Case Study Answers - Sameh Adel Ali
Case Study Answers - Sameh Adel Ali
Case Study Answers - Sameh Adel Ali
- John has a strong background and experience in growing organic vegetables, and his
land is leased to grow high-quality products.
- Variety of organic produces.
- Superior quality without any pesticides and chemicals.
- Owning two fields.
- The greenway promotes health to the environment and reduces environmental negative
- Current customer loyalty.
- Limited customers and market.
- The fields are currently too small with a limited quantity that won’t fit the demand.
- Company stagnancy of turnover.
- Return is not profitable.
- Limited distribution arias.
- Uniformity in organic vegetables that make them not attractive compared to un-organic
- Lack of awareness of Beckett Organics as a brand as he is targeting a very small market.
- In the UK, organic products, including vegetables, are growing in popularity.
- Many consumers are now purchasing or interested in organic vegetables.
- Restaurants are using organic produce as a competitive advantage.
- The UK's larger supermarkets are stocking more and more organic products.
- Organic vegetables have grown faster than other organic products.
- In the UK, organic produce accounts for about 12% of the total grocery market.
- Organic foods are moving in a positive direction worldwide.
- Aggressive competition.
- Home supply growth and farmers’ market.
- Organic yields which affected the pricing.
- Produce from organic farms is 40% more expensive than those from non-organic farms.
- Less attractive appearance because organic vegetables are less uniform.
Since customer behavior changes and is very dynamic, as well as customers become well-
informed and educated, which makes them sophisticated customers, marketing research is
essential for companies to get more information and requirements from customers.
To measure market demand and know what drives behavior, whether it is price, quality,
packaging, brand, or affordability, market research is also important.
By reaching new segments or improving products to meet customer needs or fill gaps, market
research will identify growth opportunities.
Research results collected from real customers will also help make the most informed and
correct decision, Furthermore, by knowing your customers and letting them know that your
firm is interested in their opinions and concerns, you can engage them more than your
By applying research approaches, the firm will know the target market, customers, and
segments by using (STP) model below.
As John worked only around his aria without geographical segmentation that divided into zones
to know the customers well, he should also work on Demographic segmentation dividing by
age, gender, and, income level to target interested customers and their ability to pay, as
organic products are more expensive by 40% than other products, yet psychographic
segmentation is very important to know the customers' lifestyles, interests, and activities.
Segments can be divided into:
- Household women
- Retailers
- Restaurants and hotels
- Farmers markets
John will define specific age groups, lifestyles, and income levels that would be interested in his
products based on the segmentation results.
Beckett can position itself among other competitors by working on innovative marketing and
services to add value to the target customers according to their needs which will create the
brand value in customers’ back minds.
Choose a related slogan such as “Early day starts in a healthy way”
Increase awareness about organic vegetables by a focus on the advantages of Organic
vegetables and how it’s fresher and healthy than non-organic products
- Create innovative packaging with airflow to keep products fresh for a long time.
- Create different packages with 1 or more types of products together to fulfill customer
needs and to be more attractive.
- Past in branded package “Go Green” with bold font.
- Guarantee that the product will deliver fast and fresh with superior quality under a
healthy delivery process.
- Create social media campaign with real photos of organic products with small videos
from the planet, cutting, and packaging process to engage the customer in the cycle and
feel the value of the product.
- Offer the products out of seasons by using the poly-tunnels technology.
- Use new technology that can form the appearance to differentiate Beckett rather than
the competitor and be more attractive to the customers.
- Conduct calls to customers to collect their feedback about products, delivery, and
- Consider competitor prices and be in the same range.
- Consider the customer’s ability to pay before pricing as per the target segment (middle-
income) John should target an affordable price list with profitable margins.
- Reduce the prices for customers who purchase directly from the farm to be less than
the market price.
- Ready-made packages for work women to be delivered daily to their door with extra
fees on delivery and cuts.
- Consider time and monetary cost by avail different selling channels.
- Start by social media platforms as it’s free of charge with the lowest advertising price.
- Sell products through market space instead invest in the new online platform.
- Sell through mobile applications market space that serves large numbers of customers.
- Sell directly from the farms to customers who are interested in seeing the quality of
products and make sure that it’s fresh.
- Sign a long-term contract with local authorities to avail booth at the farmer’s market 2
days per week with branding.
Promotion: Below are the steps that can be taken to promote the product
- Create a price list for farmers’ markets with fewer prices as it will sell directly to
consumers with small rental fees.
- Sign a partnership with a healthy products company to provide a bundle of organic
products with healthy products as a promotion for online customers such as olive oil.
- Distribute samples to customers at malls, gyms, and health clubs.
- Free delivery for the first order and around 10KM aria for online customers.
- Free delivery for orders more than $100
- Create a loyalty program by collecting points and redeem from Beckett Organics or
healthy product partners to build a strong relationship with customers that will develop
brand loyalty.
- Set a budget for radio and social media ads to reach more customers and penetrate the
organic market.
People: Peoples are at the forefront when interacting with customers
- Choose delivery staff with a very good appearance and shape, wearing gloves when
handling the product to customers.
- Qualified procurement team to negotiate with farmers’ market, and platforms fees.
- Qualified customer care team for different channels call center, social medial platforms,
and on-site customer care to gain customer comments and suggestions to keep service
- Hire qualified sales staff for direct sales through farmers’ markets and retail later on.
- Conduct ongoing training to enhance and keep employees knowledge
- Ensure that products are always available and easy to collect.
- Transparence packaging to keep customers seeing the product’s freshness.
- Deliver products on time and with quality.
- Customer care value is to serve customers on time in an efficient way.
- Respond quickly to customers’ complaints with empowerment according to each title
with SLA.
- Keep the process enhancement according to customers’ comments.
Physical evidence:
- Choose a colorful package related to products.
- Design the package with a physical feel according to the inside product.
- Back music of advertisements should be energetic to deliver the message behind eating
organic food.
- Present the most formative items together for an attractive appearance to the
According to SWOT analysis and since the resources are limited (land, budget, and employees),
John can start by targeting the middle-class household, farmers’ markets, online platforms, and
market space to gain more profit which will help him to expand to other segments.
After some time, John will gain more profit and faster turnover which can help him to expand
using marketing strategies.
This is required strategic alliances to overcome the small growing area by signing B2B rental
contracts with farmers to acquire their produce to stock more vegetables to be able to deal
with the large retail chain and become the main supplier for hotels and restaurants in a formal
way instead of staying in the alternative zone.
Accordingly, I suggest that John can maximize the profit by starting with market development
after identifying new segments by targeting the A-class who will be interested in his products
and can pay for organic products, in addition to he should target different areas instead of the
around area through the presence in farmers’ markets, retailers, and E-commerce platforms
that will enable him to expand geographically in a short time.
The second approach is Product development by introducing corn and tomatoes grown in poly-
tunnels to the existing market that needs to have a permanent supply out of seasons to create
a competitive advantage.
John didn’t identify the best market segment as he depend on his acquaintances and friends,
although he reached the middle-class segment by chance without conducting market research,
as he is only targeting the area around without targeting a specific audience which lead to a
response of only 2% from the real target audience.
As per market research results and segmentation, there are another 3 segments Beckett might
1- Households segment who are interested in a healthy lifestyle and seeking better healthy
2- High-level segment (Class-A) as they will be interested and can pay for organic products
that are more expensive by 40% than non-organic products and this will be fulfilled
through retailers.
3- Restaurants and hotels that seek for competitive advantage by using organic produce.