Forex Basics - NoRestriction
Forex Basics - NoRestriction
Forex Basics - NoRestriction
Question 2
Exchange Rate for Euro is as follows: Rs. 95 for one Euro
You want to purchase currency Euro 9.99 to pay for a software online.
Show how many units of currency Rupees is necessary for the same.
Question 3
Exchange Rate for Dollar is as follows: Rs. 80.00 for 1 Dollar
You are an exporter who earned 2500 Dollar by sending your goods to USA
Now you wish to convert the available Dollar into Rupees.
Show how many units of currency Rupees you will get on such conversion.
Question 4
Exchange Rate for one Pound is as follows: Rs. 105 for 1 Pound
You are an importer who want 500 Pounds to remit it to your supplier in UK
Now you wish to convert the available Rupees into Pounds
Show how many units of currency Rupees you will get on such conversion.
Question 5
Exchange Rate for one Rupee is as follows: £ 0.0095 for 1 Rupee
You are an importer who want 8,000 Pounds to remit it to your supplier in UK
Now you wish to convert the available Rupees into Pounds
Show how many units of currency Rupees you will get on such conversion.
Question 6
Exchange Rate for one Rupee is as follows: $ 0.0134 for one Rupee
You want to purchase currency, 3000 Dollar units as you are going abroad.
Show how many units of currency Rupees is necessary for the same.
b. Computation of ₹ € $ Arbitrage
You have decided following steps :
i. First convert the ₹ into €
ii. Then Convert available € into $
iii. Finally Convert available $ into ₹
Are you getting more ₹ than earlier ₹ 100 ?
c. How many more arbitrage you have ? Suggest the most profitable one.
Question 16
Exchange rate is ₹ 20 /₹ 22 for one Emirati dirham إ.د
Exchange rate is ₹ 58 /₹ 60 for one Canadian Dollar $ CAD
Exchange rate is 2.5 إ. د, 2.8 إ. دfor one Canadian Dollar $ CAD
ii. Now complete the line, if the transactions are made in the given sequence
CAD $ 100 = ₹ …..... = إ.… د..... = CAD $
And also suggest
CAD $ 100 = إ.… د..... = ₹ ….... = CAD $
And also suggest
إ.د100 = CAD $ …. = ₹ ….... = إ.… د.....
And also suggest
إ.د100 = ₹ …. = CAD $ = إ.… د.....
Which of the above 4 transactions sequence is giving you highest profits ? Vikrant Kelkar: Basics of Forex
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Question 17
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is ₹ 73.55 ₹ 74.35 for one Dollar
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is ₹ 105.70 ₹ 107.70 for one Pound
Suggest cross rate in between Dollar and Pound.
i.e. 1 $ = ? / ? Pounds and 1 Pound = ? / ? Dollars
When Rates between two currencies say B and C are given in respect of currency A
Then Cross Rate for B/C are:
(B/C) Bid = (B/A) bid X [1/(C/A)] ask or (B/A) bid X (A/C) bid
(B/C) Ask = (B/A) ask X [1/(C/A)] bid or (B/A) ask X (A/C) ask
Question 18
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is ₹ 74.50 ₹ 75.25 for one Dollar
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is ₹ 100.00 ₹ 102.75 for one Pound
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is ₹ 85.25 ₹ 86.45 for one Euro
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is ¥ 1.55 ¥ 1.75 for one Rupee
Suggest all indirect rates for above
Question 19
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is ₹ 74.50 ₹ 75.25 for one Dollar
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is ₹ 100.00 ₹ 102.75 for one Pound
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is € 0.012 € 0.128 for one Rupee
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is ¥ 1.55 ¥ 1.75 for one Rupee
Suggest cross rate in between
i Dollar and Pound.
ii Pound and Euro
iii Euro and Dollar
Question 20
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is $ 0.0135 $ 0.0148 for one Rupee
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is ₹ 100.00 ₹ 102.75 for one Pound
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is € 0.012 € 0.128 for one Rupee
Exchange rate at Counter of HDFC bank is ¥ 1.55 ¥ 1.75 for one Rupee
Suggest cross rate in between
i Dollar and Yen
ii Pound and Yen
iii Yen and Euro
iv Dollar and Pound
Question 21
FOREX quote in India on 21.12.2021 are as follows:
Spot: 1 $ = ₹ 75.00
1 Month Forward = ₹ 76 2 months Forward = ₹ 78
Suggest whether $ is appreciating or depreciating.
Compute Swap rate for 1 month and 2 months
Compute the rate of forward discount / premium for 1 month and 2 months
Spot Rate: Rate of day on which FC transaction has taken place. Execution after 2 days max.
Forward Rate: Rate predefined on today for FC transaction to be taking place in future.
Swap Rate: Forward Rate – Spot Rate (Average of Bid and Ask is the rate if both are available)
Forward Premium p.a. : [(Forward Rate – Spot Rate)/Spot Rate] X [12/ Number of months] X 100
Forward Discount p.a. : [(Spot Rate – Forward Rate)/Spot Rate] X [12/ Number of months] X 100
Vikrant Kelkar: Basics of Forex
To compute Forward Premium or Discount, take Average of Bid and Ask, if both are available.
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Question 22
FOREX quote for Philippine Peso in India on 21.12.2021 are as follows:
Spot: 1 ₱ = ₹ 1.4512 1 Month Forward ₱ = ₹ 1.5558
2 months Forward ₱ = ₹ 1.4859 3 months Forward ₱ = ₹ 1.3845
Question 23
FOREX quote for South Korean Won in India on 21.12.2021 are as follows:
Spot: 1 ₩ = ₹ 0.06258/ 0.06314 1 Month Forward ₩ = ₹ 0.06318/ 0.06395
ii. If you are importer in India. You have to pay 1 million South Korean Won to a supplier
in South Korea in next one month.
a. How much ₹ you have to pay to get these Won if the transaction is made on today at spot ?
b. Is it advisible to enter into Forward Conctract (FC) with dealer at forward rate and
wait for 1 month and then to convert available ₹ into Won as per FC ?
Question 24
FOREX quote for South Korean Won in India on 21.12.2021 are as follows:
Spot: 1 ₩ = ₹ 0.0625/ 0.0631 2 Month Forward ₩ = ₹ 0.0645/ 0.0653
You have to pay 1 Million ₩ to your supplier in next 2 months.
Suppose the banks are offering interest rate of 6% p.a. on deposits made in ₹.
Now your strategy is as follows:
a. Make a forward contract with Authorized Dealer to purchase 1 million Won after 2 months.
b. Compute necessary ₹ for getting 1 million Won today. And keep them aside.
c. Make deposits of ₹ as above in India bank for two months. Earn interest on that.
d. After 2 months, withdraw deposits with interest and convert available ₹ in Won as per FC.
Question 25
FOREX quote for South Korean Won in India on 21.12.2021 are as follows:
Spot: 1 ₩ = ₹ 0.0625/ 0.0631 3 Month Forward ₩ = ₹ 0.0667/ 0.0689
I. Suppose the banks are offering interest rate of 12% p.a. on Loans made in ₹.
You do not have necessary ₹ to pay the supplier right now. But you are expecting inflow after 3 months.
III. Suppose the banks are offering interest rate of 6% and 12% p.a. on Deposits and Loans made in ₹.
and rate of 4.8 % and 7.2 % p.a. on Deposits/ Loans made in ₩
You do not have necessary ₹ to pay the supplier right now. But you are expecting inflow after 3 months.
€ Euro EUR
¥ Yen JPY
£ Pound GBP
₹ Rupee INR
₺ Turki lira TRY
₱ Philippine peso PHP
৳ Bangladeshi taka BDT
₩ South Korean Won KRW
฿ Thai Baht THB
元 Chinese Yuan CNY