Politics and Governance Lesson Plan
Politics and Governance Lesson Plan
Politics and Governance Lesson Plan
I. Objectives
At the end of lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. Define politics
b. Construct a semantic web through the use of words associated with politics
c. Display appreciation about the political setting of the country through song analysis
d. Value the conception in politics to improve relationship with your family and friends
II. Subject Matter
a. TOPIC: The meaning of Politics
b. References:
c. Materials: PowerPoint presentation
III. Procedures
a. Routine activity
>Online Class Rules
b. Motivation
Show pictures of different thinks about politics
Let the pupils describe each picture.
Ask: What is the connection of the activity to today’s topic?
d. Discussion
The meaning of politics
• Politics is the study of (who gets what, when and how) as Harold Laswell states.
• Politics is the exercise of power, the science of government, the making of collective
decisions, the allocation of scarce resources and the practice of deception and
Characteristics of politics ( Shieveley, 2013)
1. Politics always involves the making of collective decisions for group of people.
2. Those decisions are made by some members of the group, exercising power over
other members of the group
Answer the following question.
a. How would you use the concepts in politics to improve relationships with your family
and friends?
b. How is politics practiced in getting what you want?
e. Generalization
Politics is about human relationships. It is how humans behave differently when dealing with
others when there is cooperation, competition and conflict. *(and other social interactions
IV. Evaluation
Essay: Song Analysis A music video will be played. Students will analyze by answering the
question; “How is politics defined in Philippine setting and what is your political view about the music
Criteria for Grading Content - 60% (12 points)
Grammar - 20% (4 points)
Clarity - 20% (4 points) 100% 20 points
V. Assignment
Bring any old newspaper for tomorrow’s activity.