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South East Central Railway
Tsqrolq, frrtr-fr BeTrl, irri ertr qfrts-6, grn.ft.r'9.*ffifr, Rara5r (6;.4.) 495004
No. P- H Q/RRC/CEN/02 / 20 18 / 248 Dated :75/07 /2019
2. The Computer Based Test (CBT) for the posts were conducted by Railway
Recruitment Boards from 17-09-2018 lo t7-L2-2018. Physical Efficiency Test was
conducted at Raipur from 28-03-2019 to 01-04-2019, The Document Verification
and Medical Examination was conducted from 02-05-2019 to 23-05-2019 at
3. The 2nd Part panel is prepared on the basis of overall merit rank in Computer
Based Test (CBT) and on being declared fit in medical categories for recruitment to
the posts in Level-1 of 7rh CPC Pay Matrix, The seniority of the candidate selected
will be decided as per the meri position in the Panel,
4. This is a provisional part panel and Roll Numbers of some candidates have
not been declared due to Non-qualifying the medical examination in requisite
medical standards (Aye-2, Aye-3 and B1) and whose cases/files are being referred
to Finger Print Examiners / Govt. Examiners of Questioned Documents for expert
opinion and shall be declared later if found fit/authentic and fulfillment of all laid
down requirements and other reasons.
5. Allotment of posts/divisions/units shall be subject to availability of vacancies
and shall be decided in due course collaborating medical fitness and option
exercised by the candidates.
6. While due care has been taken in preparing the panel, RRC/SECR reserves
the right to make any amendments to the provisionally declared panel at any
subsequent stage, If any discrepancies or malpractices are noticed or brought to
the notice of RRC, then RRC reserves the right to delete the name of any
candidate(s) from the notified panel at any stage. The decision of
Chairman/RRC/SECR in the matter shall be final.
;. The cases where the name of candidates appears differently in various
certificates may be examined thoroughly. The original documents including Medical
Fitness certificate may be verified before issue of Appointment Orders, The
authenticity of testimonials in proof of educational qualification, Date of Birth and
caste certificates submitted by candidates empanelled against reserved vacancies
may be verified before issue of Appointment Order. The candidates belonging to
reserved communities who have not submitted caste certificate in prescribed format
may be asked to submit the same within one month.
B. The offer of appointment shall be sent separately by the respective
units/divisions where the candidates are allotted. The offer of appointment should
be issued after verification as per extant rules.
(Uday KtKar Bharti)
Chairman/Railway Recruitment Cel I
LI South East Central Railway, Bilaspur