Gearbox Design For A Dual Motor Drive System
Gearbox Design For A Dual Motor Drive System
Gearbox Design For A Dual Motor Drive System
Albufeira/Portugal 11-15 June 2017. Editors J.F. Silva Gomes and S.A. Meguid.
Publ. INEGI/FEUP (2017)
This paper describes a design of a gearbox for an electric vehicle category BEV (Battery
Electric Vehicle). The gearbox is designed for an installation in the arrangement of an electric
powertrain called Dual Motor Drive System (DMDS). This type of an electric powertrain
consists of two electric motors and one single-speed transmission. The work describes the
construction design of the gearbox and it also includes stress analysis of designed gearbox
housing using finite element method.
The development of gearboxes for common passenger vehicles is influenced mainly by the
development of engines which are used in passenger vehicles. The development process of
gearboxes for vehicles with internal combustion engines are currently described and discussed
at a very high level. Many different designs of gearboxes are verified by drivers directly in the
traffic on the roads across the world. End users can also choose from variety of types
gearboxes. Compared to vehicles with internal combustion engines, vehicles that use electric
powertrain are getting into serial production of automobile manufacturers in the last few
years. Sales of electric vehicles are rising in some countries and electric vehicles are
becoming more common. This trend gives the space for a new development of gearboxes for
electric vehicles.
Most of electric vehicle manufacturers are using, in most cases, single-speed gearbox with
constant gear ratio, which consists of two gear sets and mechanical differential. Vehicles
equipped with these gearboxes are achieving similar driving parameters in real traffic as
conventional vehicles with internal combustion engines. Certain restriction is less drive range
per one charge compared to the drive range with a combustion engine per one tank of fuel.
The following battery recharge takes much longer than filling up a tank of fuel for internal
combustion engines.
The above mentioned information opens up space for the development of the entire electric
powertrain, which would give electric vehicles better parameters in drive range and vehicle
dynamics for a safe and comfort driving in today's traffic. At the Technical University of
Liberec is the current development focused to an electric powertrain Dual Motor Drive
System (DMDS). DMDS consists of two electric motors and one single-speed transmission
with a mechanical differential. The design of a gearbox for this type of electric powertrain is
the subject of this article.
Topic-G: Mechanical Design and Prototyping
The overall transmission ratio was determined with regard to considered electric motors
parameters and requirements for the operation of vehicle on regular roads. Vehicle with this
powertrain should be able to reach sufficient speed to allow comfortable travel on highways.
As it was mentioned previously to reduce making costs of gearbox were assessed components
in mass-produced transmissions used in vehicles Skoda Auto a.s.. Suitable components were
found in the gearbox MQ200 Skoda 02T. This gearbox is mounted for example in Skoda
Fabia. Max. input torque is 200 Nm. For the purposes of the design was selected fourth gear.
The overall transmission ratio of fourth gear with the final drive is 4.027.
Each of the motor is placed at one side of the gearbox and the torque of both motors is
brought to the first shaft of the gearbox. First gear set and the final drive with differential are
all used from the fourth gear of the gearbox MQ200 Skoda 02T. The differential is used with
flanged shafts. This solution allows to connect transverse shafts from Skoda vehicles. Motors
are placed behind the front axle of the vehicle.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design
As it was mentioned previously all gear sets comes from the gearbox MQ200. All bearings
are also used from this gearbox. Namely the whole module set of two ball bearings in a metal
case, two roller bearings and tapered roller bearings on the differential. Due to the original
position of the fourth gear next to the final drive was possible to use the second shaft of the
gearbox MQ200. The second shaft was adapted for design purposes before heat treatment.
The first shaft of designed gearbox was designed to manufacture. A part of the shaft is a
wheel of parking pawl. The gear number 11 is pressed on the shaft. For the purpose of
connecting two electric motors are on both sides of the shaft designed machine keys.
Internal components are placed in the gearbox housing. The material of the housing is
aluminium alloy EN AW 7021 [AlZn5,5Mg1,5]. The main advantages of this material were
extremely low internal stress, very good dimensional stability, high strenght and very good
machinability. Shapes of the housing are designed for making by CNC milling machine.
The housing was designed with regard to low weight and appropriate rigidity. The minimum
wall thickness is 5 mm and in areas of connection of the lid with the housing is edge thickness
8 mm.
Electric motors are mounted to the housing by cylindrical flanges. These flanges allows
to mount electric motors with standardized flange NEMA C-face. This solution allows
installation of e.g. PMSM motors Motenergy or ACIM motors from HPEVS. In case
of request for installation another motor there is a possibility to design new flanges
and the rest of gearbox could be used as it is to all the other motors.
Topic-G: Mechanical Design and Prototyping
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design
By this modification was reached significant increase in stiffness of the lid without an
excessive increase in stress (Fig.7).
Fig. 7 - Displacement results for the lid with ribs and Stress von Mises for the lid with ribs
Fig. 8 - Displacement results for the housing and Stress von Mises for the housing
The resulting values of Stress von Mises on all parts of the housing are relatively low
compared to the yield strength of the material. Stress analysis confirmed the sufficient
strength of designed gearbox housing.
The result of the proposal is a design of a single-speed gearbox for DMDS, which allows
the connection of any two electric motors with a standardized flange NEMA C-face with
the limitations of the maximum input torque 200 Nm and the maximum input speed
7000 rpm.
At the Technical University of Liberec is currently one prototype of this gearbox made
and assembled (Fig.9). The prototype is now installed in the experimental vehicle called TUL
eSus and it is used for testing and verification expected parameters of DMDS
in the laboratory of vehicles and engines on the roller test bench (Fig.10).
Topic-G: Mechanical Design and Prototyping
This publication was written at the Technical University of Liberec as part of the project
21127 with the support of the Specific University Research Grant, as provided by the
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic in the year 2017.
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