Grade V English Monthly Assignment November
Grade V English Monthly Assignment November
Grade V English Monthly Assignment November
Each day, before Renee goes to Where does Renee work? How do
work, she puts on her brown you know?
uniform and sturdy work boots. She
has to get to work early because a
lot of creatures, big and small, are
counting on her for their breakfast.
Later in the day, she will make sure
their habitats are clean. Sometimes
she gets dirty at work, but she
enjoys seeing all the people who
come to visit, peeking through
fences and windows as she works.
Patrick arrived home from school with What is Patrick celebrating?
a grin. He burst through the front door How do you know?
and ran into the living room where he
saw boxes wrapped in shiny paper and
balloons tied to a chair. On the counter
sat a chocolate cake with eleven
candles. He reached for a taste of the
frosting, but his mother scolded, “We
have to sing to you before eating the
Lucy sighed happily as she curled into a Who is Lucy? How do you
ball and licked her fur. After a long know?
afternoon of laying in the sun, she was
happy to be snuggled up on her soft
bed. She purred contentedly as she
closed her eyes, ready for a nap.
Suddenly, she heard a buzzing noise.
Her eyes snapped open and her ears
twitched. She spotted a fly landing
nearby. Lucy watched it carefully for a
moment and then, POUNCE! She
caught it!
I Make Present Perfect Sentences. One has been done for you.
1. Elvis / breaks / his leg / twice.
Elvis has broken his leg twice.