a control column servo 27 responsively connected to
tude of the stability augmentation signals or by limiting terminal 26 and arranged to drive control column 10 in
the authority of series servo 6, by means well under cooperation with feel device A1. There is further pro
stood in the art. Such limited authority is adequate for vided summing means, 28 interposed between the output
attitude stabilization during non-maneuvering flight. Al 5 of transducer 12 and lag network 22 and responsively
ternatively, a so-called "wash-out' circuit (i.e., a filter coupled to terminal 26.
circuit non-responsive to the steady state pitch rates pro In one mode of operation of the arrangement of FIG.
duced by a command maneuver, but responsive to the os 1 to command-control input signals applied to input ter
cillations of an aircraft "short period' periodic mode of minal 26, servo 27 is caused to drive control column 10,
motion requiring to be damped) may be interposed at the 10 effecting actuation of elevator servo 13, whereby the air
output of rate gyro 18, as is well-known in the art. Hence, craft is caused to correspondingly maneuver in response to
a pitching maneuver may be performed, which results in a such actuation. At the same time, the input to Summing
change of angle-of-attack and a consequent build-up or network 28 from terminal 26 is lagged by lag network 22
time-lagged change in the aircraft normal acceleration, to provide an analog signal indicative of, and of opposite
sensed by accelerometer 19. sense as, that component of the output of accelerometer
The previously described cooperation of accelerometer 19 resulting from actuation of elevator servo 13 by the
19 and wing flap power servo 14 (together with elevator input to terminal 26. Hence, the combination of the
power servo i3) will act to resist such acceleration ima output-lagged outer loop "g' command signal and the
neuver in the absence of acceleration signal limiting. Nor accelerometer signal by summing means 21 assures that
is limiting of the accelerometer signals desirable, because 20 the cooperation of wing flap servo 14 (and series servo 16)
Such limiting would compromise the effectiveness of the in response to sensed accelerations will not tend to oppose
gust alleviation function for large gusts (i.e., when such such input signals applied to terminal 26.
function is needed most). It is apparent that, without command signal scale
Accordingly, signal cancellation means 21 is provided changing means such as that ordinarily afforded on arti
for combining (with the output of accelerometer) a can ficial feel system, the cancellation signal developed by lag
cellation signal indicative of, and of opposite sense as, network 22, in response to an outer-loop command input
that component of the accelerometer output correspond applied to terminal 26, will not vary correspondingly with
ing to the build-up of incremental accelerations in re flight condition as will the cancellation signal developed
sponse to deflection of the pilot's control column 10. by manual operation of control column 10. However,
Such cancellation signal is provided by the output of a where the flight conditions (e.g., combinations of speed
frequency sensitive time-lag network 22 responsively cou and altitude) under which such outer loop System is used
pled to the output of a force transducer 12 mounted on are ordinarily sufficiently restricted, then a constant or
control column 10. Force transducer i2 may be essen fixed gain may be successfully employed for the cancella
tially a spring force restrained potentiometer the wiper of tion signal. In other words, the range of flight conditions
which is moved by the pilot's hand grip 23 rotatably 35 under which an automatic landing is performed, for ex
mounted on column 10 by means of pivot 24. ample, are such that the "g' sensitivity of the aircraft is
When control column 10 is operated against the re substantially constant.
straining force of feel device 11, by the pilot applying a Hence, it is to be appreciated that improved flight con
manual force to handgrip 23, the applied manual force is trol means has been described for providing gust allevia
indicative of the acceleration to be anticipated from the 40 tion without compromising vehicle response to command
resulting pitch maneuver. ed maneuvers.
in such exemplary transducer design, for example, such Although the invention has been described and illustrat
applied force rotates handgrip 23 and the wiper of the ed in detail, it is to be clearly understood that the same
force transducer i2 about pivot 24, whereby the output of is by way of illustration and example only and is not to
transducer 2 (in response to a constant electrical excita be taken by way of limitation, the spirit and scope of this
tion source 25) will be proportional to the applied force invention being limited only by the terms of the appended
and hence proportional to the contemplated amplitude of claims.
incremental aircraft accelerations resulting from the de We claim:
flection of control column 10, regardless of variations of 1. A flight-control system employing normal accelerom
flight condition (in accordance with the force-monitor eter feedback signals for reducing aircraft response to
function provided by artificial feel device i.1). The out gusts, and signal cancellation means responsive to the
put of transducer 12 is time-lagged by lag network 22 by pilot's control column for cancelling feedback signals due
an amount approximating and corresponding to the time to aircraft acceleration induced by operation of the con
lag associated with the build-up of aircraft accelerations trol column.
in response to actuation of the aircraft elevator controls. 55 2. In a flight control system having a control column in
In other words, the output of lag network 22 in response cooperation with an artificial feel system and employing
to operation of control column 12 is an analg of that com accelerometer feedback signals for reducing aircraft re
ponent of the aircraft acceleration response resulting from sponse to gusts, signal cancellation means adapted for
operation of the elevator controls by control column 10. cancelling that component of said feedback signals due to
Hence, the differentially combined inputs to summing 60 operation of said flight control system and comprising a
means 2i (from accelerometer 19 and lag network 22) force transducer adapted to cooperate with said control
Substantially cancel any feedback signal component indica column.
tive of maneuver-induced aircraft accelerations, the out 3. In an aircraft having pitching moment and lift con
put of Summing means 21 being a feedback signal sub trols and an artificial feel and trim system in cooperation
stantially indicative of externally induced aircraft acceler with a control column for providing a control force gra
ations produced by atmospheric anomalies such as gusts dient indicative of the incremental lift response of said air
and the like. Accordingly, the feedback response of the craft to an incremental deflection of the pitching moment
close doop accelerometer arrangeemnt of FIG. 1 pro control of said aircraft, means for minimizing response of
vides substantially no opposition to pilot-induced maneu the aircraft to gusts without compromising the response
vers, while being fully responsive in performing the gust 70 of the aircraft to control system-induced lift acceleration
alleviation function. The improved flight control system comprising
of FIG. 1 is also adapted to be responsive to so-called actuation means interposed in mechanical series con
outer loop "g” commands from a terminal guidance sys nection with said control column and said pitching
tem or automatic landing System or the like applied to an moment controls,
input terminal 26. Such response is provided by means 75 a translation accelerometer oriented to detect accelera
5 6
tions substantially normal to the flight path of said a translational accelerometer oriented to detect accel
aircraft for providing signals for operation of said erations substantially normal to the flight path of said
actuation means and said lift controls in Such sense aircraft for providing feedback signals actuating said
as to oppose such sensed accelerations, series servo and said wing flap controls in such sense
a force transducer mounted upon said control column 5 as to reduce the acceleration sensed by said acceler
for providing signals indicative of the control force ometer,
applied to said control column, and a force transducer mounted upon said control column
signal combining means interposed between said aircraft for providing electrical signals indicative of the con
controls and said output of said accelerometer and trol force applied to said control column,
responsive to said force transducer. 0 signal combining means interposed between said output
4. In an aircraft having an artificial feel system in co of said accelerometer and said aircraft controls and
operation with a control column and further having a Tesponsive to said force transducer, and
closed loop acceleration control system for reducing the a lag network interposed between said force transducer
response of an aircraft to gusts, means for improving the and said signal combining means.
vehicle response to a command acceleration maneuver,
comprising 5 8. In an aircraft having elevator and wing flap controls
a force transducer cooperating with said control col and an artificial feel system in cooperation with a control
column for providing a control force gradient indicative
umn for providing a signal indicative of a control of the incremental acceleration response of said aircraft
force applied to said control column, to an incremental deflection of the elevator controls of
signal summing means interposed in a feedback signal 20 said aircraft, the combination comprising
path of said closed loop acceleration control System a translational accelerometer mounted and oriented to
and responsive to said stick force sensor; and detect accelerations substantially normal to the flight
frequency-sensitive time-lag means interposed between path of said aircraft for providing feedback signals
said force transducer and said summing network for for actuation of said elevator and wing flap controls
providing a signal delay corresponding to the delay in such sense as to reduce the acceleration sensed by
in the vehicle acceleration response to deflections of said accelerometer;
said control column. first signal summing means interposed between the in
5. The device of claim 4 in which there is further pro puts to said aircraft controls and the output of said
vided means adapted to be responsive to a source of a accelerometer;
command maneuver signal comprising Second summing means interposed between the input to
an input terminal adapted to be connected to a source Said elevator controls and the output of said first
of a command signal, said signal Summing means Summing means, a second input of said second sum
being responsive to signals applied to said terminal, ning means being adapted to be connected to a source
and of rate stability augmentation signals;
a servo actuator responsively connected to said terminal 35
an input terminal adapted to be connected to a source
and arranged to drive said control column in mechan of command maneuver signals;
ical parallel with said artificial feel system. a Servo actuator responsively connected to said termi
6. The device of claim 4 in which there is further pro nal and arranged in mechanical parallel with said
vided means adapted to be responsive to a source of a artificial feel system for driving said control column;
command maneuver signal comprising 40
a force transducer mounted upon said control column
a second signal summing means having a first input ter for providing electrical signals indicative of the con
minal adapted to be connected to a source of a com trol force applied to said control column;
mand signal, a second input of said second men third signal Summing means responsive to said input
tioned signal summing means being responsively cou terminal and said force transducer, a second input of
pled to the output of said force transducer, 45
frequency-sensitive-lag means interconnecting the out said first Summing means being responsively coupled
to the output of said third summing means; and
put of said second mentioned signal summing means frequency-responsive time-lag means interposed between
and an input of Said first mentioned signal Summing the output of said third summing means and said sec
means, and ond input of said first Summing means for providing a
a servo actuator responsively connected to said terminal 50
signal-delay corresponding to the build-up of vehicle
and arranged to drive said control column in me acceleration due to deflection of said aircraft con
chanical parallel with said artificial feel system. trols, whereby the acceleration response of said vehi
7. In an aircraft having elevator and wing flap control cle to gusts is minimized without compromising such
and an artificial feel and trim system in cooperation with 55 vehicle response to commanded maneuver inputs.
a control column for providing a control force gradient
indicative of the incremental acceleration response of said References Cited by the Examiner
aircraft to an incremental deflection of the elevator con UNITED STATES PATENTS
trols of said aircraft, means for gust alleviation without
compromising aircraft response to a commanded maneu 3,033,496 5/1962 Brands -------------- 244-770
ver, comprising 60
an electromechanical servo interposed in mechanical FERGUS S. MIDDLETON, Primary Examiner.
Series connection with said control column and said ANDREW H. FARRELL, Examiner.
elevator controls,

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