Green University of Bangladesh Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Green University of Bangladesh Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Green University of Bangladesh Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
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Our project is group chat application. Chatting is a way to bring people and idea’s together
despite of global barriers. Using java socket programming we can build such a chatting
application where multiple user or client can chat at a same time under a server.
• When the run button is clicked then the chat form is initialized with a connection
between the host and the client machine.
• Server must be started at first before a client start.
• Contains a rich textbox which send messages from one user to another.
• Contains a textbox for messages to be written that is sent across the network.
• Contains a Send button.
• When the sent button is clicked, in the background, the text in the textbox is encoded
and sent as a packet over the network to the client machine. Here this message is
decoded and is shown in the rich textbox.
• Message send and receive time is shown.
• The name of message sender is showing.