Mil R 1832D
Mil R 1832D
Mil R 1832D
28 February 1989
8 August 1977
This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the
Department of Defense.
1.1 Scope. This specification covers two types of rubber bands used in the
packing of parachutes.
1.2 Classification. Rubber bands shall be of the following types as
specified (see 6.2).
Type I - Natural rubber (2 inches long by 1/2 inch wide by 1/32 inch wall
Type II - Natural rubber (2 inches long by 3/8 inch wide b Y 1/16 inch
wall thickness]
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3.2 Material.
3.2.1 Natural rubber. The type I and type II bands shall be made from
natural rubbers suitably compounded and steam cured. It is encouraged that
recycled material be used when practical as long as it meets the requirements of
this specification.
3.3 Physical requirements. Type I and type II rubber bands shall conform to
the physical requirements specified in table I, when tested as specified in
TABLE I. Physical requirements
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3.4 Dimensions.
3.4.1 Flat length. The outside flat length, doubled, shall measure 2 inches
+ 1/8 inch for type I and II bands.
3.4.2 Width. The width shall be uniform and shall measure 1/2 inch ± 1/16
inch for the type I band and 3/8 inch ± 1/16 inch for the type II band.
3.4.3 Wall thicness. The wall thickness shall be uniform and shall measure
1/32 inch +5 percent -0 percent for the type I band and 1/16 inch +5 percent -C)
percent for the type II band.
3.5 Workmanship. The finished rubber bands shall not contain any cuts,
cracks, pinholes or punctures, lumps, thin or thick areas, foreign matter? rough
or nicked edges. Rubber bands shall be uniform in width and wall thickness.
The rubber bands shall conform to the quality of product established by this
specification and the occurrence of defects shall not exceed the applicable
acceptable quality levels.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the
contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of
all inspection requirements (examinations and tests) as specified herein.
Except as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor
may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the
inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government.
The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in
this specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure
supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.
4.1.1 Responsibility for compliance. All items shall meet all requirements
of sections 3 and 5. The inspection set forth in this specification shall
become a part of the contractor's overall inspection system or quality program.
The absence of any inspection requirements in the specification shall not
relieve the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that all produces or
supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirements
of the contract. Sampling inspection, as part of manufacturing operations, is
an acceptable practice to ascertain conformance to requirements! however, this
does not authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or
actual, nor does it commit the Government to accept defective material.
4.1.2 Responsibility for dimensional requirements. Unless otherwise
specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for
ensuring that all specified dimensions have been met. When dimensions cannot be
examined on the end item, inspection shall be made at any point, or at all
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Examine Defect
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4.4.3 End item dimensional examination. The end items shall be examined to
determine compliance with dimensions specified in 3.4.1, 3.4.2 and 3.4.3. The
lot size shall be expressed in units of rubber bands. The sample unit shall be
one rubber band. The inspection level shall be S-3 and the AQL, expressed in
terms of defects per hundred units, shall be 2.5.
4.4.4 End item testing,. The methods of testing specified in ASTM methods
shall be followed as applicable. The end items shall be tested as specified in
table III. The inspection level shall be S-3 and the AQL, expressed in terms of
defects per hundred units, shall be 1.0. Any test failure shall because for
rejection of the lot.
TABLE III. Test methods
4.4.5 Packaging examination. The fully packaged end items shall be examined
for the defects listed below. The lot size shall be expressed in units of
shipping containers. The sample unit shall be one shipping container fully
packaged. The inspection level shall be S-2 and the AQL, expressed in terms of
defects per hundred units, shall be 2.5.
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Examine Defect
4.4.6 Palletization examination. The fully packaged and palletized end items
shall be examined for the defects listed below. The lot size shall be expressed
in units of palletized unit loads. The sample unit shall be one palletized unit
load, fully packaged. The inspection level shall be S-1, and the AQL, expressed
in terms of defects per hundred units, shall be 6.5.
Examine Defect
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5.1.1 Level A. One hundred rubber bands of type I or type II shall be unit
packing in a snug-fitting, folding paperboard box conforming to variety 1, style
III, type F, class F of PPP-B-566, or set-up paperboard box conforming to type
I, variety I, class A, style 4 of PPP-B-676. Box closure shall be secured with
gummed paper tape conforming to type 111, grade B of PPP-T-45.
5.1.2 Commerical. Rubber bands shall be preserved in accordance with ASTM D
5.2 Packing. Packing shall be level A, B or Commercial, as specified (see
5.2.1 Level A packing. Twenty-five thousand (250 boxes) type I or type II
rubber bands, as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in a snug-fitting fiberboard
shipping container conforming to style RSC, grade V2S of PPP-B-636. Level A
unit packs shall be packed 5 in lengthy 5 in width and 10 in depth within the
shipping container. Inside dimensions of each shipping container shall
approximate 23-3/4 inches in length, 18-3/4 inches in width, and 27-3/4 inches
in depth. Approximate dimensions are furnished as a guide only. Each shipping
container shall be closed, waterproofed, and reinforced in accordance with the
appendix of the container specification.
5.2.2 Level B packing. Twenty-five thousand (250 boxes) of type I or type II
rubber bands, as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in a snug-fitting fiberboard
shipping container conforming to style RSC, type CF (variety SW) or SF, class
domestic, grade 275 of PPP-B-636. Level B unit packs shall be packed 5 in
length, 5 in width, and 5 in depth within the shipping container. Inside
dimensions of each shipping container shall approximate 23-3/4 inches in length,
13-3/4 inches in width, and 18-3/4 inches in depth. Approximate dimensions are
furnished as a guide only. Each shipping container shall be closed in accor-
dance with method II as specified in the appendix of tune container
specification. Weather-resistant fiberboard box. When specified (see 6.2), the
shipping container shall be grade V3c, V3s or V4s fiberboard box fabricated in
accordance with PPP-B-636 and closed in accordance with the appendix of the
container specification.
5.2.3 Commercial packing. Rubber bands preserved as specified in 5.1 shall
be packed in accordance with ASTM D 3951.
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bonded with primary and secondary straps in accordance with bonding means K and
L or film bonding means O or P. Pallets pattern shall be number 90 in accor-
dance with appendix of MIL-STD-147.
5.4.1 Cure date. The cure date (quarter and calendar year) shall be shown on
the unit pack and shipping container in accordance with MIL-STD-129 (see 6.4).
6.1 Intended use. The rubber bands are intended for use as retainers for
suspension line and static line stows in the packing of parachutes
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Army - GL Army - GL
Navy - AS
Air Force - 99
Review activities:
Army - AV, TS
Navy - MC
Air Force - 82
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