QUIZ Fahrenheit 451
QUIZ Fahrenheit 451
QUIZ Fahrenheit 451
You have access to theFahrenheit 451 text to answer the following. BOLD the correct answer. NB: To receive credit, you will note your page reference
in parenthesis. NB: Submit a hard-copy of your completed quiz to our class meeting on May 30, 2022.
3. How many times can the phoenix be reborn from its ashes?
a. One
b. Three
c. Nine
d. An unlimited number
5. Which of the following Shakespeare tragedies does Beatty quote immediately before his death?
a. Hamlet
b. Macbeth
c. Othello
d. Julius Caesar
6. Which of the following books of the Bible does Faber read to Montag over the radio?
a. Ecclesiastes
b. The Book of Job
c. Revelations
d. Deuteronomy
8. What animal metaphor does Montag use to describe the stomach pump and blood-replacement machine used on Mildred?
a. Hound
b. Fish
c. Salamander
d. Snake
17. Which poem does Montag read to Mildred and her friends?
a. “The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock
b. “Ode on a Grecian Urn”
c. “Dover Beach”
d. “The Flea”
19. What kind of liquor does Faber give Montag before he flees to the country?
a. Whiskey
b. Vodka
c. Rum
d. Gin
22. What does Montag follow to reach the Book People in the country?
a. The river and the railroad tracks
b. The river and the highway
c. The river and the cowpath
d. The artery tunnel and the highway
23. What happens to the old woman whose house is burned by the firemen?
a. She refuses to leave and dies in the fire.
b. She is taken to a mental institution.
c. She is put in jail.
d. She disappears mysteriously.