KBC Fcc-Sim
KBC Fcc-Sim
KBC Fcc-Sim
A Yokogawa Company
Overview Summary
Benefits FCC unit operation is a key economic driver in many refineries.
Optimise unit performance Do you need to evaluate feed alternatives for your unit? Are you air
Set unit targets based on integrated blower or regenerator constrained? Do you need to decide whether
optimiser results to push feed rate or conversion? FCC-SIM can help determine the
Use in an online optimisation answers to these important questions. It is based on a first-principles
application engineering framework and is an accurate, easy-to-use tool with over
Maintain the refinery LP twenty years of application in refineries worldwide.
• Generate a consistent set of LP
vectors with accurate product yields
and qualities and unit constraints for
various feedstocks and operating
• Incorporate swing cut schemes
• Regenerate data when the model or
LP structure changes
Evaluate catalyst and additive
Change catalyst composition (rare
earth, alumina, zeolite)
Determine effects of ZSM-5 addition
Simulate effects of nickel passivation
Use lab data for catalyst
comparison and evaluation
Create a Catalyst Database to
evaluate effects of different catalyst FCC-SIM is a valuable tool that can be used to analyse your FCC
compositions on operation and predict results for a wide range of feedstocks and operating
Understand unit behaviour conditions. You can use FCC-SIM to answer “what if” questions,
• Examine FCC cause and effect develop LP model coefficients, make catalyst decisions, monitor
relationships key processing parameters, and train personnel.
• Investigate effects of wide variety
of feed types
• Train unit personnel
Monitor unit performance
Track mass balance, heat balance
closure, catalyst circulation rate and
other key process indicators
Compare actual yields versus
A detailed kinetic model of the riser and reactor vessel, integrating cracking conversion from riser bottom
to reactor outlet
• A detailed kinetic model of coke burning in the regenerator for either partial or full-burn operations
• Detailed characterisation for feeds and products by carbon number (C1–C80), allowing accurate
representation for naphtha and distillate products, and gas oil and residual feeds
• Detailed feed characterisation including core aromatic ring distribution
• Flexible configuration – units with multiple risers or regenerators can be modelled, as well as catalyst coolers
• A detailed catalyst activity model to account for fresh catalyst properties, feedstock contaminants,
hydrothermal and coke deactivations and catalyst makeup
• Reaction section scaling for reconfiguration studies
• A built-in data reconciliation tool for reconciling mass and elemental balances
• Automatic data validation support to assess the quality of input data to the model
• A built-in optimiser allows you to identify the most profitable operation given feed/product pricing, catalyst
costs, and unit constraints
• Direct access to process data historians
• Convenient and efficient platform for developing and maintaining LP vectors
Interface Options
FCC-SIM is available through a graphical user interface with the
same user-friendly look and feel as other unit operations within
the Petro-SIM family of process simulators. Make configuration
changes through simple drag and drop techniques on a process
flowsheet diagram, compare plant data results in a meter view,
and perform case studies and optimisations all within a single
FCC-SIM supports a real integration with Microsoft Excel® allowing
you to readily create a customisable Excel application workbook
for driving calibration, prediction, and even optimisation case runs.
Analyse the results of several cases directly from within this Excel
environment. Multiple charting options allow easy analysis of data
and model predictions, and concise summary sheets provide
relevant data at a glance. Excel interfaces are automatically
generated and can be customised to your specific needs.