Heritage: Demon-Blooded
Player: Derek
Profession: Diplomat
Strength Charisma Perception
Dexterity Manipulation Intelligence
Stamina Appearance Wits
Warrior Priest Savant
Archery Integrity Craft
Martial Arts Performance Investigation
Melee Presence Lore
Thrown Resistance Medicine
War Survival Occult
Criminal Broker Other
Athletics Bureaucracy
Awareness Linguistics
Dodge Ride
Larceny Sail
Stealth Socialize
Heritage power Notes Levels
Anima Banner
Can perceive demons (regardless 8 10 motes: Mild aura
of shape or dematerialization),
gates to Cecelyne, helltech, and 11 15 motes: Bonfire aura
residual energies left by powers 29/ 16+: Iconic aura
and Charms of demons until the
end of the scene (3 motes, 1 -/
Anima Banner
Can survive naturally in Malfeas.
Extend Malfeas protection to Essence Use
A mortal can freely access the first 1/3 of her
carried items (3 motes, 1 willpower Essence pool.
committed). A point of Willpower is needed to access the last 2/3.
Health Levels Specialties
-0i Bruised
-1i Hurt
-2i Wounded
-4i Crippled
Social Traits
Dodge MDV: 5. Join Combat: 5
Social Attacks
Ability Speed Acc (Cha / Man) PMDV (Cha / Man) Rate Notes
Investigation 5 4/5 2 / 3. 2
Performance 6 4/5 2 / 3. 1 Attacks a whole area
Presence 4 5/6 3. / 3 2
In Debate
Action Options (Speed / DV modifier) Additional
Attack (weapon/-2): Attack supporting/against an Intimacy:
Coordinated Attack (5/-2): Attack according to/opposed to dominating Virtue (rate 3+):
Attack aligned with/violates Motivation:
Dash (3/-3): Appearance:
Refuse to consent:
Compassion Conviction Temperance Valor
Loyalty to Ligier The Green Sun Finding his Mother
Bring Ruin to the Houses of The Realm
Soak and Defense
Bashing Soak: 10 Lethal Soak: 6 Aggravated Soak: 5
Weapon Speed Acc Damage PDV Rate Range Tags Notes
x 2 Fighting Gauntlet 5 3 (+0) 7B (+5B) 3. (+2) 2 M
6 2 (-1) 5B (+3B) - 1 CMP
x2 Iron Boots 5 3 (+0) 8B (+6B) 0 (-3) 2 M
Poleaxe 6 4 (+0) 9L (+7L) /2 2 (+0) 2 2,O,R
Armor Type Soak (L/B) Hardness Fatigue Mobility Notes
Reinforced Buff Jacket Medium 2 Hidden Plates
In Combat
Grappling (Clinch Attack) Effects Special Attacks
If clinch is successful victim is Inactive, Bleeding: Coup de Grace (-1e):
attacker can choose to: Difficulty:
Knock back: Disarming (-2e close or -4e range):
Break hold:
Knockdown: Fierce Blows (-1e):
Jade Jade Script Silver
Talents Koku Talents
Bars Qiuan Dirhams
Minae Siu Dinars
Shekels Yen Pounds
Bits Cowrie
Mother's pendant
Mutation name Degree Effect
Rating Name Description
Inheritance Backing Henchmen Followers
Son of Ligier Cult of Ligier
Spd/Acc/Dmg/Rate: Health Levels
Creature: Dodge/Soak (L/B): -0
Str/Dex/Sta: Abilities: -1
Cha/Man/App: -2
Per/Int/Wits: -4
Willpower: Notes: Inc.
Mother's pendant
Experience Description
Total: Age: 25
Height: 5'10 Weight: 184
Total spent: Gender: Male
Spent on: Eyes: Black Stone Sclera Copper Iris and luminescent Green Rings
around pupils when his eyes are bloodshot the veins are green
Hair: Long, thick, straight, black hair with brass streaks here and there
Homeland: Malfeas
Ligier, The Green Sun, makes up one Sixth of the Realm known as Malfeas. As Prince of the Demon City, he endeavors to bring a kind of order to Creation and The Demon
Realm alike. Though Malfeas hates creation and his imprisonment, Ligier wishes to control it, and he attempts this through the manipulation of many mortals and demons
alike. Including his Demon-Blooded half breed Mnemon Teivel
Upon birth, against his mother's wishes, Teivel was taken to Malfeas to be given to Ligier to raise as he saw fit. Though Ligier barely cared for his son, he did what he's
always done and lied extensively to Teivel, manipulating him into believing that his Mother died in child birth due to the strenuous trauma during the delivery. Placing
the blame on Mnemon herself for putting his mother through such an ordeal, he begged Ligier to allow him back into Creation so he could destroy the Exalted and bring
Ligier's rule to creation. Don't mistake Teivel's conviction as benevolent. He does not understand right and wrong so well having been raised (barely) by a Demon Prince.
When he returns to his mother's homeland, he finds that the Exalted are more powerful then he had initially believed, and decided to pose as a God-Blooded outside of
Mnemon's Manse. Mnemon herself, along with the higher up officials in the family are the only ones that know of Teival's true nature. Through various trials, despite his
lack of Exalted status the Demon-Blooded proved to be powerful in his own right and an effective Bureaurcrat. After earning his way into a higher but limited influential
role, he decided to set off to collect information about all the Realm, and eventually earn the power and influence to take over the Mnemon House. Though he promised his
Father control of creation, he had learned from his patriarch how to lie and manipulate. Though he has no problem with handing the key to owning all of Creation to his
Father, Teival cares only for the ruin of the many houses. Whether that means Ligier's dominance, Teival's own rule, or the very destruction of everything.
Little does he know, his Mother is alive, and he is about to run into two members of the other houses that may or may not prove to be valuable allies, if not tools to further his
own goals. Either way, his vision will come to pass, one way or the other.