Homology Modelling and Autodock
Homology Modelling and Autodock
Homology Modelling and Autodock
1. Predict the secondary structure of the given sequence using any online
prediction tool. The output should be a sequence of alphabets [H,E,L}
having the same length as that of the given query sequence.
2. Using Bioinformatics tools, find the annotations available for this protein
3. BLAST against PDB to find a suitable target from mouse
4. Construct 3 homology models using one of the best hits from the above
5. Compare the Ramachandran plots of the template and the 3 constructed
6. Report a cartoon diagram of the final model, and a superposition diagram
of the best model and the chosen template
7. Compare the predicted secondary structure with that of the model.
It is the technique of extrapolating a structure from a sequence that ought to match
the outcomes of experiments. The sequence of amino acids in a protein determines
its shape. These protein structures can be discovered by X-ray crystallography,
NMR spectroscopy, theoretical approaches based on actual investigations, or
homology modelling. However, due to the high protein dimension, genuine studies
failed to produce high resolution information for the majority of proteins, and
NMR and other analyses also fell short. In contrast to a sequence, the structure is
more stable during the evolutionary process. Both closely related and distantly
related proteins fold into the same structure when they have a similar amino acid
In this method, a target protein sequence is aligned with established template
structures to create a three-dimensional structure. You may get the protein
sequence from NCBI or UniProt. The degree of alignment between the target
sequence and the database having the highest similarity determines the quality of a
structure. Safe zone >30% twilight zone 10% midnight zone might be used to
describe it. It is not possible to predict structures with less than 30% homology
using homology modelling. Less than 20% is occasionally also chosen. Sequence
alignment, structural modification, database searches, energy minimization, and
structure assessment are all steps in the multi-step process known as homology
modelling, which produces a structure. Tools Used
Chimera, Jpred, Modeller, ccp4i, clustalW, coot, PyMol, Predict Protein , InterPro,
Gedit, BLAST
II. Using Bioinformatics tools, find the annotations available for this
InterPro was used for Annotation.
III. Blast against PDB to find a suitable target from mouse:
A. BLASTed the sequence against the pdb database in BLASTp using
mus musculus as the organism.
B. The search only produced one hit, 1CQZ_A.
IV. Construct 3 homology models using one of the best hits from the above
A. The PDB structure was downloaded from the PDB.
1. Chain A was selected and exported using PyMol.
2. PDB cleaning was done:
a) egrep “ATOM|HETATM|TER” 1CQZ_a.pdb >
b) Alternate conformers were removed using the CCP4i.
B. The file was opened in chimera and the structure sequence was
downloaded using Tools > sequence > sequence > file > aligned
C. Aligned fasta and the query sequence were put in clustalw and
aligned. THe output was downloaded in the PIR format.
D. To the output subsequent modifications were made for the modeller
E. Subsequent changes were also made in the model_default.py
F. Mod10.3 model-default.py:
1. Led to the generation of 3 model files
G. The energies were compared:
C. Model 2:
RMSD between 157 pruned atom pairs is 0.367 angstroms; (across
all 167 pairs: 1.063) with 14 outliers and 188 in favoured regions
D. Model 3:
RMSD between 156 pruned atom pairs is 0.406 angstroms;
(across all 167 pairs: 1.371) with 15 outliers and 190 in the
favoured region.
C. Model 3:
VII. Compare the predicted secondary structure with that of the model.
Predicted secondary structure of the query:
As seen from the secondary structure predictions, we can see that the
chosen model exhibited the same secondary structures as the predicted
one of the query.
I. Using any online or offline tools, identify the potential ligand binding
sites in the given molecule (model.pdb). Show snapshots depicting the
binding sites.
A. egrep "ATOM|HETATM" model.pdb > model_working.pdb
B. Coot > select residue > mutate > MSE > MET
C. CCP4i > remove alternate conformers.
D. Now pdbqt files for both the protein and the ligand were generated:
1. LIgand:
a) Ligand > input > chose > lig1.pdb
b) Ligand > output > save as .pdbqt
2. Protein:
a) Grid > macromolecule > chose > <protein molecule>
> save as .pdbqt
E. Selection of ligand:
1. All the .pdbqt files were loaded
a) Protein file
(1) Grid -> set map types -> choose ligand ->
ligand selected
b) Ligand file
(1) Grid > macromolecule > choose
(2) Grid -> grid box -> set parameters (dials) to
engulf full protein (blind docking)
(4) File > close saving current
(5) Save the coordinates using Grid > OUtput >
save GFP
2. Run -> autogrid (gave gpf file as input, saved log file as glg
4. Docking -> macromolecules -> set rigid filename ->
<protein to be docked>.pdbqt
5. Docking -> ligand -> ligand parameters -> choose and set
7. Docking -> search parameters -> genetic algorithms
8. Docking -> output -> lamarckian GA
9. Saved file as .dpf file
11.Run -> autodock (gave dpf file as input, saved log file as dlg
13.Grep “Estimated Free” lig1.dlg
15.analyse -> dockings -> open -> choose the ligand.pdbqt
16.Analyse -> conformations -> play, ranked by energy
17.Molecule > MS> (for molecular surface)
18.Ligand > B > for visual depiction.
III. Using for lig1.pdb, subsequenty VINA for all three ligands (including
lig1.pdb) provided, find out which ligand binds the strongest at the best
binding site identified.
B. To get the pdb output of the best ligand conformation run vina:
1. Make a config.txt file to put all the grid box parameters in it
and run command:
3. These values were obtained from the grid sizes in the
docking run.
C. vina --config config.txt7.0 --partialcharges gasteiger --log lig1.log
--ligand lig1.pdbqt
D. vina –config config.txt –log lig2.log --ligand lig2.pdbqt
E. vina –config config.txt –log lig3.log --ligand lig3.pdbqt
F. On the basis of the vina results, we got the second ligand to be the
best ligand with model one being the best.
V. Suggest chemical modifications in the best ligand / best pose that might
increase its binding affinity.
A. Using ds both the file (model pdb (receptor) and the the ligand
were loaded ).
B. Different interactions were visualised using the toolbox
C. H bonds:
D. Aromatic interactions:
E. Hydrophobic interactions:
F. On the basis of the observations, the original structure given below:
G. The original structure was changed to:
H. The basis of modification:
1. The area around the modified aromatic ring had shown to be
a donor and therefore was modified to add an acceptor
around that area for better H bonding interaction.
2. The OH group just besides the modified ring was causing an
acceptor acceptor interaction , therefore was deleted to
produce an acceptor donor interaction.
VI. Generate the ligand with your suggested modifications, perform docking
again and report the list of all binding affinity values.
A. Using the smiles:
1. The smiles was saved and then using ligand > smiles →
simple 3D was converted to a pdb structure which was saved
as a pdb.
B. The file was then converted to pdbqt using openbabel:
1. openbabel.obabel lig8.pdb -O lig8.pdbqt -p7.0
--partialcharges gasteiger
C. Docking was done using vina:
1. vina –config config.txt –log lig8.log –ligand lig8.pdbqt
D. Results:
2. The binding energies came out be -7.5 kcal/mol in
comparison to the -7.1 earlier seen in the ligand 2.